صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Lever, and from thence, by one branch, to or near the town of Bolton, and by another branch to or near the town of Bury, and to Weddell Brook, in the parish of Bury, all in the county palatine of Lancaster.

Cap. 69. For making and maintaining a navigable canal from Kington, in the county of Hereford, by or through Leominster, to join the river Severn near Stourport Bridge, in the county of Worcefter.

Cap. 70. For lighting, cleanfing, and watching the streets, lanes, and other publick paffages and places, within the township of Stourbridge, in the parish of Old Swinford, in the county of Worcester, and for removing and preventing obftructions, nuifances, and annoyances therein.

Cap. 71. For taking down and rebuilding the parish church of All Saints, within the town and county of the town of Southampton, and for purchafing land for the purpose of a church yard for the ufe of the faid parish.

Cap. 72. For the better relief and employment of the poor within the hundreds of Loes and Wilford, in the county of Suffolk. Cap. 73. For repairing the parish church of Saffron Walden, in the county of Effex.

Cap. 74. For building a new church in the town of Wakefield, in the weft riding of the county of York, and for providing a proper burial ground, and making provifion for a minifter to officiate in the said church.

Cap. 75. For enlarging the powers of an act paffed in the twenty-ninth year of the reign of his prefent Majefty, intituled, An act for rebuilding the parish church of Saint Chad, in the town of Shrewsbury, and county of Salop; and for providing a new cemetery or burial ground, and making convenient avenues and passages to the faid church and cemetery, and for raifing a further fum of money for fully effecting the general purposes in the faid act mentioned.

Cap. 76. For improving the navigation of the river Ouse, between Newhaven Bridge and Lewes Bridge, in the county of Suffex, and for the better draining of the low lands lying in Lewes and Laughton Levels, in the faid county.

Cap. 77. For making navigable the rivers Wreak and Eye, from the junction of the faid river Wreak with the intended navigation from Loughborough to Leicefter, at or near a certain place called Turnwater Meadow, in the lordship of Coffington, to Mill Clofe Homestead, in the parish of Melton Mowbray, all in the County of Leicester.

Cap. 78. For the better relief and employment of the poor belonging to the feveral parishes of Ellesmere, Middle, Bafchurch, and Hordley, and to the chapelry or district of Hadnal (otherwise Hadnal Eafe) in the county of Salop.

Cap. 79. For better paving, cleanfing, lighting, watching, and otherwise improving, the town of Dudley, in the county of Worcester, and for better fupplying the faid town with water.

Cap. 80. For paving the footways of certain ftreets within the city of Lincoln; for cleanfing, lighting, and watching the faid



streets, and other ftreets, lanes, and publick paffages and places, within the faid city; and for removing and preventing nuifances, annoyances, and encroachments therein.

Cap. 81. For embanking and draining certain fen lands and low grounds within the parishes of Chatteris and Dodington, and hamlet of Wimblington, in the faid parish of Dodington, in the ifle of Ely and county of Cambridge, and for dividing, allotting, and inclofing, the commons and wafte lands within the faid hamlet of Wimblington.

Cap. 82. To continue two acts, made in the fifteenth and thirty-first years of the reign of his late majesty King George the Second, for laying a duty of two pennies Scots, or one-fixth part of a penny Sterling, upon every Scots pint of ale and beer, which fhall be brewed for fale, brought into, tapped, or fold, within the town of Kirkaldy and liberties thereof.

Cap. 83. For repairing, enlarging, and preferving the harbour of Swanfea, in the county of Glamorgan.

Cap. 84. For building a bridge cross the river Thames from Stanes to Egham, in the counties of Middlefex and Surrey.

Cap. 85. For making and maintaining a canal, or navigable communication, from or near a certain place called Abernant, in the county of Glamorgan, to and through a certain place called The Brickfield, near Melinerythan Pill, into the river of Neath, near the town of Neath, in the said county.

Cap. 86. For enlarging and extending the powers of the prefent prefcriptive market within the town and borough of Lewes, in the county of Suffex, and removing the fame to a more convenient place within the faid town and borough, or within the precinct of the caftle of Lewes aforesaid.

Cap. 87. For the better maintenance and fupport of the poor of the parish of Sunderland, near the fea, in the county palatine of Durham.

Cap. 88. For confirming an agreement entered into between the company of proprietors of the undertaking for recovering and preferving the navigation of the river Dee, and certain lords of manors, and other perfons intitled to right of common upon the wastes and commons, and the old common falt marthes, lying on the south fide of the faid river, below, or to the northeaft of Greenfield Gate, in the county of Flint, and an award made in confequence thereof.

Cap. 89. For making and maintaining a navigable cut or canal from the city of Hereford to the city of Gloucester, with a collateral cut from the fame to the town of Newent, in the county of Gloucefter.

Cap. 90. For paving, lighting, watching, cleanfing, watering, repairing, and keeping in repair, Finsbury Square, in the parish of Saint Luke in the county of Middlefex, and part of the manor of Finsbury, and certain other streets and places communicating with, or near to, the said square, and for preventing or removing nuisances and annoyances within the fame.

Cap. 91. For draining and dividing a certain moor, or tract


of waste land, called King's Sedgmoor, in the county of Sormerset Cap. 92. For dividing, allotting, and inclofing, a certain large open tract of land within the manor of Holy Ifland, in the county palatine of Durham, and for extinguishing the right of common upon the ancient infield lands within the faid inland.

Cap. 93. For dividing and inclofing the open common fields, meadow ground, half year's land, common fens, and wafte lands, within the parish of Anwick, in the county of Lincoln, and for embanking and draining the faid common fens, and certain inclofed low lands adjoining thereto, called The Praie Grounds, in or near the township of North Kyme, in the faid county.

PUBLICK ACTS not printed in this COLLECTION.

Cap. 94. For making a new road from Saint George's Gate, in the city of Canterbury, to a place called Gutteridge Bottom; and for repairing and widening the prefent road from thence to the Dover turnpike road, in the parish of Barham, in the county

of Kent.

Cap. 95. For amending an act, made in the twenty-ninth year of the reign of his prefent Majefty, for making and repairing the road from the city of Glafgow, in the county of Lanerk, to Muirkirk, in the county of Ayr, and from thence to the confines of the faid county of Ayr towards Sanquhar, in the county of Dumfries; and other roads communicating therewith; and for the more effectually repairing the faid roads, and the road from the village of Gorbals, and new bridge of Glasgow to the chapel of Cambuslang, in the faid county of Lanerk, and branches thereof; and for making and repairing the road from the faid chapel of Cambuflang till it joins the high road leading from Hamilton by Burnbank towards Eaglesham, in the county of Renfrew.

Cap. 96. For enlarging the term and powers of two acts, of the tenth year of his prefent Majefty, and the laft feffion of parliament, for repairing the road from Biggleswade, in the county of Bedford, through Bugden and Alconbury, to the top of Alconbury Hill, and from Bugden to Huntingdon, and from Crofs Hall, to Great Stoughton common, in the county of Huntingdon; and also the road leading out of the aforefaid road, at or near the Ferry Houfe, in the parish of Tempsford, to and through Little Barford, Eynefbury, and Saint Neots, to the turnpike road at the end of Crafs Hall Lane, and from the turnpike road in the parish of Eaton Soken to the faid turnpike road near Saint Neots Bridge.

Cap. 97. For continuing the term and altering and enlarging the powers of an act, made in the tenth year of his Majesty's reign, for repairing feveral roads in the county of Cardigan; and for repairing other roads in the faid county.

Cap. 98. To enlarge the term of an act, paffed in the tenth year of the reign of his prefent Majefty, for amending the road from Wellbourn Mountfort to Stratford upon Avon, in the county of Warwick.

Cap. 99. For enlarging the term and powers of two acts, of


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the feventeenth year of his late Majefty, and the ninth year of his prefent Majesty, for repairing and widening the road leading from a place called Harlow Buth Common, in the parish of Harlow, in the county of Effex, to Stump Cross, in the parish of Great Chefterford, in the faid county.

Cap. 100. For enlarging the term and powers of an act, of the tenth year of his prefent Majefty, for amending and widening feveral roads, leading from The Bell, in Stoke Ferry, in the county of Norfolk; and for amending, widening, and keeping in repair, the road from Methwold Warren Houfe, to a place called The Devil's Ditch, in the faid county.

Cap. 101. To enlarge the term and powers of an act, passed in the tenth year of the reign of his prefent Majefty, for repairing and widening the road from Bicefter, in the county of Oxford, to Aylesbury, in the county of Bucks.

Cap. 102. For amending, widening, and keeping in repair, the road leading from Robefton Wathan to Saint Clears, and other roads therein mentioned, in the counties of Pembroke and Carmarthen.

Cáp. 103. For repairing and widening the road from the market place in Bicefter, in the county of Oxford, to the Buckingham turnpike road in Aynho, in the county of Northampton.

Cap. 104. To repeal fo much of an act of the eleventh year of his prefent Majefty, for repairing and widening the road from the turnpike road at Vinehall, in the parish of Mountfield, in the county of Suffex, to Cripps's Corner, and from thence to Staple Crofs, and to the turnpike road near the windmill, in the parish of Beckley, and from Staple Crofs to Longley's water corn mill, at Kent Ditch, and from Cripp's Corner to the town of Rye, in the faid county, as relates to the faid roads from Staple Cross to the turnpike road near the faid windmill, and from Staple Crofs to Longley's water corn mill aforefaid; and for enlarging the term and powers of the said act, so far as relates to the reft of the faid roads.

Cap. 105. For enlarging the term and powers of three several acts, paffed in the fixth and twelfth years of the reign of his late majesty King George the Second, and in the third year of the reign of his prefent Majesty, for repairing the road from Fyfield, in the county of Berks, to Saint John's Bridge, in the county of Gloucester; and from an inn called The Hind's Head, in the parish of Kingston Bagpuze, in the faid county of Berks, to that part of Newbridge which ftands in the faid county of Berks.

Cap. 106. For amending, widening, and keeping in repair, the road leading from the town of Haverfordweft through the town of Fishguard, to the town of Newport, in the county of Pembroke, and alfo from the town of Fishguard to the city of Saint Davids, in the faid county of Pembroke.

Cap. 107. To enlarge the term and powers of several acts, made for repairing the roads from Livingstone, by the kirk of Shotts, to the city of Glafgez, and by the town of Hamilton to the town of Strathaven, and for repairing and widening the roads


from the confines of the county of Ayr, at or near Lochgate, to the town of Strathaven, and for repairing the feveral roads leading into the city of Glasgow, fo far as the fame relate to the road leading from the town of Airdrie towards the city of Glasgow, through the village of Shettleton, till it falls into the great road from Murriehall to the faid city; and for repairing the road from the faid great road, by Drygate and Whitehill, to Carntyne; and for repairing and widening several other roads; and for building a bridge over the river Clyde, at or near Theevesfoord; and for opening and making certain streets in and near the city of Glasgow.

Cap. 108. For more effectually amending, widening, and repairing, the road through the feveral parishes of Saint Michael, Saint Alban, Saint Peter, Shenley, Ridge, and South Mims, in the counties of Hertford and Middlefex.

Cap. 109. For opening a new road from Milford, in the county of Pembroke to Stainton, and for amending and widening the road from the faid new road, through Stainton and Johnson, to Merlin's Bridge, in the fame county.

Cap. 110. For enlarging the term, and for explaining, amending, and making more effectual, the powers of two feveral acts, paffed in the twenty-fecond year of the reign of his late majesty King George the Second, and the feventh year of his present Majefty, for making a new road from New Street, in the parish of Saint John Southwark, to and through the feveral places therein mentioned, and for keeping the fame, and several other roads adjoining, in repair.

Cap. 111. For enlarging the term and powers of an act, of the fifth year of his prefent Majefty, for repairing the road leading from Chapel on the Heath, in the county of Oxford, to Bourton on the Hill, in the county of Gloucefter.

Cap. 112. For continuing and amending an act, of the tenth year of his prefent Majesty, for repairing and widening the several roads from the fouth gate in the borough of King's Lynn, into the parishes of Eaft Walton, Narborough, Stoke Ferry, and Downham, in the county of Norfolk.

Cap. 113. For continuing an act, of the tenth year of his prefent Majefty, for repairing and widening the roads from the east gate in the borough of King's Lynn, into the parishes of Geyton and Grimftone, and to the gate next Hillington on Congham Common, and to the north end of Babingley Lane, in the county of Norfolk.

Cap. 114. For enlarging the term, and varying the powers, of an act, of the thirteenth year of his present Majefty, for repairing and widening certain roads leading into the town of Rofs, in the county of Hereford, and for amending, widening, and keeping in repair, certain streets or highways within the faid town, and also certain fmall pieces of road communicating with the roads comprifed in the faid act.

Cap. 115. To continue the term and powers of an act, passed in the tenth year of the reign of his prefent majesty King George


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