صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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affignment. Money may be raised by annuities at rol. per cent. Form of grant. Notice to be given of borrowing money. Securities may be tranfferred. Form of transfer. Application of the money arifing by rates, to paving freets, cleaning wells and pumps, paying annuities, and money borrowed. Limits of the act afcertained. Suburbs to comprise Warwick Row, and buildings near Bishop Street, fronting the fouth wall of Coventry canal, alfo the Priory and Miller's Alley. Accounts to be made up annually. Actions may be brought in the name of the treasurer or clerk. Affirmation of Quakers to be admitted. Penalties and forfeitures how to be recovered and applied, by distress and sale, and if not paid, may be committed for 3 months. Commiffioners may compound for penalties. Geeral appeal to the quarter feffions. Inhabitants may be witneffes. Juftices may mitigate penalties. Limitation of actions. General iffue. Treble cots. Publick act.

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An act to continue an act, made in the fixth year of his prefent Majefty's reign, intituled, An act to regulate the loading of fhips with coals, in the ports of Newcastle and Sunderland.


THEREAS an act was made, in the fixth year of his present Preamble. Majefty, intituled, An act to regulate the loading of fhips 6 Geo.3.c.22, with coals, in the ports of Newcastle and Sunderland; which faid recited. alt was continued, and the term thereof enlarged, by another act, passed

in the thirteenth year of his prefent Majesty, intituled, An act to con- 13Geo.3.C.22. tinue an act, made in the fixth year of his prefent Majesty, intituled, An act to regulate the loading of ships with coals, in the ports of Newcastle and Sunderland: and whereas by another act, paffed in the twenty-fecond year of the reign of his faid Majefty, intituled, An act 22Geo.3.c.32. to revive and continue an act, paffed in the fixth year of the reign of his prefent Majefty, intituled, An act to regulate the loading of hips with coals in the ports of Newcastle and Sunderland; the faid aft of the fixth year of his faid Majefty's reign was revived, and continued in full force and effect, until the twenty-fifth day of March one thufand feven hundred and eighty-nine, and from thence to the end of the then next feffion of parliament: and whereas the further continuance of the faid act of the fixth year of his faid Majefty will be of great publick utility; be it therefore enacted by the King's most excellent majefty, by and with the advice and confent of the lords fpiritual and temporal, and commons, in this prefent parliament affembled, and by the authority of the fame, That the faid act of The faid act the fixth year of his prefent Majefty's reign fhall be, and is here- of the 6th by continued in full force and effect until the twenty-fifth day of Geo. 3. conti March one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-feven, and from March 25, thence to the end of the then next feffion of parliament.

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An act for rebuilding the parish church of Eaft Grinstead, in the county

of Suffex.

Church to be rebuilt. Trustees. Meetings of trustees. Notice to be given of meetings. Treafurer and other officers to be appointed by the trustees. Trustees to allot pews to the parishioners, having legal titles thereto. Trustees may build the church by contract. Trustees may make


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rates, not above 18. in the pound. Rates to be paid by landlord and tenant. Tenants paying rates for landlords may deduct the fame out of the rent. Collectors to account. Rates to be levied in cafe of refufal or neglect to pay them, by distress and sale. Perfons quitting their houfes without paying the rates may be followed. Perfons aggrieved may appeal to the quarter feffions. Collectors may infpect poor rates, and land tax affeffments. Trustees may raise money by fale of annuities, or by mortgaging the rates, not to exceed 4,000l. Names of annuitants and of lenders of money upon the rates to be entered in books. Annuities exempt from taxes. Annuities may be affigned. Rates may be affigned for money borrowed. Form of affignment. Old materials vefted in the trustees, to be difpofed of for the purposes of the act. Accounts to be kept. Election of new trustees, by the remaining truftees. Trustees having any contract difabled from acting. Expences of the act to be paid out of the money arifing. Diftrefs not unlawful for want of form. Tender of amends may be made for any trefpafs. Proceedings not to be removed by Certiorari. Limitation of actions. General iffue. Treble cofts. Publick act.


An act for providing a workhouse for, and for the better relief and employment of the poor of, the parish of Streatham, in the county of Surrey; and for appointing an additional overseer for the better government of the poor of the said parish.

42 guardians of the poor appointed, befides the lord of the manor of Tooting Beck, and of the manor of Leigham, in the parish of Streatham, and the rector, churchwardens, and overfeers of the poor of the said parish, to be trustees for the workhouse. Election of new guardians. The lords of Tooting Beck, and Leigham, and the rector of Streatham, to be guardians for life. Five to be a quorum of the guardians. Meetings of guardians. Guardians to defray their own expences at meetings, &c. Occafional meetings. A chairman to be chofen. Bye-laws may be made; to be entered in a book with other proceedings. No bye-law, &c. to be repealed, unless by a greater number than made it. Guardians not to act while holding any office or contract. Guardians to fue and be sued in the name of their treasurer. Officers. For raifing money, not exceeding 4,000l. in the whole, by annuities for life, at 10l. per cent. Money raised how to be charged, on the poors rates. Annuities, &c. affignable. Workhouse to be provided. Guardians may make contracts. Contracts, &c. to be entered in a book. Churchwardens, &c. to answer the treasurer's drafts. For appointing an additional overfeer; falary not to exceed rool. per ann.; his continuance in office for a year, and manner of appointing fucceffors, by guardians. Oath to be taken by the additional overfeer; his power, the fame as other overfeers. One of the churchwardens to be treasurer to receive from the collector, and to pay to the additional overfeer. Accounts to be audited. Penalty on overfeers not collecting rates. Overfeers to pay the money collected to the treasurer. Money left to charitable ufes to be applied by guardians according to the will of the donor. Additional overfeer may be difmiffed for neglect of duty. For protecting the additional overfeer in the execution of his office, juftices may enquire into any complaint, and may punish the party offending, by fine not above 40s. nor less than ros. to be applied to the ufe of the poor. Additional overfeer not to furnish any thing for the poor, on penalty of rol. and not lefs than 408. Poor to be fet to work, on mifbehaviour may be put to hard labour for 30 days, and subject to moderate correction. Work house, furniture, &c. vefted in the guardians. Penalty on buying, &c. cloaths, &c. furnished for the poor, 51. and not lefs than 40s. One or more of the guardians to act when the additional overseer is abfent, &c. Punishment of poor mifbehaving themselves, abatement of diet, diftinction of dress, and by solitary confinement. Encouragement to be given to the industrious poor, out of their carnings. Guardians to grant certificates; and take bonds for the maintenance of baftard children. Children taken in to be


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apprenticed. Children may be discharged or hired out. Poor may be employed in harveft work. Inhabitants may be witneffes. Recovery and application of penalties, by diftrefs and fale of goods, by warrant gratis, and oaths gratis, and in default of diftrefs, imprisonment, with an appeal to the quarter feffions. Proceedings not to be quafhed for want of form. Form of conviction. Paying expences of the act. Limitation of actions. General issue. Treble cofts. Publick act.


An act for providing a new poor house for, and for the better relief and government of the poor of, the township of Manchester, in the county of Lancaster.

Churchwardens and overfeers to put the act in execution. First meeting. Adjournment of meetings. Churchwardens and overfeers to be fworn. Oath. Monthly meetings. Bufinefs of monthly meetings: Quarterly meetings. Bufinefs of quarterly meetings. Special meetings. Churchwardens, &c. to defray their own expences. Prefent poor houfe vefted in churchwardens, &c. Power to fell the fame. Purchasers not answerable for the money paid. Governors and other officers. Clergyman. Allowances to officers. Form of Appointment. Vifitors. Churchwardens, &c. may purchase lands, not more than two acres of land in the township of Manchester, or within two miles thereof. Poor houfe to be provided. Exempted from taxes. Incapacitated perfons enabled to convey. Money paid for fuch lands, &c. to be laid out in other lands, &c. to be fettled to the fame ufes. Tenant at will, or for a year, to deliver up premises on fix months notice. On default, the sheriff to deliver poffeffion. Provifo relative to lands purchased not in the township, to be deemed as if therein, whilft ufed as a poor house. Churchwardens, &c. may contract for building and furnishing poor houses. Notice of meeting for contracts. Contrafts, &c. to be entered in books. Churchwardens, &c. not to contract, or ferve the poor house with provifions, on penalty of 40l. Property in the furniture, &c. vefted in the churchwardens, &c. Actions refpecting the property to be brought by the churchwardens. No abatement of acfons by death of churchwardens, &c. Inhabitants and poor may be competent witneffes. Churchwardens, &c. enabled to borrow money, in fums not lefs than sol. nor more than rool. at as low interest as can be got, and to affign the rates as a fecurity. Form of affignment. No priority in payments. Churchwardens may grant annuities. No annuity to be granted to perfons under 45 years old, at 91. per cent. under 50 years, at rol. per cent. under 60, at 121. per cent. Form of grant. Annuities to be paid out of rates. Securities transferrable. Form of transfer. Securities to be entered in a book. Power to borrow a further fum, as may be wanted. Payment of the principal, at the rate of 51. for every 100l. No preference in payments. Churchwardens and overfeers may make rules, &c. Rules to be confirmed by two juftices. Notice to be given before any meetings of the parishioners. Order to be delivered on admiffion into the poor house. Poor, &c. may be punished for misbehaviour. Penalty on perfons taking in pawn clothes or materials, to forfeit not more than rol. nor lefs than 40s.; a moiety to the informer, the other for the purpose of this act. In default of payment, to be levied on their goods. If no distress, may be committed for 2 months. Poor, &c. may be employed. Children provided for. Children apprenticed. Juftices may order relief to perfons out of the poor house. Idle or diforderly perfons to be punished. Juftices may appoint additional overseers. Form of conviction. Poor laws in force. Perfons aggrieved may appeal to the quarter feffions. Appeals not to fufpend payment of rates. Proceedings not to be quafhed for want of form. Limitation of actions. General iffue. Treble cofts. Expences of this act how to be paid. Publick act.


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An act for making and maintaining a navigable canal from Merthyr Tidvile, to and through a place called The Bank, near the town of Cardiff, in the county of Glamorgan.

Company of proprietors, 73. Their powers, to make a canal, from Mer thyr Tidvile through the parishes of Lanvabon, Eglwyfilan, Whitchurch. Landaff, and St. John, and St. Mary in Cardiff, through the Bank, to be fupplied by all the brooks, &c. within 2,000 yards. Power to make inclined planes. No road or foot path to be made on the weft fide of the canal at Cardiff caftle, &c. Lord Plymouth's mills and iron works not to be injured by taking water from the Taff river. The extent of the dam on the aqueduct not lefs in crown than 40 feet. Reftrictions refpecting the line of the canal at Melin Griffith, through the lands of Harford & Co. at Melin Griffith, as near the hill as may be, and not above 12 feet wide, for 100 yards above the bridge over Taff to the upper end of the garden ground belonging to Melin Griffith works. A weir at the fide of the canal, which the proprietors of the works are to repair. Reftrictions refpecting Pentyrch works between the Brook at Nantgarw turnpike and the said weir, Where carriage roads are injured, &c. others to be made. No houfe, &c. to be injured. Width of the canal and towing-paths, 26 yards in breadth, and in fome places 60 yards, except on commons, &c. Corporations, &c. impowered to fell lands for the purposes of the act. Mines found in lands purchased for the canal to belong to the fellers. Commiffioners qualifications, real eftates in the county of Glamorgan, rool. per ann. or perfonal 2,000l. If parties are diffatisfied with determination of commiffioners, a jury to be fummoned. Expences of jury. Notice of injury to proprietors before complaint. Verdicts, &c. to be recorded. Application of the purchase money belonging to corporations, &c. Commiffioners to fettle proportions, &c. Annual rents charged upon the rates. Proprietors may raise 60,oool. to carry on the work. Money to be divided into 600 fhares, and to be deemed perfonal eftate. If that fum is not sufficient, more may be raised by calls upon themselves, 30,000l. by calls. Navigation and rates may be affigned. Form of affignment. Aflignments may be transferred. Form of transfer. Proprietors to receive 51. per centum, till canal is finished. Intereft upon mortgages to be paid prior to dividends. Subfcribers to have a vote for every harc. Form of the appointment of a proxy. General affemblies for choofing committees, the ift. Wednesday in June in every year. Committees fubject to controul of general affembly. Perfons in office, difqualified from ferving on committees. Accounts to be kept by committees. General affemblies to confift of 300 shares. Other powers of general affemblies. Proprietors not anfwering calls, fubject to a penalty, or forfeiture of their fhares. Shares not forfeit ed without perfonal notice. Company may remove members of the committee; and make bye-laws. On the death of proprietors before share compleated, executors may do it. Shares may be difpofed of. After a call, no fhare to be fold till the money paid. Form of conveyance of fhares. Company to appoint officers. Proceedings of the commiffioners to be entered. Rates may be collected. Rates, for ftone, iron, timber, goods, wares, and merchandize, (except iron stone, iron ore, coal, lime ftone, lime, and all kinds of manure) not above 5d. per ton per mile, and in proportion for greater or less: for iron stone, iron ore, coal, lime stone, lime, and manure, ad. per ton per mile. Ships paffing the lock at the Bank to be charged with one penny per ton. Recovery of rates. Payment for wharfage for certain articles. Proprietors may alter rates. Profits not to exceed 81. per centum per annum. Mafter of boats to give account of particulars of lading. What quantity of timber shall be deemed a ton, 40 feet of oak, afh, elm, or beech, and so feet of fir or deal balk, poplar or birch, not cut into fcantlings. In cafe of difference concerning weight, collectors may weigh veffels. Weight of the lading of veffels to be marked. Boats to be gauged. Masters accountable for damage done by the crew. Navigation to be free upon payment of tolls. For fencing off tow


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ng paths, and making bridges, &c. In cafe company do not fence off the towing paths, and make bridges, &c. land owners may do it at the company's expence. If bridges, &c. made by the company are infufficient, and owners may make others. Company may cleanfe the adjoining watercourfe at the land owners expence. Power to make rail-ways. Cuts may be made to communicate with the canal and collateral cuts. Such cuts ot to be made without consent of owners of lands. Lords of manors and and owners may erect warehouses, &c. on their lands. If lords of manors eglect to erect warehouses, &c. the commiffioners may do it. Regulations as to private wharfs, to pay id. per ton. Committee to regulate the. avigation Penalty on perfons overloading and obftructing the navigation. Penalty on opening locks, &c. Punithing perfons wilfully deftroying warks, as felons guilty of petit larceny. Canal not to be fubject to comaffioners of fewers. How proprietors fhall be taxed for purchased lands. tights of lords of manors and land owners to fishery referved. Penalty nunqualified perfons on board having nets. Owners and occupiers of ads may ufe pleasure and husbandry boats free of the rates. Commiffoners to be fworn. The oath. Commiffioners may act as juftices; but But where interested, &c. Notice of commiffioners meeting. General meeting of commiffioners. Special meeting of the commiffioners. No meeting to determine difputes, &c. but within five miles of the canal. To compel payment of fubfcriptions. Recovery of forfeitures. Appeal. Limitation of actions. General iffue. Treble cofts. The like rates to be paid for fhips coming into the bason, as if they came into the port of Cardiff. Publick act.



An act for impowering perfons navigating boats, barges, and other vessels, in the river Ouze, in the county of Norfolk, to hale or tow with horses, or other beafts, on the banks or fea walls of the said river; and for making fatisfaction to the owners of the said banks or fea walls.

93 commiffioners, 5 to be a quorum. Meetings appointed, the ift. Wedgelday in May, yearly. For calling meetings in cafe no adjournment shall have been made. Commiffioners to raise money by tolls for fatisfying land owners, and other expences of the act. Afcertaining the tolls, to be paid 4d. for coals or cinders per chaldron, Lynn measure; lime per chaldron; half hundred of deals, fpars, or balks; battens, laths, half deals, pipe ftaves, or pailing, per hundred, fir timber, per load, 50 feet to the load, calliper meafure; oak timber, 40 feet to the load, 3 wainscot logs, 2 mahogany logs, 500 bricks, 500 tiles, 2 pipes of wine, 2 puncheons of rum, 2 pieces of brandy or geneva, 8 packs of wool, ten tods to the pack, half a last of wheat, rye, peale, beans, barley, rapefeed, linfeed, colefeed, mustard feed, or hempfeed; oats, barley, or bigg, per laft; reed, fedge, hay, flax, or hemp, per load, 20 hundred weight to the load; 2 dozen of flag ftones, 2 thoufand turves, and 20 feet of stone, and all other goods, per ton weight, haled by borfes between King's Lynn and Denver Sluice. Table of tolls to be hung p. Watermen to give account of cargoes to collectors. Collectors, treafurers, &c. to be appointed. Collectors to give conftant attendance. For towing between Salters Load and Denver Sluice only, to pay id. Perfons paying tolls to receive tickets of officers, &c. Punishment for trefpaffes, to forfeit 20s. and not lefs than 5s. or one month's imprisonment. Land cwners not to feize horses. One horfe only to tow from one line, &c. extept from St. German's Bridge to Cam's Gool; and from the ftile north of Lubbock's 9 acres in Wiggenhall, as far as his meffuage; and from Patrick's Stile, north of Chadd's 6 acres, to the north fide of Polver Gool; and from Pleftow's Bank, in Skinner's Drain, to the fouth end of Edgar's Bank, and from the bridge of Wiggenhall to 30 yards beyond Chadd's Stile, alfo from Plestow's meffuage, to the rift. jetty, and from the 1ft. file at Bell's houfe, to a place oppofite the workhouse, and from Bell's marth, to Vernon's land, and from Holme Gool to the south end of Holme town bank; and from lady Harris's Stile, to oppofite Crabb's Ab


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