Fugitive Cultures: Race, Violence, and Youth

الغلاف الأمامي
Routledge, 06‏/12‏/2012 - 256 من الصفحات

Fugitive Cultures examines how youth are being increasingly subjected to racial stereotyping and violence in various realms of popular culture, especially children's culture. But rather than dismissing popular culture, Henry Giroux addresses its political and pedagogical value as a site of critique and learning and calls for a reinvigorated critical relationship between cultural studies and those diverse cultural workers committed to expanding the possibilities and practices of democratic public life.



White Panic and the Racial Coding of Violence
Racism and the Aesthetic of HyperReal Violence Pulp Fiction and other Visual
Animating Youth The Disneyfication of Childrens Culture
Public Intellectuals and Postmodern Youth
Talking Heads and Radio Pedagogy Microphone Politics and the New Public
Licensing Bigotry Without Being Politically Correct
The Milk Aint Clean National Identity and Multiculturalism
حقوق النشر

طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات

عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة

نبذة عن المؤلف (2012)

Henry A. Giroux is the Waterbury Chair Professor and Director of the Waterbury Forum for Education and Cultural Studies at Penn State University. He is the author of Border Crossings and Disturbing Pleasures, also published by Routledge.

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