صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

a letter from a gentleman in Bermuda, dated 26th April, and continued to May 1st, to a gentleman in Philadelphia, brought in their report, which was read; and the same being taken into consideration

Resolved, That the secret committee be instructed forthwith to fit out two fast sailing vessels, and load them with provisions, to be sent immediately to supply the inhabitants of the islands of Bermudas; and that the committee of secret correspondence be directed to take such measures as they may think proper, by those vessels, to discover the state of those islands and the disposition of their inhabitants; and that the marine committee be instructed to take such measures as they may think proper for purchasing, manning, arming, and fitting at the said islands, two sloops of war for the service of the United Colonies.

Resolved, That the remainder of the report lie on the table for consideration.

JUNE 17, 1776.

Resolved, That the general to be sent into Canada be directed to view "Point Au fer," and to order a fortress to be erected there, if he should think proper.

Resolved, That general Washington be permitted to employ the Indians whom he may take into the service of the United Colonies, pursuant to a resolution of Congress of the 25th of May last, in any place where he shall judge they will be most useful; and that he be authorized to offer them a reward of one hundred dollars for every commissioned officer, and thirty dol

lars for every private soldier, of the king's troops, that they shall take prisoners in the Indian country, or on the frontiers of these colonies.

JUNE 24, 1776.

The committee appointed to consider what harbours are proper to be fortified, brought in their report, which was read and ordered to lie on the table.

Resolved, That the said committee be empowered to draw on the treasurers for a sum of money to defray the expenses of surveying and examining the ports.

JULY 8, 1776.

Resolved, That general Washington have permission to call forth and engage in the service of the United States, so many of the Indians of the St. John's, Nova Scotia, and Penobscot tribes, as he shall judge necessary; and that he be desired to write to the General Court of the Massachusetts Bay, requesting their aid in this business, and informing them that Congress will reimburse such expenses as may be necessarily incurred in consequence of the foregoing resolu tions.

JULY 11, 1776.

Congress are so fully persuaded of the necessity of protecting the frontiers of New York from the incursions of the enemy, that they recommend that business to general Schuyler's immediate attention; and direct

that, if the situation of affairs will admit of it, he take proper steps for erecting a fort at Oswego, and building galleys on lake Ontario, and pursue such other measures as may be best fitted to answer the views of Congress.

That posts be taken and forts erected at Presque Isle, Le Beuf, and Kittanning; and that a battalion be raised to erect and garrison the same. That the commissioners of Indian affairs in the middle department be directed to inquire what naval force on lake Erie will be necessary to secure to the United States the command of the navigation of that lake; and report the result of their inquiry as soon as possible to Con


JULY 17, 1776.

Resolved, That the committee appointed on the 11th of this month" to make strict inquiry," &c. be directed to apply to the convention of Pennsylvania, now sitting, and request them to appoint a select committee of their body, to confer with them on a matter of importance relating to that state.

JULY 19, 1776.

Resolved, That the declaration passed on the 4th be fairly engrossed on parchment, with the title and style of "THE UNANIMOUS DECLARATION OF THE "THIRTEEN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA;" and that the same, when engrossed, be signed by every member of Congress.

AUGUST 2, 1776.

The Declaration of Independence being engrossed, and compared at the table, was signed by the members.

Resolved, That the secret committee be empowered to contract with Mr. Mirtle for the importation of goods to the amount of thirty thousand pounds sterling, at his risk, and fifteen thousand pounds sterling at the risk of the United States of America, for the publick service. That the marine committee be empowered to purchase a swift sailing vessel to be employed by the secret committee in importing said goods.

NOVEMBER 27, 1776.

Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed to procure a translation, into the German language, of the treaty between the courts of London and Hesse, for troops to be employed in America.

That the said committee be fully authorized to pursue means the most effectual in their judgment for communicating to the Hessians the said treaties, and for accomplishing the views of Congress in their resolves of the 14th and 27th of August last.

The members chosen-Mr. Wilson, Mr. R. H. Lee, and Mr. S. Adams.

[blocks in formation]

DECEMBER 2, 1776.

Resolved, That the committee for establishing expresses be directed to send colonel Stewart, or any other officer, express to general Lee, to know where and in what situation he and the army with him are.

DECEMBER 27, 1776.

Resolved, That the committee of Congress at Philadelphia be desired to contract with proper persons for erecting at Carlisle, in Pennsylvania, a magazine sufficient to contain ten thousand stand of arms, and two hundred tons of gunpowder; and also for erecting an elaboratory adjacent to such magazine.

That the council of Massachusetts Bay be desired to contract with proper persons for erecting, in the town of Brookfield in that state, a magazine sufficient to contain ten thousand stand of arms, and two hundred tons of gunpowder, and also for erecting an elaboratory adjacent to such magazine.

JANUARY 7, 1777.

Congress resolved itself into a committee of the whole, to take into consideration a proposition for setting on foot an expedition against Nova Scotia; and after some time spent thereon, the President resumed the chair, and Mr. Nelson reported,

That the committee have come to a resolution which he was ready to report.

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