صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

bey, from all which places to tow with horfes, &c. only the violence of the flood or ebb of tide, or stress of weather, fhall render it neceffary. Regulating the manner of towing, for 30 chaldrons, or tons, one horfe; to 60 inclufive, two horfes; 60 to 90, three horses; 90 to 120, four horfes. No towing on counter fhores. Not to tow with more than two lighters abreast. Not to hale upon or faften veffels to bridges. Owner's names, &c. to be painted on boats. A ring to be painted around the mafts. Owners of barges, &c. made answerable for damages done by their fervants, &c. Appointment of new commiffioners. Not to difqualify any of the three Bedford Level commiffioners, &c. Provifo. Diftribution of the money to be paid for fatisfaction to land owners. Refiduum or furplus of tolls to be applied in aid of future tolls. For auditing the accounts. Land owners in each diftrict to appoint a person to receive their share for them. Stiles on banks not to exceed three feet, &c. Perfons aggrieved may appeal to the quarter feffions. In cafe the course of river changes, like compenfation for new banks, &c. Recovery of penalties. Fines, forfeitures, &c. how to be applied, towards fatisfying land owners. Limitation of actions to fix months, &c. General iffue. Treble cofts. Act not to affect the power of commiffioners of fewers. Publick act.








Paffed in the thirtieth Year of the Reign of King GEORGE III.; in the Year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and ninety, being the feventh Seffion of the fixteenth Parliament of Great Britain, which began the twenty-first Day of January, in the faid Year one thousand seven hundred and ninety, and ended by Diffolution on the twelfth Day of June, in the fame year one thousand seven hundred and ninety.

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forts and settlements on the coast of Africa. Chap. 32. f. 23. 2. 910l. paid for printing the reports of the African trade. Chap. 32. America.

1. See Orders of Council, refpecting the governor general of America. Chap. I. f. 1.

2. Articles enumerated may be ex


ported from London, Bristol, Liverpool, and Glafgew to the King's fugar colonies in America, viz. 5,057 quarters of beans, 2,780 quarters of oats, 1,160 quarters of oatmeal, 815 quarters of peas, 167 quarters of rye, 285 quarters of wheat, and 8,922 quarters of wheat flour, by direction of the privy council to the lords of trade, &c. Chap. 1. f. 5.

Ships laden at London with wheat, &c. for the fugar colonies in America before publication of the order in council of Dec. 23, 1789, and at other ports before receipt at the custom house, may proceed on their voyages. Chap. 1. f. 8.

See Quebec. Chap. 8.


4. Acts

4. Acts 23 Geo. 3. c. 39. and 24 Geo. 3. c. 45. fo far as relates to the commerce between this kingdom and the united states of America, continued till April 5, 1791, but may be repealed this feffion. Chap. II. f. I.

5. If iron, hemp, failcloth, or other articles from any place bordering on the Baltic, which may be lawfully exported from this kingdom, if exported contrary to law; or if any goods are imported from the united states of America not permitted by law, and also goods imported from those states contrary to law, all to be forfeited, and to be recovered and applied in the places where fuch offences are committed. Chap. 11. f. 2.

6. This act continued till April 5, 1791, but may be repealed this feffion. Chap. 11. f. 5.

7. For encouraging new fettlers in the King's colonies and plantations in America. Chap. 27. See 28 Geo. 3. c. 6. and c. 39. amended. 8. See United States of America. Same act. 9. All fales of negroes, household furniture, &c. fo imported, made within twelve months after importation, to be void. Same act, f. 2. 10. All white perfons coming to refide to take the oath of allegiance if upwards of 14 years old. Same act, f. 3.

11. 238,2791. gs. 2d. 24. granted by parliament for American fufferers, due October 10, 1790, on all the orders by virtue of act 28 Geo. 3. c. 44. Chap. 32. f. 24. 12. 1,900l. iffued by the fame to the fecretary of the commiffioners for enquiring into the loffes of the American loyalists. Chap. 32. f. 24. 13. 3,1621. 55. 6d. paid to the commiffioners to inquire in America into loffes of fufferers there. Same act.

14. 35,7851. 15s. 6d. more granted


for relief of the American fufferers. Same act.

15. 49,556. 175. 6d. granted for lands in Georgia ceded to the Americans. Same act.

16. Two of the commiffioners appointed for enquiring into the loffes of American fufferers to transmit to the treasury by July 5, 1790, books made up in the manner directed, containing the names and additions of all perfons who have produced fatisfactory evidence of their loffes, with the amount thereof, as ascertained by the commiffioners; abating therefrom, in the cafe of all perfons coming within any of the claffes defcribed in the ftatement of the claims examined by the commiffioners, under the titles of loyalifts, who have rendered fervices to Great Britain; loyalists who bore arms in the fervice of Great Britain; loyalifts zealous and uniform; loyalists who took oaths to the American ftates, or bore arms, but afterwards joined the British; and loyalifts fuftaining loffes under the prohibitory act, 10l. per cent. of fuch part thereof as fhall exceed 10,000l. where the amount of fuch loffes fhall not be above 35,000l. and alfo abating therefrom in the cafe of the claimants under the will of John earl of Granville 40l. per cent. of fuch part thereof as shall exceed 10,000l.; and in the cafe of Robert lord Fairfax 201. per cent. of fuch part as thall exceed 10,000l.; and likewise abating therefrom fuch fums as fuch fufferers have already received or thall receive before July 5, 1790, towards making good their loffes. Chap. 34. f. 1.

17. And the commiffioners for enquiring into loffes by the ceffion of Eaft Florida to Spain, are likewife to tranfmit fuch book by the fame day, containing the names and additions of all perfons who have


produced fatisfactory evidence of their loffes fettled by the faid commiffioners respectively, abating therefrom fuch fums as the faid fufferers have already received towards making good their loffes. Same act, and f.



dated fund, to be replaced out of
the firft fupplies. Chap. 34. 1. 7.
See Rape Seed. Chap. 41. f. 1. See
Annuities (Penn, W.) Chap. 46.


The King enabled to grant to the reverend Francis Willis an annuity of 1,000l. per ann. for 21 years, to be paid out of any hereditary or temporary revenues ufually applied to the expences of civil government, and to be paid clear of all charges. Chap. 44.

18. And the treafury is to direct the I. exchequer to make out ftanding orders for the fums fet against the names of the fufferers refpectively (for which no tallies fhall be ftruck) to carry 3. 10s. per cent. intereft from July 5, 1788, and the principal and intereft to be paid off by half-yearly inftalments, to begin April, 1, 1791, and to abate the intereft in proportion; and by warrant to the auditor of the exchequer to be paid out of the money remaining there for the year in which fuch intereft and inftalments fhall become due. Chap. 34. 19. The fum for which every order for 50l. and the equimultiples of 50l. fhall be entitled by inftalments of 61. 5s. per cent. together with half a year's intereft on the fum unpaid each half-year, when the proportion is directed to be paid off. Chap. 34. f. I. 20. Orders affignable, and all under 50l. to be directed to be paid on October 10, 1790. Same act, f. 2. 21. Commiffioners to deliver certificates to the fufferers of the fum to which they are intitled to be carried to the auditor of the exchequer, who is to deliver the order and take a receipt to discharge the fame; which orders are to be numbered arithmetically, and the claufes of the malt act to extend to this act. Same act, f. 4. 22. Treasury may direct new orders where filled up by writing or indorsements, or by accident defaced, and may reward perfons employed under this act; and if fupplies not granted for payment of orders, they are to be paid out of the confoli

For converting annuities, attended
with the benefit of furvivorship in
claffes established by act 29 Geo. 3.
c. 41. into certain annuities for
an abfolute term of years; and to
enable the treasury to nominate
lives for the fhares fo converted.
Chap. 45.

Till Sept. 30, 1790, certificates
under the act 29 Geo. 3. c. 41.
may be exchanged for certificates
for annuities of 4. 55. for every
100l. 55. for 69 years and one
quarter, from Oct. 10, 1790, and
the auditor on receiving fuch cer-
tificates to give a receipt for the
principal and intereft to O. 10,
1790, and to file fuch certificates
in his office, and in lieu thereof to
make out a diftinct certificate in
respect of every 100%. 5s. to the
bank for the amount of the princi-
pal fums contained in the certificate
filed, and no fee or ftamp duty;
and every fuch certificate to intitle
the perfon poffeffed to enjoy an an-
nuity at the rate of 41. 55. per ann.
on every 100l. 5s. expreffed therein,
to commence О8. 10, 1790, and
to continue 69 years and one quar-
ter, payable half yearly, April 5,
and O. 10, for the faid term, and
then to ceafe. Chap. 45. f. 1.
4. The names of perfons who have
delivered certificates at the bank,
and the fums to be entered in a

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book, of which a duplicate is to be fent to the exchequer by April 5, 1791. Same act, f. 2.

5. The principal fums in certificates

to be carried to the credit of the owner in the bank books, and payable free of taxes out of the confolidated fund with intereft accordingly; and the treasury may order the money to iffue at the exchequer, and the accomptant general of the bank to examine the cashiers accompt. The annuities to be deemed perfonal eftate, and books to be kept at the bank for entering transfers and affignments, and the annuities may be bequeathed by will, and transfers not chargeable with ftamp duties. Same act, f. 10. 6. From Oct. 10, 1790, these annuities to be added to the joint stock of annuities granted by the 1 & 2 Geo. 3. and immediately after the auditor of the exchequer to certify to the treasury the number of certificates filed, &c. Same act. 7. And the treasury may for every 100l. 55. therein, name the life of fome perfon by that day; during which lives refpectively, to be reserved at the receipt of the exche

for the ufe of the publick, at the time of payment the like annuity with the benefit of furvivorship in claffes as any contributor would be intitled to by the faid act, in refpect of an equal number of fhares thereof; which annuity, as the fame grows due, to be made part of the confolidated fund at the rate of 41. 55. per cent. under this act, and charged thereon. Chap. f. 12. 8. The treafury to felect their nominees from the peers of Great Britain or Ireland, or their children or grand-children, or baronets in England or Scotland, or lords of manors in England or Wales, or who are in the commiffion of the peace for any county or riding in


England or Wales, or their children, or fpiritual perfons promoted to a bishoprick, deanery, archdeaconry, prebend, or other dignity in any cathedral or other church, or beneficed with any parfonage, vicarage, or donative in Englan, or a fellowship in any college or hall in either univerfity of Oxford or Cambridge, governors of the Charter Houfe, Foundling Hofpital, or Chrift's Hofpital, or perfons registered in the Amicable Society for insurance on lives in Serjeant's Inn, Fleet Street, whofe names, places of abode, and. ages, are fet forth in fuch regifter; and all perfons appointed by three commiffioners of the treafury out of the orders, degrees, or societies mentioned, to be deemed nominees for whofe lives are to be reserved for the use of the publick, at the receipt of the exchequer with benefit of furvivorship, in manner aforefaid, as fully as if appointed under this act. Chap. 45. f. 13. 9. The treasury to deliver to the exchequer a copy of the register of the births of nominees, and certificates of their names, &c. copies of which are to be given by any fociety or company, &c. on application from the treafury; and appointments of nominees in writing by the treasury, to be fufficient warrant for admitting fuch nomination, &c. Chap. 45.

10. Treafury to tranfmit half-yearly lifts of nominees to the place where each refides, and the minifter to return a certificate of the lives then exifting; and the exchequer to fet apart for the ufe of the publick the half-yearly dividends on lives of nominees. If nominees be in the army the commanding officer, if in the navy the admiralty to certify, if at the university the certificate of the mafter fufficient; and when the auditor fhall have certified to the treasury the number of nominees,


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