Two-faced Racism: Whites in the Backstage and FrontstageRoutledge, 2007 - 284 من الصفحات Two-Faced Racism examines and explains the racial attitudes and behaviours exhibited by whites in private settings. While there are many books that deal with public attitudes, behaviours, and incidences concerning race and racism (frontstage), there are few studies on the attitudes whites display among friends, family, and other whites in private settings (backstage). The core of this book draws upon 626 journals of racial events kept by white college students at twenty-eight colleges in the United States. The book seeks to comprehend how whites think in racial terms by analyzing their reported racial events. |
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
accent African Americans all-white Americans of color antiracist Asian asked backstage area backstage settings behavior black Americans black friend black male black students blatantly racist boyfriend Chapter college students colorblind confront cultural describes discriminatory Eileen O'Brien Eliasoph Erving Goffman example Feagin feel female framing of society frontstage settings gender girl Goffman Hispanic important interactions involve Joe Feagin journal accounts journal writers language Latino laughed Mexican multiracial negative networks nigger night noted numerous observe Peggy McIntosh person of color police protagonist race racial events racial matters racial profiling racial stereotypes racist actions racist commentaries racist comments racist epithet racist jokes racist performances restaurant roommate situation social student journals suggests systemic racism talking telling thought tion told typically understand views walking white Americans white college white friends white male white person white privilege white racial framing white students white women white-racist framing