Speaker not to hold any place of profit in refpect of fuch fums, any thing contained in any law or ftat to the contrary thereof in anywife notwithstanding. VII. And be it enacted by the authority aforefaid, That fpeaker of the house of commons for the time being fhall hold or enjoy, in his own name, or in the name of any person crown during perfons in truft for him or for his benefit, any office or place pleasure. profit under the crown during pleasure. under the CA P. XI. An act to continue the laws now in force for regulating the trade betw the subjects of his Majesty's dominions and the inhabitants of the te tories belonging to the united states of America, fo far as the fame late to the trade and commerce carried on between this kingdom the inhabitants of the countries belonging to the said united states. 23 Geo. 3. c. 39. 24 Geo. 3. c. 45. 23 Geo. 3. c. 39. fo far as relates the commerce between this kingdom and the united states of Amer and 24 Geo. 3. c. 49. to continue in force till April 5, 1791. Arti from any place bordering on the Baltic, which may be exported from kingdom, if exported contrary to law, and goods imported from united states of America, and not permitted by law, and also goods ported from thefe ftates contrary to law, to be forfeited. How forfeit are to be recovered and applied. Act to continue in force till Apri 1791; but may be repealed this feffion. CA P. XII. An act to indemnify such persons as have omitted to qualify themse for offices and employments; and to indemnify juftices of the peace others, who have omitted to regifter or deliver in their qualificati within the time limited by law, and for giving further time for th purposes; and to indemnify members and officers, in cities, corpo tions, and borough towns, whofe admiffions have been omitted to ftamped according to law, or, having been ftamped, have been loft miflaid, and for allowing them time to provide admiffions duly ftamp to give further time to fuch perfons as have omitted to make and affidavits of the exccution of indentures of clerks to attornies and citors; and for indemnifying deputy lieutenants and officers of the litia, who have neglected to tranfmit defcriptions of their qualificat to the clerks of the peace within the time limited by law; and for ing further time for that purpose. CA P. XIII. An act for appointing commiffioners to put in execution an act of feffion of parliament, (intituled, An act for granting an aid to his jefty by a land tax, to be raited in Great Britain, for the fervice of year one thousand seven hundred and ninety), together with thofe r ed in two former acts for appointing commiffioners of the land tax. CA P. XIV. An act for continuing the encouragement and reward of perfons ma certain difcoveries for finding the longitude at fea, or making a ufeful difcoveries and improvements in navigation, and for ma experiments relating thereto; and for adding a commiffioner to cute the feveral als for the difcovery of the longitude at fea. W THEREAS by an act, made in the twenty-first year of reign of his prefent Majefly, intituled, An act for cont ing the encouragement and reward of persons making certain dicoveries for finding the longitude at fea, or making other ufeful difcoveries and improvements in navigation, and for making experiments relating thereto, the commiffioners for the difcovery of the longitude at fea were impowered, whenever they should be fatisfied of the probability of any propofal or proposals that should be made to for difcovering the faid longitude, or making any other useful dry and improvement in navigation, fo as to think it proper to fe experiments to be made thereof, to certify the fame to the comfners of the navy; and alfo, in cafe they should adjudge any person perfons to have made any difcovery for finding the longitude at fea, abich though not of fo great ufe as to be entitled to any of the great rewards fpecified in an act, made in the fourteenth year of the reign bis prefent Majefty, intituled, An act for the repeal of all 14Geo.3.c.66. former acts concerning the longitude at fea, except fo much thereof as relates to the appointment and authority of the commiffioners thereby conftituted, and alfo fuch claufes as relate to the conftructing, printing, publishing, vending, and licenfing of nautical almanacks, and other ufeful tables; and for the more effectual encouragement and reward of fuch perfon and perfons as fhall difcover a method for finding the fame, or fhall make useful difcoveries in navigation, and for the better making experiments relating thereto; yet that the faid dewery was of confiderable ufe to the publick, or to have made any ther difcovery or difcoveries, improvement or improvements useful to avigation, to certify fuch less reward, or fum or fums of money, as they the faid commiffioners for the difcovery of longitude should think reafonable to be paid to fuch perfon or perfons; and the commissioners of the navy were thereby authorised and required to make out bills upon the treasurer of the navy for fuch fums fo certified, who was thereby tutherifed to pay the fame immediately to fuch perfon or perfons: and whereas, by reafon of feveral payments made by the treasurer of the navy to feveral perfons in pursuance of the directions of the faid first mentioned act, the faid commiffioners for the difcovery of longitude have early expended the fum of five thousand pounds granted by the faid a&t for the purposes aforefaid: and whereas the continuing the faid encouragements and rewards, for the purposes mentioned in the faid first mentioned act, will contribute to the advantage of trade, and to the beneur of this kingdom: may it therefore please your Majefty that it may be enacted; and be it enacted by the King's most excellent majeity, by and with the advice and confent of the lords fpiritual and temporal, and commons, in this prefent parliament affembled, and by the authority of the fame, That it fhall and may be law- Commiffionful to and for the faid commiffioners for the difcovery of longi- ers of longitude to certify tude, and they have hereby full power and authority, whenever the probabithey fhall be fatisfied of the probability of any propofal or propo- lity of fuccefs fais that shall be made to them for the difcovering the faid lon- of any progitude, or making any other ufeful difcovery and improvement in pofal for dif navigation, fo as to think it proper to caufe experiments to be covering the longitude, &c. made thereof, to certify the fame to the commiffioners of the to the comavy; and alfo, in cafe they fhall adjudge any perfon or perfons miffioners of to the navy. to have made any discovery for finding the longitude at f which though of not fo great ufe as to be entitled to any of great rewards fpecified in the faid act of the fourteenth year of 1 prefent Majefty, yet that the faid difcovery is of confiderable to the publick, or to have made any other discovery or difcov ries, improvement or improvements ufeful to navigation, to c tify fuch less reward, or fum or fums of money, as they the f commiffioners for the discovery of longitude fhall think reafo Commiffion- able to be paid to fuch perfon or perfons; and the commiffion ers of the navy of the navy are hereby authorised and required to make out a wards to fuch or bills upon the treasurer of the navy for fuch fum or fums perfons as the fhall be fo certified to them by the faid commiffioners for the d covery of longitude; and the faid treasurer of the navy is here ers of longi- authorifed and required to pay immediately fuch fum or fums tude fhall cer- the perfon or perfons who fhall be appointed by the faid comm made any ufe- fioners for the difcovery of longitude to make fuch experimen .or to receive fuch lefs reward, or fum or fums of money, for ma ing leffer difcoveries for finding the longitude at fea, or any ot difcoveries and improvements ufeful to navigation, out of a monies which fhall be in his the said treasurer's hands unappli to the use of the navy. to order re commiffion tify to have ful difcoveries, &c. Sums paid by virtue of this ceed 5,000l. act not to ex 26Geo.2.c.25. II. Provided always, and be it enacted, That all fuch fum fums of money as fhall be paid by the treasurer of the navy, virtue of this act, for the purpofes of making fuch experiments aforefaid, and in rewarding in a leffer degree leffer discoveries finding the longitude at fea, and alfo other difcoveries and in provements ufeful to navigation, do not all together exceed fum of five thousand pounds; provided also that such fum or fu fhall be certified, and fuch bills fhall be made out, and paym thereof made in fuch manner, and under the fame regulations a provifions as are in and by the faid act, of the fourteenth year of prefent Majefty, prefcribed with regard to the fum of five tho fand pounds by the faid act made applicable to the encourageme and reward of fuch perfon or perfons as fhould make lefler dife veries for finding the longitude at fea, or make other useful diso ries and improvements in navigation, and to the better making experiments relating thereto. III. And whereas by an act, passed in the twenty-fixth year of reign of his late majesty King George the Second, intituled, An to render more effectual an act made in the twelfth year of reign of her late majefty Queen Anne, intituled, An act for p viding a publick reward for such person or persons as fhall discover longitude at fea, with regard to the making experiments of propo made for difcovering the longitude, and to enlarge the number of co miffioners for putting in execution the said act, the fecretary of the miraity for the time being is appointed one of the commiffioners for p ting in execution the faid acts: and whereas fince the faffing thereof Secretaries of additional fecretary to the admiralty has been appointed; be it the the admiralty fore enacted, That the fecretaries of the admiralty for the ti to be commif- being fhall be, and they are hereby appointed commiffioners putting the faid acts, and alfo an act paffed in the fifth year of fioners of lon gitude. pref prefent Majefty's reign, for explaining and rendering more effectual the faid acts, into execution, as fully and effectually as if they had been appointed commiffioners of the faid acts of the twelfth year of Queen Anne, of the twenty-fixth year of the reign of King Garg the Second, and of the fifth year of the reign of his prefent Majefty, or any or either of them. CA P. XV. da act for railing a certain sum of money by loans or exchequer bills, for the fervice of the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety. Commitioners of the treasury may raise 3,500,000l. by loans and exchequer bills, before Jan. 5, 1791, in like manner as is prefcribed by the malt act of this feffions concerning loans, &c. The claufes, &c. in the said act relating to loans or exchequer bills, (exception) extended to this act. Exchequer bills fo iffued not to be received again in payment of any taxes, Bor exchanged before April 6, 1791. Action not to lie for fuch refufal. Principal and intereft, with charges, to be repaid out of the next supplies; and if fufficient fupplies be not granted before July 5, 1791, to be charged on the confolidated fund. Monies fo iffued to be replaced out of the first fupplies. Bank of England authorised to advance the faid fum on the credit of this act; an act 5 and 6 Gul. & Mariæ notwithstanding. CA P. XVI. An act for raising a further fum of money by loans or exchequer bills, for the fervice of the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety. Commiffioners of the treasury may raise 2,000,000l. by loans and exchequer bills, before Jan. 5, 1791, in manner as by the malt act of this feffion 3 prefcribed, &c. The claufes in the said act relating to loans or bills, (exception) extended to this act. Exchequer bills fo iffued not to be received again in payment of any taxes, nor exchanged before April 6, 1791. Action not to lie tor fuch refufal. Money fo raised to be repaid out of the next parliamentary aid; and if sufficient fupplies be not granted before July 5, 1791, to be charged on the confolidated fund. Monies fo iffued to be replaced out of the firft fupplics. Bank of England authorised to advance the faid fum on the credit of this act; an act 5 and 6 Gul. & Mariz notwithstanding. CA P. XVII. An act for altering the time appointed for holding the fummer feffion in the court of feffion in Scotland; and for altering Whitfuntide and Lammas terms in the court of exchequer in Scotland. The fummer feffion in the court of feffion to begin upon May 12, and end July 11. Whitfuntide term in the exchequer to begin upon May 12, and end June 2; and Lammas term to begin upon June 17, and end July 5. Spring circuits to be held between March 12, and May 12. 16 Geo. 2. &II, recited. Complaint to the lord ordinary, on the bills in time of acation, to be equivalent to complaint to the court of feffion as directed the recited act. Writs already iffued from the exchequer, returnable June 12, 1790, may be proceeded on, as if they had been returnable on firft day of Lammas term. CA P. XVIII. An act to continue the feveral laws therein mentioned, relating to encou raging the manufacture of .leather by lowering the duty payable upon the importation of oak bark, when the price of fuch bark shall exceed a certain rate; to the prohibiting the exportation of tools and utenfils made ufe of in the iron and fteel manufactures of this kingdom, and to VOL. XXXVII. prevent C prevent the feducing of artificers and workmen, employed in those m nufactures, to go into parts beyond the seas; and to the ascertaining t ftrength of fpirits by Clarke's hydrometer. 12 Geo. 3. c. 50, for encouraging the manufacture of leather, continu for 5 years. 26 Geo. 3. c.89, to extend to other tools and utenfils, 25 Geo. c. 67, continued to the end of the next feffion. So much of 27 Geo. c. 31, as directs that all spirits shall be deemed of the ftrength denoted Clarke's hydrometer, continued to the end of the next feffion. CA P. XIX. An act for allowing further time for inrollment of deeds and wills made Papists, and for relief of Protestant purchasers. Act 3 Geo. 1, recited. Deeds and wills of Papifts, &c. made fince Sept. 2 1717, to be good in law, if inrolled before Sept. 1, 1790. This act not extend to deeds, &c. the validity whereof has been brought in quefti before Jan. 1, 1790. Purchases made not to be avoided, on account the title-deeds not having been inrolled, &c. This act not to make goo any grant of the right of presentation to any benefice, &c. in trust for a Papift. An act for rebuilding the parish church and tower of Saint Thomas, with the city of Bristol. That the parish church of St. Thomas, in Bristol, is in a ruinous conditio and divers lands, &c. vefted in feoffees for the maintenance of the said churc and the market to be holden every Thursday, in St. Thomas' Street, for yar wool, cattle, and other things, with stallage, tolls, and other profits vefte in feoffees, for relieving the poor in certain almthoufes founded in the fa parish, in maintenance of a conduit or aqueduct with water, &c. accor ing to letters patent tefted at Gorhambury, 11 Dec. 13 Q. Eliz. whereb fhe granted the said market, and the tolls thereof, to the corporation Briftol, to the intent that the inhabitants of St. Thomas' Street mig maintain the fame, and also the almfhouse and conduit according to t faid letters patent; that there is now in the bank 1,500l. capital, 4 per cen annuities, in the names of the trustees, arifing from the faid parish estat and profits of the market, with 10l. and 301. given by Eliz. Elton an Tho. Lewis, for charitable purposes. That the expence of rebuilding th faid church and tower is estimated at 5,000l. Commiffioners, the may of Bristol, the members of parliament, the alderman of St. Thomas' war and vicar of the parish, and others, whereof 5 may act. Monies vested i them. Chufing new commiffioners. Qualification of trustees, to be rate at 201. per ann. Commiflioners not to act whilst holding employments contracts under the act. Meetings. Commiffioners to bear their ow expences. Commiffioners may appoint a treafurer. Appointment of co lectors of rates. Penalty on refusing to ferve, 201. Others to be a pointed in cafe of refusal or death. Perfons ferving or paying the penali not compellable to serve again for three years. Collectors to account; an pay the balance quarterly. Rates to be made, 250l. per ann.; how to collected, &c. one half on landlords, the other on occupiers. Tenant pay the whole rate, and deduct half out of his rent. Where houses let to feveral tenants, one to pay the rate; and deduct the fame out of t rent. Not to affect agreements between landlord and tenant. Rates n to be paid in refpect of empty houfes. Commiffioners may inspect dupl cates of the land tax rates gratis. Commencement and continuance rates, from June 24, yearly. Rates in arrear may be raised by fucceedin collectors. Loffes by infolvency to be made good by additional rate Rates to be allowed by two juftices; how recoverable, by diftrefs and fal with cofts. Where no diftress can be found, and rate not paid, offend to be committed, for 2 calendar months. Rates may be recovered in ar other parith, being figned by a juftice. Appeal against the rates. F enabling the feoffees of St. Thomas' Parish Lands, and of the market, |