and corruption of blood as heretofore. Same act. Workhouses. See Poor, (Manchester). Chap. 81. 1. Juftices of the peace, and any phyfician, furgeon, or apothecary, may, by warrant from a juftice, or the officiating clergyman of any parich, vifit any workhouse, and certify the ftate of the poor to the next quarter feffions, who may make orders and regulations about the fame, as they think proper. Chap. 49. 2. If any of the poor found afflicted with any contagious diforder, on application to any juftice of the divifion, he may give orders for immediate relief, and the expences to be paid out of the poor's rate, but this not to extend to workhouses regulated by act of parliament. Same act, f. 2, 3. Writs. See Scotland. Chap. 17. §. §. Y. Yucatan, (South America). Gment of Yucatan, in South America, and fold by auction in Great Britain; exempt from the excife duties imposed by 27 Geo. 3. c. 13. on fuch fales; and a drawback allowed of duties on goods exported to Yucatan, Chap. 26.) imported from the fettle THE END OF THE INDEX. THE Statutes at Large, Anno tricefimo primo GEORGII III. Regis: Being the FIRST Seffion of the Seventeenth Parliament of GREAT BRITAIN. VOL. XXXVII. PART II. A TABLE A TABLE OF THE STATUTES PUBLICK and PRIVATE, Paffed Anno tricefimo primo GEORGII III. Regis: ing the Firft Seffion of the Seventeenth Parliament of Great Britain. PUBLICK ACTS. Cap. x. NOR granting to his Majefty additional duties upon England, for extracting fpirits for home confumption; upon spirits made in Scotland and imported into England; and upon Foreign prits imported into Great Britain; and to continue certain acts for difcontinuing, for a limited time, the feveral duties payable in Scotand upon low wines and fpirits, and upon worts, wash, and other quers, there ufed in the diftillation of fpirits, and for granting to his Majefly other duties in lieu thereof; and for better regulating the exrtation of British-made fpirits from England to Scotland, and from Scotland to England; and to continue, for a limited time, an act made in the twenty-fixth year of the reign of his prefent Majesty, difcontinue, for a limited time, the payment of the duties upon low wines and Spirits for home confumption; and for granting and fering the due payment of other duties in lieu thereof; and for the ter regulation of the making and vending British jpirits. Cap. 2. For granting to his Majefty additional duties upon malt. Cap. 3. To give further time to John Macbride efquire, and is fureties, for entering into their recognizances, in refpect of is petition prefented to the houfe of commons, complaining of in undue election and return for the borough of Plymouth, in the County of Devon. a 2 Cap. 4. Cap. 4. To continue and amend so much of two acts, ma in the last feffion of parliament, as relates to the importati and exportation of corn and grain, and to the authorifing his M jesty to permit the exportation of corn, grain, meal, or flour, a to prohibit the importation thereof on the low duties. Cap. 5. For granting to his Majefty additional duties on th amount of the duties under the management of the commiffione for the affairs of taxes therein mentioned. Cap. 6. For granting an aid to his Majesty by a land tax, be raised in Great Britain, for the fervice of the year one tho fand seven hundred and ninety-one. Cap. 7. For continuing and granting to his Majesty certai duties upon malt, mum, cyder and perry, for the fervice of th year one thousand feven hundred and ninety-one. Cap. 8. To indemnify fuch perfons as have omitted to qua lify themselves for offices and employments; and to indemnit juftices of the peace, or others, who have omitted to registe or deliver in their qualifications within the time limited by law and for giving further time for those purposes; and to indem nify members and officers, in cities, corporations, and boroug towns, whofe admiffions have been omitted to be ftamped ac cording to law, or, having been ftamped, have been loft o miflaid; and for allowing them time to provide admiffions dul ftamped; to give further time to fuch perfons as have omitted to make and file affidavits of the execution of indentures o clerks to attornies and folicitors; and for indemnifying deputy lieutenants and officers of the militia, who have neglected to tranfmit defcriptions of their qualifications to the clerks of the peace within the time limited by law; and for giving further time for that purpose. Cap. 9. For the regulation of his Majefty's marine forces while on thore. Cap. 10. For altering and amending fo much of an act, passed in the twenty-eighth year of his Majefty's reign, intituled, An a for removing any doubt refpecting the power of the commiffioners for the affairs of India, to direct that the expence of raifing, transporting, and maintaining, fuch troops as may be judged neceffary for the fecurity of the British territories and poffeffions in the East Indies, fhould be defrayed out of the revenues arising from the faid territories and poffeffions; and for limiting the application of the faid revenues in the manner therein mentioned, as relates to fuch directions as fhall be given or approved by the said commiflioners with refpect to the payment of certain proportions of his Majefty's forces in India and of the European forces of the East India company, therein Specified. Cap. 11. For removing any doubt refpecting the fale of mortgage of annuities, pursuant to an act made in the twenty-fixth year of the reign of his prefent Majefty, intituled, An a to enable the East India company to raise money by fale of annuities, and by increafing their capital flock. Cap. 12. To continue the laws now in force for regulating the |