Changing Addictive Behavior: Bridging Clinical and Public Health StrategiesJalie A. Tucker, Dennis M. Donovan, G. Alan Marlatt Guilford Press, 15/02/2001 - 387 من الصفحات This volume proposes that prevailing clinical approaches to treating addictive behaviors are actually best suited to a minority of the population with problems--in the case of substance abusers, those with substantial functional impairment and physical dependence. But what about persons with mild to moderate addictive behavior problems, for whom intensive treatment may prove unnecessarily costly, disruptive, and stigmatizing? Or those substance abusers who are unable or unmotivated to abstain, but want to reduce the harm associated with drug use? Contributors draw upon cutting-edge theory and research to examine ways that traditional therapeutic treatments can be supplemented by public health interventions that extend the reach and effectiveness of care. Timely and pragmatic, the book points the way toward necessary evolutions in the roles of behavior change specialists in today's challenging health care environment. |
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النتائج 1-5 من 35
الصفحة 8
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الصفحة 27
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الصفحة 30
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الصفحة 31
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الصفحة 34
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Reformulating The Addictive Behavior Change Process | 3 |
From Hindsight to Foresight A Commentary on Project MATCH | 45 |
Public Health Perspectives on Access and Need for Substance Abuse Treatment | 67 |
Resolving Alcohol and Drug Problems Influences on Addictive Behavior Change and HelpSeeking Processes | 97 |
Motivation for Behavior Change and Treatment among Substance Abusers | 127 |
Critical Perspectives on the Transtheoretical Model and Stages of Change | 160 |
Behavioral Economics as a Framework for Organizing the Expanded Range of Substance Abuse Interventions | 191 |
Expanding The Range of Behavior Change Initiatives | 221 |
Brief Interventions for Alcohol and Drug Problems | 251 |
Potential Contributions of the Community Reinforcement Approach and Contingency Management to Broadening the Base of Substance Abuse Treat... | 283 |
Increasing the Impact of Nicotine Dependence Treatment Conceptual and Practical Considerations in a SteppedCare Plus TreatmentMatching Approach | 307 |
Stepped Care for Alcohol Problems An Efficient Method for Planning and Delivering Clinical Services | 331 |
Evaluation of Substance Abuse Treatment Programs in the Era of Managed Care The Role of CostBenefit Analysis | 344 |
367 | |
379 | |
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
Abrams abstinence addictive behavior change Alcohol Abuse alcohol and drug alcohol dependence alcohol problems Alcoholics Anonymous alcoholism treatment analysis approach assessment behavior change process behavioral economic Bickel brief interventions British Journal clients cocaine conceptual costs DiClemente disulfiram drinking drug abuse drug problems effects efficacy evaluation factors follow-up goal harm reduction Heather help-seeking Higgins individuals Institute of Medicine involved Journal of Addiction Journal of Studies Marlatt ment mental health methadone MH/SA Miller motivation Motivational interviewing National Institute nicotine outpatient participants patients patterns population problem drinkers Prochaska psychiatric psychotherapy reduce relapse role seek help self-change self-efficacy self-help smoking cessation Sobell social stages of change stepped-care strategies Studies on Alcohol substance abuse treatment theory therapist therapy tion transtheoretical model treat treatment entry treatment outcome treatment programs Tucker variables Velicer Vuchinich War on Drugs Weisner York Zweben