To be so great beyond the common span In the close precincts of a dusty room Scribbling away at what perchance may seem The Corn Laws fall; the price of bread comes down, - TRAVESTIES. A ICARUS. I. LL modern themes of poesy are spun so very fine, That now the most amusing muse, e gratia, such as mine, Is often forced to cut the thread that strings our recent rhymes, And try the stronger staple of the good old classic times. II. There lived and flourished long ago, in famous Athens town, One Dadalus, a carpenter of genius and renown; ('T was he who with an auger taught mechanics how to bore, An art which the philosophers monopolized before.) III. His only son was Icarus, a most precocious lad, The pride of Mrs. Dædalus, the image of his dad; And while he yet was in his teens such progress he had made, He'd got above his father's size, and much above his trade. |