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النشر الإلكتروني

France, under the infpection and controul of the military agents, to whom it fhall be accountable.

VI. The municipal adminiftrations are alfo retained in all the communes of Lombardy.

VII. The municipal affembly exifting at Milan, compofed of thirteen members and a fyndic, is alfo provifionally retained under the name of the municipality of the town of Milan.

VIII. The commandant of the fort of Milan fhall be prefident of the municipal council, and fhall exercife in it a military police, and alfo all the functions delegated by the French laws to the commandants of forts in a ftate of fiege.

IX. The members compofing the municipality of Milan are Francois Vifcanti, Antoine Caccianini, Galeas Serbelloni, Felix Laticada, Charles Bignami, Antoine Corbetta, Fidele Sopranfi, Gatean Porro, Pierre Verri, Jofeph Violtini, Jean Baptifte Sommarina, Paul Sangiorgio, Antoine Crefpi, Cæfar Pelagata, Charles Ciani, Charles Parea.

X. The acts and deliberations of all the authorities created or preferved by the prefent decree, fhall be in the name of the French Republic.


Buonaparte, Commander in Chief of the Army of Italy, to his Brothers in Arms, dated Head Quarters at Milan, Prairial 1, (May 20.)

SOLDIERS, you have precipitated yourfelves like a torrent from

the heights of the Appenines; you have routed and difperfed all who have oppofed your progrefs: Piedmont, delivered from Auftrian tyranny, difplays its natural fentiments of peace and friendship for France. Milan is our's, and the Republican flag flies over all Lombardy. The Dukes of Parma and Modena owe their political exiftence to your generofity. The army that with fo much pride threatened you, has no barrier of protection againft your courage: the Po, the Teffin, the Adda, have been unable to ftop you a fingle day; thofe boafted bulwarks of Italy have been infufficient to delay your progrefs; you have furmounted them as rapidly as you paffed the Appenines. So much fuccefs has carried joy to the bofom of our country; your reprefentatives have ordained a fête, dedicated to your victories, which will be celebrated in all the communes of the Republic. Your fathers, your mothers, your wives, your fifters, your lovers, will enjoy your fuccefs, and boaft with pride that they belong to you. Yes, foldiers, you have done much; but does there remain nothing more to be done? Though we have known how to vanquish, we have


not known how to profit of our victories. Pofterity will reproach us with having terminated our courfe in Lombardy; but already I fee you run to arms; a flothful repofe fatigues you. Let us depart! We have yet forced marches to make, enemies to fubdue, laurels to gather, injuries to revenge. Let thofe tremble who have whetted the poniards of civil war in France, who have bafely affaffinated our minifters, and burnt our fhips at Toulon: the hour of vengeance and retribution is near at hand. But let the people remain tranquil; we are friends to all the people, and more particularly the defcendants of Brutus, of Scipio, and the great inen we have taken for our models. Re-eftablish the capitol, and place there, with honour, the ftatues of the heroes that rendered it celebrated: awaken the Roman people, debased by many centuries of flavery: fuch will be in the fruit of your victories; they will form an epoch for pofterity; you will have the immortal glory of changing the face of the finest country in Europe. The free French people, refpected by the whole world, will give to Europe a glorious peace, which will indemnify them for the facrifices they have made during fix years; you will then return to your homes, and your fellow-citizens will fay, fhewing you, this man was of the army of Italy.



The Deputies of the People D'Albe, to Citizen Buonaparte, General in Chief of the French Army, to procure Liberty to Italy.



IKE Frenchmen we with to be free. To live under no king or tyrant of any title. We wish for civil equality, and that the feudal monfter fhould be thrown to the ground.

For this purpose we have taken up arms at the approach of your victorious troops, and we come to implore your affiftance, to break the chains which have for a long time retained us in bondage.

Worn down by the yoke of iron which preffes on our heads, we never fhould have been able to fucceed in relieving ourselves. Always courageous, and yet always debafed, we have lived in expectation of the happy moment of your arrival.

Oh! moft delightful moment! The time is at length arrived. Here are Frenchmen, our brothers and our friends; in our arms, in our houses, they are willing cordially to partake of our joy, to ratify our vows, and to fly with us to the deftruction of the infamous throne of the tyrant Victor.

The proclamation to the people and clergy of Piedmont and Lombardy, and to the Neapolitan and Piedmontefe

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troops, prove to you our republican fpirit, and the right which we have to a well-founded reliance on your generous protection.

Citizen General, behold all Italy extending forth its arms to your embrace, and calling you its deliverer. In giving it the bleffings of liberty, you grant to this beautiful part of Europe its greateft luftre; your name will be rendered glorious and immortal in its hiftory.

Our fons, and our lateft pofterity, will have it engraved in their heart; and they will not have in their mouth a name more dear thax that of General Buonaparte.


Refpect, fafety, and fraternity,

JEAN ANTOINE, Ramea of Verfeil,
Deputed commiffaries.

Brefcia, 10 Prairial, (May 29).

Buonaparte to the Republic of Venice.

T is to deliver the finest country in Europe from the iron yoke of the proud house of Austria, that the French army has braved obftacles the most difficult to furmount. Victory, in union with juftice, has crowned its efforts. The wreck of the enemy's army has retired beyond the Mincio. The French army, in order to follow them, paffes over the territory of the Republic of Venice; but it will never forget, that antient friendship unites the two Republics. Religion, government, cuftoms, and property, shall be refpected. That the people may be without apprehenfion, the moft fevere difcipline fhall be maintained. All that may be provided for the army fhall be faithfully paid for in money. The general in chief engages the officers of the Republic of Venice, the magiftrates, and the priests, to make known thofe fentiments to the people, in order that confidence may cement that friendship which has fo long united the two nations faithful in the path of honour, as in that of victory. The French foldier is terrible only to the enemies of his liberty and his government.




The general of divifion, chief of the etat-major of the army of Italy.




By General Buonaparte, Commander in Chief of the Army of Italy, to the People of the Milanefe.


'HE nobles, the priests, and the agents of Auftria have misled the people of thefe fine countries; the French army, as generous as it is powerful, will treat with fraternity the peaceable and tranquil inhabitants; but they will prove as terrible as the fire of heaven to the rebels, and the villages which protect them.

Art. I. In confequence, the commander in chief declares as rebels, all the villages which have not conformed to his order of the 6th Prairial. The generals fhall march against such villages the forces neceffary for fubduing them; fetting them on fire, and fhooting all thofe taken with arms in their hands. All the priests and nobles who remain in the rebel communes, fhall be arrested as hoftages, and fent into France.

II. Every village where the tocfin fhall be founded, fhall be inftantly destroyed. The generals are refponfible for the execution

of this order.

III. Every village on the territory of which any Frenchman fhall be affaffinated, fhall be fined in a fum amounting to a third part of the contribution they pay annually to the Archduke, unless they make known the affaffin, arreft him, and fend him to the French army.

IV. Every man found with a mufquet, and ammunition of war, fhall be immediately fhot by the order of the general commandant on duty.

V. Every field wherein fhall be found concealed arms, shall be condemned to pay one-third more than its actual revenue, by way of amends. Every house in which shall be found a musket, shall be burnt, unless the proprietor declares to whom such musket belongs.

All the nobles, or rich people, who fhall be convicted of having stirred up the people to revolt, whether by difmiffing their domeftics, or by defigns against the French, fhall be arrested as hoftages, fent into France, and the half of their eftates confifcated. BUONAPARTE.


10 Prairial, (29th May).


Jued by General Buonaparte, on the 16th Prairial, (June 4).

A MISLED multitude, who have no real means of resistance, proceed in feveral communes to every kind of excess, refuse

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to acknowledge the Republic, and menace the army that has triumphed over fo many kings. This infanity is deferving of pity. It will conduct the people to their deftruction.

The general in chief, faithful to the principles of the French nation, which makes not war upon the people, is ftill defirous of leaving a door open to repentance. But thofe who, after a delay of twenty-four hours, do not lay down their arms, and take a new oath of fidelity to the French Republic, fhall be treated as rebels, and their villages fhall be burnt. The terrible example of Binafco ought to open their eyes. The fame fate threatens every village and every town that fhall remain obftinately rebellious.

Extract of a Letter from the Commissioner of Government with the Army of Italy, to the Executive Directory, dated 10th Prairial (May 3), fourth Year of the Republic.


THE army in entering Lombardy, by the defeat of the Aufrians, had no reafon to expect to be obliged to reprefs the people themselves; the teftimonies of joy which it met with must have made it conceive other hopes: fuch, however, has been its difagreeable fituation. We have, however, fortunately to announce to you a refult no lefs prompt than favourable.


was informed, on the 5th, by General Defpinoy, who commanded in the town, that in the fuburbs of Milan, towards Pavia, fome commotions began to appear; that the people were gathering, and that forces were fent to difperfe them. The rebels made. an attempt to difarm thefe troops; many in this attempt were killed or wounded, the reft fled, and order was restored.

In the night I was informed, that fimilar difturbances had taken place at Vareza, as well as at Pavia and Lodi : that in fome parts of the country the alarm bell was founded, to excite the people to arms that this revolt, which feemed to have combinations, was fomented by the priefts and nobles, who roufed the people to rebellions, in order to affaffinate the French: that the garrifon, which was ftationed in Pavia, had been difarmed; and that on the road fome armed peasants had murdered paffengers and perfons employed by the administration.

I had no hesitation in judging, that it was neceffary inftantly to reprefs this effervefcence; I gave orders for the arreft of fome perfons fufpected by their principles, and their attachment to the Grand Duke. Thefe meafures, feconded by the active exertions of General Defpinoy, fecured the tranquillity of Milan.

I haftened to inform General Buonaparte of what was paffing. He immediately came to Milan, and we repaired together to Pa-

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