corn, or grain in Scotland, in respect of the duties imposed by the 24 Geo. 3. c. 46. Chap. 39. See Scotland. Dominica. 600l. granted to the chief justice of Dominica, from Jan. 1, 1790, to the fame day in 1791. Chap. 32.1.23. 26. Dorchester, (Lord). See Orders of Council. Chap. 1. Douglas, (River). See Canals. Chap. 65. Drawbacks. charged on the consolidated fund, to be replaced out of the first supplies, and the bank may advance the money. Chap. 15. 2. 200,000l. more raised by the like means at the fame time. Chap. 16. See Scotland. Chap. 17. See the King, &c. Chap. 24. See the Confolidated Fund. Chap. 32. 3. 3,500,000l. granted to discharge exchequer bills by 29 Geo. 3. c. 34Chap. 32. f. 19. 4. 2,000,000l. for the like. Same act, f. 20. Excise. See Licences. Chap. 38. The powers of 12 Car. 2. c. 24. See Yucatan, (South America). Chap. or of any other act relating to ex cise to extend to this act. Chap. 38. f. 20. F. Farmers. SEE Poft Horses. Chap. 23. See Lotteries. Chap. 30. f. 24. Fens. Act 14 Geo. c. 24. for the effectual draining and preservation of Waterbeach level, in the county of Cambridge, altered and amended, and an agreement made between the lord of the manor of Waterbeach cum Denny and the commoners within the faid manor established. Chap. 74 Ferries. George earl of Mount Edgcumbe and Reginald Pole Carew efq; authorifed and 1 and enabled to establish a common ferry across the river Tamer, between Plymouth Dock, in the parish of Stoke Damarel, in Devonshire, and Torpoint, in the parish of Anthony St. Jacob, alias Anthony in the East, in Cornwall. Chap. 61. Fish Market, (in Westminster). Forces. 1,000,000/. granted by parliament for the augmentation of forces, by sea and land, as exigences may require. Chap. 32. f. 22. Forests. 1. Act 26 Geo. 3. c. 87. for appointing commiffioners to enquire into the state of the woods, forests, and land revenues belonging to the crown, and to fell fee farm and other unimproveable rents, continued and amended. Chap. 50. 2. Sir Charles Middleton baronet, John Call and John Fordyce, esqrs. appointed commiffioners, on oath, and on sale of rents, where no composition with the owners, not to bar the King's right to rents in arrear prior to such sale. Same act, f. 3. 3. And where the confideration money paid for rents by owners of lands out of which they issue are not above 10l. the conveyance to be on the same stamp as the receipt for the confideration money, and the powers of the act 26 Geo. 3. c. 87. not hereby altered to continue in force. Same act, f. 5. 4. The treasury may order 2,0001. to be issued to the commissioners, and the King may appoint commissioners to supply the place of those who may decline to act or shall die, and the commissioners are not disqualified to fit in parlia ment, and this act to continue to the end of next session. Chap. 50. Forgery. Counterfeiting treasury orders for payment of losses to American sufferers, a capital felony and death. Chap. 34. f. 11. See Annuities. Chap. 45. 1. 23. See Lotteries. Chap. 30. S Forth River, (Scotland). See Navigation. Chap. 73. G. General Issue. EE Indemnity. Chap. 12. f. 8. See Churches, (Bristol). Chap. 20. See Water, (Norwich). Chap. 21. f. 8. See Poor, (Suffolk). Chap. 22. f. 63. See Paving, (Honiton). Chap. 25. f. 41. See Lotteries. Chap. 30. f. 25. See Annuities. Chap. 45. f. 24. See Hamilton, (fir Wm.) Chap. 55. See Paving, (Westminster). Chap. 53 Gold and Silver Wares. 1. Acts 12 Geo. 2. c. 26. and 24 Geo. 3. c. 53. relating to gold and filver wares, and the provisoes therein in regard to the marking filver wares to cease, and none of the following silver wares, viz. chains, necklace beads, lockets, philligree work, shirt buckles, or broaches, stamped medals, or spouts to china or other tea pots, or any of them, of any weight whatever, to be marked by the goldsmith's company, or with the mark of the King's King's head mentioned in the last act. Chap. 31. f. 3. Horses. 2. And the said acts not to extend to See Poft Horjes. Chap. 23. Hammer Bridge, in the Parish of Hans Town, (Chelsea). Honiton, (Devonshire). * See Paving. Chap. 25. Hubberston and Pill, (PembrokeShire). See Hamilton, (fir Wm.), knight of the Bath. Chap. 55. Shire. Chap. 58. East Heath, West Heath, and Clyde 3. The King enabled to authorise Batch, within the hamlet of Edington and parish of Moorlinch, in Somerset his governor of such places be- Chap. 51. Indemnity. See Qualifications. Chap. 12. Persons profecuted meant to be indemnified, may plead the general issue. Chap. 12. f. 8. India, (East) Company. John, St. (America). 1,840l. granted for the civil establishment of St. John in America, from Jan. 1, 1790, to the same day in 1791. Chap. 32. f. 23. Ipswich. Ranted for 1790, 1,874,074. 2. 8,2451. 105. 1d. difference between See Rivers, (Navigable). Chap. 57. 3. 11,4351. 125. 10d. 29. for regi Ireland. See Rape Seed. Chap. 41. f. 2. Κ. ments in the East Indies. Same act. The King, Queen, and Royal Family. 7. 63,2761. 55. Sd. to the paymaster 1.THE King may by fign manual authorise the treasury to direct loans to be received, and exchequer bills to be made out for one million of money agreeable to the rules of the malt act, the clauses whereof to be extended hereto (except those charging the loans on the malt tax, and limitting the rate of interest). Chap. 24. f. 1. 2. To be charged on the first supplies of next feffion, or the next confolidated fund, and to be replaced out of the first supplies, and the bank may advance the money on the credit of this act. Same act, f. 4. 5. general, fecretary at war, &c. Same act. 8. 162,7971. 185. 4d. for reduced land officers and marines. Same act. 9. 2021. Is. 8d. to reduced officers of horse guards. Same act. 10. 55,0921. 10s. for the like of the British American forces. Same act. 11. 4,9071. 105. allowed them. Same act. 12. 3,3921. 145. 2d. for officers late in the service of the states general. Same act. 13. 3,4111. 145. 4d. granted for major Grofe's corps. Chap. 32. f. 18. 14. 180.9391. 195. for Chelsea Hospital. Same act. 15. 9,990. gs. 3d. for widow's penfions. Same act. 16. 36,093. 1 16. 36,0931. 15s. to the landgrave of continued for five years. Chap. 18. Heffe, for 1790. Same act. ries of the army in 1789. Chap. 32. f. 18. f. 1. 17. 356,4581. 125. 4d. extraordina Licences. 1. The duties upon licences for retailing wine and sweets, and also for retailing spirituous liquors repealed, and other duties granted in lieu thereof. Chap. 38. Land Tax. 1. At four shillings in the pound for 1790. Chap. 2. 2. Debtors owing money in Scotland 2. By the act of 9 Queen Anne, c. 23. at fix per cent. to retain a fixth part of the fix per cent. from Nov. 11, 1789, το Νου. 11, 1790. Chap. 1. f. 140. 3. For appointing commissioners, who together with those named in two former acts, may put this act in execution. Chap. 13. See Parliament. Chap. 35. Langley Bridge, (Derbyshire). Lawrence, St. (Isle of Thanet). Leeds to Liverpool. Leeds. See Water. Chap. 68. Leafes. the duty charged on stamped vellum, &c. used for licences for retailing wine, 4s. and by 30 Geo. 2. c. 19. such retailers to pay 51. more, and if they have no ale licence, 41. more, and also for stamps on paper, &c. 40s.; in all cases where the duty of 51. is paid on a licence to retail wine, a duty of only 31. 6s. 8d. is to be paid in Scotland, and in all cases where a duty of 47. is paid, only 21. 135. 4d. to be paid in Scotland, and where 2/. is paid for licences 11. 65. 8d. in Scotland, and by the last act, unless enabled as after described, should sell by retail, by pint, &c. or in less quantity than equal to casks, in which may be imported any wine on pain of 1001. Same act, f. 1. 3. And by 31 Geo. 2. c. 31. retailers of sweets or made wines obliged to take licences, and unless so enabled, not to sell by retail less than 25 gallons of sweets, &c. on pain of rool. Same act. Treasury empowered to let leases 4. And by 26 Geo. 3. c. 74. licences to fir Wm. Hamilton knight, of lands on the shore of Milford Haven heretofore purchased by government, with or without fines, and on what rent the commiffioners shall think proper. Chap. 55. f. 26. Lewes, (Suffex). See Rivers, (Navigable). Chap. 52. Leather. Act 12 Geo. 3. c. 50. for encouraging the manufacture of leather for felling sweets by retail to have a stamp of 21. 45. and by 28 Geo. 3. c. 37. none to fell wines or sweets for consumption in his own house without a beer licence from Oct. 10, 1790, these duties under the commiffioners of stamps to cease. Chap. 38. f. 1. 5. From the same time the duties by the fix following acts, viz. 16 Geo. 2. c. 8. 24 Geo. 2. c. 40. 19 Geo. 3. c. 25. 21 Geo. 3. c. 17. 22 Geo. 3. c. 66. and 27 Geo. 3. c. 30. in respect to licences, to cease and determine, |