صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Hartford, Connecticut, 129

Hartford Courant, The, 44

Harwood, James, introd., Computer-Processed Tabula-
tions of Data From Seamen's Protective Certificate
Applications to the Collector of Customs for the Port
of Philadelphia, 1812-15, 55; Records of the Connecti-
cut, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island Continental
Loan Offices, 1777-89, 185; Records of the New Jersey
and New York Continental Loan Offices, 1777-90,
185; Records of the Pennsylvania Continental Loan
Office, 1776-88, 185
Hastings, James, 58

Havre de Grace, Maryland, 138
Hayes-Tilden election, 223
Haynes, Donald, 59

Hayter, William, 214

Heaton, Henneker, 64

Hecht, Arthur, comp. (with W. J. Heynen), Records
and Policies of the Post Office Department Relating to
Place-Names, 55

Hehmeyer, Shirley, interview, 245

Heller, Walter, papers opened, 113; postwar German
files opened, 51

Helton, Stephen H., comp., Recordkeeping in the De-
partment of State, 55

Hemingway, Ernest, papers opened, 51
Henderson, Leon, papers opened, 49, 244

Henderson, Loy W., 211, 216; interview, 112

Henry, Lawrence C., 59

Herald of Freedom, 203

Herbert Hoover Library, accessions and openings,

111, 179, 244

HERBO-2, 111, 179

Hessfield, Henry, 111

Heynen, William J., comp. (with A. Hecht), Records

and Policies of the Post Office Department Relating to
Place-Names, 55

Hibbs, Ben, papers opened, 51

Higgenbotham, Leon, papers accessioned, 51
Higginson, Thomas Wentworth, 197, 204
Hightower, James, 251

Hill, Robert A., 176

Hill, Robert C., interview, 246

Hilliard, Elbert R., 59

Historians, computer skills of, 31

"Historian's Perspective, A," by Bruce Kuklick, 237-

History of Psychology Foundation, fellowship
funded, 187

Hitlerite Germany, 238

Holdcamper, Hope K., introd., Central Treasury Rec-
ords of the Continental and Confederation Govern-
ments Relating to Foreign Affairs, 1775-1787, 250
Hollerith, Herman, 29

Hoover, Herbert, administration papers opened, 111
Hopkins, Harry L., 215-218, 220; papers opened, 49,
112, 180; photo, 215

Hopkins, William, interview, 113

Horne, Roman L., interview, 180

Hough, Franklin B., 84

House, A. F., interview, 51

Howard, Esmé, 171

Howard, Milo B., 59

Howe, Louis M., papers opened, 49, 244
Howe, Samuel Gridley, 195, 207
Howell, David, 134, 135
Huckaby, Elizabeth, 51

"Hugh S. Johnson and the Draft," by John Kennedy
Ohl, 120

Hughes, Cleo A., 59

Hull, Cordell, 17-28, 98; and Germany, 238; photos,
23, 27

Hulley, Benjamin M., interview, 112
Humphrey, Hubert, 71

Humphreys, Robert, papers opened, 245
Huntington, Jabez W., 234

Hurja, Emil, papers opened, 49

Huss, Ralph E., introd., Purport Lists for the Depart-
ment of State Decimal File, 1910-44, 249; Records of
the Department of State Relating to Political Relations
Between China and Japan, 1930-44, 249

Hutching, Thomas, 137n

Hutchinson Mill Plantation Company, microfilming
records of, 177

Hyatt, Thaddeus, 198, 200; photo, 200


Ickes, Harold L., 22, 26, 28, 83

Immigration and Naturalization Service, records ac-
cessioned, 49
Indefatigable, 166

Indian languages, 241
Indiana, 165, 168, 169
Indianapolis News, 37

Indian-White Relations: A Persistent Paradox, ed., Jane
F. Smith and Robert M. Kvasnicka, 250
Institut fuer Zeitgeschichte (Munich), 58
Institute for the Editing of Historical Documents, 242
Intelligence, War Department files declassified, 53
Interagency Classification Review Committee, 53.

Interior Department Appointment Papers: New York.
1849-1906, introd., Robert H. Fowler, microfilm, 185
International Civil Aviation Conference of 1944, 111
International Council on Archives, Eighth Congress
of, 57, 118

Interservice rivalry, 5, 6, 15

Interviews. See Oral history interviews

Iowa Census of 1925, microfilming project for, 176
Isis, 35n

"Italian POWs in America: War Is Not Always Hell,"
by John Hammond Moore, 141-152
Italian Service Units, 141-151
Iverson, Alfred, 193


Jackson, Andrew, 225

Jackson, C. D., papers declassified, 51, 183
Jackson, Gardner, papers opened, 244
Jackson, Nellie Stover, interview, 181
Jacobmeyer, Wolfgang, 58

Jamaica, article on earthquake in, 163-173

Jameson, J. Franklin, 175
Jan Mayen Island, 48

Japan, 209, 211; oil exports and, 17-28
Japan Surrenders, 1945, 250
Jaworski, Leon, 147

Jay, John, 250

Jefferson, Thomas, 132

Jensen, Merrill, 175

Jessup, Frederick Peter, interview, 246
Joffre, Joseph, 11, 12

John F. Kennedy Library, accessions and openings,
51, 113, 181; construction of, 118

John P. Harrington Collection on American Indian
History and Language, 241

"John Tyler's Presidential Succession: A Reap-
praisal," by Stephen W. Stathis, 223-236

Johns Hopkins University Publications Project, ma-
terial declassified, 51

Johnson, Edgar A. J., papers accessioned, 50
Johnson, Edwin, 37

Johnson, Hugh S., 85-96

[blocks in formation]

Korean War records accessioned, 180

Krauskopf, Robert W., ed. (with J. E. O'Neill), World
War II: An Account of Its Documents, 250
Kuklick, Bruce, "American Appeasement of Ger-
many, 1941-51,” 237-240; biog., 252

Ku Klux Klan of Alabama, 73

Kunstschutz (German Commission for the Protection
of Works of Art in the Occupied Countries), 106n
Kvasnicka, Robert M., ed. (with J. F. Smith), Indian-
White Relations: A Persistent Paradox, 250


Lafayette, Marquis M. Joseph de, 250
Laise, Carol, 58

Lamberton, New Jersey, 134
Landon, Alfred E., 77

Lane, Alvin H., interview, 51, 181
Lane, James, 203

Langer, John Daniel, "The 'Red General': Philip R.
Faymonville and the Soviet Union, 1917-52," 209-
221; biog., 252

Laser beam, as aid in data compression, 34
Lauchheimer, Charles H., 5, 8, 10; photo, 11
Laughlin, Irwin B., papers accessioned, 49
Lawson, Steven F. (with M. I. Gelfand), "Consensus
and Civil Rights: Lyndon B. Johnson and the Black
Franchise," 65-76; biog., 120

Leahy, William, 220

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

McDonough, Gordon, 37, 44
McEnery, John P., interview, 245
McGovern, George, 113
McHenry, James, 136

McKeon, John, 234

McLain, William, 152, 154-158, 160, 162

McLaughlin, Patrick D., Pre-Federal Maps in the Na-

tional Archives: An Annotated List, 56
McMath, Sidney, interview, 51

McNair, Dunning R., 201

McPhee, Henry R., papers opened, 113
Meade, Richard Worsam, 171
Media for the Bicentennial, 58
Mellett, Lowell, papers opened, 49

Mendelsohn, John, introd., Records of the United
States Nuernberg War Crimes Trials: United States of
America v. Wilhelm von Leeb et al. (Case XII), Nov.
28, 1947-Oct. 28, 1948, 115

[blocks in formation]

Minnesota, survey project for welfare records of, 176
Minor, Mary Joe, introd., Records of the U. S. Circuit
Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania, 1801-
1802, and Minutes and Habeas Corpus and Criminal
Case Files of the U. S. District Court for the Eastern
District of Pennsylvania, 1789-1843, 184

Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, 69, 70, 71, 72
Missoula Missoulian, 42

Missouri, 165, 169; photo, 164-165
Mitchell, Clarence, quoted, 65

Mitchell, Thornton W., 59

Monte Cassino, 101; photos, 97, 104, 105
Monticello, Arkansas, 144

Monuments, Fine Arts, and Archives Section, article
on, 97-106

Moore, John Hammond, “Italian POWs in America:
War Is Not Always Hell," 141-151; biog., 188
Moore, R. Walton, papers opened, 245

Moore, Ray, interview, 113

Moral power, 237

Morgenthau, Henry M., Jr., 19, 20; and Germany, 238;

papers opened, 49, 112, 180

Morris, Gouverneur, 135, 136

Morris, Lewis, 135

Morris, Robert, 250

Morrisana, New York, 135

Moseley, William R., 159, 161

Moss, William, 153-162

Movietone News, newsreels donated, 118

Moyers, Bill, 58

Muccio, John J., interview, 245

"Multilateralism," 238

Munitions Assignment Board, records declassified,


Münster, Germany, devastation described, 97

Murphy Commission on the Organization of the
Government for the Conduct of Foreign Policy,
records accessioned, 47

Murphy, Robert D., 47

Murrow, Edward R., broadcasts rerun, 58

Musick, Michael P., introd., Letters and Telegrams
Sent by the Confederate Quartermaster General,
1861-65, 115

Mussolini, Benito, 143, 147

Norman, Montagu, correspondence opened, 244
North Africa, 144

North Bennett Street Industrial School, grant for
arrangement of records of, 177

North Carolina, grant to describe papers of five con-
gressmen from, 177
Northwind, 48

Nottingham Township, New Jersey, 134

Nuernberg trials, files of counsel of military tribunal
declassified, 53

Nuernberg trials, records microfilmed, 115
Numbers Start With the River, The, film, 251


Nagel, Ernest, 44, 45

Nash, Philleo, interview, 180

National Archives Advisory Council, 58

National Archives and Records Service, accessions
and openings, 47-51, 110-113, 178-181, 243-246;
information leaflets, 116; publications, 55-56, 115-
117, 184-185, 249-250

National Archives and Records Service Microfilm Pub-
lications, revised, 55

National bank issue of 1841, 231, 233, 235

National Board of Health, letters microfilmed, 184
National Broadcasting Company, 58, 186
National Capital Planning Commission, records ac-
cessioned, 244

National Endowment for the Humanities, teaching
fellowship announced, 186

National Historical Publications and Records Com-
mission, 59, 175-181

National Kansas Relief Committee, 197, 198
National Park Service, 82

National Public Radio, NARS agreement with, con-
cluded, 118

National Recovery Administration, 85, 96
National Science Foundation, 35-46

National Security Council, and declassification, 182
Naval Transportation Service Division, armed guard
files, declassified, 53

Nevada as a U. S. Territory, 241

Neville, Wendell, photo, 9

New Brunswick, New Jersey, 134

New England Emigrant Aid Co., 203

New Orleans Picayune, 204

New York City, 129, 135, 136, 138

New York Daily Express, The, 234

New York Post, The, 39, 41

New York Sun, The, 38

New York Times, The, 41, 43, 147, 148, 164, 205
New York Tribune, The, 196, 200

New York Weekly Sun, The, 232
Newark, New Jersey, 134

Newman, Debra L., comp., Preliminary Inventory of
the Records of the Social Security Administration, 116
Newman, John J., 59

"News and Notices," 57-59, 118-119, 186-187, 251
Newsom, Herschel, interview, 246

Newsweek, 42

Newton, Henry C., 101, 102, 103

"NHPRC News," 175-177, 241-242

Nicklas, J. G., 168

Nixon, Richard M., presidential materials moved, 181

Nontextual records, 31

Oakes, James, 87

Office of the Administrator for Export Control, 19,
21, 22, 24, 26, 28

Office of the Chief of Staff, Department of the Army,
records accessioned, 47

Office of Communication, Department of Agricul-
ture, photographs accessioned, 111

Office of Economic Opportunity, poverty survey of,
30, 31

Office of the Judge Advocate General, U. S. Army,
records accessioned, 244

Office of Scientific Research and Development, 35,
37, 40, 41

Office of Strategic Services, films declassified, 247
Office of the Surgeon General of the Army, records
accessioned, 179

Office of War Information, 100, 101, 103

Offner, Arnold A., American Appeasement, 240
Ohl, John Kennedy, "Hugh S. Johnson and the Draft,
1917-18," 85-96; biog., 120

Oil exports and Japan, 17-28

Oil in the Earth, by Wallace Pratt, 38

Olds, Leland, papers accessioned, 50; papers opened,

Oles, Floyd, interview, 51; papers accessioned, 50;

papers opened, 245

Oliver, W. B., 14

O'Neill, James E., ed. (with R. W. Krauskopf), World
War II: An Account of Its Documents, 250
Operation Deep Freeze, records accessioned, 48
Oral history interviews, accessioned, 180; opened,
112; processed, 113, 181. See also individual names
Orton, Sally A., introd., Equity Case Files of the U. S.
Circuit Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania,
1790-1847, 184


Pacification Attitude Analysis System, 179
Pacification program, computer data from, 30
Padgett, Lemuel, 9

Pall Mall Gazette, 172

[blocks in formation]

Presidential libraries, accessions and openings, 49-
51, 111-113, 179-181, 244-246

Presidential Study Commission on International

Radio Broadcasting, records accessioned, 110
Presidential succession, article on, 223-236
President's Advisory Committee on Supersonic
Transport, records accessioned, 181

President's Citizen Advisors on the Mutual Security
Program, papers
declassified, 51

President's Committee on Employment of the Han-
dicapped, records accessioned, 178

President's Science Advisory Committee, papers
declassified, 51, 183

President's Water Resources Policy Commission, ma-
terials accessioned, 50

Price Commission, records accessioned, 47
Princess Victoria Louise, 166

Princeton, New Jersey, as residence of Congress, 129,

130, 134, 135, 136

Privacy, invasion of, 31n

Privacy Act of 1974, 118

Project Blue Book, microfilm, 250

Protecting Your Right to Privacy, 118

Provine, Dorothy S., comp., Preliminary Inventory of
the Records of the Commission of Fine Arts, 116
Provost marshal general, functions of, 88, 90
Pruden, Wesley, interview, 246

Public Documents Commission, role of, 58
Public Health Service, records accessioned, 48
Public Papers of the Presidents, 58

Public utility districts in the Northwest, survey
projects for records of, 176

Public Works Administration, 83

"Publications of the National Archives and Records
Service," 55-56, 115-117, 184-185, 249-250
Puerto Rico Reconstruction Administration, 110
Purport Lists for the Department of State Decimal File.
1910-44, introd., Ralph E. Huss, microfilm, 249


Quarles, Donald A., papers declassified, 51

Power, moral, political, analytic, 237

Powers, James H., 148

Pratt, Wallace, Oil in the Earth, 38

Pre-Federal Maps in the National Archives: An Anno-
tated List, Special List no. 26, comp., Patrick D.
McLaughlin, 56

Pre-federal records, guide to be published on, 57
Preliminary Inventory of the Records of the Children's
Bureau, comp., Carmen Delle Donne, 116
Preliminary Inventory of the Records of the Commission
of Fine Arts, comp., Dorothy S. Provine, 116
Preliminary Inventory of the Records of the 1965 In-
augural Committee, comp., William A. Reader, 55
Preliminary Inventory of the Records of the Social Se-
curity Administration, comp., Debra L. Newman,



Radek-Piatakov trial, 213
Radio Free Europe, 110
Radio Liberty, 110

Rand, Joseph, papers declassified, 51
Randolph, Jennings, 39n

Rasmussen, Wayne, 251
Rauh, Joseph, 69, 71

Raymond, Henry J., 205

Reader, William A., comp., Preliminary Inventory of
the Records of the 1965 Inaugural Committee, 55
Reader's Digest, The, 51, 148

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