Exploring Life ScienceMarshall Cavendish, 2000 - 880 من الصفحات Exploring Life Science is a thoroughly up-to-date 11-volume set specially created to provide reference support for the science curriculum in grades 4-6. It reflects today's increasing interest in the environment and includes a wide range of exciting new scientific advances -- especially in the field of medicine. Written in dear, understandable language, the text is complemented by detailed full-color illustrations and photographs, making this set attractive to younger students not only for use in completing their reports and research assignments, but also to pursue general interest in the life sciences. |
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النتائج 1-5 من 10
الصفحة 721
... Ultraviolet Light 758 Wildlife Management 786 Teeth 734 Urban Habitats 760 Worms 788 Temperate Forests 736 Vertebrates 762 X Rays 790 Termites 738 Veterinary Medicine 764 Yeast 792 Territory 740 Viruses 766 Zoology 794 Tongue 742 Vision ...
... Ultraviolet Light 758 Wildlife Management 786 Teeth 734 Urban Habitats 760 Worms 788 Temperate Forests 736 Vertebrates 762 X Rays 790 Termites 738 Veterinary Medicine 764 Yeast 792 Territory 740 Viruses 766 Zoology 794 Tongue 742 Vision ...
الصفحة 750
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الصفحة 757
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الصفحة 758
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الصفحة 759
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طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
amphibians animals Arctic areas backbone bacteria baleen baleen whales birds blood body bone brain breeding called capsid cause cells CHECK chemical cities cold color contain detect developed diet digestive disease eggs example eyes feed fish flatworms freshwater groups grow gymnosperms habitats heat HIGHLIGHTS humans hunting infection inside invertebrates kidney land layer living organisms lizards lungs mammals mechanoreceptors mouth move nerve nest oxygen parasites permafrost plants predators prey produce protect protein protoctists rain rays receptors reptiles rhizomes roots Roundworms scientists skin soil species substances sugar surface surgeons surgery survive swim swim bladder tail taste buds TB bacteria teeth temperate forests temperature termites territories tiny tissue tongue tooth touch transplant trees tropical tubers tundra turtles ultraviolet light UV light vapor vertebrates Vets viruses vitamin vitamin D waste water cycle wetlands whales worms X rays yeast zoology zoos and aquariums