of the poor fhould be found afflicted with contagious difeafes, &c. applica tion to be made to the justices of the divifion, who are to give order for im mediate relief, &c. fons duly authorised by warrant as aforefaid, fhall, upon any fuch vifitation, find any of the poor in any parish workhouse or poorhoufe afflicted with any contagious or infectious disease, or in want of immediate medical or other affiftance, or of fufficient and proper food, or requiring feparation or removal from the other poor in the faid house, then and in fuch case or cafes, if such visitation fhall be made by a juftice of the peace, it shall and may be lawful to and for fuch justice, and he is hereby directed and required to apply to one or more other juftice or justices of the peace, in the county, riding, liberty, or divifion, and certify to him or them the ftate and condition of the poor in fuch parish workhoufe or poorhoufe; or if fuch vifitation fhall be made by the perfons duly authorised as aforefaid, then and in fuch cafe or cafes it fhall and may be lawful to and for fuch perfons, and they are hereby directed and required to apply to two or more juftices of the peace in fuch county, riding, liberty, or divifion; and thereupon the faid juftices fhall and may, and they are hereby authorised to make fuch order for the immediate procuring medical or other affistance, or of fufficient and proper food, or for the feparation or removal of fuch poor as fhall be afflicted with any contagious or infectious difeafe, in fuch manner as they the faid juftices, under their hands and feals, shall think proper to direct, until the next quarter feffions of the peace to be held in and for the faid county, riding, liberty, or divifion, wherein fuch workhouse or poorhoufe fhall be fituate; at which quarter feffions of the peace the faid two juftices are to certify the fame, under their hands and feals refpectively, to the juftices affembled at fuch quarter feffions, who are hereby authorised and required to make fuch order for the further relief of the poor in fuch parish workhouse or poorhoufe, as to the juftices Expences of affembled at fuch quarter feffions fhall feem meet and proper; and the charges and expences of relieving fuch poor shall be, and is hereby directed to be paid out of the poor's rate of fuch parifh, in fuch manner as the faid juftices affembled at fuch quarter feffions fhall direct. relief to be paid out of the poor's rate. Not to extend to workhoufes regulated by III. Provided always, That nothing herein contained fhall extend, or be conftrued to extend, to any poorhoufe or workhoufe in act of parlia- any district or districts which have been, or may be hereafter incorporated or regulated by any special act or acts of parliament. ibent. CA P. L. An act to continue and amend an act, made in the twenty fixth year of the reign of his prefent Majefty, intituled, An act for appointing commiffioners to enquire into the ftate and condition of the woods, forests, and land revenues belonging to the crown; and to fell or alienate fee farm, and other unimproveable rents. 26 Geo. 3. c. 87, recited. Sir Charles Middleton baronet, John Call and John Fordyce, efqrs. commiflioners appointed, who are to be fworn. The fale of rents, where compofition has not been made with the owners, &c. not to bar his Majefty's right to rents or arrears prior to fuch fale. Where the confideration money to be paid for rents, by the owners of land out of which they iffue, fhall not exceed rol. the conveyance may be on the fame ftamp as the receipt for the confideration money. Powers of act 26 Geo. 3. c. 87, except hereby altered, to continue in full force. Trea fury fury may order 2,000ol. to be iffued to the commiffioners. His Majefty may appoint commiffioners to fupply the place of those who may decline to act, or die. Commiffioners not difqualified from fitting in parliament. Continuance of this act to the end of the next feffion of parliament. CA P. LI. An act for divesting out of the crown the reverfion in fee of and in certain bereditaments, heretofore the eftate of fir Roger Strickland knight, deteafed, in Catterick and Tunftall, in the county of York; and for vefting the fame in the feveral perfons entitled to the faid hereditaments; and for extinguishing and destroying a certain term of one hundred years, for which the faid hereditaments were limited in truft for his late majekty King George the Firft, his heirs and fucceffors. Mary Brathwait, by will dated Feb. 1680, devised her eftates in Catterick to fir Roger Strickland. Indenture, dated March 24, 1681. Sir Roger Strickland attainted of high treafon in 1689, and died about 1717, without fe, by which event his nephew Roger Strickland came into poffeffion of the faid eftates. Indenture dated July 9, 1718. Roger Strickland and his brothers levy a fine in Hilary term, 1725. Roger Strickland died about 1753, and his eldeft fon Roger became entitled to the faid eftates, &c. Agreement for fale of part of the eftate to the earl of Carlisle. Indenture dated Dec. 19, 1760. Roger Strickland died Dec. 23, 1760, without iffue, his brother Robert died 1778, and his brother Simon in 1782, both unmarried, &c. Succeffors in the eftate to Simon Strickland. Indentures of leafe and release dated Feb. the 20 and 21, 1783. Recovery fuffered in Trinity term, 24 Geo. 3. Indentures of leafe and releafe June 4 and 5, 1784. Recovery fuffered in Michaelmas term, 28 Geo. 3. Indentures of leafe and releafe, June 26 and 27, 1787. Death of Mannock Strickland. Opinion of councel, that on failure of iffue male of the firft-named Robert Strickland, the crown will become intitled to the poffeffion of the premises. His Majefty has confented to an act to diveft the crown of the faid right. The reverfion of the eftate devifed by Mary Brathwait, expectant on the failure of iffue male of Robert Strickland, to be divefted out of the crown, and from the paffing of this act vefted in the perfons herein named, for the purpofes herein fpecified. Tunftall Farm vefted in fir John Lawson, in truit under the deeds of fettlement. Three fixth parts of the premifes comprized in the indenture June 5, 1784, to the fame ufes, on the fame rafts. The other three fixth parts contained in the indenture of June 26, 1187, to the ufe of Simon Scroope fen. Simon Scroope jun. and Miles Stapleton, on the fame trufts therein expreffed. Term of 100 years afged by Nevill Ridley to John Harding extinguished. General faving. CA P. LII. An act for improving, continuing, and extending the navigation of the river Oufe, from Lewes Bridge, at the town of Lewes, to Hammer Bridge, in the parish of Cuckfield, and to the extent of the faid parifh of Cuckfeld, and alfo of a branch of the faid river, to Shortbridge, in the parish of Fletching, in the county of Suffex. Incorporation of a company of proprietors. Their names. The company of proprietors of the river Oufe navigation incorporated. Powers of the pany of proprietors. To improve the navigation of the river Ouse, rum Lewes Bridge, in the town of Lewes, in the county of Suffex, through near the feveral parishes of All Saints, St. John's under the caftle, St. Thomas in the cliffe, Southmalling, Hamfey, Ringmer, and Barcombe, to Barcombe Mill, and to make a navigable cut from the faid river through e fewer belonging to fir John Bridger, where timber is now navigated, to Of ham chalk hills, in the faid parish of Hamfey; and to extend the fame Som Barcombe, the parishes of Barcombe, Ringmer, Isfield, Newick, Fetching, Chailey, Horfted, Keynes, Linfield, Ardingly, and Cuckfield, Hammer Bridge, &c. To appoint workmen and officers for that purpofe. To alter the prefent banks of the river; and to make trenches, &c. I 2 through through the adjoining lands; to make bridges, locks, &c. To alter ways and paffages; to convey materials; and manufacture the fame; to alter bridges; and dig chalk, &c. from adjacent grounds; to make towing paths. No cut to be made through Mr. Newton's farm without his confent. No works to be made below Barcombe Mill, to reduce the fall of water under nine feet fix inches in depth. Locks, &c. near Barcombe Mill to be of ftone. Compensation to be given for any cut or canal already made. No lock, &c. to be made between Mighell's New Cut and thirty yards below Hamfey Sewer. Proprietors impowered to purchase lands, and incapacitated perfons to treat. Proprietors to adjuft the proportions of damages to the tenants, &c. Conveyances to be inrolled by the clerk of the peace, and true copies to be evidence. Upon refufal to treat, fheriff or coroner to impannel and return a jury to appear before the proprietors at the time and place appointed by their warrants. Penalty on not returning a jury, 201. Iffues to be returned on jurors not appearing. If a fufficient number of jurors do not appear, fheriff, &c. to return tales. Juftices authorised to fummon witneffes; and to order the jury to view; jury to affefs damages; whofe verdict and judgement to be conclufive. Penalty on witneffes not appearing, or refufing to be fworn, or to give evidence. Produce of lands fold by bodies corporate, &c. to be laid out in purchase of other lands, and fettled to the fame ufes, &c. Verdicts and judgements of the jury to be in writing, and filed among the records of the quarter feffions, and copies to be evidence. Satisfaction being made or tendered, the proprietors may proceed on their works. Proprietors may make a furvey without previous fatisfaction. Purchase money and damages may be recovered from proprietors by action in any court at Weftminfter. If damages and cofts not fatisfied in four months, they may be levied by diftrefs Satisfaction for future damages. Proprietors to pay cofts, if jury give larger da mages than offered; otherwife the owners of the lands to pay the fame. Annual rents chargeable upon the rates. Proprietors may appoint toll ga therers. Tolls, per hundred weight of chalk, lime, dung, mould, foil, compoft for land, timber, planks, firewood, corn or grain ground at Barcombe Mill, or materials for roads conveyed between Lewes Bridge and Barcombe Mill, one halfpenny per mile: and for other goods, zd. per mile per ton: and for dung, &c. carried above Barcombe Mill, id. per ton per mile: and for other goods, 1d. 2q. per ton per mile. Recovery of tolls, by actions or diftrefs. No toll to be taken between Lewes and Barcombe Mill till 500l. be laid out. To prevent impofitions in collecting the tolls, no boatman, &c. to have more than is mentioned, on penalty, not more than 51. nor lefs than 408. Veffels paffing from Lewes Bridge to Land Port or Mighell's New Cut, exempt from toll. Application of the tolls, to expences, and for maintaining the navigation. Proprietors may appoint officers; who are to account upon oath. Officers refusing to account; their goods and chattels may be diftrained for the fum in arrear; and for want of diftrefs may be committed. Perfons wilfully deftroying works, to be punished as felons. Penalty on obftructing the navigation, sl. and not lefs than 40s. or commitment, for not more than a month. Company of proprietors to contribute 25,000l. to be divided into fhares. The money to be divided into thares. Shares vefted in fubfcribers; and made perfonal estate. Proportion of each fubfcriber of profits of the navigation. Every fubfcriber of part to be deemed a proprietor; and may vote by proxy. General meeting of the company of proprietors. Committee to be appointed. Power to hold fpecial meetings. Committee to be subject to the controul of the general meetings. Books of accounts to be locked up. On failure of a fufficient number in the general affembly, no committee shall be appointed, but another meeting held for that purpose. Penalty on proprietors not attending the fecond meeting, tos per share. General affembly to audit and fettle accounts. General affembly and committee impowered to make calls, not to exceed rol. in 1ool. Committee to manage the affairs of the company. Proprietors to pay their calls when required; if not paid within two months, then to forfeit their fhares. No forfeiture to take place, unless declared fuch at a general meeting. General assembly impowered to remove any of the committee or officers, or to revoke any rules, &c.; and to make bye-laws. Executors, adminiftrators, guardians, &c. liable 0 10 pay calls. If a deficiency of affets or executors, &c. fhall not answer als, other perfons may be proprietors of the fhares, on payment of the cy advanced. Proprietors enabled to fell or difpofe of their shares. ter a call is made, no perfon to fell till fuch call is paid. Company of prietors not to begin any works, unless 10,000l. be fubfcribed. A clerk be appointed; who fhall enter the proceedings in a book; and the same entered and figned, may be admitted in evidence. Proprietors may reve the clerk. Additional rates for certain things remaining on the ris longer than twelve months. Masters of veffels to give an account breof, and of their lading. Penalty on refufal, 10s. per ton on goods. alty on giving a falfe account, 206. per ton. Veffels to be weighed in of any difference refpecting the rates. Expences of weighing and during to be paid, if the goods be of the fame or greater weight by the er of the barge, and if lefs, the collector to pay all cofts, &c. The mation and the roads and ways open to all perfons on paying the rates. reffel under ten tons, to país through the locks, without the confent the proprietors. Proprietors reftrained from erecting warehouses, ris, &c. near any capital houfe, or on any garden, &c. without the kat of the owners. Lords of manors, and owners of land, not to be trained from erecting wharfs, quays, &c. within their manors or lands, from landing goods thereat. If fuch lords or owners fhall not (on reg proper notice from the company of proprietors) erect fufficient thoufes, &c. the fame may be done by the company of proprietors, on ing fatisfaction. 6d. per ton fhall be paid for wharfage. Names of mafters to be painted on the veffels. Veffels may be weighed at any at the expence of the company. Graduated figures to be painted on vellels denoting their weight. Penalty for neglect, &c. not above $1. ander 40s. Owners of yeffels accountable for the damage done by er bargemen. Proprietors authorised to make spaces for veffels to turn pals each other. Penalty on bargemen fuffering the water to remain y lock longer than is neceffary, and not properly opening and shutting dgates of the lock, &c. not above $1. nor under 40s. Penalty on perwilfully placing their veffels fo as to obftruct the navigation, not bove los. nor under ss. Veffels funk may be weighed by the company the expence of the owners. Penalty on perfons obftructing, not above bor under 40s.; and on perfons throwing rubbish into the navigation, above 51. nor under 20s.; and on perfons damaging corn, &c. not dove sl. nor under ros. Company may demife the rates for not more three years, by publick bidding, on a month's notice in the newspapers Suflex. Saving the rights of lords of manors, and owners of lands. efervation for commiffioners of fewers. The company may erect bridges, and keep them in repair, at their own charge. Company of proprietors timpowered to make erections or buildings, otherwife than for the pofe of navigation. Duties exempted from taxes. Penalties and fortres how to be recovered and applied, to the use of the company of prietors. Diftrefs not to be deemed unlawful for want of form. Peraggrieved may appeal to the quarter feflions. Perfons giving false dence, to be punished for perjury. If fubfcribers neglect to pay their riptions, they may be fued. Limitation of actions. General issue. Treble cofts. Publick act. CA P. LIII. daat to alter, explain, amend, and render more effectual, feveral acts made for paving, cleanfing, and lighting the fquares, ftreets, lanes, and other places, within the city and liberty of Westminster, and parts adjacent; and for putting certain ftreets therein mentioned, commonly called Optional Streets, under the management of parochial commit. tees, fubject to the controul of the commiffioners appointed by or in Purfuance of the faid several acts; and for removing and preventing nuifances, annoyances, obftructions, and incroachments in the faid ftreets, and other places; and for other purposes. Geo. 3. c. 22. Optional Streets. Optional Streets in the parish of Saint James Weftminster; Bury Street, Charles Street, Panton Square, and 13 Arring Arringdown Street, Tyler Street, Vine Street, Little St. James's Street, and Thatched Houfe Court, Paved Alley, or Little Crown Court, Hol borne and Middle Row, in the parishes of St. Giles, and St George Bloomf bury, and St. Andrew Holborne above the Barrs, and a paffage called Middle Row. Management of other Optional Streets under the commiffioners. For collecting arrears of rates on Optional Streets. Application thereof before March 25, 1790, as the money in the hands of the commiffioners. Perfons having an order from commiffioners, &c. may inspect poors rates Commiffioners and committees to make rates. May appoint collectors, and take fecurity. Commencement of the firft rate March 25, 1790. Houses hereafter to be built, to be rated as other houses, &c. Limitation of rates in Optional Streets in Saint James's parish to two fhillings in the pound. So much of former acts as impowers commiffioners to make rates on Optional Streets, hereby transferred, repealed. For ap portioning the rates on corner houfes in Optional Streets in equal moíe ties, one in each street fronting and abutting. For an equal pound rate on Holborne by the joint committee, as they think competent. If committees neglect to make rates, commiffioners may do it. Monies received by the collector, to be paid into the bank. Bank to pay money drawn for upon them. Collector not to retain more than 1ool. more than 7 days. Commiffioners and committees clerks to keep account of all the receipts and payments. Empty houses fhall be affeffed at one half of the full rates. Under-tenants, &c. liable to the rates. For reimburfing the tenant, to retain what is paid. Not to affect agreements between landlords and te nants. Rates of houfes let to ambassadors, to be paid by the landlords. Publick buildings and walls, &c. fhall be affeffed, at 6d. per ann. per yard fquare. Perfons quitting houfes or premises before payment of the rates, and persons entering in fuch houses or premifes, to be fubject to the pay. ment thereof, for the times of their occupying the fame. Optional Streets accounts to be kept separate from parochial accounts. Rates may be levied by diftrefs; or recovered by action at law. Perfons aggrieved may appeal. Collectors to account on oath; in default to be committed, until true account be made, and such commitment not to discharge his fecurities, or abate or discontinue any action depending. Committees to tranfmit to commiffioners extracts of monies affeffed in October yearly. If any clerk of the committee neglect or refufe to give account, to pay 40s. for the first offence, and 51. for each fubfequent one. Intereft of money, and all other payments, fhall be certified by the committees to the commiffioners. Perfons may recover money certified by the committees, unlefs fome juft caufe to the contrary. Commiffioners fhall not be charged with more money from any parish, &c. than they shall have received from fuch parith. The commiffioners fhall keep feparate accounts of money received from each parish. Bufinefs of the furveyors and inspectors, to view streets as by former acts. Salaries of the commiffioners officers, and the expences of the commiffion, to be paid by order of the commiffioners. Former fecurities to be valid. For entering fecurities in books. Surplus of rates to be applied in reducing the debts. Creditors to be paid by ballot. Notice to be given to the persons whose bonds are to be paid off. Principal not demanded, intereft to ceafe. Power to borrow money at lower intereft, to discharge securities at a higher. Directions for repairing water pipes. Pavior to water company. Penalty on his neglect, for 24 hours 40s. per day, till relaid. Paviors to water companies to tranfimit their names, places of abode, and walk, to the committee. If no regular pavior, notice to be tranfmitted to clerk to water companies. Commiffioners or committees to be reimbursed expences of relaying pavement broken for repairing water pipes, by the treasurer or clerk of the water company. Lift of streets to be tranfmitted to water companies. Bill for relaying pavements for water companies to be delivered in eight months. Property of pavements, lamp irons, materials, &c. vested in commiflioners and respective committees, who may hire ground for depofiting materials. Penalty on wilfully breaking lamps, zos. each. Perfons carelessly or accidentally breaking lamps, to make good the damage. Commiffioners may alter, &c. number and pofition of lamps, &c. or the levels, and form of pavement, &c. Commifoners to account with the committee relating to Optional Streets, and |