"Sir, the conquerors of those two lakes, with the officers, sailors and marines under their command, have filled the annals of your history with imperishable glory. "In the old war we had another Yankee notion. It was sent to the South, and from the pressure of the times, was then in great demand. This was more than a single suit of armor, though forged by no fabled god of the fire. It was a Yankee blacksmith: one who gave his own right hand to the war, and himself, became the panoply of a whole region. The entire chivalry of the South, of Georgia and the sister Carolinas, took direction by the flaming edge of his sword, and marched with him to victory and to triumph." The speech on this Resolution, occupied more than six hours in the delivery, and as a whole, it excels all others made by Mr. Burges on the Tariff Question. Rhode-Island, in the course of the discussion, was accused of threatening a dissolution of the Union. "Rhode-Island," said he, in reply "Rhode-Island threaten to dissolve the Union ! Never, Sir, until by some convulsion of nature she may be plucked out from the refreshing bosom of salubrious skies and perennial waters, and cast down in that burning region where the 'dog star rages; where 'sultry Sirius sears the sandy plains; where the thirsty inhabitant pants, each for individual and independent dominion. With Rhode-Island, Sir, this Union was a holy marriage covenant, and for better for worse, until God da part you.' "Rhode-Island, Sir, would rather mingle and blend her light with this constellation of States, than be any 'bright and particular star, shining or blazing in the solitude of her own peculiar firmament." There is no point more prominent in Mr. Burges's character, than his strong and ardent attachment to New-England. It is not strange that he should possess such feelings, and on all proper occasions express them. New-England is a hallowed and cherished spot. It is here, that the first blow of the Revolution was struck-here the first drop of blood was spilled; the treasure of her citizens, was generously proffered to sustain the struggle; the prayers of thousands were breathed for a safe deliverance; and when it came, gratitude and joy filled all hearts. He remembers those perilous times, and is proud of the spirit manifested by the people. It is the spot, too, where he was born, and where his children are sleeping, and where are the graves of his fathers. Who must not love a land, endeared by such associations? P CHAPTER IX. Mr. Burges is re-elected to Congress. -Chief Justice Eddy. -Aspect of Parties. -Speech on the Amendment to the Appropriation Bill.-Dinner to Mr. Burges from his Constituents.-He Addresses them. His Oration at Providence. Extracts. His Oration before one of the Literary Societies at Providence. Extracts. A CONVENtion assembled in one of the towns of RhodeIsland, in July, 1829, to nominate a candidate for Representative to Congress, in opposition to Mr. Burges. The gentleman selected by that Convention was Samuel Eddy. As we have seen, Mr. Burges was first chosen in preference to him, in 1825. At this period, (1829,) Mr. Eddy was Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Rhode-Island. By his intelligence, unbending integrity, and general reputation, he was deemed the most powerful, as also unexceptionable candidate, that could be selected in opposition to Mr. Burges. Few political controversies have been more animated than that preceding this election. The friends of Chief Justice Eddy, represented him as unfavorable to the American System, and other great questions, with which the security and prosperity of the State were intimately blended. The people, however, had tried Mr. Burges four years, and were satisfied with his services. Accordingly, he was re-elected by the largest vote ever known in the State; having received a majority in every town except two. From the character and influence of his opponent, the vigorous measures pursued to defeat his election, and the novel aspect of political parties at that time, this result could not but gratify the feelings of Mr. Burges, and make him more jealous of his opinions and duties. A marked event had occurred in our national history, since the election of Representatives in 1827. For the first time, a man was selected for his exploits as a military chieftain, to con trol the affairs of our civil government. Fears were entertained of his principles, and the rules of conduct by which he might act. A very large minority had protested against his claims, and labored with an honest zeal to secure the re-election of Mr. Adams. The will of the people, however, was in favor of General Jackson, and he had been inaugurated President of the United States. This was the first election in Rhode-Island since his inauguration; and the first under the new aspect of parties. When, therefore, Mr. Burges resumed his seat as a Representative from Rhode-Island, he felt confidence in the course he had hitherto pursued; and gained instruction from the original fountain of power, as to his future course. From the beginning, he had been a resolute opponent of President Jackson's pretensions; and now, he was especially obligated to scrutinize every measure originating with him, or his friends in Congress. During the session of 1829-30, many exciting questions of a party character were debated. Sickness prevented Mr. Burges from speaking on any of them; even from attending the House, until the last week preceding the adjournment. At the next session, however, he distinguished himself by a Speech on the Appropriation Bill. Mr. Stanberry, of Ohio, moved to amend the clause in the General Appropriation Bill for 1831, appropriating salaries to Foreign Ministers, by striking out the word Russia, and substituting forty-five for fifty-four thousand dollars. The ground of this motion was, that the United States were not represented at the Court of Russia, nor was it probable that they would be for some time: an appropriation, therefore, was not necessary, and the same should be stricken from the Bill. Mr. John Randolph had been appointed in the year 1830, by the President of the United States, as Minister to Russia. The President, in his annual Message to Congress, informed them that the health of Mr. Randolph was so delicate, that he had been compelled to leave his post "for the advantage of a more genial climate;" and added, “when his health is such as to justify his return to St. Petersburg, he will resume the discharge of his official duties." The mover of this amendment contended, that Mr. Randolph did not and could not reside in Russia; that if he received the salary, the House would pay him for a constructive residence; and that if his public services demanded compensation, it should be voted directly, not indirectly. The amendment and remarks of Mr. Stanberry, occasioned a long, animated and interesting discussion. Several gentlemen from Virginia, Mr. Cambreleng of New-York, Mr. Wayne of Georgia, and others, opposed the amendment. The talents, public services, and moral worth of Mr. Randolph, were eulogized; and his removal to a more favorable climate, excused, because he could not bear the extreme severity of a Russian winter. On the other hand, it was contended by Mr. Mallary, and others, that our situation was delicate as regarded the European Powers-that it was necessary to have a Minister at the Court of Russia, to hold intercourse with the Emperor-to meet him face to face, and to explain our mutual relations. Mr. Randolph's abandonment of his mission was further justified by the example of the late Rufus King; who, on his way from Liverpool to London, remained a short time at Cheltenham. Mr. King, however, was not accredited at the Court of St. James. He did not even tarry at Cheltenham, until the Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Canning, had assured him that Ministers were then leaving London, for the summer vacation; and that the interests of the United States would not be endangered by his visit at Cheltenham. Mr. King's reputation as a patriot, diplomatist, and gentleman, exemplary in all his relations, was a sufficient guarantee for his faithful performance of public duties. Not so with Mr. Randolph. He was known as a wayward man, possessed of no qualifications for such a mission: it was acknowledged that his health was impaired, and from his habits he was unfitted for patient investigation of national interests. His appointment, therefore, under such peculiar circumstances, was condemned. On the thirteenth of January, Mr. Burges addressed the Committee, on the proposed amendment. It was known on the preceding day, that he intended to speak; and the House was |