SCHOOL AND HOME BY J. O. ENGLEMAN, A.M. SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS, DECATUR, ILLINOIS FORMERLY PRINCIPAL OF THE TRAINING SCHOOL DEPARTMENT OF THE AND STATE INSTITUTE CONDUCTOR AND HEAD OF THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, STATE HARVARD UNIVERSITY OCT. 3, 1921 LC268 .EG COPYRIGHT, 1918, BY BENJ. H. SANBORN & CO. To my wife ANNA ULEN ENGLEMAN TO WHOSE INTELLIGENT COUNSEL, SYMPATHETIC APPRECIATION AND SPIRIT OF SACRIFICE I HAVE BEEN UNDER CON TINUOUS OBLIGATION FOR TWENTY YEARS Revival of interest in moral education. Coöperation of social forces necessary. The Sunday school's lim- Bishop Huntington quoted. Ideals of antiquity. Formal discipline, knowledge, citizenship, utilitarian- ism as ideals. The Herbartians' view. Any modern aim must be composite to be adequate. Importance of character-building as an aim. Intellectual results that can be measured qualitatively and quantitatively, Where scientific tests are still inapplicable. Impor- tance of the parent's point of view. The teaching of religion not in place in public schools. France's expe- THE PSYCHOLOGY OF MORAL EDUCATION Principles related to perception, formation of concepts, memorizing, judgment, and reasoning all involved. PAGE |