Psychology as Applied to EducationSilver, Burdett, 1913 - 345 من الصفحات |
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عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
abstrac action activity adolescence analysis antinatural asso association auditory become brain called cerebellum cerebrum CHAPTER character child childhood color complete induction concept consciousness cortex culture danger desire drill element emotions and impulses example exercise experience expression fact feeling fissure of Rolando give gray matter habit Hence human idea ideal imagination impulse and emotion individual INDUCTIVE REASONING inhibit instinct intellectual judgment knowledge language literature logical means mechanical memory mental mind Montessori moral motor sense muscles nature nervous system ness never object occipital lobes odor one's optic nerve pain pedagogy perception person physical possible practical psychology pupil rational interests reaction reason reflex actions relations sciousness sensation simply soul spinal cord stimulus subconscious taste teacher teaching temporal lobes thing thought tion true truth visual visual perception whole youth