II. A hat so very ancient It might have covered Moses, Adorned, on great occasions, III. Within his cottage Robin An earthen water-can, Of Robin Merryman! IV. To teach the village children The funniest kind of plays; To tell a clever story; To dance on holidays; To puzzle through the almanac; A merry song to scan, O that is all the learning Of Robin Merryman ! V. To drink his mug of cider, To take the good that's going, VI. To say, "O Gracious Father ! VII. Now, all ye wretched mortals And ye whose gilded coaches Leave off your silly whining, Go follow the example Of Robin Merryman! 203 : THE KING OF NORMANDY. (From Béranger's "Le Roi d'Yvetot.") I. IN Normandy there reigned a king (I've quite forgot his name), Who led a jolly sort of life, And did n't care for fame. A nightcap was his crown of state, II. He ate his meals, like other folk, And on a donkey every year He made his royal tour; Was body-guard enough for him: Ha! ha! - laugh and sing: O was n't he a funny king? III. A single foible he confessed, But kings who heed their subjects' need, Should mind their own, I think; And thus it was his tax he got, Ha! ha!-laugh and sing : IV. The lasses loved this worthy king; V. He never stole his neighbors' land But steered his little ship of state With honor at the helm; And when at last the king was dead, "Ah! ah! weep and sing: THE HUNTER AND THE MILKMAID. T (From Béranger's "Le Chasseur et la Laitière.") I. HE lark is singing her matin lay, O come with me, fair maiden, I pray; Sweet, O sweet is the morning hour, Ah! Sir Hunter, my mother is near; II. Thy mother, fair maiden, is far away, Fie! Sir Hunter, -- a fig for your song; Ah! well, III. if singing will not prevail, I 'll tell thee, then, a terrible tale; Ah! Sir Hunter, the story is flat; IV. I 'll teach thee, then, a curious prayer O, I can read my missal, you know; V. Nay, tarry a moment, my charming girl; Ah! Sir Hunter, what excellent taste! |