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Evacuation of Philadelphia. --Battle of Monmouth.-
General Lee cenfured. - General Clinton reaches
New York. The Count de Estaing arrives there-
Repairs to Rhode Island-Expedition unfuccefsful.
-French Fleet rendezvous at Boston, to refit after
the Damages sustained by a Storm. - Lord Howe
leaves the American Seas. -Marauding Exploits of
General Grey.-Destruction of Wyoming. -Expe-
dition into the Indian Territories.
Foreign Negociations. - Dissensions among the Amer-
ican Commiffioners. - Deane recalled. --Mr. Adams
appointed.--Mr. Lee and Mr. Adams recalled.-
Spain declares War against England. -Mr. Jay
fent to the Court of Madrid. Sir George Collier's
Expedition to Virginia-His fudden Recal-Rav-
ages on the North River.-Depredations in the
State of Connecticut, in aid of Governor Tryon and
his Partisans.-General Washington feizes Stoney
Point-Recovered by the British. - Penobscot Expe-
dition-Destruction of the American Navy.
A Retrofpect of fome Naval Transactions in the West
Indies, one thousand seven hundred and feventy-
eight, and feventy-nine. Affairs in Georgia con-
cisely reviewed. - General Lincoln fent to take the
Command at the Southward. - The Count de Ef-
taing's Arrival in Georgia. Savannah closely be-
fieged by the Combined Forces of France and
America-Repulsed by General Prevost. - The
Count de Estaing leaves the Southern Clime.-
The Count Pulafki flain in Georgia. Some Anec-
dotes of Count Kofciufko.
Sir Henry Clinton and Admiral Arbuthnot fail for
South Carolina --Charleston invested-Capitulates.
-General Lincoln and his Army Prisoners of War.
-General Clinton returns to New York. -Lord
Cornwallis's Command and Civil Administration in
Charleston.- Mr. Gadsden and other Gentlemen
fufpected, and fent to St. Augustine. - Much Oppo-
sition to British Authority in both the Carolinas.-
The Count de Rochambeau and the Admiral de
Tiernay arrive at Newport.-British Depredations
in the Jerfies.- Catastrophe of Mr. Caldwell and
his family. Armed Neutrality. Some Obferva-
tions on the State of Ireland.-Riots in England.-
Curfory Obfervations.
Distressed Situation of the Army and the Country,
from various Causes. - General Gates fent to the
Southward-Surprised and defeated at Camden by
Lord Cornwallis-Superseded. General Greene
appointed to the Command in the Carolinas. Ma-
jor Ferguson's Defeat. - Sir Henry Clinton makes
a Diversion in the Chesapeake, in favor of Lord
Cornwallis. General Arnold fent there-His De-
fection and Character. - Detection, Trial, and Death
of Major Andre. - Disposition of the Dutch Repub-
lic with regard to America. - Governor Trumbull's
Character, and Correfpondence with the Baron Van
der Capellen. Mr. Laurens appointed to negociate
with the Dutch Republic.
Revolt of the Pennsylvania Line-Discontents in other
Parts of the Army. - Paper Medium funk. - Some
active Movements of Don Bernard de Galvez in
America. War between Great Britain and Spain
opened in Europe by the Siege of Gibraltar.-Short
View of Diplomatic Transactions between America
and feveral European Powers. - Empress of Ruffia
refuses to treat with the American States.
General Gates furrenders the Command of the South-
ern Army to General Greene, on his Arrival in
South Carolina. - Action between General Sumpter
and Colonel Tarleton. - General Morgan's Expedi-
tion-Meets and defeats Colonel Tarleton. - Lord
Cornwallis purfues General Morgan.-Party of
Americans cut off at the Catawba.-Lord Corn-
wallis arrives at Hillsborough-Calls, by Proclama-
tion, on all the Inhabitants of the State to join him,
-Battle of Guilford-Americans defeated. Lord
Cornwallis marches towards Wilmington-General
Greene purfues him-General Greene returns to-
wards Camden. - Action at Camden. - Lord Raw-
don evacuates Camden, and returns to Charleston.
-Barbarous State of Society among the Moun-
taineers, and in the back Settlements of the Carolinas.
-Attack on Ninety Six-Repulfe-General Greene
again obliged to retreat.-Execution of Colonel
Hayne. Lord Rawdon leaves the State of South
Carolina, and embarks for England.-Action at
the Eutaw Springs. General Greene retires to the
High-Hills of Santee. - Governor Rutledge returns
to South Carolina, and refumes the Reins of Gov-
Lord Cornwallis marches to Wilmington.-Marquis
de la Fayette fent to Virginia.-Death of General
Phillips. Lord Cornwallis moves from Petersburgh
to Williamsburgh-Diffonant Opinions between him
and Sir Henry Clinton-Crosses James River-
Takes Post at Portsmouth.-Indecifion of Sir Henry
Clinton-Meditates an Attack on Philadelphia-
The Project relinquished.