صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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ing weight, collectors may weigh veffels. Weight of the lading to be marked on the veffels. Navigation to be free, upon payment of the rates. Power to compel payment of money fubfcribed to be lent. Rates to be affigned for fecuring fuch money. Power to raise a further fum of 14,300l. at intereft, or by granting annuities. Securities may be transferred. If the trustees borrow a further fum than subscribed, a preference fhall be given to the subscribers. Application of the money, to pay annuities, principal and intereft. Mortgages may be paid off by lot, if the truftees think fit. If more money be borrowed than the fum fubfcribed, the fubfcribers not to be paid off till the other money be discharged, unless they defire it. When mortgages and annuities are paid off, rates to be reduced. Lords of manors and land owners may erect warehouses, &c. on their lands; and may take the like rates as taken by the trustees. Commiffioners impowered to fix the rates of freight and porterage. Trustees, in their private capacity, not to be concerned in carrying goods for hire, without confent of commissioners. Trustees may, with consent of the commiffioners, carry goods for hire. Boats to be gauged. Penalty on floating timber, overloading boats, or not fhutting drawbridges; or throwing ballaft into the river, 408. and on obftructing the navigation, ss. an hour. Penalty on opening locks, &c. 51. and not lefs than 40s. Damage done by the boats or crews to be made good. Punishing perfons wilfully de ftroying works, guilty of petty larceny. Truftees may make rules for regulating the navigation. Millers authorised to let off the water for repairing their flood gates or fluices. Rivers not to be under the power of commiffioners of fewers. Right of lords of manors to fisheries referved. Penalty on carrying fishing tackle on board any boats, 51. Land owners may use boats free of the rates, in certain cafes. If boats laden, to pay for ten ton. Trustees impowered to extend the navigation above Stowupland Bridge. Appointment of trustees upon vacancies by the commif. hioners. Meeting of the trustees within five miles of the navigation. Trustees may appoint officers; and fhall take fecurity from their treasurer and collectors. Victuallers not to hold places of profit under the act. Officers to account. Penalty on refufal, may be committed to gaol. Accounts and proceedings of trustees to be entered, and accounts to be annually audited by the commiffioners. In whofe name actions may be brought. Trustees in their private capacities, not liable to any debts, &c. Commiffioners to take an oath. Meetings of the commiffioners. Commiffioners may hold meetings upon emergencies. Meetings to determine difputes, &c. Commiffioners to appoint a clerk. Proceedings of the commiffioners to be entered. Commiffioners may act as juftices. No justice or commiffioner to act where interested, or holding a place of profit under the act. Penalty on trustees and commiffioners acting, not being qualified. Recovery of forfeitures. Diftrefs not deemed unlawful for want of form. Perfons aggrieved may appeal to the quarter feffions, Limitation of actions. General iffue. Treble cofts. Rights of the corpo

tion of Ipswich faved.

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An act for draining, dividing, and inclofing certain moors, commons, or wafte lands, called Edington, otherwife Burtle Moor, Eaft Heath, Weft Heath, and Clyde Batch, within the hamlet of Edington, and parish of Moorlinch, in the county of Somerset.

Commiffioners, Thomas Davies, Samuel Kingdon, and John Silke. New commiffioners, in the room of any of them dying, or refufing to act, to be elected in one month. Commiffioners not to be interested. Commiffioners to take an oath. The oath, Allowance to commiffioners. Regulations for commiffioners meetings. Notice of meeting. Incroachments made within 20 years to be deemed part of the moors. Commiffioners to perambulate. Claims affecting the boundaries. Time of delivering in claims. Claims not objected to the 2d, 3d, or 4th meeting of commiffioners, to be allowed, and final. Claims objected to, to be examined into by commiffioners. Notice of trial to be given, and allotments suspended. On neglect to proceed to trial, commiffioners to determine.


Penalty on witnelles not attending, commitment to gaol for 6 months. Penalty for giving falfe evidence, fame as perjury. Draining powers into the river Brue, in Somersetshire. Satisfaction for damages done to private property. Survey to be made. Roads 40 feet broad. Appointment of rveyor to repair roads. Parish roads, &c. to continue. For enabling Commiffioners to borrow money. Allotments for fale to defray expences. Application of overplus monies, to be laid out in lafting improvements. Commifoners to account. Allotment in lieu of foil equal to one twenfirth part of the lands undifpofed of. Allotment of refidue of moor qually. Allotment for turbary rights en Weft Heath to be adequate to ht. Allotments to be in bar of right of common. Regulation of the e of copyhold or leafehold allotments. Repair of rhines, ditches, and ther fences. Power to exchange meffuages, farms, &c. Wills, &c. not be prejudiced. Leafes at rack rent, &c. to be vacated. Award. Ap al to feffions. Saving rights of lords of manors. General faving. Pub kat.


An act for more effectually embanking the marsh called Malldraeth and Corfddaugau, in the county of Anglefey, and draining and preserving the fame, and the inclosed low lands contiguous thereto.-See 28 Geo. 3.

C. 71.

hamble recites act 28 Geo. 3. Power to make a further rate upon the arh, and alfo a rate upon fuch inclofed lands as will be benefited by the embankment and drainage of the marsh. Commiffioners impowered to enter upon the inclofed lands, to ascertain improved value. Expences of the act. Publick act.


An act for effectually carrying into execution two acts, of the fixteenth and twenty-fifth years of his prefent Majefty, for making and main taining a navigable canal from the Stourbridge navigation to the Birmingham and Birmingham and Fazeley canal navigations, in the coun ties of Worcester and Stafford.

#Geo. 3. c. 66. 25 Geo. 3. c. 87. Power to raise 10,1ool. upon the proprietors. Power to recover fubfcriptions by action at law. Proprietors may hold 35 fhares. If fractions of fhares be affigned to trustees, ey may act as proprietors. Intereft to be paid to the new proprietors per cent. When the extenfion is complete, a further fum may be borrowed, and the rates affigned as a fecurity. Form of affignment. Affignments may be transferred. Form of transfer. Intereft to be paid prior to dividends. Power to open communications with coal and other mines near the canal. Claufe in the 16 Geo. 3. reftraining the making reervoirs on Penfent Chafe, or on the fouth-eaft fide of a boundary leading from Knowle Brook Houfe, in the parish of Dudley, repealed. Expences of the act. Publick act.


An act for authorifing and enabling the right honourable George earl of Mount Edgcumbe, and Reginald Pole Carew efquire, to establish and maintain a common ferry over and across the river Tamer, between a certain place north of Plymouth Dock, in the parish of Stoke Damarel, in the county of Devon, and Torpoint, in the parish of Antony Saint Jacob, otherwife Antony in the Eaft, in the county of Cornwall.

The earl of Mount Edgcumbe and Reginald Pole Carew efq; authorised eftablish a ferry, as mentioned in the title of the act, and to remove obftructions, &c. Paffengers in the ferry to pay the following tolls: for hot paffengers each id.-Horfes, mules, or affes, laden or unladen, ad. Carriages drawn by one horfe, &c. 18. 6d. By 2 horfes, 2s. 6d.-By 4 horfes, 5 s.-For an hearse, 108. 6d. For carts drawn by 1 or 2 horses, 6d-By-3 or 4 horfes, ss.-By cattle each, with perfon attending, 6d.


-For a calf, and do, 2d.-For a hog do, 2d.-For a fcore fheep, 11d.For a fcore hounds, 5d.-An hogfhead of beer, or other liquor, 6d.Other goods, per ton, 6d.-Corn and grain, per bag, 1-2d.-Hampers, pots, or crooks, per pair 1-2 d.-To pay double on Sunday. Power of diftrefs. Ferry not to ply before four in the morning, and after ten at night, between March 24, and Sept. 29; and before fix in the morning, and eight in the evening, between Sept. 28, and March 25. Penalty for defrauding the ferry, 208. Exception in favour of the office of ordnance. Penalty on finking or damaging any boat or veffel, &c. befides damage, sl. and not lefs than 20s. Masters and owners answerable for damage done to fhips, &c. Acts to be deemed wilful and negligent injuring ferry boat. Perfons not to obftruct the ferry. No perfon liable to damages for landing at other than the regular landing places. Ferry boats may ply at North Corner. Property, &c. of the ferry vefted in the earl of Mount Edgcumbe and Mr. Carew. Ferry not to be rated. Distress not to be deemed unlawful for want of form, &c. Perfons aggrieved may appeal to the quarter feffions. Saving the rights of the prince of Wales. Limitation of actions. General iffue. Treble cofts. Publick act.


An act for paving, cleanfing, lighting, and widening the ftreets, lanes, and paffages; for removing and preventing encroachments, nuisances, and annoyances; and for regulating the porters and drivers of carts, within the borough of Truro, and part of the adjoining parishes in the county of Cornwall.

Meeting of the commiffioners: to defray their own expences. When commiffioners die new ones to be chofen. Number of commiffioners not to be less than 60. Qualification of commiffioners, 20l. per ann. or 500l. Oath. Commiffioners may act as juftices. Proceedings of the commif fioners to be entered in proper books to be kept for that purpose. Commiffioners to appoint officers, and required to take fecurity from their treasurer. Property of the pavements, &c. vefted in the commiffioners, who may order the streets to be paved, cleanfed, and lighted. Power to get materials. Penalty on obftructing the works, 20s. Pavement not to be altered without the confent of the commiffioners, or 7 of them. Power to provide lamps. Penalty on accidentally damaging lamps, &c. to pay damage. Commiffioners are empowered to contract for paving, cleanfing and lighting the streets. Surveyors to infpect the works. Scavengers duty. Inhabitants to fweep the pavement before their houses. No perfon to carry away any foil, except the fcavengers. Perfons at liberty to keep or difpofe of for their own ufe, dung, &c, made or kept in their houfes or yards. Penalty not to extend to rubbish occafioned by erecting. or repairing any building. Scavengers may lodge dirt in vacant places in the ftreet, with the commiffioners confent Regulations touching the emptying of bog-houses. Penalty on caufing annoyances in the streets, 10s. befides other penalties by law. No carriage, to be left in the street. Commiffioners may remove nuifances and annoyances. Power to take down the bow windows now erected. Expence of moving figns, &c. to be paid by the owners. Houses, &c. to be built or new fronted, to be made to rife perpendicularly. Nuisances to be removed. Limiting the number of horfes drawing on the new pavements, fame as turnpikes, and wheels regulated. Names of the streets to be fet up, and the houses to be numbered. For regulating the porters and carmen, and the carriages to be used by them. Commiflioners authorised to lay affeffments for defray. ing the expences attending the execution of the act, not above is. 6d. per pound. Buildings not fubject to be affeffed while unoccupied. Power to recover the affeffments by diftrefs and fale. Commiffioners empowered to borrow money upon the credit of the rates, not exceeding 1,000l. Money borrowed on the rates to be charged with intereft on the rates. Application of the monies raised for payment of money borrowed with intereft, and then for repairs, &c. Commiffioners to caufe their accounts to be ftated annually. Surplus money to be placed in a banker's hands.


Commiffioners not perfonally answerable for contracts, &c. The act not to difcharge the commiffioners from payment of the rates. No action to be difcontinued on account of the death of the treasurer, Directing the recovery and application of penalties. Inhabitants may give evidence. Inhabitants difcharged from ftatute work when ftreets are new paved. Jurifdiction of the mayor, &c. extended to Kenwyn, Calenick, and Clement Streets. May treat for the purchase of houfes, &c. Incapacitated perfons empowered to fell and convey. If fuch perfons refufe to treat, &c. a jury to be fummoned. Jurors may be challenged. Verdict of jury, &c. to be binding, and to be registered. Sheriff, &c. neglecting his duty, may be fined fol. Compenfation for premises held for life or long terms of years. On payment of purchase money, premises to be conveyed; on default thereof, or if any difpute in the title, the purchase money to be placed out for the ufe of the perfons intitled thereto. Purchase money for premifes is fettlement to be laid out to the like ufes. Market house and Middle Row to be pulled down, and laid into Fore Street. Market that may be built to be confidered as a publick market. County rates to continue to be raised in Kenwyn, Calenick, and Clement Streets. Right of the corparation to hold fairs referved. Appeal to the quarter feffions. Perfons training not to be deemed trefpaffers on account of defect in proceedings. No plaintiff to recover after tender of amends. Proceedings not to be removed by Certiorari. Limitation of actions. General issue. Treble cofts. Publick act.


An act for preferving the works made for fupplying the town of Bradford, in the county of York, and part of the township of Horton, in the parifh of Bradford aforefaid, with water; and for the more easy recovery of the rents for the faid water, and to enable the proprietors thereof to borrow money for the improving fuch works.

From the spring at North Bierley. Proprietors incorporated by the name of The Company of Proprietors of Bradford Works. For laying the water into houfes in Bradford and Horton. Pavement injured by laying down pipes, to be made good. No pipe to be affixed, &c. without the confent of the proprietors. For afcertaining the rents to be paid for water. Houfes under 31. per ann. 2s.—above 31. and not 61. per ann. 68.-of 10l. per ana. Ios. under 151. per ann. 15s. above 151. and not more than 20l. per ann. 11.—above 20l. per ann. 11. 5s.—Inn of rol. per ann. 11.-do of 15l. per ann. 11. 10s.-do of 20l. per ann. 21.-above 201. per ann. 31. Brewers and other trades to be charged additional rents for water. Occupiers of houfes under 31. to pay no more than 2s. Perfons paying water rents, c. not to gain fettlements. Penalty on perfons taking water, not having agreed with the proprietors for it. Pipes may be taken away from perfons not paying the rent, or letting the water run wafte. In café of fire, water may be taken without making any fatisfaction. For recovery of water rents not paid when due and demanded. Water rents exempt from all taxes or rates. Rents to be divided among proprietors, &c. Punishing perions damaging or destroying works, to forfeit 20s. and not under 58. Informations, &c. to be before one juftice. Diftrefs not unlawful for want of form. Form of conviction. Appeal to quarter feffions. Proceedings fot to be quashed for want of form. Act not to affect agreements made with owners of lands through which the water is conveyed: The proprietors impowered to borrow 2,000l.; and to affign the water works as a ecurity. Form of affignment. Grants and affignments to be entered with the clerk; and may be transferred. Form of transfer. Intereft to e paid half-yearly. General faving. Publick act.


An act for establishing a chapel at Ramfgate, in the parish of Saint Lau rence, in the Ifle of Thanet, in the county of Kent, as a chapel of ease to the church of the fame parish.


Ground and chapel vefted in Mr. Harvey, Mr. Fagg, and Mr. Holman; upon trust to be used as a chapel of eafe to the church of St. Laurence. Chapel to be for ever a chapel of eafe to the church of St. Laurence. A eurate to be licensed to officiate in the chapel. Trustees to nominate a temporary curate during a vacancy in the curacy of the chapel. Curate made liable to the penalties of non-refidence. His duty defcribed, to read prayers twice every Sunday, and to adminifter the facrament as the law requires, and read prayers every Wednesday and Friday from Lent to Michaelmas, and all faints days, and preach twice every Sunday, except on fa crament days. Trustees to make allowance to the curate out of the profits to be made by letting out pews. Clerk, and fervants of the chapel, to be appointed. Truftees to make profit by letting out the pews, and to keep the chapel in repair. Truftees to receive the rents of pews, upon truft to keep the chapel in repair, and to divide the remainder in ftated proportions. New truftees to be elected, in cafe of vacancy by death, or otherwife. Trustees to be anfwerable for their own acts. Exemption from parochial rates. Legal eftate of the ground and chapel to defcend to heirs, according to common law. Saving the rights of the archbishop and archdeacon of Canterbury, and of the vicar and parish clerk of St. Lau rence. General saving. Publick act.


An act to enable the company of proprietors of the canal navigation from Leeds to Liverpool, to vary the line of the faid canal navigation; and to raife a further fum of money for the purpose of compleating the faid canal navigation; and for other purposes.

Act 10 Geo. 3. c. 114. for making the Leeds and Liverpool canal from Leeds Bridge through the township of Leeds, and through the feveral townships, parishes and hamlets of Holbeck, Wortley, Armley, Bramley, Calverley, Ecclefall, Idle, Shipley, Bingley, Morton, Silfden, Kild wick, Farnell, Bradley, Skipton, Sterton, Thorlby, Gargrave, Bank Newton, Marton, Coats, Barnolfwick, and Salterford, in the county of York, and Foulridge, Coln, Marfden, New Laund, Filley Clofe, Padiham, Simonftone, Read, Whalley, Billington, Salisbury, Clayton, Ofbaldifton Balderftone, Samlibuy, Cuerdale, Walton, Cuerden, Farrington, Leyland, Ulnefwalton, Ecclefton, Mawdefley, Bifpham, Wrightington, Parbold, Newburgh, Latham, Burfcough, Scarifbrick, Halfal, Down Holland, Lydiate, Aughton, Maghull, Melling, Aintree, Netherton, Ford, Litherland, Bootle and Kirkdale, in the county of Lancafter, to the North Lady's Walk, in the town or port of Liverpool, and from thence to communicate with the river Merfey. And for completing the faid navigation, the com. pany might raise 260,000l. and if not fufficient 60,000l. more. 23 Geo. 3. c. 47. for incorporating the river Douglas navigation with the Leeds and Liverpool. Proprietors impowered to make a deviation from the original line, and to complete the canal from Marsden, Pendle Foreft, Ightenhill Park, Gowthorp otherwife Gawthorp, Padiham, Hapton, Altham, Clayton, and Harwood otherwife Great Harwood, until the fame fhall communicate with the original intended canal at Nab or Banks Wood, in the township of Great Harwood. Company may enter lands for that purpofe; and may erect buildings, and do other works. Breadth of the canal and towing path at Dean Clough in Harwood, not above 110 yards in breadth. Powers of former acts to extend to the deviation hereby authorised to be made. Company not to erect any other buildings, or do any other acts than what they are authorised to do by the former acts. Two parts of the plan and book of reference to be certified by the speaker. Čanal to be made pursuant to the plan and book of reference. Names of land owners not being in the book of reference, to be no prejudice in making canal. Water not to be taken out of the river Aire, nor out of the streams flowing into the faid river above Gargrave bridge. After the head level of the canal is navigable, Howden brook to be turned into the river Aire. Water not to be taken out of the river Ribble. Company not to take any water into the deviating cut from the river Henburn. Company not to


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