Annual Progress in Child Psychiatry and Child Development 2002Margaret E. Hertzig, Ellen A. Farber Taylor & Francis, 2005 - 444 من الصفحات Annual Progress in Child Psychiatry and Child Development2002 provides the most current research and scholarship available in the field of child psychiatry and child development. It is a benchmark against which all other contributions to the literature will be measured. Mental health professionals who work with children and adolescents will find the book invaluable for both its timely information and long-term reference value. Researchers will find substantial information in its pages for new spheres of inquiry. |
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النتائج 1-5 من 76
الصفحة ix
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الصفحة xv
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الصفحة xvii
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الصفحة xviii
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الصفحة xxi
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طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
2-back task activation adolescents adult affective psychosis American analysis assessment associated attachment theory Autism brain caregivers Child Development Child Psychology childhood chromosome Cicchetti clinical cognitive competence correlations depressed mood developmental diagnosis differences effects emotional evaluation experiences factors fathers firesetting FMRP follow-up foster fragile X syndrome friendship functioning gender gene genetic grade hard-to-manage impairment included inferior frontal gyrus interaction interview involved Journal Kazdin Kolko levels major depression Masten matchplay maternal measures memory ment middle frontal gyrus Molecular months mothers negative reactivity nonpatient parent reports patients PDD-NOS peer relations phenotype posttraumatic predict predictors preschool pretend play prevalence problems Psychiatry psychopathology rates relationships resilience response Rett syndrome risk risperidone sample Scale schizophrenia scores significant social wariness Sroufe stress subjects with fragile subscales superior parietal lobule supramarginal gyrus symptoms tion variables violent pretend play visuospatial young children