صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

fix shillings the barrel (exclufive of the duties of excife), and not every barrel of table beer, exceeding eleven shillings (exclusive of such duty), commonly above fix thilcalled Table Beer, brewed by the common brewer, or by any other lings, and unperfon or persons who doth or shall fell or tap out beer or ale, der eleven publickly or privately, within the cities of London and Westminster, shillings, 4d. or within the limits of the weekly bills of mortality:

the bills of

And the sum of four-pence farthing for every barrel of beer or and without ale above fix fhillings the barrel (exclusive of the duties of excife), mortality, 4d. and not exceeding eleven shillings (exclusive of such duty), com- 1q. monly called Table Beer, brewed by the common brewer, or by any other person or persons who doth or shall fell or tap out beer or ale, publickly or privately, in England, Wales, or the town of Berwick upon Tweed, not within the said cities of London or Westminster, nor within the weekly bills of mortality; under, subject, and according to the rules, regulations, restrictions, and provisions contained and provided in and by an act made in the twentysecond year of the reign of his present Majesty, concerning beer or ale, commonly called Table Beer, and returned by the gauger; and after that rate for any greater or less quantity:

The sum of five-pence upon every barrel of beer or ale above To every such fix shillings the barrel (exclusive of the duties of excife) brewed brewer, in by the common brewer, or by any other perfon or persons who Scotland, on every barrel of doth or shall fell or tap out beer or ale, publickly or privately, beer above fix within that part of Great Britain called Scotland, and returned by shillings, 5d.; the gauger; and so in proportion for any greater or less quantity:


The fum of three-pence upon every barrel of two-penny ale, on every ba mentioned and described in the seventh article of the treaty of penny ale, union, brewed within that part of Great Britain called Scotland, described in and returned by the gauger; and so in proportion for any greater article 7 of or less quantity: the union,

And the sum of one-penny halfpenny upon every barrel of fix 3d.; and on every shillings beer or ale, or under, brewed by the common brewer, or barrel of 6s. any other person or persons who doth or shall fell or tap out beer beer, or unor ale, publickly or privately, within that part of Great Britain der, id. 2q. called Scotland, and returned by the gauger; and so in proportion for any greater or less quantity.

Allowances to

Which said several and respective allowances for the faid beer or be paid at the ale, so brewed as aforesaid, shall be paid at the end of every four end of four months after months respectively, after the duties shall have been paid for the the duties same, and not fooner.

have been

cate as herein

VII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That paid, if any common brewer, or other person or persons who brew beer upon certifi or ale, and fell or tap out the fame publickly or privately, shall, mentioned. by himself or themselves, or his or their agent or agents, at any time after the end of four months after he or they shall have paid the duties for any beer or ale by him or them brewed after the faid fifth day of January one thousand seven hundred and ninetyone, produce to, and leave with the collector of excife of the county, shire, stewartry, or place, where the beer or ale for which the allowances are by this act directed to be made was brewed, and


and where the duties were paid for the fame, a certificate or certificates from the officer who received the said duties, that the duties charged or chargeable upon the faid beer or ale have been actually paid, and that the fame beer or ale was brewed fince the faid fifth day of January one thousand seven hundred and ninetyone, (which certificate the faid officer is hereby required to give gratis), then, and in every such case, the faid collector shall, out of the monies arising from the duties by this act impofed upon malt, forthwith pay to the person producing the said certificate, for every barrel of beer or ale mentioned within the respective allowances by this act in such cafe directed to be made; and in cafe the said collector shall not have sufficient money in his hands, arifing by the duty by this act imposed upon malt, to pay the fame, then the respective commissioners for the said duty are hereby required to pay the said allowances out of the faid duty upon malt arifing by this act; and if at any time it shall happen, that the faid respective commissioners shall not have in their hands monies arifing by the said duty fufficient to pay the said allowances, then, and in every fuch case, the faid respective commiffioners shall pay the said allowances out of any monies then in their hands.

VIII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, The powers That all and every the powers, authorities, directions, rules, meof 12 Car. 2. thods, penalties, and forfeitures, clauses, matters, and things, c. 24, &c. to extend to this which, in and by an act made in the twelfth year of the reign of King Charles the Second, intituled, An act for taking away the court of wards, and liveries, and tenures in capite, and by knight's Service, and purveyance; and for fettling a revenue upon his Majesty in lieu thereof; or by any other law now in force relating to his Majesty's revenue of excise upon beer, ale, or other liquors, are provided, fettled, or established, for securing, enforcing, managing, raifing, levying, collecting, paying, mitigating, or recovering, adjudging, or ascertaining the duties or penalties thereby granted, and for preventing, detecting, and punishing frauds relating thereto, (other than in such cases for which other penalties or provifions are prescribed by this act), shall be exercised, prac tifed, applied, used, and put in execution, in and for the managing, raifing, levying, collecting, mitigating, adjudging, ascertaining, recovering, and paying the several duties hereby granted, as fully and effectually, to all intents and purposes, as if all and every the faid powers, authorities, rules, directions, methods, penalties, forfeitures, clauses, matters and things, were particularly repeated and again enacted in the body of this present act.

Duties to be paid into the

exchequer, and kept separate from. other monies.

IX. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That all monies arifing by the said rates and duties, (the neceffary charges of raising and accounting for the fame excepted), shall, from time to time, be paid into the receipt of his Majesty's exchequer, distinctly and apart from all other branches of the publick revenues; and that there shall be provided and kept in the office of the auditor of the faid receipt of exchequer, a book or books, in which all the monies arifing from the faid rates and duties, and paid into the faid receipt as aforesaid, shall be entered, separate separate and apart from all other monies paid and payable to his Majesty, his heirs and fuccessors, upon any account whatever; and the faid money, so paid into the said receipt, shall be fubject and liable to the uses and purposes herein-after mentioned.

afterwards the

X. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That Duties paid all the monies arifing or to arise by the faid several rates and du- into the exties hereby impofed, which shall be paid into the faid receipt at chequer on or before April 5, any time or times on or before the fifth day of April one thousand 1792, to be seven hundred and ninety-two, shall be carried to and made part carried to the of the fund called The Consolidated Fund; and that from and after consolidated the said fifth day of April one thousand seven hundred and ninety- fund; and two, all the monies arifing or to arise by the said rates and duties, duties to be and paid into the faid receipt after the faid fifth day of April one applied in paythousand seven hundred and ninety-two, shall, together with such ment of other rates and duties as shall be granted by any act or acts of 800,000l. to be raised by this present session of parliament for this purpose, be a fund for the exchequer payment and discharge of the prinicipal sum of eight hundred bills. thousand pounds, part of the sum of one million eight hundred and thirty-three thousand pounds, to be raised by loans or exchequer bills, in pursuance of any act of this feffion of parliament, together with such interest as shall by the said act be directed to be paid or made payable for the faid principal fum of eight hundred thousand pounds, and shall be issued, applied, and disposed towards the paying off and discharging the faid principal fum of eight hundred thousand pounds, and interest to become due thereon as aforefaid, and to no other use, intent, or purpose whatsoever.

intereft, the

XI. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That, On payment upon payment of the said principal fum of eight hundred thousand of the faid pounds, and all interest to become due thereon, or referving, at 800,000l. and the faid receipt of exchequer, so much money out of the faid fund duties hereby to be established as aforesaid, as shall be fufficient to fatisfy and granted to discharge the faid principal sum of eight hundred thousand pounds, cease. and all interest as aforesaid, and publication thereof in the manner to be directed by the faid act of this feffion of parliament, the faid rates and duties hereby imposed shall from thenceforth cease and determine, and be no longer paid or payable; and all the rules and regulations of this act shall also from thenceforth cease and determine, except as to the recovery of any arrears of the faid rates or duties which may at that time have accrued or grown due, or to any fine, penalty, or forfeiture which may have been then incurred.


An act to give further time to John Macbride esquire, and his fureties, for entering in their recognizances, in respect of his petition presented to the house of commons, complaining of an undue election and return for the borough of Plymouth, in the county of Devon.


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An alt to continue and amend so much of two acts, made in the last
Session of parliament, as relates to the importation and exportation of
corn and grain, and to the authorising his Majesty to permit the ex-
portation of corn, grain, meal, or flour, and to prohibit the impor-
tation thereof on the low duties.

30 Geo. 3. C. I. (intituled, An act for indemnifying all persons who have
been concerned in advising or carrying into execution certain
orders of council, respecting the importation and exportation of
corn and grain, and also certain orders issued by the governor
general of his Majesty's colonies in America; and for preventing
suits in confequence of the same; and for making further provi-
sions relative thereto;) which att was to continue in force until the
twenty-ninth day of September one thousand seven hundred and

WHEREAS an act was passed in the last fession of parliament,

ninety: and whereas by another act, passed in the same session, (inand 30 Geo. 3. tituled, An act to continue, for a limited time, certain provisions c. 42. recited. contained in an act made in this present session of parliament, in

tituled, An att for indemnifying all persons who have been concerned in advising or carrying into execution certain orders of council reSpelting the importation and exportation of corn and grain, and alfo certain orders issued by the governor general of his Majesty's colonies in America; and for preventing suits in confequence of the fame; and for making further provisions relative thereto, relating to the importation and exportation of corn and grain; and to authorise his Majesty to permit the exportation of corn, grain, meal, or flour; and to prohibit the importation thereof on the low duties); fo much of the first-mentioned act as related to the importation and exportation of corn and grain was continued from the twenty-ninth day of September one thousand seven hundred and ninety, until and upon the twenty-eighth day of February one thousand feven hundred and Somuch of the ninety-one: and whereas it is expedient, that so much of the faid first recited first-mentioned act as relates to the importation and exportation of act as relates corn and grain, and also the whole of the said last-mentioned act, should to the impor- be further continued in force: be it therefore enacted by the King's tation and ex- most excellent majesty, by and with the advice and confent of the lords spiritual and temporal, and commons, in this present parliament assembled, and by the authority of the fame, That so much of the said first-mentioned act as relates to the importation and exportation of corn and grain, and also the whole of the said lastmentioned act, shall continue and be in force until the tenth day of June one thousand seven hundred and ninety-one.

portation of
corn and
grain, and
the whole of
the laft, to
continue in

force till June

10, 1791.

If the expor-
II. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That
tation of
if, at any time or times, during the continuance of this act, any
wheat, &c.
from Great
fort of wheat, wheat flour, biscuit, rye, rye-meal, barley, barley-
Britain shall be meal, oats, oat-meal, pease, or beans, shall be prohibited to be
prohibited by exported from Great Britain, by virtue of the said recited acts, or
virtue of the of any authority therein given to his Majesty, his heirs and fuc-
recited acts,
his Majesty in ceffors, by and with the advice of his or their privy council, it


have been allowed

shall and may be lawful, nevertheless, for his Majesty, his heirs council may and fucceffors, and he and they are hereby authorised, by and with permit the exthe advice of his or their privy council, to permit and allow the portation of such quantiexportation to any dominion, territory, plantation, colony, island, ties to fuch province, factory, place, or fishery, to his Majesty, his heirs or places belongfuccessors, belonging, of such quantities of each and every fuch ing to his Mafort of corn and other articles as aforesaid, as hath at any time jefty as been allowed to be exported to such or the fame dominion, terri- by any act of tory, plantation, colony, island, province, factory, place or fishery parliament, respectively to his Majesty belonging, by any act or acts of parliament heretofore made, and of any quantity or quantities of and of any neeach and every such fort of corn and other articles as aforesaid, to cessary quantity to Newthe island of Newfoundland, and to the British islands in the West foundland and Indies, as shall from time to time be found necessary and requisite the West Infor the use of the fishery of the said island of Newfoundland, and dies. for the food and sustenance of the inhabitants of the said islands refpectively.

bounties have

not exceed, on

III. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That Whenever the whenever the exportation of corn, grain, and other articles made exportation thereof, on which bounties have been heretofore payable, shall be of corn, &c. so permitted, and that the prices thereof respectively, taken in the on which manner directed by an act passed in the tenth year of his present been payable, Majesty's reign, (intituled, An alt for registering the prices at which shall be percorn is fold in the several counties of Great Britain, and the quantity mitted, and exported and imported), shall not, upon an average of the returns the prices shall made by virtue of the said act, exceed the prices upon which an average of bounties have been heretofore allowed on each fort respectively, the returns it shall be lawful for his Majesty, by and with the advice of his made under privy council, to order that the fame bounties be allowed on each 10 Geo.3.0.39. theprices upon fort respectively, as would be allowed and payable thereon, if such which bouncorn, grain, or other articles, were exported under the authority ties have been of any act or acts of parliament now in force, and subject to the allowed, his fame regulations, conditions, and restrictions, and to the fame Majesty in council may penalties and forfeitures, as are enacted and imposed in and by the order the fame faid acts. bounties as

would be allowed if the corn, &c. were exported under any act in force. IV. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That This act may this act may be altered, varied, or repealed, by any act or acts to be altered this be made in this present session of parliament.


An act for granting to his Majesty additional duties on the amount of the duties under the management of the commissioners for the affairs of taxes therein mentioned,

Most gracious Sovereign,



E, your Majesty's most dutiful and loyal subjects, the com- Preamble mons of Great Britain, in parliament assembled, being defirous of raising the neceffary supplies to defray your Majesty's extraordinary expences, have freely and voluntarily refolved to

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