CRS-6 Program Additions and Deletions In order to inform readers of specific additions and/or deletions of programs from this report when it is revised or updated, the following table presents CFDA program numbers, titles, and federal agency for any additions or deletions. Match the cover date of this revision with the same date in Table 1 to identify programs added or deleted since the previous edition. Population Factors Used in Federal Assistance Programs1 1 (FG) Formula Grant, (PG) Program Grant, (DL) Direct Loan, (G/IL) Guaranteed/Insured Loan, (Direct) Direct Payments for Specified Use, (Sale) Sale, Exchange, or Donation of Property and Goods, (Use) Use of Property, Facilities, and Equipment, (Advisory) (Training) Training. Advisory Services and Counseling, (Technical) Dissemination of Technical Information, (Provision) Provision of Specialized Services, Language used in the Population Factor column is taken from the source documents. CRS-8 PROGRAM NAME Rural Rental Housing Loans (DL) Rural population, rural persons in poverty, $100,000,000 Very Low-Income Housing Repair Loans and Rural Self-Help Housing Technical Assistance (Section 523) (PG) Rural Rental Assistance Payments Rural Housing Preservation Grants Food Distribution (Food Donation Program) (Sale) Very low and low-income rural family Rural population, persons in poverty Rural population, rural families below poverty level Rural population, farm population, urban population, PROGRAM NAME CRS-9 POPULATION FACTOR ESTIMATED Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Nutrition Education and Training Program Commodity Supplemental Food Program (FG, Sale) Emergency Food Assistance Program Emergency Food Assistance Program Pregnant, breastfeeding, postpartum women, infants, Children enrolled in schools or institutions Infant, child up to age 6, postpartum and Persons below poverty level, unemployed persons Persons below poverty level, unemployed persons Population of not more than 10,000, county not Shall not include any area in any city or town having Grants shall not be used to assist a rural area or (Uses and use restrictions) Rural population, households below poverty level, under 20,000 population (Formula and matching requirements) Ultimate recipients may not be located within a city Population of 50,000 inhabitants or less (preference (Applicant Eligibility) $900,000,000 $0 $250,000,000 $8,237,000 (Grants) $35,000,000 $50,000,000 (Direct loans) $1,000,000,000 (Guaranteed loans) |