صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

of the rent. Rates how to be levied where houses are let to several families, &c. to be paid by the landlord. Saving to landlords. Perfons to pay only for the time occupying. Empty houfes not to be rated. Not to affect agreements between landlords and tenants. Payment of the rate not to gain a settlement Money loft by infolvency or otherwife, new rate to be made. Recovery of rates. Summons by a juftice, and on nonpayment to be levied with cofts by diftrefs and fale. For recovery of rates from perfons quitting the premifes, rated on the parish. Power to fue for rates, penalties, and fines. Perfons aggrieved by the rate may appeal to the truftees. Money to be raised by annuities, or at 5 per cent. interest. Trustees to raise any fum not exceeding 12,500l. Money to be raised on the credit of the act. Annuities how charged and paid, out of the rates. Receipts and orders for payment of annuities to be given. Annuities affignable. Annuities how recoverable, in 3 mənths, with interest and cofts; and if not paid in 20 days, annuitant to have the fame power as the truftees. Books to be kept of annuities, &c. Separate account to be kept of rates. All receipts, payments, and minutes of contracts, &c. to be entered in a book, &c. Collectors to account; and pay the money in their hand: over to the trustees. Collectors, &c. neglecting to account, may be com mitted. Treasurer, collector, &c. dying or becoming a bankrupt, execu tors or affignees to pay the money. Cofts of this act to be paid. Diftref not to be deemed unlawful for want of form. Penalties and forfeitures to be recovered and applied to the purposes of this act. Proceedings not to be vacated for want of form. General appeal to quarter feffions. Limi tation of actions, after 21 days notice, within three months, and to b tried in Middlefex. General iffue. Treble cofts. Publick act.

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An act for taking down the church, chancel, and tower belonging to th parish of Banbury, in the county of Oxford, and for rebuilding the fame. Trustees, the mayor, aldermen, capital burgess, affiftant, and town cler of Banbury, the vicar, churchwardens and others. If truftees die, or r fufe to act, new ones to be appointed by ten truftees. Five truftees ma act. Proceedings to be entered in a book, and figned by the clerk. Qua lification of trustees (except the mayor, &c. and fubfcribers for 501. unless rated to the poor at rol. per ann. Meeting claufes as ufua Clerk, treasurer, &c. to be appointed by the trustees. Rates to be mad on all inhabitants in the parish (except the lands, &c. part of the preben of Banbury, vefted in the bishop of Oxford, and his leffee, and the gle lands and allotment for tythes in Banbury tything, and part of Spit Farm, and the firft vefture of part of North Meadow, the property Francis Eyre, and houfes and lands of the vicar of Banbury) in any fu not exceeding 3s. 6d. per pound per ann. according to the church rates and the money arifing vefted in the trustees for the purposes of this ad and to be collected by the churchwardens in their refpective diftricts, a paid into the hands of the treasurer, and take place from Aug. 1, 179 Rates may continue in force for several years, as long as any money bo rowed is owing. Tenants to pay the whole, and deduct half the rat out of the rent. Not to affect agreements. Rates where houses are to feveral families to be paid by the landlord. Recovery of rates in days, on demand in writing, and fubject to distress and sale of goods, warrant of 2 juftices for the borough of Banbury, or the counties Oxford or Northampton, rendering the overplus to the owner, after d ducting charges. Power to fue for rates above 201. in courts at We minster. Power to borrow money by the trustees, and to affign the ra as a fecurity. Form of affignment. Money to be raised by annuiti Form of grant. Manner of transferring fecurities. Form of transf Churchwardens and collectors to account, &c. Collectors, &c. negle ing to account, may be committed. Church eftates to be fold towa the purposes of the act. Chancel to be taken down. New church, ch cel, and tower to be erected. Directions refpecting taking down mor ments. Allotment of pews to the mayor, aldermen, and capital burgef

and the town clerk and their ferjeants at mace, and alfo to the bishop of Oxford, or his leffees, and the vicar of the faid parish; and for women Coming to be churched, and for schools, and for perfons repairing the church, and thofe fubfcribing 10l. or upwards, for taking down and rebuilding the church, chancel, and tower; and the trustees may fell the reft, or let them, and the rents to go towards defraying the expence, and aid of the rates. Allotments to subscribers to be in claffes. Pews to be numbered. Subfcriptions to be transferrable. Banns may be published, previous to building the church, by the vicar or curate, to be in ar place appointed (with approbation of the vicar) for publick worship, the church is finished. Remedy for recovery of fubfcriptions as trufshall direct, by action in courts at Weftminster. Application of mos railed, firft to charges of this act, and after in taking down the preat church, &c. and in erecting a new one, and paying debt and intereft, and for an allowance to the organist, clerk, and fexton, as truftees think Appeal to quarter feffions. Limitation of actions after 14 days note, in 6 months in the county where the caufe of action thall arife. General iffue. Treble cofts. Publick act.


An act for forming a junction between the Forth and Clyde navigation and the Monkland navigation; and for altering, enlarging, and explaining several former acts passed for making and maintaining the faid navigations.

8 Geo. 3. c. 63. Act 10 Geo. 3. c. 105. Powers to form a junction between the two canals. Powers of former acts continued for that purpofe. Powers of the former act extended to the collateral cut. To conwater into the Monkland canal, and to use the fame as an aqueduct. Monkland canal to be kept in repair by the proprietors. Afcertaining the tonnage of fhips paffing without unloading. Officers to give a copy of the ocket, tranfire, let-pafs, or other clearance, upon being paid for the ame. Afcertaining the quantity of goods on board veffels, and for laying penalty on perfons producing falfe manifefts, treble the amount of the talls How veffels may pafs at reduced rates; the company may reduce the tolls for goods carried on the canal without going through a lock, and to increase the tolls not above 2d. per mile on veffels paffing fhort diances and through locks. Duty of tonnage laid on veffels for ufing the bafon and wharfs: British veffels, per ton, id. foreign veffels, per ton, 2d. timber, per ton, 2d. per month. Goods above 24 hours on the wharfs, per ton, Id. per day. Powers given by the former acts for regulating birthing of veffels, &c. extended to bafons now made or hereafter to be erected. Company empowered to regulate perfons on land employed in the towing of veffels. Tolls may be leafed, Power to plant trees, and to ufe land unoccupied by the canal or towing paths. Former acts continued in force, 8 Ġeo. 3. c. 63. 11 Geo. 3. c. 62. 13 Geo. 3. C. 104. 24 Geo. 3. C. 59. & 27 Geo. 3. c. 55. New powers to continue and complete the Monkland canal to the river Calder. Powers in former acts continued. Powers to raise money, not exceeding 10,000l. Tolls to be lened, not above id. fterling per mile for coals, ftones, timber, dung, fuel, and other goods. Powers of former act to levy tolls extended to the Monkland navigation. Exemptions from tolls fhall be allowed; for lime, and limestone to pay only 1-4th, iron ftone 1-2; paving ftones, gravel, and other materials for repairing roads (lime ftone excepted), and alfo dung, foil, marle, and all forts of manure for land, not to be charged with any rates, provided they do not pafs through any lock, only when the waters of Monkland are discharging at the point of partition. Powers to leffen rates upon the whole or any part of the canal. Goods patling lefs than a mile, to pay tonnage for a mile. Goods, &c. remaining. beyond 24 hours on the wharfs, to pay wharfage dues. For reducing,the number of the committee of management of the Monkland canal to three, and not to exceed nine. Power to plant trees on the banks of the canal. Powers of former act continued (except where the fame are altered, or inconfiftent, or repugnant to this act). Publick act.




An act to alter and amend an act, made in the fourteenth year of the reign of his late majesty King George the Second, intituled, An act for the effectual draining and prefervation of Waterbeach Level, in the county of Cambridge; and to eftablish an agreement made between the lord of the manor of Waterbeach cum Denny, and the commoners within the faid manor.

A&t 14 Geo. 2. c. 24. Agreement that Joyft Fen fhoul! be cleared of cattle from Candlemas day to March 25, yearly, horses excepted; Midlott, or Midload fen, from Candlemas to May 1; for each common the owner might feed 15 milched cows, or dry neat cattle, and 8 fheep, or Io cows, and 5 mares or geldings, and to abate a cow for every colt of one year old, and 3 weanling calves of the 1st year deemed as one cow; and for every 4 commons to be kept one bull, from May 1, to October 10; and for every beaft fed contrary, the owner to forfeit ros. to the lord of the manor, for every offence, to be levied by distress and fale, and the agreement to be valid. New regulations as to the flocking of Joyst Fen and Midlott. Joyft Fen to be cleared of all cattle (except horfes) from Candlemas-day old stile, to April 20, yearly, and of fheep from Candlemas-day old ftile, to November 20; and Midlott cleared of cattle from Candlemas day old ftile, to May 12, and of all dry cattle (except weanling calves under one year old) from Candlemas-day old ftile, to Aug. 12, and fheep from Candlemas-day old ftile, to December 31. New regulation as to the stocking of commonable lands, to feed 12 milched cows or dry neat cattle, and 4 mares or geldings, and 8 fheep, and one cow for every yearling colt or filly, and 3 weanling calves of the 1ft year deemed as a cow, and one yearling neat beaft the like; for every 8 commons to be kept one bull, from May 11, to November 1o. Regulations for mowing all the bouts and little hollows of the commonable or fen grounds, and the management of the other parts. For fcouring ditches and mowing thiftles on the refidue of the commons (except The Back Ditch). That four fifths of the occupiers of the commons may, from time to time, make regulations for the ufe of and enjoyment thereof. Every occupier of a common to have a vote. Penalty on perfons depafturing cattle contrary to the regulation, instead of penalty by former act, to pay 20s. for each beaft fed thereon, and may diftrain fuch cattle, and detain them 5 days; and if fuch penalty and cofts be not then paid, to fell, and one moiety of penalty to go to the lord of the manor, for his own ufe, and the other moiety to be retained by the fenreeves, and applied towards expences of the annual drift. Payment for cattle beyond the allowed ftint, without wilul default of the owner, to pay the fenreeves 4d per head. For driving the commonable wafte and fen grounds. Account of the number of cattle found on the drift to be given annually to the vicar of Waterbeach. Occupiers of commons depafturing other people's cattle fhall be deemed the owners, &c. For paying the expences of the act. Where owners refide out of the parish of Waterbeach, their proportion to be paid by the tenants, who fhall deduct it out of their rent. Powers of former act, unless where altered by this act, confirmed. Publick act.

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An act to enable the company of proprietors of the Staffordshire and Worcestershire canal navigation to improve the navigation of the river Severn, from Stourport, in the county of Worcefter, to a place called Diglis, near the city of Worcester.

A& 6 Geo. 3. c. 94. by which the company of proprietors of the Staffordfhire and Worcestershire canal navigation were incorporated, and the navigation of the river Severn is affected by fhoals, from the faid canal at Stourport to Diglis near Worcefter. Staffordshire and Worcestershire canal company enabled to improve the navigation of the river. Company


not to make locks or weirs. Paying the expences of paffing the act, and carrying the fame into execution. Power for company to raise a further fum of 12,000l. by affignment of their rates. Form of affignment. Afligaments may be transferred. Form of transfer. Intereft to be paid halfyearly. For making fatisfaction for damage done in improving the river. The company to maintain the works, so that they shall not be a prejudice to navigation. If fatisfaction for damages not paid, commiffioners to levy it and cofts, by diftress and fale. Penalty on perfons obftructing works, to forfeit 20s. at difcretion of the juftice. River not to be under the commifhomers of fewers. Recovery of penalties, offenders may be committed to common gaol for 3 months, if penalty not paid, to go to the company of proprietors for the purposes of the act. Diftrefs not unlawful for want of form. Form of conviction. Appeal to quarter feflions. Limitation of actions, 3 months. General iffue. Double cofts. Publick act.


An act for forming and keeping in repair the streets, and other publick paffages and places, within a certain diftrict in the parish of Saint Luke Chellea, in the county of Middlesex, called Hans Town, and for otherwife improving the fame.

Henry Holland intitled to a large piece of ground in the parish of St. Luke in Chelfea, for a long term of years, under Charles Sloane, lord Cadogan, Welbore Ellis, and Chriftopher Doyley efq; on the fouth fide of the vilage of Knightsbridge, fronting to north, partly on the high road leading through Knightsbridge, partly on the Swan inn yard, and land of Wm. Brown efq; and towards the fouth on White Lion Street; and bounded in part, on the east, by a rivulet or water creek, encompaffing great part of the faid ground on the eaft fide, and on the weft, on lands of Wm. Bushnell, and others, and contains 89 acres; and the faid H. Holland hath made a carriage way, called Sloane Street, from Knightsbridge; and it would be beneficial to pave the faid ftreets. Qualification of commifGoners 30l. per ann. land, or occupier rated at 30l. or poffeffed of 2,000l. perfonal eftate. The oath. Meetings of the commiffioners; claufes as fual. Reftriction as to revoking orders not to be altered, unless more commiffioners attend than before. Proceedings of the commiffioners to be entered in a book, and figned by a commiffioner. Officers to be appointed by commiffioners. Officers to account. Penalty on neglect, commitment to the houfe of correction for 3 months, &c. Property of pavements, &c. vefted in commiffioners. Commiffioners to cause the streets to be repaired, &c. Inhabitants to form, &c. the streets, in the first infance. Lamps to be fet up. Commiffioners may contract for performing the works. Incroachments to be removed. Penalty on occafioning nuifances, for every offence, 5s. Penalty on leaving carriages, &c. in the treets, 58. each offence. Hoards, &c. may be erected. Watchmen to be appointed by commiffioners. Duty of watchmen, the fame as other Watchmen, and to fecure fufpicious perfons, and perfons for affaulting or refifting watchmen, penalty 51. and victuallers permitting watchmen on duty to remain in their houfes, to forfeit 20s. each offence. Power to water the ftreets. Annual fum to be paid to the furveyors of the highways for the parish, in lieu of the highway rate, 41. on Sept. 29, yearly. The streets and highways within the limits of the act to be repaired dif tinct from the other parts of the parish. Money to be raised by a rate of 33. 6d. in the pound on houfes and gardens, and is. in the pound on other land, according to the poors rate, from June 24, 1790, to be paid to the treafurer. Empty houfes to be charged with half rates. Proportion of rates to be paid by perfons removing. Recovery of rates by distress and fale. Landlords to bear fo much of the rate as fhall exceed 2s. in the pound. Commiffioners may borrow money, and affign the rates as a security. Form of affignment. Money may be raised by annuities at rol. per cent. per ann. Form of grant. Security may be transferred. Form of transfer. Application of the money. Recovery of penalties, by war


rant, to commit to gaol for three months. Inhabitants may give evidence. Appeal to general or quarter feffions on 5 days notice, in 4 months. Limi tation of actions, on 31 days notice, in 3 months. General iffue. Treble cofts. Publick act.


An act for the better paving, cleanfing, lighting, and watching the city of Coventry, and the fuburbs thereof, and removing and preventing nuifances and annoyances therein; and for regulating the publick wells and pumps within the faid city and suburbs.

3 Geo. 3. c. 41. Former act repealed. Commiffioners appointed, the mayor of the city and others. Election of new commiffioners upon vacancies. Qualification of commiffioners to be appointed in future. Lands, &c. 201. per ann. perfonal, 400l. Commiffioners not to act if interested; but may act as juftices. Meetings of the commiffioners. Notice of meetings. Proceedings of the commiffioners to be done at meetings, and the majority at meetings (not being less than five) may act. Proceedings to be entered in a book figned by the commiffioners. Commiffioners to appoint officers; and to take fecurity from their treasurer. Officers to account. On failure of accounting, &c. to be committed. Pavement, materials, &c. vefted in the commiffioners. Commiffioners to cause the streets to be paved, &c. Wells and pumps to be regulated. Commiffioners to caufe lamps to be provided. No person to carry away foil, except contractor. Inhabitants may keep dung, &c. for their own ufe. Penalty on wilfully breaking lamps, or damaging the works, 40s. for each offence. Penalty on breaking lamps negligently or accidentally, to pay damage. Commiffioners may contract for performing any of the works. Penalty on caufing annoyances in the streets, each offence 20s. (except ftalls in the women's market place, on market or fair days, and the croffcheaping, for elections of members to parliament). Penalty on carriages, &c. left in the ftreets, 20s. for each offence, (except the butchers rows). No fwine to be kept or flaughtered within the city. Time of emptying neceffary houfes 'directed. Commiffioners may remove projections, &c. Spouts and gut ́ters of buildings not to project. Pofts, fteps, rails, palifades, &c. to be removed. Notice to be given to occupiers before removing of projections, &c. Commiffioners may permit occupiers to remove projections, &c. and al'low them the expences. Not to extend to rubbish occafioned by building. Owners of water pipes may take up the pavement to repair the pipes. Commiffioners impowered to contract for the purchase of houfes, &c. Perfons interested impowered to fell. Purchafe money belonging to corporations, &c. to be laid out in purchase of other eftates. Commiffioners to caufe buildings, &c. to be taken down; and the ground to be laid into the ftreets. Regulation of the watch (as usual). Rates to be made by affeffors to be appointed by the commiffioners, not above is. 6d. in the pound. Rates on divided houses. Publick buildings to be rated. By whom rates for publick buildings fhall be paid, by the proper officer. Alfeffors impowered to infpect, &c. vicars rates. Rates to be examined and confirmed by the commiffioners. Affeffors and collectors to obey commiffioners orders. Recovery of rates, by diftrefs and fale of goods, by warrant. Collectors to collect arrears of former rates, and to pay the money to the commiffioners. No collector to ferve more than once in five years. St. Michael and St. John deemed one parish. Exemptions from rates, gardens and orchards, in the city for fruit, &c. for fale, lands and empty houses, ftock in trade, money, and perfonal eftate. Rates apportioned between occupiers quitting and coming into the premifes. Power to mitigate rates, where rents do not exceed 31. a year. Rates not to be less than rs. 6d. in the pound, unless the creditors confent. Appeals against rates to the quarter feffions. No alteration in rates, but where over of under-rated. Three days notice of the time of appeal. Inhabitants paying the rates, discharged from repairs of the ftrects. Commiffioners may borrow money, and affign the rates as a fecurity. Form of


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