they are to distribute them in the feveral classes in proportion to the nominees by contributors, viz. into fix classes, their names to be written on distinct pieces of paper, put into fix boxes, and drawn out till a fufficient number to fill up the proportion of nominees for the publick, &c. (whereof notice to be given in the Gazette) and none but resident natives of Great Britain to be nominees for the publick. Chap. 45. Γ. 19. II. The auditor in the half-yearly accounts of deaths of nominees to keep a distinct account of those appointed by the treasury, and those by contributors; and out of the consolidated fund the treasury to discharge all expences attending this act, and no fee to be taken for converting life annuities to a term for years on penalty of 201. Chap. 45. 1. 22. 12. Forging or altering certificates, a capital forgery, and defendants in actions may plead the general issue, and have treble costs. Same act, f. 24. 13. An annuity of 4,000l. per ann. fettled and secured for the use of the Pogis and 1,000/. other part thereof, to John Penn of Wimpole Street, and in the mean time to receive the faid annuity, and to pay the fame to the proper parties free from taxes, and to be confidered as real property out of land in Middlesex, and the conveyance to be inrolled in chancery, and entered with the auditor of the exchequer; and the trustees answerable for their own acts only, and may reimburse their neceffary expences. Chap. 46. f. 11. Appeals. See Churches (Bristol). Chap. 20. s. 29. See Paving (Honiton). Chap. 25. 1. 40. See Poor (Suffolk). Chap. 22. f. 61. See Paving (Westminster). Chap. 53. f. 65. Appropriation of Supplies. 1. 2,300,000/. issued out of the confolidated fund on exchequer bills, &c. Chap. 32. f. 1. 2. 621,1511. Is. 3d. 29. furplus of the consolidated fund, and 34,000l. of foreign fecret service money, to be applied towards the fupplies of the year 1790. Same act, f. 10. heirs and defcendants of Wm. Penn 3. Malt duty, land tax, 3,500,000. efq; the original proprietor of Pennfylvania, in. confideration of the meritorious services of the faid Wm. Penn and the losses which his family have fustained in confequence of the unhappy dissentions in America; to be issued quarterly out of the consolidated fund to Wm. Baker and Andrew Allen esqrs. in trust for John Penn of Stoke Pogis and John Penn of Wimpole Street, to commence Jan. 5, 1790, by treasury warrant to the auditor of the exchequer, to make out debentures for the said annuity without fee, and not determinable on the King's demise. Chap. 46. f. 1. 14. Trustees forthwith to convey 3,000/. thereof to John Penn of Stoke loans, 2,000,000l. further loans, 790,9371. 10s. on vote of credit, 1,000,000%. to be applied (with the refidue by sale of French prizes) to the uses mentioned in this act. Chap. 32. f. 11. See Officers. Chap. 32. f. 28. Arkwright (Sir Richard) Intitled to mines discovered in his lands in cutting the Cromford canal. Chap. 56. f. 23. ; Canals, (Navigable). Facts...and 25 Geo. 3. c. 87. for making a navigable canal from the Stourbridge navigation to the Birmingham, and Birmingham and Fazeley navigations in Worcestershire and Staffordshire, and 10, 100l. raised on the new proprietors. Chap. 60. 580l. granted by parliament to the chief justice of Bermuda or Somers' islands from June 24, 1790, to the 2. Act of last session, Chap. 74. for fame day in 1791. Chap. 32. Birmingham and Fazeley. See Canals, (Navigable). Chap. 60. Bonds. See Tin. Chap. 4. Bow Windows. See Paving (Westminster). Chap. 53. f. 59. Bradford, (Yorkshire). Breton, Cape (America). 2,100l. granted by parliament for the civil establishment of the ifland of Cape Breton. Chap. 32. f. 23. Bristol, (City of). See Churches. Chap. 20. a navigable canal from Cromfora Bridge, Derbyshire, to join with Erewash canal at Langley Bridge, and also a collateral cut from the same canal at Codnor Park Mil near Pinxton Mill, in the said county, altered and amended. Chap. 56 3. The company of proprietors o the canal navigation from Leeds to Liverpool, enabled to vary the line of the faid canal, and to raise a fur ther fum of 200,000l. for com pleting thereof. Chap. 65. 4. For making a navigable canal fron Merthyr Tidvile to and through th bank near the town of Cardiff Glamorganshire. Chap. 82. Cape of Good Hope. Cardiff, (Glamorganshire). Carew, (Reginald Pole). Cafber 2 Cashew Gum. See West Indies. Chap. 28. Catterick and Tunstal, (Yorkshire). See Strickland. Chap. 51. Certificates. See Annuities. Chap. 45. f. 2. Certiorari. for building a church at St. James, 7. The act of the 29 Geo. 3. c. 47. See Paving, (Westminster). Chap. 8. For taking down the church and 53. f. 65. Chelsea, (St. Luke's). See Streets. Chap. 76. Churches. 1. For rebuilding the parish church 2. A chapel at Ramsgate in the parish 3. The curate to read prayers twice 4. The trustees in case of a vacancy 5. The rights of the archbishop and 6. The act of the 28 Geo. 3. C. 10. tower of the parish of St. John, 9. For taking down the church, Circuits. See Scotland. Chap. 17. Clerkenwell, (St. James's). See Churches. Chap. 69. Coals. Act 6 Geo. 3. c. 22. to regulate the loading of ships with coals in the ports of Newcastle and Sunderland continued till March 25, 1797. Chap. 78. Codnor Park Mill. Commissioners. See Land Tax. Chap. 13. See L Forests. Chap. 50. f. 7. See America. Chap. 32. f. 24. Chap. 34. See Slaves. Chap. 33. f. 13. See Customs. Chap. 43. Commons, (House of). See Parliament. Chap. 10. Compofitions. See Forests. Chap. 50. f. 3. See Land Tax. Chap. 2. f. 159. See Malt Duty. Chap. 3. f. 47.66. See Parliament. Chap. 10. f. 4, 5, 6. See Exchequer Bills. Chap. 15. f. 4. Chap. 16. f. 4. See the King, &. Chap. 24 f. 4. See Appropriation of Supplies. Chap. 32. f. I. 1. 2,300,000%. to be issued out of this fund to be raised by loans or exchequer bills on the credit of the faid fund and not to be rated to any tax. Chap. 32. f. 2. See 2. 621,1511. 15. 3d. 29. surplus of the consolidated fund. Chap. 32. f. 10. See America. Chap. 34. f. 10. Licences. Chap. 38. f. 17. See Annuities. Chap. 45. f. 21. Convicts. 1. 6,8881. 75. 6d. issued to Henry Bradley for convicts at Plymouth. Chap. 32. Coventry. See Paving. Chap. 77. Corn and Grain, &c. See Orders of Council. Chap. r. 1. Wheat, &c. exported out of Great Britain or shipped with that intent forfeited with 205. per bushel for wheat, flour, rye, meal, barley, malt, oats, oatmeal, peas and beans, and Is. per pound weight of bread or biscuit exported or carried out of the kingdom, and also the vessel and furniture, a moiety to the King and the other to the profecutor, to be recovered if under 50l. by summary bill or information at the quarter feffions or the sheriff's court; and masters or ma riners knowing of offences or aiding therein may be imprisoned for 3 months without bail. Chap. 1. f. 3. 2. But not to extend to exporting the articles enumerated, nor to prohibit diet for the crews of ships, or for men in the King's service, or for forces, forts or garrisons, or to Gibralter, St. Helena, or the islands of Guernsey, Jersey, Alderney and Man for sustenance of the inhabitants, nor to British forts, castles or factories in Africa, or for ships trading there; nor to the islands of Newfoundland, Hudson's Bay or the Bay of Honduras, according to the several statutes. Chap. 1. f. 4. 2. 33,2881. 155. 6d. to David Campbell for keeping the convicts on the river Thames. Chap. 32. f. 24. 3. The King enabled to authorise his governor or lieutenant governor of the place beyond the feas, to which 4. Foreign or British corn, &c. en 3. Foreign corn legally warehoused may be exported from fuch warehouse. Same act, f. 6. felons or other offenders may be transported, to remit the sentence of fuch offenders, and a duplicate of the instrument remitting fuch fentence to be remitted to one of the principal secretaries of state. tered or loaded at London for exportation before publication of the order of Dec. 23, 1789, in the London Gazette, or at any other port before receipt at the custom-house may be exported. Same act, f. 6. Chap. 47. See Women. Chap. 48. 5. Wheat, &c. may be imported into f. 3. England, Wales and Berwick upen Tweed, Σ Tweed, on payment of the low duties. Same act, f. 9. 6. Wheat, &c. imported on the low duties, and might have been warehoused under higher duties, may be so warehoused, &c. Same act, f. 10. 7. But if legally imported and warehoused under lock and key, may be delivered under the regulations of 13 Geo. 3. c. 43. and this act con tinued to Sept. 29, 1790, and may be altered this feffion. Same 1. 11. 8. So much of 30 Geo. 3. c. 1. as relates to the importation and exportation of corn and grain to continue till Feb. 28, 1791, before which the King in council may permit the exportation from Great Britain of wheat, flour, biscuit, rye, barley, oats, peas and beans, and also prohibit the importation on the low duties of wheat and other grain, and in like manner recall fuch permiffion and prohibition as circumstances shall appear to require; and if any person shall export or import corn or grain contrary to such permiffion or prohibition of the King in council, to be subject to the like penalties, and the said corn and grain and ship to be subject to the like forfeitures as if contrary to any act of parliament in force. Chap. 42. Cofts. Costs out of money raised, in Colneis and Carlford Hundred Suffolk. See Poor. Chap. 22. f. 69. Costs, Double. See Orders of Council. Chap. 1. See Slaves. Chap. 33. f. 22. Cofts, Treble. See Churches, (Bristol). Chap. 20. 1. 31. See Water, (Norwich). Chap. 21. f. 8. See Pour. Chap. 22. f. 43. * See Lottery. Chap. 30. f. 25. See Paving, (Westminster). Chap. 53. f. 65. See Paving, (Honiton). Chap. 25. f. 41. See Annuities. Chap. 45. s. 24. See Hamilton. Chap. 55. f. 31. Cotton, (Tho.) 1,6321. 65. 3d. 39. ordered by parliament to be issued to Tho. Cotton by direction of the treasury to pay bills of exchange. Chap. 32. f. 24. Coventry, (City). See Paving. Chap. 77. Cromford Bridge. See Canals. Chap. 56. Customs. 1. 1,000/. issued for expences of enquiring into the emoluments of the officers of the customs. Chap. 32. f. 24. 2. The commissioners of the customs authorised to defray the expences of feizures, &c. of vessels, &c. out of the King's share of seizures in general; and the officer to receive his full share of the nett produce. Chap. 43. D. Debts and Debtors. SEE Scotland. Chap. 5. See Corn and Grain. Chap. 1. See Rivers, (Navigable). Chap. 75- For making allowances to distillers of low wines and spirits from malt, corn, |