صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Doct. Jonathan Havens, Stephen Howell, and others, refugees from Long Island, (then residing in this State) shewed to the Assembly, that at the time the British troops took Long Island, they came into this State, with their families for protection; that they left much of their effects in the hands of their friends to be secreted and sold as they could, and the avails sent to them for the support of their families; that by permission they went to said Island to bring to Connecticut, some part of what their friends had saved from the enemy, or the avails thereof, if sold, of their stock and grain, which they received in small parcels of tea, linen, and woolen cloth, &c., for the use of their families, which was their all, which they brought to Saybrook, in a small boat, to the house of one Harris; when and where one White, a lieutenant in the continental frigate, called the Trumbull, and one Combs, a commander of a whale boat, and other associates, seized said effects, and by force carried them off, and refused to deliver the same to the petitioners; for which relief was asked of the Assem. bly. The Assembly appointed William Noyes, Samuel Field, and Ezra Selden, Esq'rs., with full powers, as speedily as might be, to notify all parties concerned, enquire into the case, and report to the Assembly, or in their recess to the Governor and Committee of Safety; said committee were also directed to take into their custody all said effects, taken from the petitioners, by Combs, White, and others.

The Assembly adjourned sine die.

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Astor of the Trumbull family in this egrated from Cumberland county, in Newly, in Massachusetts: His second Ay Trumble) was a gentleman of distincfield, now in this State, (but then claimHe had three sons, viz: John, Joseph, a clergyman of distinction in Watertown, John was the author of McFingal and

Benoni was a clergyman, at Hebron, Brajamin Trumbull, D. D., was the batoto so much indebted for his early history

settled clergyman at North Haven. of John Trumbull, of Suffield, was a and the first Governor Trumbull was ll, of Lebanon, and was there born, He was educated at Harvard College, , with the honors of the Institution, talenta. Modest, yet accomplished fully qualified to become a dconspicuous in any business that d. Soon after las graduated, his study of theclogy with the Rev. S. He was so need to preach, ested to settle in the ministry the

Ene an elder brother,

was in

13, 1731.


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