Youth, Education and Risk: Facing the FuturePsychology Press, 2001 - 221 من الصفحات Youth, Education and Risk: Facing the Future provides a provocative and valuable insight into how the dramatic social and economic changes of the last twenty years have affected the lives of Western youth. Covering young people's attitudes towards relationships and health, the authors provide a comprehensive perspective on young people in Western society in the 1990s. The book reviews ten years of research, policy and practice as related to the 15-25 age group and compares data from the UK, Australia, the USA and Canada. It also argues for the need to develop new research and policy frameworks that are more in tune with the changed conditions of life for Western youth. The book sets out the conceptual basis for a new approach to youth and the practical implications for research, education and youth policy in the new millenium. |
List of tables and figures | 1 |
Tables and figures | 19 |
Outside the mainstream | 35 |
Figures | 38 |
The policy | 57 |
Coping with change | 76 |
Student hopes and outcomes | 99 |
The gender factor | 123 |
79 | 132 |
At risk | 145 |
35 | 164 |
Lifepatterns and careers | 169 |
57 | 181 |
Foreclosed options | 195 |
219 | |
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
adolescence adulthood African Americans agenda American analysis areas Australia become behaviour boys British Youth Council Canadian Canberra cent versus changes choice Commonwealth of Australia completion concern condom context culture despite early school leavers economic educa education and training educational participation effect emphasis employment evidence example experience factors Falmer females focus full-time Furlong future gender gendered identities girls graduates high school homelessness increasing indicated individual issue labour market leaving school linear linear model mainstream major males moral panic nations negative non-completers OECD options parents particular pathways patterns post-compulsory education post-school priorities problems programmes qualifications question relationships reluctant stayers responses rience risk risk society Rudd and Evans sample Schneider and Stevenson significant social South Glamorgan structural teachers teenage Teesside tion uncertainty underclass unem vocational workforce young adults young people's lives young women youth research Youth Studies