صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

payment of

d, or into the ports of Wales, or into the port of Berwick Wales, and Tweed, any wheat, wheat flour, rye, rye meal, barley, barley Berwick upon al, oats, and oatmeal, pease and beans, and the fame thall and Tweed, on be refpectively delivered to the proprietor or proprietors the low duof, on payment of the duties commonly called The Low ties. , and none other; any law or ftatute to the contrary in wie notwithstanding.

X. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That as often Wheat, &c. ny wheat, or wheat flour, rye, peafe, beans, barley, beer, imported on or oats, fhall be imported, on payment of the duties com- the low duy called The Low Duties, into any of the ports where the which might ties, and , if imported at a time when the higher duties were payable, have been t by law have been lodged and fecured under the joint locks warehoufed the King, and the importer or proprietor, fuch corn, grain, under the Sour, fhall, if the fame fhall be required by the importer or may be fo higher duties, etor thereof, be landed from on board the ship or veffel in warehoufed, prefence of the proper officer or officers, and after a due ac- &c. thereof taken by the proper officer of the customs shall be diately lodged and fecured, under the joint locks of the , and the importer or proprietor of fuch corn, grain, or , in fuch warehouse or warehouses as fhall be for that purprovided, at the fole expence of the faid importer or protor, with the approbation and under the care and inspection the commiffioners of the customs, or any three or more of , or the collector and comptroller of the customs for the where fuch corn, grain, or flour, fhall be imported, there be kept, and not delivered or taken out of fuch warehouse or retoufes, but in the fame manner, and under the fame condias,fecurities, regulations, rules, restrictions, and penalties, as are ided in the faid act pafled in the thirteenth year of his prefent ty's reign, refpecting corn, grain, or flour, lodged and red under the joint locks of the King, and the importer or


customs and

XI. Provided also, and be it further enacted, That if any Wheat, &c. at, or wheat-flour, rye, pease, beans, barley, beer, bigg, or which has , hall have been hitherto imported on payment of the duties been legally monly called The Low Duties, and fhall have been landed warehoufed imported, and a on board the fhip or vessel in which the fame was imported under the the prefence of the proper officers of the customs, and fhall locks of the e been by fuch officer or officers immediately lodged and officer of the ared in a warehoufe or warehoufes, under the joint locks of the importer, nor them, and of the importer or proprietor, fuch wheat, may be deat-flour, rye, pease, beans, barley, beer, bigg, or oats, fhall livered under confidered as having been warehoufed under the joint locks of the regula tions of 13 King, and the importer or proprietor, according to the direcas of the faid act paffed in the thirteenth year of his prefent efty, and may be delivered and taken out of fuch warehouse warehouses, in the fame manner, and under the fame condias, fecurities, regulations, reftrictions, and penalties, as are ovided in the faid last mentioned act.

XII. And be it enacted by the authority aforefaid, That this


Geo. 3. c. 43

Act to con
tinue in force
till Sept. 29,
1790, and may
be altered,
&c. in the
prefent feffion.

act fhall continue in force until the twenty-ninth day of Septemb one thousand feven hundred and ninety; and may be altere varied, or repealed by any act or acts to be made in this prefe feffion of parliament.


An act for granting an aid to his Majefty by a land tax, to be raised Great Britain, for the fervice of the year one thousand seven hundr and ninety.—4s. in the pound in England, to raise 1,989,6731. 78. 10d. 1 in Scotland, 47,954l. 18. 2d.-Total 2,037,6271. 98. od. 1q.


An act for continuing and granting to his Majefty certain duties upc malt, mum, cyder, and perry, for the service of the year one thoufar feven hundred and ninety.-i Geo. 3. c. 3. continued till June 24, 179


An act for taking off the duties upon unwrought tin exported to any the countries beyond the Cape of Good Hope.

From March 1, 1790, no duty of cuftoms to be payable on unwrought ti exported to any place beyond the Cape of Good Hope, provided bond t given for landing it beyond the Cape. Such bonds thall be discharged o a certificate from the fupercargo of the Eaft India company, if landed i China; or from the governor, or two of the council, if landed in th company's fettlements; or from two principal merchants, if beyond th Cape of Good Hope where the company have no fettlement; which cer tificate to be produced to the collector or comptroller of the customs i England in thirty months.

CA P. V.

An act for continuing the term of fo much of an act, made in the twenty third year of the reign of his present Majefty, (chap. 18.) as relates t the rendering the payment of creditors more equal and expeditious i that part of Great Britain called Scotland.—Continued till May 15, 1791


An act for punishing mutiny and desertion; and for the better payment o the army and their quarters.- Number of forces 17,448, including 1,620 invalids.


An act for the regulation of his Majesty's marine forces while on fhore.


An act to amend two acts, made in the twenty-eighth year of the reign of
his prefent Majefty; the one intituled, An act for regulating the trade
between the fubjects of his Majefty's colonies and plantations in North
America, and in the Weft India islands, and the countries belonging to
the united states of America; and between his Majefty's faid fubjects.
and the foreign islands in the West Indies; and the other intituled, An
act to allow the importation of rum, or other fpirits, from his Majesty's
colonies or plantations in the Weft Indies, into the province of Quebec,
without payment of duty, under certain conditions and reftrictions.
28 Geo. 3. c. 6. recited. In cafe of emergency, the governor of Quebec,
with the confent of the council, may authorife the importation by fea or
coaft wife of neat cattle, &c. from the united states, by British fubjects, in
British built fhips, &c. 28 Geo. 3. c. 39. recited. Lumber, &c. exported
under the recited act (except white oak ftaves) to be of the produce of
Quebec. Goods forfeited inay be feized by officers of cuftoms, or com

ma lers

manders of the King's fhips, or any officer fpecially authorised by them; to he recovered and applied to the cuftoms, either in this kingdom, or in North America, or the West Indies, as the cafe may happen. Commencement of act May 1, 1790.


As at for defraying the charge of pay and cloathing of the militia, in that part of Great Britain called England, for one year, beginning the ty-fifth day of March one thousand seven hundred and ninety.Continued annually.

CA P. X.

En al for the better support of the dignity of the speaker of the house of commons; and for disabling the speaker of the house of commons for the time being from holding any office or place of profit, during pleasure, under the crown.

Moft gracious Sovereign.

WE your Majefty's most dutiful and loyal fubjects, the com- Preamble.

deliver to the

mons of Great Britain, in parliament affembled, being defrous of making provifion for enabling the speaker of the house of commons for the time being more effectually to fupport the dignity of the faid office, and the expence neceffarily attending the fame; and having refolved that, for that purpose, the lords commiffioners of the treasury should be authorised to direct, from time to time, a fum to be iffued at the exchequer, which, together with the fees and allowances of five pounds per day, now payable on account of the faid office, may amount to the clear yearly fum of fix thousand pounds, do therefore most humbly befeech your Majefty that it may be enacted; and be it enacted by the King's most excellent majefty, by and with the advice and confent of the lords fpiritual and temporal, and commons, in this prefent parliament affembled, and by the authority of the Eme, That the fecretary of the speaker of the house of commons The speaker's for the time being, or fuch other officer or perfon as the speaker fecretary to fhall appoint, fhall, as foon as conveniently may be after the ex- treafury, at piration of the quarter ending on the fifth day of April one thou- the times and feven hundred and ninety, deliver to the lord high treasurer, herein menor commiffioners of the treafury for the time being, an account, tioned, an acfgned by the speaker of the houfe of commons, of the fees which fees received, hall have been received on account of the fpeaker of the house and fums due commons, between the twenty-fifth day of December one thou- or received of fnd feven hundred and eighty-nine, and the twenty-fifth day of the allowance March one thousand seven hundred and ninety; and alfo an ac- out of the to the speaker count of such sum as shall have been received, or which fhall be civil lift. due and payable at the receipt of his Majesty's exchequer, out of his Majefty's civil lift revenues, on the allowance of five pounds per day ufually made to the speaker of the house of commons for the time being, for the fame period; and that the fecretary of the speaker of the house of commons for the time being, or fuch other officer or perfon as the speaker shall appoint, fhall also, leven days at least before the expiration of the quarters ending


count of the

If the fees,

and the fum received or due to the

fpeaker from

be carried to the account of the next

on the fifth day of July, the tenth day of October one thoufar feven hundred and ninety, and the fifth day of January one thou fand feven hundred and ninety-one, deliver a like account of th fees which fhall have been received on account of the speaker the house of commons, and of the fum which shall have been re -ceived, or which fhall be due and payable on the allowance five pounds per day, as aforefaid, between the twenty-fifth da of March and the twenty-fourth day of June, between the twenty fourth day of June and the twenty-ninth day of September, an between the twenty-ninth day of September and the twenty-fift day of December one thousand feven hundred and ninety refpec tively, and fo in like manner in every fucceeding quarter.

II. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, Tha if at any time the amount of the fums received under the head o fees, and of the fum which fhall have been received, or fhall b due and payable at the receipt of his Majefty's exchequer, on the the civil lift, allowance of five pounds per day, within any of the faid periods within any of for which the accounts hereby directed to be delivered in are re the periods before-men- quired to be computed, fhall exceed the clear fum of one thou tioned, fhall fand five hundred pounds, fuch excess fhall be carried to the ac exceed 1,500l. count to be delivered in previous to the next enfuing quarter, a the excels to fo much money received by the speaker of the house of commons to be added to the feveral receipts under the head of fees, or fum: received or due and payable at the exchequer as aforesaid, within quarter, &c. the period of the faid next enfuing account; and if at any time the amount of the fums received under the head of fees, and which shall have been received, or fhall be due and payable a the receipt of his Majesty's exchequer, on the allowance of five pounds per day, within any of the faid periods, for which the ac counts hereby directed to be delivered in are required to be com puted, together with fuch excefs as shall be brought forward, in the manner herein directed, from any preceding account, fhall exceed the clear sum of one thousand five hundred pounds, fuch laft-mentioned excefs fhall also in like manner be carried forward to the account to be delivered in previous to the next enfuing quarter.

If the fees

lift, for the quarter ending April 5, 1790, fhall be

III. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That and allowance if, at the expiration of the quarter ending on the fifth day of from the civil April one thousand seven hundred and ninety, the whole amount of the fums which shall have been received by the speaker of the house of commons on account of fees, together with the fum which shall have been received, or which thall be due and payable on the allowance of five pounds per day as aforefaid, between deficiency to the twenty-fifth day of December one thoufand feven hundred and be made good eighty-nine, and the twenty-fifth day of March one thousand from the fup- feven hundred and ninety, fhall be less than the clear fum of one plies for 1790; thousand five hundred pounds, it fhall and may be lawful for the

lefs than 1,500l. the

lord high treasurer, or the commiffioners of the treafury for the time being, or any three or more of them, and they are hereby authorised, impowered, and required, by warrant under their hands, to direct the auditor of the receipt of the exchequer for


the time being to make forth and pass debentures for paying to the speaker of the house of commons for the time being, or to his order, out of any of the aids or fupplies which fhall have been granted for the fervice of the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety, fuch fum and fums of money as fhall, together with the fans received by the fpeaker of the houfe of commons, or which fhall be due and payable to him on account of the period which the faid account is directed to be computed, make up the clear fum of one thousand five hundred pounds.

IV. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That and thereafter if at any future time the whole amount of the fums received by from the conthe fpeaker of the houfe of commons, or which fhall have been folidated fund. brought to his account, in the manner herein-before directed, within any of the faid periods for which the accounts hereby diacted to be delivered in are required to be computed, fhall be lefs than the clear fum of one thoufand five hundred pounds, it hall and may be lawful for the lord high treasurer, and the commioners of the treasury for the time being, or any three or more ef them, and they are hereby authorised, impowered, and required, by warrant under their hands, to direct the auditor of the receipt of the exchequer for the time being to make forth and pafs debentures for paying to the speaker of the house of commons for the time being, or to his order, out of the duties and revenues which compofe the fund, commonly called The Confolidated Fund, fach fum and fums of money as fhall, together with the fums which fhall have been received by the fpeaker of the houfe of commons, or which fhall be due and payable to him, or which hall have been brought to his account, within any of the faid periods as aforefaid, make up the clear fum of one thousand five hundred pounds.

of the confo

to have preference, &c.

V. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That After prepayments fhall be made out of the faid confolidated fund, vious approer paying, or referving fufficient to pay, all fuch fum and priations out ms of money as have been directed by any former act or acts lidated fund, of parliament to be paid out of the fame, but with preference to the payments other payments which fhall or may hereafter be charged upon, under this act or payable out of fuch fund; and fuch warrant and debenture, to be made forth and paffed thereon, fhail be a fufficient authoty to the feveral and respective officers of the receipt of the exhequer for the time being, for the payment of fuch fum and ms of money to the speaker of the house of commons for the me being; and that the receipt of the fpeaker of the houfe of mmons for the time being fhall be a fufficient difcharge for the fame.

VI. And be it further enacted, That the feveral fum and fums Payments out
directed by this act to be iffued to the speaker of the of the confo-
Loafe of commons, for the purpose of completing the clear fum lidated fund
of one thousand five hundred pounds, fhall be free and clear from alt taxes.
taxes, impofitions, and other publick charges whatever; and

that the fpeaker of the houfe of commons for the time being fhall
De free and clear of all taxes, impofitions, and publick charges, -


to be free from

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