صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

the states, required by the resolution of Congress of the 25th of February last, as the exigency and nature of the service may require, and the commander in chief shall judge them necessary. That, in case of any extraordinary emergency, more of any of the articles enumerated in the said resolution shall become necessary than is therein provided for, the said committee, with the advice of the commander in chief, do apply to the legislature or executive powers of any of the states aforesaid, from New Hampshire to Virginia inclusive, as may be most convenient, to have them immediately purchased at the expense of the United States, or otherwise procured on the credit of the same, if necessity shall so require.

That the said committee give directions for procuring any other articles not provided for in the said resolution of the 25th of February, which the exigency of the service may in the opinion of the commander in chief render necessary; direct the proper applications to the civil magistrates of any of the states for obtaining them, in such manner as shall not admit of delay.

That the said committee be also authorized to give assurance, where any of the aforesaid articles shall be purchased, or otherwise procured on the credit of the United States, that the just value of the same shall be paid, with interest at six per cent., as fast as money can be raised for that purpose.

That the said committee report their proceedings to Congress once a fortnight.

Resolved, That the legislatures from New Hampshire to Virginia inclusive, be requested to invest their executive authority, or some other persons, with such

powers as will enable them, on the application of the committee aforesaid, to draw forth at this critical pe riod the resources of the state.

MAY 20, 1780.

On the report of the said committee

Resolved, That the marquis de la Fayette be requested to make such communications as he has to offer, relative to the military operations of the fleet and army of his most christian majesty in America, to the commander in chief of the American army.

Resolved, That the commander in chief, after having received the communications of the marquis de la Fayette, take such measures for carrying on the operations of the ensuing campaign as will effectually promote the purposes mentioned in the answer given to the communications of the honourable the minister plenipotentiary of France, on the 31st January last.

Resolved, That the committee who brought in this report be requested to confer with the honourable the minister of France on the means of supplying the forces of his most christian majesty, in case of their arrival in America, and to report thereon to Congress.

Resolved, That the same committee collect the intelligence requested in the communications of the chevalier de la Luzerne; and that they be for that purpose empowered to establish correspondences with the governours of any of the United States, or such other persons as they may think proper; and that they lay such intelligence before Congress.

MAY 22, 1780.

Resolved, That the President communicate to his most christian majesty, through his minister the honourable the chevalier de la Luzerne, the grateful sense that Congress entertain of his unremitted attention to the interests of these United States, evidenced by his many great and generous efforts in their behalf; and that his minister be informed of the proceedings of Congress in consequence of his communications.

JUNE 1, 1780.

On a report of the board of war, to whom were referred a letter of 27th May, from governour Clinton, and a letter of 28th May, from president Weare

Resolved, That a post be established at Shohekin, in the county of Ulster, in the state of New York, and maintained at the expense of the United States.

That the said garrison be under the particular direction and superintendence of his excellency governour Clinton, subject however to the orders of the commander in chief of the continental army.

That if the number of troops necessary to garrison this post cannot be conveniently spared out of those already voted by Congress, for the defence of the frontiers of the state of New York, Congress approve the employing from time to time, at the expense of the United States, such number of militia as may be sufficient for that purpose; so as that the whole em

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ployed in this service do not exceed one hundred and fifty men, with a proper proportion of officers.

Resolved, That the president and council of the state of New Hampshire be authorized to embody and maintain, at the expense of the United States, any number of men not exceeding two hundred and fifty rank and file, with a proportionable number of officers, to assist in guarding the frontiers of that state.

On the report of a committee appointed to confer with the honourable the minister plenipotentiary of France

Resolved, That the governour of the state of Connecticut be, and he is hereby authorized to receive, on account of these United States, out of the moneys raised by that state more than sufficient to discharge the drafts heretofore made by Congress, and to comply with the requisition of Congress of the 20th of May last, or out of the bills that shall be completed and lodged in the continental loan office in that state for the use of the United States, pursuant to a resolution of Congress of the 18th of March last, one million two hundred thousand dollars of the bills now in circulation, or thirty thousand dollars of the bills last mentioned, or a proportion of each, on the application of monsieur de Corny, commissary of the troops in the service of his most christian majesty; and advance the same to him, taking his receipts to replace the same in specie in the treasury of these United States, when required by Congress; the said receipts to be transmitted to the treasury board as soon as possible.

JUNE 17, 1780.

On the report of a committee appointed to prepare a plan for the defence of the southern states,

Resolved, That the executive power of the state of Virginia be earnestly requested to order a reinforcement of five thousand militia, including any that may be now in service, to join the southern army with all possible despatch.

That the executive power of the state of North Carolina be earnestly requested to order a reinforcement of four thousand militia, including such as are now in service, to join the said army.

That it be recommended to the state of Virginia to keep in readiness an additional force of three thousand militia and to the state of North Carolina, to keep in readiness an additional force of two thousand militia, in order to join the southern army upon the shortest notice.

That no supplies of men, and no provisions except bacon, and so much grain as the executive of the state of Virginia conceive can be spared from the southern army-they bearing in mind that the wants of the grand army are at this time extremely pressing-be removed to the northward of the state of Virginia, until the further order of Congress.

That the moneys raised for the use of the United States, in the state of Maryland, and the states to the southward thereof, be appropriated to the supply of the military chest and exigencies of the war in the

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