Public Health Leadership: Putting Principles Into PracticeJones & Bartlett Learning, 2003 - 419 من الصفحات As the first book dedicated to the investigation of leadership in the public health arena, this ground-breaking text will play an important role in training a new generation of leaders -- your students -- who will strengthen the field of public health. "Public Health Leadership: Putting Principles Into Practice goes beyond a description of what leadership is to serve as a "how-to" guide for successful future public health leaders. Professors will find case studies in each section, illustrating the practical applications of the principles discussed, always in the public health context. Leadership exercises and discussion questions encourage student participation. |
من داخل الكتاب
النتائج 1-5 من 83
الصفحة xi
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الصفحة 6
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الصفحة 11
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الصفحة 15
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الصفحة 17
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Chapter 1The Basics of Leadership | 3 |
Chapter 2Leadership Styles and Practices | 16 |
Chapter 3The Systems Approach to Organizational Change | 33 |
Discussion Questions | 42 |
Leadership at the Agency Level | 65 |
Leadership at the Professional Level | 72 |
Chapter 6Leadership and Assessment | 98 |
Reinventing Government | 253 |
PublicPrivate Partnerships | 261 |
182 | 269 |
Chapter 11Leadership Decision Making Conflict | 277 |
Chapter 12Cultural Competency | 298 |
Exercise 121 Rosenthal Inclusivity Checklist | 309 |
98 | 351 |
Chapter 7Leadership and Policy Development | 126 |
Chapter 8Leadership and Assurance | 155 |
The Greatest Leadership Challenge | 166 |
Case Study 8B A Leadership Interview with | 178 |
The Assessment Process | 214 |
Case Study 9A Leadership Opportunities in Private Well | 221 |
Case Study 9B A Leadership Interview with | 228 |
Chapter 10Leadership and the Planning Process | 237 |
Quantitative Leadership Assessment Techniques | 356 |
Exercise 142 Development of a Public Health Case Study | 362 |
Chapter 15Leadership Evaluation and Research | 371 |
Chapter 16Leadership for the 21st Century | 391 |
Table of Sources | 403 |
411 | |
417 | |
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
action plan activities agenda assessment assurance behavior Bingo County Cannico clinical coalition collaboration community constituents community health conflict core functions create cultural competency decision discussion effective ensure evaluation Exhibit feedback funding Gaithersburg goals and objectives groundwater groups health communication health department health issues health leaders need Health Leadership Institute health needs Hispanic identify implementation improvement interview involved Jossey-Bass leadership development learning managed care Management Medicaid mentee mentoring mission monitoring negotiation NHAs organization organizational practices partners partnership percent performance policy development prevention programs public health agencies public health leaders public health leadership public health professionals public health services re-engineering reinvention relationship Reprinted residents responsibility risk role social marketing Source staff stakeholders step strategic planning strategies Symbolic Interactionist tion total quality management vision VOCs