صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Gradison, Willis D., Jr., 194

Graduation Act of 1854, 96, 223 Graham, Charles K., 70

Graham, Frank P., 139

Graham, John, 70

Grant, Ulysses S., administration records microfilmed, 56

Grants and fellowships, 60-61, 129, 130, 203, 204, 205, 206, 255

Gray, David, papers opened, 49

Gray, Gordon, papers accessioned, 197

Gray, Robert K., papers opened, 198

Grazing, 45

Great Britain, and Palestine, 165-167

Greece, files on, 121

Green, Edith, interview, 52

Greenland, 46, 195

Greifelt, Ulrich, 228

Griesheim document center, 232

Grimm, Peter, interview, 122

Gromyko, Andrei Andreevich, 175

"Group photo of the eight members of the Historical Branch... Army War College. . .," photo, 214-215 Groves, Leslie R., papers accessioned, 120

Gruber, Robert H., introd., Records of the Virginia Forces, 1861, 253

Gruenther, Alfred M., photo, 24

Gruenther, Homer, interview, 52

G-2 Intelligence Staff, records declassified, 199, 251 Guatemala, files on, 198

Guice, John D. W., 224

Guide to Genealogical Records in the National Archives, 225

Guide to Materials on Latin America in the National Archives of the United States, by George S. Ulibarri and John P. Harrison, 57

Guide to the National Archives of the United States, new edition published, 57, 222

Guide to the Orin G. Libby Manuscript Collection and
Related Research Collections at the University of
North Dakota, A, 256
Guilday, Peter, 143n

Gulf Coast Colonials, by Winston DeVille, 225
Guptil, Marilla B., comp. (with J. Mendelsohn),
Records of the United States Strategic Bombing Sur-
vey, 202

Gustafson, Milton O., "Archival Implications of State
Department Recordkeeping," 36-38; biog., 63
Guthridge, Amis, interview, 197

Hackenberg, Robert, 151; quoted, 152-153
Hagerty, James C., papers opened, 198

Hale, George, papers accessioned, 196

Hale, John P., 179-180, 181n

Hale, Winfield B., photo, 226

Hall, Kermit L., "The Civil War Era As a Crucible

for Nationalizing the Lower Federal Courts," 177186; biog., 207

Hall, Lee, papers accessioned, 249

Hallett, John Hughes, interview opened, 250 Halperin, Samuel, papers supplemented, 250 Hamilton, Alice, correspondence sought, 130 Handy, Dora Keen, transparencies accessioned, 195 Hanes, John W., Jr., interview, 52

Hanessian, John, Jr., papers published, 195 Hanna, Margaret, 79

Harding, Justin W., photo, 226

Hare, Raymond A., interview, 52

Harper, Allan G., 155, 159

Harper, Lothrup C., 143n

Harpers Ferry arsenal, 253
Harriman, W. Averell, files on, 49
Harrington, John, 158; quoted, 156
Harris, Ira, 183

Harrison, Henry T., diary copy donated, 46

Harrison, John P. (with G. S. Ulibarri), Guide to Materials on Latin America in the National Archives of the United States, 57

Harry S. Truman Library, 130; accessions and openings, 49-50, 122, 196-197, 249; details of Benton mural reproduced, 50, 51; papers declassified, 49,


- Institute for National and International Affairs, 130; and David D. Lloyd Prize, 255; grants, 204-205 Harwood, James, introd., Records of the Massachusetts Continental Loan Office, 1777-1791, 202

Hat advertising carriage, patent drawing reproduced, 194

Hawkins, Benjamin, 221-222; letter reproduced, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225

Hay, John, quoted, 70n; illus., 70

Haynes, Richard F., "The Defense Unification Battle, 1947-50: The Army," 27-31; biog., 63

Hays, Samuel P., 245; "History and Genealogy: Patterns of Change and Prospects for Cooperation," in three parts, 39-43, 81-84, 187-191; biog., 63, 131, 207

Hebert, Paul M., photo, 226

Heiss, Willard, 222

Helfenstein, William L., quoted, 89
Heller, Walter, papers opened, 249-250
Hemingway, Ernest, papers opened, 123
Henderson, Leon, papers opened, 196
Henderson, Loy, 169, 170, 172; interview, 52

Herbert Hoover Library, accessions and openings, 121, 196

Heren, Louis, interview, 123

"Her Infinite Variety: A 200-Year Record of America's Women," exhibit, 204

Hermann Goering Works, 233

Herskovitz, Melville, 157

Herter, Christian A., papers opened, 52

Hess, Jerry N., comp., Preliminary Inventory of the Records of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, 254

Hess, Rudolph, 227

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Historical Methods Newsletter, 59

Historical standards, article on, 243-248
History. See Ethnic history; Family history; "His-
torian's Perspective, A"; Immigration history; In-
dustrial history; Local history; Oral history; Re-
ligious history; Revisionist historiography; Social

History of Alabama and Incidentally of Georgia and
Mississippi, From the Earliest Period, by Albert James
Pickett, 221

History of the Construction and Maintenance Division,
Office of the Chief Ordnance Officer, A.E.F., by D. M.
King, 195

History of Economics Society, 203

"History and Genealogy: Patterns of Change and
Prospects for Cooperation," by Samuel P. Hays, in
three parts, 39-43, 81-84, 187-191

"History Through Media," workshop planned, 60-61
Hofmann, Margaret M., 225

Holcomb, Luther, papers accessioned, 123
Holcombe, Arthur, papers accessioned, 249
Holidays, White House files on, 123

Hoover, Herbert, administration papers accessioned,
196; papers supplemented, 121

Hoover Commission on Organization of the Execu-
tive Branch of the Government, 28

Hoover Library of War, Revolution, and Peace, 142
Hopi Indians, 156, 158, 161-162
Hopkins, Etoile Loper, 223

Hopkins, Harry, 147, 149; papers opened, 121, 196,
241; papers restricted, 239

Hopkins, Welly K., papers accessioned, 198
Horne, John, papers accessioned, 122

Horse-powered device, patent drawing reproduced,


[blocks in formation]

Impeachment deliberations, videotapes accessioned,

Import records, 46

Inaugural Committee, 1969 records inventoried, 57
Income, records accessioned on agricultural, 195
Independence and the Opening of the West, by Thomas
Hart Benton, mural details reproduced, 50, 51
Index to Compiled Service Records of American Naval
Personnel Who Served During the Revolutionary
War, introd., Marie B. Allen, microfilm, 201
"Indian Administration as a Laboratory in Ethnic
Affairs, The," by John Collier, 151n

Indian Affairs bureau, and anthropologists, 151-52,
155-62; and assimilationism, 152-53, 154

Indian lands, civil jurisdiction in, 222; leased to
whites, 224

Indian officers, U. S. Army, photo, 115

Indian Reorganization Act of 1934, 151, 156n, 157
Indian Rights Association, 154

Indiana, tax cases, 121

[blocks in formation]

International Wheat Agreement of 1972, 44

International Women's Year, 204

Interstate Commerce Act, 119

Interstate Commerce Commission, annual reports
accessioned, 46; case files accessioned, 119-220
Interviews. See Oral history interviews

Ireland, declassified navy records on Northern, 251
Iron Curtain refugees. See Refugees

Islands in the Stream, by Ernest Hemingway, 123
Isolationism, files on, 198

Israel, U. S. policy toward, 163-176

Israeli officials, tapes accessioned, 250

Italy, 49; declassified navy records on, 251; U. S. relief
to, 121

[blocks in formation]

John F. Kennedy Library, accessions and openings,
52, 122-123, 249-250; files on, 249
John F. Kennedy medical symposiums, 123
Johns Hopkins University publications project
(Eisenhower papers), 50, 52, 122

Johnson, Herschel V., 168-172; papers opened, 49
Johnson, Louis A., 25, 30; characterized, 11-12;
photo, 13

Johnson, Lyndon Baines, recording accessioned, 47
Johnson, Robert H., interview, 52

Johnston, Robert M., 214-215; photo, 217
Johnston, William H., quoted, 112-113

Joint Brazil-U. S. Technical Commission, records
accessioned, 45

Joint Chiefs of Staff, and defense unification, 5, 6, 10,
22, 29-30; and records declassification, 236; records
declassified, 251

Jones, Joseph M., papers opened, 49

Jones, Roger, papers supplemented, 249
Joseph Bancroft & Sons archives, 256
Judd, Walter H., interview, 197

Judge Advocate General (army), records accessioned,

Judges in Nazi Germany, 228, 230

Judicial system, and nationalism, 177-186. See also

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Kissinger, Henry Alfred, recording accessioned, 47
Klamath Indians, 112, 161n

Kluckhohn, Clyde, 151, 162; quoted, 152-153
Knerr, Hugh, 21n

Knickerbocker Soap package design, patent drawing
for, 205

Knowles, John M., interview, 52
Koanda, Francois, 58

Koenig, William C., 218, 220n

Korean War, conference on, 130; and defense unifi-
cation, 16-17, 31

Koskoff, David E., papers accessioned, 52; The Life
and Times of Joseph P. Kennedy, 52
Krasfur, M. E., papers accessioned, 198
Krauch, Carl, 228

Kroeber, A. L., 156, 162n
Krueger, Walter, 217-218, 220n
Krupp, Alfried, 228

Kunzig, Robert L., interview, 197

Labor exploitation in Nazi Germany, 227-228, 254

Labor force, agricultural, 195; 1967-71, records on, 46;
World War II records on, 45

Labor standards, files on, 123

Labor Statistics, Bureau of, files accessioned, 49
Lackey, Adam, 223

Lackey, Catherine Lester, 223

Lackey, Richard S., "Genealogical Research: An As-

sessment of Potential Value," 221-225; biog., 258
Lacy, William, interview, 122

LaFarge, Oliver, 157, 158, 161-162; Laughing Boy, 161;
quoted, 155

Laguna Niguel, California, 129

Land acquisition, files accessioned, 195-196
Land disposal policy, 85-98, 204; and appraisals, 96-
97; and auctions, 89, 94-95; and "land monopoly,"
93, 95; and "lieu lands," 88n; and military bounties,
55; and revenue maximization, 91-92; and specula-
tion, 88-89, 92-96; and squatters, 91

Land Management Bureau, records accessioned,

"Land Reform, Speculation, and Governmental Fail-
ure: The Administration of Ohio's State Canal
Lands, 1836-60," by Harry N. Scheiber, 85-98
Land use, records accessioned, 195
Landis, James M., quoted, 178

Language, and diplomacy, 75-76; and history, 243-

Larmon, Sigurd S., interview, 122

Larson, Henry, 195

Latin America, materials in archives cataloged, 57
Laughing Boy, by Oliver LaFarge, 161

Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial, 256

Law and Appellate Records of the U. S. Circuit Court

for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, 1790-1847,
introd., Mary Joe Minor, microfilm, 56
Lawrence, William, quoted, 179
League of Nations, 165

Leahy, William D., papers declassified, 251

Lee, Fitzhugh, 9

Lee, Jesse M., quoted, 111

Leeb, Wilhelm von, 228

Leeds and Northrup archives, 256

Leishman, John G. A., 74

Leland, Marguerite Wells, 138n

Leland, Waldo Gifford, 140, 143, 144-145
LeMay, Curtis E., 24

Lend-lease, Acheson files on, 45
Leopold, Richard W., 73n

Leopold III of Belgium, recording accessioned, 47
Letters of Application and Recommendation During the
Administrations of Franklin Pierce and James Bu-
chanan, 1853-1861, introd., Kent C. Carter, micro-
film, 56

Letters of Application and Recommendation During the
Administration of Ulysses S. Grant, 1869-1877,
introd., Kent C. Carter, microfilm, 56

Letters Received by the Department of Justice From the
State of Mississippi, 1871-1884, introd., Henry J.
Wolfinger, microfilm, 56

Letters Received by the Department of Justice From the
State of South Carolina, 1871-1884, introd., Henry J.
Wolfinger, microfilm, 127-128

Letters Sent by the War Department Relating to Naval
Matters, January 3, 1794-June 14, 1798, introd.,
Garry D. Ryan, microfilm, 55

Lewis, Oscar, 158, 162

Libby, Orin G. See Orin G. Libby Manuscript

Library and Archives Conservation, 256

Library of Congress, and FDR papers, 138, 141, 143n
Lie, Trygve, 172, 174, 175

Life and Times of Joseph P. Kennedy, The, by David E.
Koskoff, 52

Lima Reporter, 92, 93

Lincoln, Abraham, and court reform, 180
Lindeman, E. C., 154

Linder, Bill R., 222

Linton, Ralph, quoted, 156

List, Wilhelm, 228

Lizardo, Jose D., comp. (with B. Rowland and G. P.
Perros), Printed Hearings of the House of Represen-
tatives Found Among Its Committee Records in the
National Archives of the United States, 1824-1958,

Local history, conference on, 204; and document
conservation, 130, 189

Local Population Studies, 42

Loescher, Maida, introd., Veterans Administration

Pension Payment Cards, 253

Lonergan, Thomas C., 218

Long, Elgen M., papers accessioned, 195

Longitudinal surveys, accessioned, 195

Longworth House Office Building, architectural
drawings accessioned, 46

Loper, Absolom, 223

Loper, Joel Wadman, 223

Lopez, Alberto, 58

Los Angeles Federal Archives and Records Center,


"Lost" records, 223

Louchheim, Katie, interview, 197

Louise A. Boyd film collection, donated, 46

Lovett, Robert A., 20, 21

Lower Colorado River Authority, records acces-
sioned, 123

Lowie, Robert, 156

Lubin, Isador, papers accessioned, 49; papers opened,

Ludwigshafen affair, 232

Lutes, Leroy, papers accessioned, 122

Lutz, Ralph H., 143n

Lydenberg, Harry M., 143n

Lyndon Baines Johnson Foundation, 130, 255
Lyndon Baines Johnson Library, accessions and

openings, 123, 198, 250; research grants, 130, 255
Lyndon Baines Johnson School of Public Affairs, 255
Lyons, Clarence F., Jr., introd., Reports of Clerks and
Bureau Officers of the Department of State, 1789-
1911, 201

MacGregor, Gordon, 158, 159, 162
Machine-readable records, accessioned and opened,
46-47, 195; archives branch for, 59
MacLeish, Archibald, 138n, 148
Maguire, Robert F., photo, 226

Management Program for the Executive Departments,
files on, 198

Manassas Junction, Virginia, 253

Manhattan Engineer District, files on, 120
Mankiewicz, Frank, papers supplemented, 249; Per-
fectly Clear, 249; U. S. vs. Nixon, 249

Mann, Thomas, recording accessioned, 47
Manning, Helen Taft, 139, 140
Manpower, records on, 45, 48

Manpower Administration, records accessioned, 195
Mao Tse-tung, recording accessioned, 47

Map Room Papers (Franklin D. Roosevelt Library),
records opened, 49, 121, 196

Maps, accessioned, 47, 120, 122, 195; cataloged, 57;
declassified, 47; reproduced, 86, 87, 90, 164
Mara, Cornelius J., interview opened, 50
Marchand, Captain, 222

[blocks in formation]

McCone, John A., 22n

McCook, Anson, 45

McCoy, Donald R., “The Beginnings of the Franklin

D. Roosevelt Library," 137-150; biog., 207 McGillivray, Alexander, 221

McGillivray, Lachlan, 222

McIntosh, James T., ed., The Papers of Jefferson Davis: Volume 2, June 1841-July 1846, 205-206 McLaughlin, James, quoted, 117-118

McLean, John, 181

McMurdo Sound, 195

McNamara, Robert S., interview, 123

McNarney, Joseph T., 6, 12

McNickle, D'Arcy, 162n

McReynolds, William H., 147

McShain, John, 146

Meade, George G., headquarters records donated, 194

Medals, mint records on, 194

Mediation board, records inventoried, 202
Media workshop, 60-61

Medical experiments in Nazi Germany, 227, 228, 254
Medical symposiums, papers opened, 123
Mehl, Joseph M., papers accessioned, 122
Meicklejohn, Kenneth, 155

Mekeel, H. Scudder, 153, 156, 157, 158, 161; quoted, 158

Mendelsohn, John, "Trial by Document: The Problem of Due Process for War Criminals at Nuernberg," 227-234; biog., 258; comp., Nuernberg War Crimes Trials, Records of Case II, United States of America v. Erhard Milch, 253-254; introd., Records of the United States Nuernberg War Crimes Trials: United States of America v. Friedrich Flick et al. (Case V), March 3, 1947-December 22, 1947, 56; Records of the United States Nuernberg War Crimes Trials: United States of America v. Josef Altstoetter et al. (Case III), February 17, 1947-December 4, 1947, 56; Records of the United States Nuernberg War Crimes Trials: United States of America v. Oswald Pohl et al. (Case IV), January 13, 1947-August 11, 1948, 201; comp. (with M. B. Guptil), Records of the United States Strategic Bombing Survey, 202

Menominee Indians, 161n
Merrell, Clarence F., photo, 226

Message of the Governor in Relation to the Wabash and
Erie and Other Canal Lands, February 5, 1838, 90n
Metcalfe, Samuel L., photo, 226

Mexico-U. S. Border Development Commission, files on, 198

Miami Canal, 85-98; map reproduced, 90
Michigan upper peninsula, 48

Microfilm publications of the National Archives and Records Service, 55-57, 127-128, 201-202, 253 Microfilm records, accessioned, 196; cataloged, 57; collected, 256; management by State Department, 36-38

Middle East officials, tapes accessioned, 250
Migration, 40-41, 84; and genealogy, 82-83
Milch, Erhard, 228; Nuernberg trial records listed,
253-254; Nuernberg trial records printed, 229n
Miles, Nelson A., 110

Military conferences (World War II), records microfilmed, 202

Military establishment, creation of, 5

Military Intelligence Division, reports opened, 121

Military records, of blacks, 125; declassified, 125; list

of declassified, 237-238

Miller, Samuel, 181

Millikan, Max, papers opened, 123

Mines, Bureau of, records accessioned, 196
Mining, records on, 47, 48, 196

Minor, Mary Joe, introd., Admiralty Case Files of the U. S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, 1789-1840, 128; Law and Appellate Records of the U. S. Circuit Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, 1790-1847, 56; Records of the Clerk of the Court, 1746-1932, and of the U. S. Commissioners, 1837-1860, of the U. S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, 127

Mint, records accessioned, 45, 194

Minutes of Meetings of the Interdivisional Area Committee on the Far East, 1943-1946, 128

Minutes of Meetings of the State-War-Navy Coordinat-
ing Committee, 1944-1947, microfilm, 128
Minutes of the Meetings of the Subcommittee for the
Far East, 1945-1947 (SWNCC), microfilm, 128
Missing-in-action, list accessioned, 120
Mississippi, 56, 223-224

"Mississippi Stock," 224

Mitchell, William Lendrum, 18
Moffett Field, 121

Mogensen, Palle, papers donated, 46
Mohonk Lake Indian Conference, 114

Mojave Indians, 111

[blocks in formation]

Mount Palomar and Mount Wilson Observatories, 196

Mount Vernon barracks, 111, 113
Müller, Carl, 220n

Munitions Board, creation of, 5; records declassified, 199

Murder commandos in Nazi Germany, 228, 229, 230
Murphy, William T., comp. (with M. S. Bray), Audio-
visual Records in the National Archives of the United
States Relating to World War II, 57
Muscle Shoals, Alabama, 223

Musée et Bibliothèque de la Guerre, 215

Musick, Michael P., introd., General Orders and Circulars of the Confederate War Department, 1861-1865,


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