Duty to be II. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That under the ma- the faid duty, by this act impofed, fhall be under the management and direction of the refpective commiffioners of his Majefty's sioners of cuf- cuftoms in England and Scotland for the time being. nagement of the commif toms in Eng land and Scot land refpectively. A drawback III. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That upon all fugar which fhall have been imported into Great Britain, after the faid eleventh day of April one thousand seven hundred and ninety-one, and on which the duty by this act imposed shall ofthe faidduty have been paid, there fhall be paid or allowed, on exportation to be allowed thereof within the times limited by law, to the exporter thereof, onexportation a drawback of the whole of the faid duty by this act impofed and of the fugar in the ftate it was paid; provided the faid fugar be exported in the fame ftate in imported; which it was imported, but not otherwife. and an addi per cwt.on ex portation of refined fugar, &c. made from fugar fo imported. IV. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That tional draw for all refined fugar, called Bastards, and ground or powdered back of 38.4d. fugar, and refined loaf fugar broke in pieces, and all fugar called Candy, which fhall be made from fugar which fhall have been imported into Great Britain, after the faid eleventh day of April one thousand seven hundred and ninety-one, and on which the duty by this act imposed shall have been paid, there fhall be allowed, on exportation of every hundred weight thereof, containing one hundred and twelve pounds, within the time limited by law, to the exporter thereof, a drawback of three fhillings and four-pence, and fo in proportion for any greater or less quantity of fuch fugars refpectively, over and above all other bounties or drawbacks allowed for the fame by law, on and immediately before the faid eleventh day of April one thousand feven hundred and ninety-one. Duty and drawback to be paid in the fame manner as former duties, &c. V. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That the faid duty impofed, and the faid bounty and drawback allowed, respectively by this act, fhall and may be respectively afcertained, raised, levied, collected, answered, paid, recovered, allowed, and managed, in fuch and the like manner, and in or by any or either of the ways, means, and methods, and under the rules, regulations, oaths, and powers refpectively, by which the former duties, bounties, and drawbacks on fugars respectively were or might be afcertained, raifed, levied, collected, anfwered, paid, recovered, allowed, and managed; and all fugar, on which by this act any additional duty is impofed, and bounty or drawback allowed refpectively, fhall be and is hereby made fubject and liable to all and every the conditions, regulations, rules, reftrictions, and forfeitures, to which fugar was fubject and liable, by any act or acts of parliament in force on and immediately before the faid eleventh day of April one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-one; and all and every penalty, fine, or forfeiture, of any nature or kind whatever, for any offence whatever committed against or in breach of any act or acts of parliament in force on and immediately before the faid eleventh day of April one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-one, made for fecuring the revenue of cuftoms, or for the regulation or improvement thereof, and the feveral claufes, powers, and directions therein contained, fhall fhall and are hereby directed and declared to extend to, and fhall be refpectively applied, practifed, and put in execution, for and in refpect of the faid duty and bounty or drawback refpectively, by this act impofed and allowed, in as full and ample a manner, to all intents and purposes whatever, as if all and every the faid acts, claufes, provifions, powers, directions, fines, penalties, and forfeitures, were repeated and re-enacted refpectively in the body of this act. VI. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That Dutics to be all monies arifing by the faid rates and duties (the neceffary paid into the charges of raifing and accounting for the fame excepted) fhall, exchequer, and kept apart from time to time, be paid into the receipt of his Majefty's ex- from other chequer, diftinétly and apart from all other branches of the publick monies. revenues; and that there fhall be provided and kept in the office of the auditor of the faid receipt of exchequer, a book or books, in which all the monies arifing from the faid rates and duties, and paid into the faid receipt as aforefaid, fhall be entered feparate and apart from all ether monies paid and payable to his Majefty, his heirs and fucceflors, upon any account whatever; and the faid money, fo paid into the faid receipt, fhall be fubject and liable to the uses and purposes herein-after mentioned. terwards the VII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That Duties paid all the monies arifing or to arife by the faid feveral rates and into the exduties hereby impofed, which fhall be paid into the faid receipt, chequer on or at any time on or before the fifth day of April one thousand seven 1792, to be hundred and ninety-two, fhall be carried to and made part of the carried to the fund called The Confolidated Fund; and that from and after the faid confolidated fifth day of April one thousand seven hundred and ninety-two, all fund, and afthe monies arifing or to arife by the faid rates and duties, and duties to be paid into the faid receipt after the faid fifth day of April one thou- applied in payfand feven hundred and ninety-two, fhall, together with fuch ment of other rates and duties as fhall be granted by any act or acts of 1,833,000l. to be railed by this prefent feffion of parliament for this purpofe, during the terms exchequer for which fuch rates and duties fhall be refpectively granted, be a bills. fund for the payment and difcharge of the feveral principal fums of eight hundred thoufand pounds, and one million and thirtythree thousand pounds, amounting to the fum of one million eight hundred and thirty-three thousand pounds, to be raised by loans or exchequer bills, in purfuance of any act of this feffion of parliament, together with fuch intereft as fhall by the faid act be directed to be paid or made payable for the faid principal fums of eight hundred thousand pounds, and one million and thirty-three thousand pounds, and fhall be iffued, applied, and difpofed towards the paying off and discharging the faid principal fums of eight hundred thoufand pounds, and one million and thirty-three thousand pounds, and intereft to become due thereon as aforefaid, and to no other ufe, intent, or purpose whatfoever. of the faid Vili. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That Upon payment upon payment of the faid principal fums of eight hundred thoufand 1,833,000l. pounds, and one million and thirty-three thousand pounds, and and intereft, all intereft to become due thereon, or referving at the faid receipt the duties hereby granted to cease. u of of exchequer fo much money out of the faid fund to be eftablished as aforefaid, as fhall be fufficient to fatisfy and difcharge the faid principal fums of eight hundred thoufand pounds, and one million and thirty-three thoufand pounds, and all intereft as aforefaid, and publication thereof in the manner to be directed by the faid act of this feffion of parliament, the faid rates and duties hereby impofed fhall from thenceforth ceafe and determine, and be no longer paid or payable; and all the rules and regulations of this act thall alfo from thenceforth ceafe and determine, except as to the recovery of any arrears of the faid rates and duties which may at that time have accrued or grown due, or to any fine, penalty or forfeiture which may have been then incurred. CA P. XVI. An act for defraying the charge of pay and cloathing of the militia, in that part of Great Britain called England, for one year, beginning the twentyfifth day of March one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-one.-Continued annually. CA P. XVII. An act for cleanfing, lighting, and watching, and levelling the furfaces of the streets, and other publick places, within the hamlets of Deretend and Bordefley, in the county of Warwick; and for removing and preventing nuifances, obftructions, and incroachments, and regulating the driving of carts and other carriages ufed for carrying goods, wares, and merchandises therein. Commiffioners names. Qualification of commiffioners, inhabitants occupying a houfe of rol. a year, or poffefling 201. a year in one of the hamlets. Commiffioners not to hold places of profit under the act. Commiffioners may act as juftices. Meetings of the commiffioners. Notice of meetings. Proceedings not to be valid unless done at meetings; and seven commiffioners may act. Chairman to be appointed; and to have the cafting vote. Commiflioners to appoint officers; and to take fecurity from the treasurer and other officers. Officers to account. Temporary officers may be appointed, though not at meetings. Commiffioners to caufe ftreets to be cleanfed, lighted, &c. and may provide an engine house, office, storehoufe, &c. Lamps and materials vested in the commiffioners. Penalty on wilfully breaking or damaging them, 40s. Perfons carelessly or accidentally breaking or damaging lamps, &c. to make good the damage. Night conftables and watchmen to be appointed. Copies of orders, &c. to be given to the night conftables. Commiflioners may contract for performing any of the works. Penalty on caufing annoyances in the ftreets, 5s. Penalty on baiting bulls, 51. making bonfires, &c. 58. Annoyances by hogfties, &c. to be removed. Time of emptying neceffary houfes directed. Bulks, bulk-fafhes, fpouts and gutters to be regulated. Pofts, &c. to be removed. Penalty on leaving open cellar windows, &c. in the night time, 108. Notice to be given previous to removal of figns, &c. Owners or occupiers may be permitted to remove figns, &c. and be allowed the expences. Penalties not to extend to fcaffolds, rubbith, &c. occafioned by building. Driving of carts regulated, and width of the wheels 6 inches. Commitlioners may number the houses, and affix the names of the streets. Foot paths, &c. to be levelled. Rates to be made by affeffors appointed by the commiffioners. Houfes, &c. under 61. a year to pay 6d. in the pound. From 61. to 10l. a year, 9d. from 10l. to 15l. a year, is. from 151. to 20l. a year, 18. 3d. of 20l. a year and upwards, Is. 6d. in the pound. Rates to be apportioned where different tenants. Rates to be examined and confirmed by commiffioners. Affeffors to obey orders of commiffioners. Gardens, orchards, land and empty houfes exempt from rates. Rates to be appor tioned between occupiers quitting and coming into houfes, &c. Power to mitigate rates in certain cafes. Rates not to be less than certain fums, without creditors confent. Recovery of rates. Commiffioners may raise money by loan; or by granting annuities. Money borrowed or raised not to exceed 1oool. Notice to be given of borrowing money in a Birmingham newspaper. Securities transferrable Proceedings of commiffioners to be entered, and be free for creditors infpection. Application of money arifing by rates. Hamlets united for the purposes of the act, and the limits afcertained. Accounts to be made up annually. Actions may be brought in the name of treasurer or clerk.` Recovery of penalties. Commiffioners may compound for penalties for non-performance of contracts. Perfons aggrieved by rates may appeal to the quarter feffions. Diftrefs not unlawful for want of form. Plaintiff not to recover unless notice given, nor after tender of amends. Proceedings not to be quafhed for want of form. Inhabitants may be witneffes. Juftices may mitigate penalties. Limitation of actions. Publick act. An act to explain and amend an act, made in the twelfth year of the reign of his prefent Majefty, intituled, An act for paving, lighting, cleanling, watering, and watching the ftreets, and other publick places, within fuch part of the parish of Saint Pancras, in the county of Middlesex, as lies on the weft fide of Tottenham Court Road; and for preventing nuisances and obstructions therein; and for obliging the trustees for the care of the said road, to pave, repair, and cleanse such part of the said road as is therein described. 12 Geo. 3. c. 69. Treasurer may act as a commiffioner. Acts of commiffioner, who held the office of treasurer, rendered valid. Treasurers indemnified from penalties incurred for acting as commiffioners. For preventing afhes being taken away by any perfon but the contractor for cleaning. For removing bulks or stalls. For making recompence to owners of bulks, &c. For preventing annoyances on carriage or footways. For repairing flaps and doors to cellars. For repealing power of water companies, to re-lay pavement taken up to repair pipes. Commiffioners to repair pavement taken up for mending the pipes. Water companies to pay commiffioners expence of repairing fuch pavement. Commiflioners may appoint watchhoufe, keepers, &c. and give rewards for fecurity of the inhabitants. Manner of paying off fecurities on rates. Commiffioners may borrow money for repairing pavement. Rates may be recovered before quarter day. Rates to be apportioned between parties quitting and entering into poffefsion of houfes between quarters. Rates to be paid where goods of inhabitants are taken in execution. Rates may be levied by warrant from one magistrate where inhabitants are quitting their houfes. Manner of recovering penalties. Juftices may act, though they are commiffioners. Claufes of former act extended to this act. How the expences of this act shall be paid. Publick act. CA P. XIX. An act for amending and enlarging the powers of, and rendering more effectual, an act made in the thirty-firft year of the reign of his late majefty King George the Second, intituled, An act for afcertaining and collecting the poor's rates, and for better regulating the poor, in the parith of Saint Mary Magdalen Bermondfey, in the county of Surrey, and for other the purposes therein mentioned. A&t 31 Geo. 2. c. 45. recited. So much of the former act as authorifes the appointment of governors and directors of the poor repealed, and others appointed. Confirmation of the orders of the governors and directors by the veftry not neceffary. Powers of the veftry, as far as refpects the poor, transferred to the governors and directors. Election of governors and directors in the room of thofe dying, quitting the parith, or neglecting to act. Qualification of future governors and directors. Occupier of a house of Iol. Iol. a year, or poffeffed of 5cl. a year in the parish, or intituled to a perfonal eftate of 5ool. Penalty on perfons not qualified prefuming to act, 201. Governors and directors concerned in contracts difqualified, and fubje& to a penalty of zol. Times and places of meetings of the governors and directors. Governors and directors may order the veftry clerk or churchwarden to fummon a fpecial meeting. Chairman to be appointed, and governors and directors, at all their meetings, to pay their own expences. Proceedings to be entered in a book. No act valid, unlefs at a publick meeting, except orders for fpecial meetings. Majority at a publick meeting to act, if nine be prefent. Juftices of the peace may act as juftices, notwithstanding their being governors and directors, and adminifter oaths, &c. For appointing a clerk and other officers. Officers to give fecurity, &c. For recovering money, in cafe of death, or infolvency of officers, &c. Power to enlarge the workhoufe, and purchafe ground for that purpofe, and to provide neceffaries for the relief and employment of the poor. Recital of leafes granted to the churchwardens of ground adjoining the church yard. Vefting the interefts under the refpective leafes in the governors and directors. Trufts of the leafes affigned. Governors and directors may indemnify the affignors against the rents and covenants in the leafes affigned. Leffors not to be prejudiced. Power to purchase a larger intereft in the burial ground, and to purchafe more ground for the fame purpofe. Bodies politick, &c. empowered to fell and convey land. Money arifing from the fale of the premifes to be invefted and fettled to the fame ufes as the faid premifes were fettled; and in the mean time in the funds, or real fecurities. Recovery of rents referved on leafes to be granted or affigned to the governors and directors. Legal eftates of premifes, left in truft for the parish, to be divefted out of the prefent feoffees, and vefted in the governors and directors. Power to let leafes of any of the parish eftates. Contracts to be entered into. Furniture, &c. provided for the poor vefted in the governors and directors. Governors and directors may borrow 5000l. on annuities. Annuities to be paid out of the rates, &c. Purchafers of annuities not to be prejudiced by irregularity in the grants. Annuities transferrable. Annuitants to fue for and recover annuities. As annuitants die, rates to be lowered. Money arifing from the poor's rates to be paid to the treasurer, and be under the management of the governors and directors, and paid according to their order. The general rate to commence at Lady-day yearly, with power to fupply omiflions or defects in the rate or affeflments. Donations, and other monics, to be paid to the treasurer. Parish officers to be aiding and affifting in the execution of this act. Against conveying fpirituous liquors into the workhoufe. Encouragement may be given to induftrious poor. Overfeers may relieve cafual poor. Power to fue for rates, penalties and fines. Penalties and forfeitures may be recovered in a fummary way. Governors and directors may compound for penalties contained in any contract. Juftices to proceed on the complaint of governors and directors. Inhabitants deemed competent witneffes. Actions may be in the name of the treaturer. Perions appealing to the quarter feffions, to give notice and fecurity. Proceedings not to be quathed for want of form. Actions not to be brought without notice, or after tender of amends. All the claufes of the former act not altered by this extended thereto. The expences of this act to be first paid. Publick act. CA P. XX. An act for dividing and inclofing certain open fields, lands, and grounds, in the parish of Cottingham, in the eaft riding of the county of York; and for amending an act paffed in the fixth year of the reign of his prefent Majefty, for dividing, inclofing, and draining certain lands, grounds, and common paftures, in the faid parifh. Commiffioners, Robert Dunn, John Wood, Peter Neville and Jofeph Dickinson. Notice to be given of meetings. Survey to be made. Commiffioners, &c. to be fworn. Lands may be entered to furvey. For chufing new commiffioners and furveyor. Commiffioners to fettle disputes. Act 1 not |