fuance of this act; or shall wilfully deliver to the faid governor and company of the bank of England, any fuch forged, counterfeited, or altered certificate or certificates, knowing the fame to be forged, counterfeited or altered, with intent to defraud his Majefty, his heirs and fucceffors, or any body or bodies politick or corporate, or any perfon or perfons whomfoever; or fhall forge or counterfeit, or caufe or procure to be forged or counterfeited, or knowingly or wilfully act and affift in forging and counterfeiting any letter of attorney, or other authority or inftrument to transfer or affign any principal fum or fums placed to the credit of any person or perfons whomfoever in the books of the bank of England, as herein-before mentioned, or any part of such sum or fums, or to receive any fuch annuity or annuities, dividend or dividends as aforefaid, or any of them, or any part thereof, or of any of them; or fhall forge or counterfeit, or caufe or procure to be forged or counterfeited, or knowingly and wilfully act and affift in forging or counterfeiting the name or names of any of the proprietors of any of the faid principal fums, annuities, or dividends, or any part thereof, or of any of them, in or to any fuch pretended affignment or affignments, inftrument or authority, or fhall knowingly and fraudulently demand, or endeavour to have any such principal fum or fums, or any part thereof, or of any of them, or any fuch annuity or annuities, dividend or dividends, or any part thereof, by virtue of any fuch counterfeit or forged letter of attorney, authority, or inftrument, or fhall falíely and deceitfully perfonate any true and real proprietor or proprietors of any of fuch principal fums as aforefaid, or of any part thereof, or of any fuch annuity or annuities, dividend or dividends as aforefaid, or of any part thereof, and thereby affign or transfer, or endeavour to affign or transfer, the faid principal fums, or any of them, or any part thereof, or of any of them, or thereby receive, or endeavour to receive, the faid annuity or annuities, dividend or dividends, or any of them, or any part thereof, or of any of them, with intent to deceive and defraud his Majefty, his heirs or fucceffors, or any body or bodies politick or corporate, or any perfon or perfons whatsoever; or if any perfon or perfons fhall with the like intent forge, counterfeit, or alter, or caufe or procure to be forged, counterfeited, or altered, or knowingly or wilfully act or affift in the forging, counterfeiting, or altering, any regifter or registers of the birth of any perfon or perfons to be appointed a nominee or nominees in pursuance of this act, or any certificate or certificates to be given in pursuance of this act; then, and in every or any fuch cafe, all and every perfon or perfons fo offending, and being thereof lawfully convicted, fhall be adjudged guilty of felony, and fhall fuffer death, as in cafes of felony, without benefit of clergy. XXIV. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That if any person or perfons fhall be fued, molefted, or profecuted, for any thing done by virtue or in pursuance of this act, fuch person or perfons fhall and may plead the general iffue, and General iffie. give this act and the special matter in evidence in his, her, or their defence or defences; and if a verdict fhall pafs for the defendant or or defendants, or the plaintiff or plaintiffs fhall difcontinue his, her, or their action or profecution, or be nonfuited, or judgement fhall be given against him, her, or them, upon demurrer or otherTreble cofts. wife, then fuch defendant or defendants fhall have treble costs awarded to him, her, or them, against any such plaintiff or plaintiffs. Preamble. CA P. XLVI. An act for fettling and fecuring a certain annuity for the use of the heirs and defcendants of William Penn efquire, the original proprietor of the province of Pennsylvania, in confideration of the meritorious fervices of the faid William Penn, and of the loffes which his family have sustained in confequence of the unhappy diffentions in America. Letters patent of King Charles 2. to Wm. Penn efq; of the province or state of Pennsylvania. By act of the state of Pennsylvania, Nov. 27, 1779, 130,000l. to be paid to the devifees and legatees of Tho. Penn and Rich. Penn, efqrs. then late proprietors of Pennsylvania, and to the widow of the faid Tho. Penn. For the meritorious fervices of the faid Wm. Penn, an annuity of 4,000l. to be iffued quarterly out of the confolidated fund to William Baker and Andrew Allen, efqrs. in trust for John Penn of Stoke Pogis, and John Penn of Wimpole Street, efgrs.; to commence Jan. 5, 1790. Treafury by warrant to direct the auditor of the exchequer to make forth and pafs debentures for the faid annuity, without any fees. Such warrant not to be determinable on the demife of his Majefty, &c. Officers of the treasury and exchequer to do all neceflary acts without fee. The truftees to convey with all convenient speed the faid annuity to meffrs. Penn in the proportions herein mentioned, &c. viz. 3,000l. to John Penn of Stoke Pogis, and 1,000l. to John Penn of Wimpole Street; and in the mean time to receive the annuity, and pay the fame to the proper parties. Receipt of the trustees, &c. to be a fufficient difcharge for the annuity, which is to be paid free of all taxes, &c. Annuity to be confidered as real property iffuing out of lands in Middlefex, &c. Conveyance of the annuity to be enrolled in chancery, and entered with the auditor of the exchequer. Publick act. Trustees to be anfwerable for their own acts only, and may reimburse themselves their neceffary expences. An act for enabling his Majefty to authorife his governor or lieutenant governor of fuch places beyond the feas, to which felons or other of fenders may be tranfported, to remit the fentences of fuch offenders. HEREAS by feveral orders made by his Majefty, by and with the advice of his privy council in pursuance of authority given to his Majesty in that behalf, by an act paffed in the twenty24Geo.3.c.56. fourth year of his Majesty's reign, (intituled, An act for the effectual tranfportation of felons and other offenders; and to authorife the removal of prifoners in certain cafes, and for other purposes therein mentioned); his Majefty hath declared and appointed, by and with the advice aforefaid, That the ecflern coast of New South Wales, and the islands thereunto adjacent, should be the place or places beyond fea to which certain felons, and other offenders, should be conveyed and tranfported: and whereas feveral felons and other offenders have, in purfuance of the faid act, been conveyed and tranfported to the eastern coaft of New South Wales, or the islands thereunto adjacent, there to remain during the terms or times for which they were fo respectively fentenced to be tranfported by the courts in which they were convicted: and and whereas his Majesty, by and with the advice of his privy council, may hereafter declare and appoint the place or places aforefaid, or fome ther place or places beyond fea, to be the place or places to which other felons and offenders fhall hereafter be conveyed and transported; and fuch felons and offenders may be fo tranfported accordingly: and whereas it would greatly advance the defign of fuch fentences, fo carried into execution as aforefaid, or which may hereafter be paffed and carried execution, that the governor, or (in cafe of his death or abfence) the heutenant governor for the time being of fuch the place or places as firefaid, fhould bave power and authority to remit or fhorten the time r term for which fuch felons and offenders as aforefaid have been or ball hereafter be tranfported, in cafes where it shall appear that fuch felons, or other offenders, are proper objects of the royal mercy; be it therefore enacted by the King's moft excellent majefty, by and with the advice and confent of the lords fpiritual and temporal, and commons, in this prefent parliament affembled, and by the authority of the fame, That it fhall be lawful for his Majefty, his His Majefty, beirs and fucceffors, at all times, by his or their commiffion under under the the great feal of Great Britain, to authorise and impower the great feal, may authorise vernor, or the lieutenant governor for the time being, of such the governor, place or places as aforesaid, or of any of them, by an inftrument or lieutenant in writing, under the feal of the government in which the place governor of or places as aforefaid are or fhall be fituated, to remit, either ab- of New South Wales, &c. to folutely or conditionally, the whole or any part of the time or remit the fenterm for which any fuch felons, or other offenders aforefaid, fhall tences of ofhave been or fhall hereafter be refpectively conveyed and tranf- fenders. ported to fuch place or places as aforefaid; and that fuch inftrument or inftruments fhall have the like force and effect, to all intents and purposes, as if his Majefty, his heirs and fucceffors, had in fuch cafes refpectively fignified his or their royal intention of mercy under his or their fign manual. go. II. And be it further enacted, That fuch governor or lieute- Duplicates of Dant governor as aforefaid fhall, by the first opportunity, tranfmit inftruments to one of his Majefty's principal fecretaries of ftate, a duplicate, tences, to be remitting fenunder the feal of the government, of each and every inftrument tranfmitted to as aforefaid by which the time or term of transportation of any the fecretary fich felons, or other offenders as aforefaid, hath been remitted or of ftate, &c. fhortened; and that the names of fuch felons, and other offenders refpectively, which fhall be contained in fuch duplicates as aforeid, fhall be inferted in the next general pardon which shall pass under the great feal of Great Britain, after the receipt of fuch duplicate or duplicates by one of his Majefty's principal fecre tries of ftate. CA P. XLVIII. An act for discontinuing the judgement which has been required by law to be given against women convicted of certain crimes, and fubftituting another judgement in lieu thereof. W HEREAS it is expedient that the judgement which has been Preamble. required by law to be given and awarded against any woman от From June 5, 1790, women convicted of high treason, &c. to be hanged. Women con nishment as perfons con or women in the cafes of high treason, or of petit treafon, fhould be no longer continued: be it enacted by the King's moft excellent majefty, by and with the advice and confent of the lords fpiritual and temporal, and commons, in this prefent parliament affembled, and by the authority of the fame, That from and after the fifth day of June one thousand feven hundred and ninety, the judgement to be given and awarded against any woman or women convicted of the crime of high treafon, or of the crime of petit treafon, or of abetting, procuring, or counselling any petit treafon, fhall not be, that fuch woman or women fhall be feverally drawn to the place of execution, and be there burned to death; but that fuch woman or women, being fo convicted as aforefaid, fhall be feverally drawn to the place of execution, and be there hanged by the neck until fhe or they be feverally dead; any law or ufage to the contrary thereof in anywife notwithstanding. II. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That victed of petit if any woman or women fhall be convicted of the crime of peti treafon, &c. to be liable to treafon, or of abetting, procuring, or counselling any petit treathe fame pu- fon, then and in every fuch cafe, fuch woman or women fhall be fubject and liable to fuch further pains and penalties as are particularly fpecified and declared with refpect to perfons convicted of wilful murder, in an act paffed in the twenty-fifth year of the reign of King George the Second, (intituled, An act for better pre2. venting the horrid crime of murder); and the court before whom any fuch woman or women fhall be convicted, fhall pass fentence at fuch time, and shall give fuch orders with respect to the time of execution, the difpofal of the convict's body after execution, and all fuch other matters and things as are directed to be given by the faid act, with refpect to perfons convicted of wilful murder. victed of wilful murder, as fpecified in act 25 Geo. C. 37. Majefty may If, on June 5, III. And be it further enacted, That if, on the fifth day of June 1790, any wo-one thousand seven hundred and ninety, any woman or women, man shall be having been convicted of the crime of high treafon, or of the under fentence to be crime of petit treafon, fhall have had judgement to be burned to burnt, his death, the execution of which fentence fhall then remain to be done, it fhall and may be lawful for his Majefty, if he fhall think proper, by warrant under the hand of one of his Majefty's principal fecretaries of ftate, to alter fuch fentence, and to order, inftead thereof, that fuch woman or women fo attainted as aforefaid fhall, in execution of fuch judgement, be hanged by the neck until fhe or they fhall be feverally dead; any law to the contrary thereof notwithstanding. order her to be hanged. Women con victed of high treafon, &c. to be liable to the like for IV. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That whenever any woman or women fhall be convicted of the crime of high treafon, or of the crime of petit treafon, or of abetting, procuring, or counfelling any petit treafon, and judgement fhall feitures, &c. be given thereon according to the directions of this act, then, and as heretofore. in every fuch cafe, fuch woman or women, being fo attainted of fuch crimes refpectively, fhall be fubject and liable to fuch and the like forfeitures, and corruption of blood, as they feverally would have been in cafe they had been feverally attainted of the like crimes before the paffing of this act. CAP CA P. XLIX. Aat to impower juftices, and other perfons, to vifit parish workhouses or poorhouses, and examine and certify the state and condition of the par therein to the quarter feffions. tices, &c. may WHEREAS the laws now in being for the regulating parish Preamble. workhoufes or poorhoufes have been found in certain inftances deficient and ineffectual, efpecially when the poor in fuch houses are filed with contagious or infectious diseases, in which cafes particular attention to their lodging, diet, cloathing, bedding, and medicines, is requifite; be it therefore enacted by the King's moft excellent majeffy, by and with the advice and confent of the lords fpiritual and temporal, and commons, in this present parliament affembled, and by the authority of the fame, That from and after the twenty- From Sept. ninth day of September one thousand feven hundred and ninety, it 29, 1790 juf fall and may be lawful to and for any of his Majefty's juftices vifit workof the peace, or any phyfician, furgeon, or apothecary, for that houfes, and purpofe authorised by warrant under the hand and feal of any fuch certify the juftice or juftices, or for the officiating clergyman of the parish ftate of the or place, duly authorifed, as aforefaid, at all times, in the day poor to the next quarter time, to vifit any parish workhoufe, or house kept or provided for feflions, &c. the maintenance of the poor of any parifh or place, within the County, riding, liberty, or divifion, wherein fuch juftice or juftices fhall be refident and fhall have jurifdiction, to examine into the ftate and condition of the poor people therein, and the food, cloathing, and bedding of fuch poor people, and the ftate and condition of fuch houfe or houfes; and if upon any fuch vifitation the faid juftice or juftices, or perfons duly authorised as aforefaid, fhall find any caufe or occafion of complaint, that then and in fuch cafe fuch juftice or justices, or perfons duly authorised as aforefaid, fhall, and they are hereby authorised and impowered, if he or they fhall think fit, to certify the ftate and condition of fuch workhoufe or poorhouse, and the ftate of the poor therein, and of their food, cloathing, and bedding, to the next quarter feffions of the peace to be held for fuch county, riding, liberty, or divifion, wherein fuch workhouse or poorhoufe fhall be fituate, under his or their hands and feals refpectively; and fuch juftice or juftices, or other perfons duly authorised as aforefaid, fhall caufe the overseers of poor, or mafter or governor of the faid workhouse or poorhoufe of fuch parish or place, to be fummoned to appear at the the move caufs fame feffions, to answer fuch complaint; and the juftices affembled Juftices at the at fuch quarter feffions, on hearing the parties on any fuch com- quarter fefplaint, fhall and may, and they are hereby authorifed to make fions to refuch orders and regulations, for the removing of any cause of of complaint. complaint contained in fuch certificate as aforefaid, as to them fhall feem meet; and all the parties concerned fhall, and they are hereby required to abide by and perform fuch orders and regulations as fhall be fo made by the juftices at the faid feffions. Il. Provided always, and be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That in cafe any juftice or juftices of the peace, or per- If in fuch viVOL. XXXVII. fons fitation any I |