Critique of Exotica: Music, Politics and the Culture IndustryPluto Press, 2000 - 261 من الصفحات In this innovative book, John Hutnyk questions the meaning of cultural hybridity. Using the growing popularity of Asian culture in the West as a case study, he looks at just who benefits from this intermingling of culture. Focusing on music, race and politics, Hutnyk offers a cogently theorised critique of the culture industry. He looks at artists such as Asian Dub Foundation, FunDaMental and Apache Indian to see how their music is both produced and received. He analyses ‘world’ music festivals, racist policing and the power of corporate pop stars to market exotica across the globe. Throughout, Hutnyk provides a searing critique of a world that sells exotica as race relations and visibility as redress. |
من داخل الكتاب
النتائج 1-3 من 44
الصفحة 61
... Labour member Joan Ruddock ( Lewisham , Deptford ) . Labour members wanted to introduce new clauses into the bill which would increase the power of the courts to impose more severe sentences upon crimes where it could be shown that ...
... Labour member Joan Ruddock ( Lewisham , Deptford ) . Labour members wanted to introduce new clauses into the bill which would increase the power of the courts to impose more severe sentences upon crimes where it could be shown that ...
الصفحة 102
... labour - power as his own commodity , and that on the other hand he has no other commodity for sale , is short of everything necessary for the realisation of his labour - power . ( Marx 1867/1967 : 169 my italics , Marx's gendered ...
... labour - power as his own commodity , and that on the other hand he has no other commodity for sale , is short of everything necessary for the realisation of his labour - power . ( Marx 1867/1967 : 169 my italics , Marx's gendered ...
الصفحة 170
... labour serves to keep the supply of cheap labour in the periphery . The implosion of the Soviet Union in 1989 has smoothed the way for the financialization of the globe . Already in the mid - seventies , the newly electronified stock ...
... labour serves to keep the supply of cheap labour in the periphery . The implosion of the Soviet Union in 1989 has smoothed the way for the financialization of the globe . Already in the mid - seventies , the newly electronified stock ...
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
academic activists ADF's Adorno Aki Nawaz album anthropology Anti-Nazi League anti-racism anti-racist Asian Dance Music Asian Dub Foundation Asian musics audience authenticity band Banerjea Bengal bhangra Britain British Britpop campaign capital capitalist celebration Chapter colonial Combat 18 Communist contemporary context Cornershop creativity Crispian Crispian Mills critical critique cultural politics cultural production cultural studies culture industry dance music debate defence diaspora difference discussion Dog-Tribe ethnic example exotica forms Fun^da^mental Gilroy global globalisation groups Hutnyk hybridity hybridity-talk identity imperialism India Kaliphz Kalra Kula Shaker labour London lyric Marx Marxism militant movement multicultural music industry Nawaz Naxalite nostalgia organised Party police popular possible postcolonial racial recognise revolutionary Rock Against Racism self-defence Sharma social solidarity South Asian Spivak struggle television tourism transnational violence Virinder visibility Womad workers world music youth Zed Books