صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

from the or ders of per

fons herein specified.

Treafury to deliver to the exchequer a copy of the register of

the birth of nominees, and certifi

cates of their

pames, &c.

hereby required, out of the feveral degrees, orders, or focieties of perfons hercin-after mentioned, to felect, in the manner herein directed, fuch and fo many nominees as fhall be neceffary to carry into execution this prefent act; (that is to fay) Such perfons refpectively as are or fhall be peers of Great Britain, or of Ireland, or the children or grand children of fuch peers respectively; or are or fhall be baronets of England or Scotland respectively, or lords of manors in England or Wales, or perfons who are named in the commiffion of the peace for any county or riding in England or Wales, or their children; or are or fhall be fpiritual perfons, refpectively promoted to any bishoprick, deanry, archdeaconry, prebend, or other dignity in any cathedral, or other church, or beneficed with any parfonage, vicarage, or donative in England, or a fellowship in any college or hall of either of the univerfities of Oxford or Cambridge; or are or fhall be for the time being governors of the hofpital of the Charter Houfe, in the county of Middlefex, or governors and guardians of the hofpital for the maintenance and education of expofed and deferted young children, commonly called The Foundling Hofpital, or the prefident, treasurer, or governors of the hofpital commonly called Chrift's Hofpital; or fuch perfons refpectively who are or fhall be duly registered in the books of The Amicable Society for Infurance on Lives in Serjeant's Inn, Fleet Street, and whofe names, places of abode, and ages refpectively, fhall be fully fet forth in fuch regifter; and all and every fuch perfon and perfons refpectively, who fhall be appointed nominees by the faid commiffioners of the treafury, or any three of them, at any time or times on or before the tenth day of October one thousand seven hundred and ninety, out of the orders, degrees, or focieties of perfons above mentioned, or any of them, fhall be deemed and adjudged to be nominees, during whofe lives refpectively there fhall be referved, for the ufe of the publick, at the faid receipt of the exchequer, annuities to be attended with benefit of furvivorship at and after the refpective rates, and at the times in the faid act mentioned, as fully and effectually as if fuch nominees had been appointed under and by virtue of the faid former act.

XIV. Provided always, and be it further enacted by the authority aforcfaid, That before fuch nominees, or any of them, fhall be entered in the book of the faid auditor, the faid commiffioners of the treasury, or fome perfon or perfons to be by them appointed under this act, fhall deliver to the faid auditor a true copy of the register of the birth or baptifm of every fuch nominee, and alfo a certificate of the fame, under the hands of the minifter of the parifh or place where fuch regifter fhall be kept, or of the churchwarden or overfeers, or other principal inhabitants of fuch parish or place, or any two of them, thereby certifying the fame to be a true copy of fuch regifter; and alfo a certificate under the hands of the minifter of the parish or place where fuch nominee fhall refide, or of the churchwardens or overfeers, or other principal inhabitants of fuch parifn or place, or any three or more of them, thereby certifying the name, furname, and place of abode, of fuch nominee; and in cafe any fuch nominee shall be registered

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in the books of the faid amicable fociety, then the faid commiffioners of the treasury, or the perfon or perfons aforefaid, fhall alfo deliver to the faid auditor a certificate, under the hands of two or more of the directors or governors of the faid fociety or company, thereby certifying the name, furname, place of abode, and age of every fuch nominee, together with fuch other apt defcriptions to afcertain the person of every fuch nominee as may appear in the books of the faid fociety or company; and which copies and cer- Copies of retificates aforefaid the refpective minifters, officers, directors, or gifters, &c. to be given upon governors, or other perfons aforefaid, are hereby refpectively re- application quired and enjoined, upon application in writing, to deliver to the from the treafaid commiffioners of the treafury, or to the perfon or perfons to fury. be appointed by them, at fuch times refpectively as the faid commiffioners of the treafury, or any three of them, fhall direct; and Appointment any appointment in writing, under the hands and feals of the faid of nominees commiffioners of the treasury, or any three of them for the time in writing by being, of any such person or perfons as aforefaid, duly certified in to be fufficient manner herein mentioned, to be a nominee or nominees by virtue warrant for of this act, fhall be a fufficient warrant to the proper officers in admitting the office of the auditor of the faid receipt, and alfo in the office fuch nomiof the clerk of the pells feverally, for admitting every such person to be a nominee in the proper clafs of nominees according to the directions of the faid act, and for entering the name, furname, place of abode, and age of every fuch perfon as a nominee in the book and books to be kept for that purpose, according to the directions of the faid act; and the faid auditor is hereby required to enter the fame accordingly, and alfo the particular clafs in which each fuch nominee ought to be placed by virtue of the said act, and the annuities to be referved for the ufe of the publick in refect of fuch nominees refpectively, according to the true intent and meaning of this act.

XV. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid,

nees, &c.

to whom fuch

That the faid commiffioners of the treasury for the time being, Treafury to or fome perfon or perfons to be appointed by them under the au- tranfmit halfthority of this act, fhall half-yearly, during the continuance of any yearly a lift fe or lives fo nominated and appointed as aforefaid, tranfmit to to the places the feveral parishes and places in Great Britain, where any fuch where they renominee or nominees fhall refide, a lift of all the nominees ap- fpectively repointed under this act refiding in fuch parish or place; and alfo to fide, &c. the directors or governors of the faid fociety a lift of all fuch nominces registered in the books of the faid fociety; and the re- Minifters, &c. pective minifters, officers, or other perfons aforefaid, of the re- lifts fhall be pective parishes and places to which fuch lifts fhall be tranfmitted, tranfmitted, and the directors or governors of the faid fociety refpectively, fhall, to return to half-yearly, (that is to fay) Before the fifth day of April, and the the treafury enth day of October, in each year, on fuch days and times refpec- certificates of tively as the faid commiffioners of the treafury, or any three of the nominees them, fhall direct, return to the faid commiffioners of the treafury, then exifting, or the perfon or perfons to be appointed by them as aforefaid, "a &c. certificate, under the hands of fuch minifters, officers, or other perfons, or of any two of them, or under the hands of fuch direc


tors, or any two of them refpectively, thereby certifying the lives. of all and every the nominees appointed by the faid commiffioners of the treasury which fhall then fubfift; and also the deaths of fuch nominees which fhall have come to their knowledge respectively, or of the removal of fuch nominees, or any of them, from fuch Exchequer to parish or place, as the cafe may require; and the certificates cerfet apart, for the ufe of the tifying the lives of the faid nominees, being filed at the office of publick, the the auditor of the faid exchequer, fhall be a fufficient warrant for fetting apart and referving at the faid receipt, to the use of the publick, the half-yearly payments which fhall arife or grow due, or fhall have arifen and grown due, in refpect of the faid nominees fo certified, according to the true intent and meaning of this act, and which certificates fhall not be chargeable with any stamp duty.

half-yearly payments on

the lives of nominees fo certified.

If nominees

be in the

army a cer

officer, if in the navy of the admiralty, and if at the univerfity, &c.

XVI. Provided always, and be it further enacted by the autho rity aforefaid, That if at the time when any half-yearly payment fhall become due, any fuch nominee or nominees appointed by the tificate of the faid commiffioners of the treafury fhall be in the fervice of his commanding Majefty, his heirs or fucceffors, in his Majefty's land forces, or navy, it fhall and may be lawful to produce to the faid auditor, for the purposes aforefaid, a certificate of the lives or deaths of fuch nominees, under the hands of the refpective officers commanding the regiments or corps, where fuch nominees fhall serve or have of the mafter, ferved, or under the hands of two or more of the commiffioners of &c, to be fuf- the admiralty or navy for the time being, as the cafe may require; and in cafe any fuch nominee or nominees fhall be refident at either of the faid univerfities, or at any school, or other feminary of learning, then, and in fuch cafe, it fhall be lawful to produce the like certificate, under the hand of the principal rector, warden, or mafter of the college, hall, school, or other feminary aforesaid, in which fuch nominees fhall be respectively refident; which certificates being filed with the faid auditor, fhall be likewife a fufficient warrant for fetting apart and reserving at the said receipt of exchequer the faid half-yearly payments, in refpect of such nominces, in the manner and to the ufes herein-before directed.


20, 1790, auditor to

certify to the treasury, the

number of perfons who Thall have

XVII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, Immediately That the faid auditor of the receipt of the exchequer fhall, on or after Sept. immediately after the twentieth day of September one thoufand seven hundred and ninety, certify to the commiffioners of his Majefty's treafury, or the lord high treasurer for the time being, the number of perfons which fhall have been then appointed to be nominees under the faid act, and the names of fuch nominees refpectively, and the particular claffes in which the faid nominees been appoint- are to be or fhall be placed, and the whole number of shares deed nominees, pending upon the lives of all the nominees appointed within each clafs refpectively; and the faid commiffioners of the treasury, or the lord high treafurer for the time being, fhall, and they are hereby required, in the appointment of nominees on the part of the publick, as herein-before directed, to diftribute the number of feveral claffes nominees, and of fhares depending on the lives of fuch nominees, in proportion among the feveral claffes of the tontine, in the fame proportion


Treafury to

diftribute their nominees in the

in which the number of nominees appointed by the feveral con- to the nomitributors, and the number of fhares depending on the lives of fuch nees of the nominees, fhall appear, by the certificate of the auditor herein- contributors. before required, to have been diftributed among the faid claffes


fhall be afcer

fes, written


XVIII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the names of all perfons of any of the defcriptions herein- Names of perbefore enumerated, whofe refpective ages and places of abode fons whofe fhall be afcertained by the commiffioners of the treafury, or the ages, &c. lord high treasurer for the time being, at any time on or before tained by Sept. the twentieth day of September one thoufand feven hundred and 20, 1790, to ninety, fhall be diftributed according to the refpective ages of fuch be diftributed perfons into fix claffes, correfponding to the feveral claffes directed into fix clafby the faid act of the laft feffion of parliament, and written or on diftinct printed on diftinct pieces of paper, being all as near as may be of pieces of paequal fize, and rolled up in the fame manner; and fhall, on fome per, put into fix boxes, day between the faid twentieth day of September and the tenth day and drawn of October one thousand seven hundred and ninety, to be appointed out till a fuffi by the faid commiffioners of the treasury, or any three or more of cient number them, or by the lord high treasurer for the time being, (whereof be drawn to notice fhall be given in the London Gazette), be put into fix boxes, fill up the according to the fix feveral claffes in which the fame shall have of nominees been diftributed, and being there fhaken together fhall, in the pre- appointed on fence of the faid commiffioners of the treasury, or three of them the part of at the leaft, or the lord high treasurer for the time being, and alfo the publick, the deputy governor of the bank of England, be publickly drawn &c. out of the faid fix boxes in their order, beginning with the first clafs, and fo fhall continue until a fufficient number of names in each clafs fhall be drawn out of the faid boxes, to fill up the proportion of nominees to be appointed on the part of the publick in each fuch clafs, according to the provifions of this act; and which names fo drawn fhall in fuch claffes be prefently entered into a book or books to be provided for that purpose, and the perfons whofe names fhall be fo drawn, and none other, fhall be appointed and duly certified to the faid auditor of the faid receipt of the exchequer as the nominees nominated on the part of the publick in purfuance of this act; any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding.

fident natives of Great Bri

XIX. Provided always, and be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That it thall not be lawful for the faid commif- None but refioners of the treasury to nominate or appoint any person to be a nominee for the publick, by virtue of this act, other than a native tain to be noof and refident in Great Britain at the time of fuch nomination; minees for the any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding. publick XX. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That Auditor, in in the account to be made up half-yearly in the office of the faid the half-yearly auditor of the deaths of nominees that are come to the knowledge deaths, &c. to of the faid auditor, and of the perfons who have made default in keep diftinct their annuities, as by the faid act is directed, and alfo in the lift the nominees or schedule to be published yearly in purfuance of the faid act, the appointed by faid auditor fhall fet down diftinctly, and in different columns, the

accounts of

the treasury from the no names minees ap

pointed by the names and ages of fuch nominnes as were or fhall be appointed contributors, by the faid commiffioners of the treasury in pursuance of this act,


Out of the


fund, the treasury to difcharge all

expences attending the execution of this act.

No fee to be

taken for con-
verting life
into annu-
ities for a
term of

years, on pe

and the names and ages of such other nominees as were appointed by the several contributors aforefaid in pursuance of the said former act; and also fhall fet down and diftinguish therein the different annuities payable to the feveral contributors aforesaid in pursuance of the faid act, and the annuities to be reserved at the faid receipt for or in refpect of fuch nominees who shall be living, which were or shall be appointed by the faid commiffioners of the treasury, and also the amount of the faid refpective annuities payable to the faid contributors, or to be referved as aforefaid.

XXI. Provided always, and be it enacted by the authority aforefaid, That out of any monies compofing the fund called The Confolidated Fund, the commiffioners of the treafury, or any three or more of them, or the high treasurer for the time being, fhall have power to discharge all fuch incident charges as fhall neceffarily attend the execution of this act, in fuch manner as to them or him fhall feem mect, juft and reasonable; and also shall have power to make, out of the faid confolidated fund, fuch allowances as fhall be judged reasonable for the fervice, pains, and labour of the faid cafhier or cafhiers for receiving, paying, and accounting for the faid annuities payable by virtue of this act, and alfo for the fervice, pains, and labour, of the faid accountant general for performing the trufts hereby repofed in him; all which allowances to be made as aforefaid, in refpect of the fervice, pains, and labour of any officer or officers of the faid governor and company, fhall be for the ufe and benefit of the faid governor and company, and at their difpofal only.

XXII. And be it further enacted, That no fee, reward, or gratuity whatsoever fhall be demanded or taken of any of his Majefty's fubjects, for converting the intereft of any perfon or perfons of or to any life annuities, or any of them, into certain interests for terms of years in pursuance of this act, or for paying the faid annuities, or any of them, or for any transfer of any fum to be nalty of 201. made in purfuance of this act, upon pain that any officer or perfon offending, by taking or demanding any fuch fee, reward, or gratuity, fhall, for every fuch offence, forfeit the fum of twenty pounds to the party aggrieved, with full cofts of fuit, to be recovered by action of debt, bill, plaint, or information, in any of his Majefty's courts at Westminster, wherein no effoin, protection, privilege, or wager at law, injunction, or order of restraint, or any more than one imparlance, fhall be granted or allowed.

Perfons forging or

XXIII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That if any perfon or perfons fhall forge, counterfeit, or alter, or caufe or procure to be forged, counterfeited, or altered, or knowaltering cer- ingly or wilfully act or affift in the forging, counterfeiting, or altering any indorsement or writing on the back of any certificate or certificates, made out as is herein-before mentioned by the cafhier or cashiers of the bank of England, or any receipt or receipts to be given, or any certificate or certificates to be made out by the auditor of the receipt of his Majefty's exchequer in purfuance

fificates, &c. guilty of felony.

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