PACIFIC COAST LAW JOURNAL, CONTAINING ALL THE Decisions of the Supreme Court of California, AND THE IMPORTANT DECISIONS OF THE U.S. CIRCUIT AND U. S. DISTRICT COURTS FOR THE DISTRICT W. T. BAGGETT, EDITOR. VOLUME VI. From August 28, 1880, to February 19, 1881. SAN FRANCISCO: W. T. BAGGETT & CO., PUBLISHERS, No. 538 Sacramento Street. 1881. PACIFIC COAST LAW PRINTING AND PUBLISHING CO., W. T. BAGGETT & Co., PUBLISHERS, 538 Sacramento Street. Bynum, Fitz vs Bynum, Fitz vs. Butcher vs. Vaca Valley and Clear Lake Railroad Company. California Silver Mining Company, Brandon vs. California Vigorit Powder Company, Giant Powder Company vs 974 219 168 327 618 544 720 484 Camp vs. Grider. Campbell, Freeman vs. 694 934 Chidester vs. Consolidated People's Ditch Company. 890 418 Cintinella Land Company, Pieper vs. 814 City of San Jose vs. Freyschlag. 459 City of Santa Cruz vs. Santa Cruz Railroad Company.. Comanche Mill and Mining Company, Tregembo vs.. Consolidated People's Ditch Company, Chidester vs.... 479 1023 991 890 859 |