صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

not to extend to matters of title. Roads. Commissioners to appoint who shall have herbage of the roads. Surveyor of the roads to be appointed. Stone quarries, &c. Turnpiké roads not to be altered. Road to Eppleworth Wood not to be altered. Compensation for tythes. Quantity, quality, and fituation to be confidered in making allotments. Proprietors may inclose after allotments are staked out, with confent of commiffioners. Proprietors may have their allotments laid together. Freehold and copyhold lands to be diftinguished. Fencing allotments. Gaps to be left. Ringfencing tythe allotments. Where parties neglect or refuse to fence their allotment, commiffioners may do it. Commissioners to direct the course of husbandry. Allowance to be made for standing crops. Sheep not to be kept in new inclosures for a limited time. Commiffioners to make an award and inroll it in the publick regifter office in Beverley. Allotments to be accepted. Guardians, &c. to accept. Non-acceptance of guardians, &c. not to bar. For making exchanges and partitions. Allotments to be to the fame use as land in respect whereof they are made. Leases at rack rent to be void. Paying expences of the act. Tythe allotments not to pay any part of fuch expences. Arbitrator, Peter Johnson efq; Allowance to arbitrator. For chusing new arbitrator. Power to borrow money. Securities may be affigned. Commiffioners to account. Allowance to commiffioners. Appeal. Saving rights of lords of manors. General saving. Act of 6 Geo. 3. for draining and inclcfing Cottingham. Altering fome of the powers of that act. Trustees to be appointed. Meeting of trustees. For making and keeping out ring and division fences. Trustees power to enter lands to view. Paying trustees expences. Present commiffioners to account with new trustees. Trustees to account. Appeal. Publick act.


An act for granting to his Majesty an additional duty on certificates issued with respect to the killing of game.

Moft gracious Sovereign,

WE, you


E, your Majesty's most dutiful and loyal subjects, the comof Great Britain, in parliament afsembled, being defirous of raising by the most easy means the necessary supplies towards defraying your Majesty's publick expences, have freely and voluntarily refolved to give and grant unto your Majesty the several additional rates and duties herein-after mentioned; and do most humbly beseech your Majesty that it may be enacted; and be it enacted by the King's most excellent majesty, by and with the advice and confent of the lords spiritual and temporal, and commons, in this present parliament assembled, and by the authority of the fame, That, from and after the first day of July one From July 1, thousand seven hundred and ninety-one, there shall be raised, 1791, the follevied, collected, and paid, throughout the kingdom of Great Bri- lowing additain, to and for the use of his Majesty, his heirs and fucceffors, to be paid, viz. the several additional rates and duties following; that is to say,


For every piece of vellum or parchment, or sheet or piece of For every cerpaper, upon which any certificate issued to any person who shall tificate iffued to kill game use any dog, gun, net, or other engine, for the taking or deftruc- to any perfon tion of game, (not acting as a gamekeeper under or by virtue of not being a a deputation or appointment duly registered), shall be engrossed, gamekeeper, written, or printed, there shall be charged, an additional stamp 11. Is. and duty of one pound one shilling:


to any game

And for every piece of vellum or parchment, or sheet or piece keeper, 103.6d. of paper, upon which any certificate issued to any person under any deputation or appointment of a gamekeeper, shall be engroffed, written, or printed, there shall be charged an additional stamp duty of ten fhillings and fixpence.

Duties to be

under the management of the commif

fioners for


Provifions of

II. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That for the more effectual levying, collecting, and paying the faid duties herein-before granted, the same shall be under the government, care and management of the commiffioners for the time being appointed to manage the duties charged on ftamped vellum, parchment, and paper, who, or the major part of them, are required and empowered to employ the necessary officers under them for that purpofe, and to cause such new stamps to be provided to denote the faid several new and additional duties respectively, as shall be requifite in that behalf, or to cause, if they fee occafion, one new stamp to be provided to denote the former duties and also the duties granted by this act, and to alter or renew the fame respectively from time to time, and to do all other things necefsary to be done for putting this act in execution, with relation to the faid several duties herein-before granted, in the like, and in as full and ample a manner as they, or the major part of them, are authorised to put in execution any former law concerning stamped vellum, parchment, or paper.

III. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That 25Gco.3.0.50. all powers, provifions, articles, clauses, penalties and forfeitures, not repealed by 26 Geo. 3. and distributions of penalties and forfeitures, and allowances for c. 82. and pro- present payment, and all other matters and things which in and vifions of that by an act made in the twenty-fifth year of the reign of his present act, &c. to ex- Majesty, intituled, An att for repealing an alt made in the twentytend to this. fourth year of the reign of his present Majesty, intituled, An act for

granting to his Majesty certain duties on certificates issued with respect to the killing of game, and for granting other duties in licu thereof; and which are not repealed or altered by an act made in the twenty-fixth year of the reign of his prefent Majesty, intituled, An act for the more effectually carrying into execution the laws relating to the duties on stamped vellum, parchment, and paper; and for repealing certain stamp duties on policies for infuring property in any foreign kingdom or state from loss by fire; or which, in and by the faid act of the twenty-fixth year of his faid Majefty, or by any other act or acts of parliament now in force relating to the duties on vellum, parchment, and paper, are provided and established for raifing, levying, recovering, collecting, and fecuring the duties thereby granted, or referred to, or any of them, and not hereby altered, shall be of full force and effect with relation to the additional and new rates and duties hereby imposed, and shall be applied and put in execution for the raifing, levying, recovering, collecting, and securing, the said additional and new rates and duties, according to the true intent and meaning of this act, as fully, to all intents and purposes, as if the fame had feverally and refpectively

respectively been hereby re-enacted, with relation to the said additional and new rates and duties.

25 Geo.3.0.50

IV. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That Form of conthe form of conviction set forth in the faid act of the twenty-fifth viction in act year aforesaid, to be used by the justice or justices of the peace to be repealed, before whom any offender against the said act shall be convicted, and the foland the clause containing the same, shall be, and the fame are lowing substi hereby repealed; and that, from and after the faid first day of July, tuted. all convictions to be made out by any justice or justices of the peace, upon any offence committed against the faid act of the twenty-fifth year aforesaid, or of this act, shall be made out in the form, or to the effect following, mutatis mutandis, as the case shall happen to be; and every such conviction shall be good and effectual to all intents and purposes whatsoever, without stating the case or the facts, or evidence, in any more particular manner, (that is to say):

BE it remembered, that


(Place of conviction)


(Time of conviction) (Name of offender) (Addition of offender)

duly convicted before me (or us) or justices)

[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]


Time of offence)

A. B.
The name and style of the convicting justice
(Name of offender)
Α. Β. on
did (here state the offence against the
act, according to the fact), contrary to the form of the ftatute; and I
(Name of offender)


for that the faid (Place of committing offence)

(or we) do declare and adjudge that the faid - A. B.

forfeited for his faid offence the sum of buted as the law directs.


to be diftri

Given under my hand and feal, (or our hands and feals), the
day and year first above mentioned.

Form of conviction

stamps, &c.

V. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That Perfons coun If any person shall counterfeit or forge, or procure to be counter- terfeiting feited or forged, any feal, stamp or mark, to resemble any seal, guilty of stamp, or mark directed or allowed to be used by this act, for the felony. purpose of denoting the duties by this act granted, or shall counterfeit or resemble the impression of the same with an intent to defraud his Majesty, his heirs or successors, of any of the said duties, or shall utter, vend or fell any vellum, parchment, or paper, liable to any stamp duty by this act imposed, with such counterfeit stamp or mark thereupon, knowing the same to be counterfeit, or shall privately or fraudulently use any seal, stamp, or mark, directed or allowed to be used by this act, relating to the faid stamp duties by this act imposed, with intent to defraud his Majesty, his heirs and successors, of any of the said duties; every person so offending, and being thereof lawfully convicted, shall be adjudged a felon, and shall fuffer death as in cases of felony, without benefit of clergy.



VI. And

Duties to be

paid to the receiver general of stamp duties.

Duties to be paid into the exchequer, and kepta part

VI. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That all the faid rates and duties herein-before granted, shall be paid from time to time into the hands of the receiver general for the time being of the duties on stampt vellum, parchment, and paper, who shall pay the fame (the necessary charges of raising the same being deducted) into his Majesty's receipt of exchequer at Weftminster, at fuch time, and in such manner as other duties on stampt vellum, parchment, and paper, are directed to be paid.

VII. Provided always, and be it further enacted by the authothority aforesaid, 'That during the continuance, and until the determination of the fund herein-after mentioned to be established, unto which the appropriation of a part of the faid rates and duties monies during is hereby directed, all the monies that shall arife of the said rates

from other

the time hereafter men


Duties paid
into the ex-
chequer on
or before
April 5, 1792,

to be carried

to the confolidated fund, and afterwards to

be applied in difcharge of 1,833,0001.

to be raised

by exchequer bills, and intereft.

of the faid 1,833,000l. and intereft, the duties to

and duties, shall be paid into the faid receipt distinctly and apart from all other branches of the publick revenues; and that there shall be provided and kept in the office of the auditor of the said receipt of exchequer, during the time hereafter mentioned, a book or books, in which all the monies arifing from the faid rates and duties, and paid into the faid receipt as aforesaid, shall be entered separate and apart from all other monies paid and payable to his Majesty, his heirs or successors, upon any account whatever, and which monies so to be paid into the said receipt as aforesaid, within the time hereafter mentioned, shall be subject and applicable to the uses and purposes following, and to no other, any thing herein-before contained to the contrary notwithstanding.

VIII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That all the monies arifing or to arife by the said several rates and duties by this act imposed, which shall be paid into the faid receipt, at any time or times on or before the fifth day of April one thousand seven hundred and ninety-two, shall be carried to and made part of the fund called The Consolidated Fund; and that from and after the faid fifth day of April one thousand seven hundred and ninety-two, all fuch monies that shall be paid into the said receipt, after the faid fifth day of April one thousand seven hundred and ninety-two, shall, together with such other rates and duties as shall be granted by any act or acts of this present session of parliament for this purpose, be a fund for the payment and difcharge of the principal fum of one million eight hundred and thirty-three thousand pounds, to be raised by loans or exchequer bills, in pursuance of any act of this feffion of parliament, together with fuch interest as shall by fuch act be directed to be paid or made payable for the faid principal fum of one million eight hundred and thirty-three thousand pounds, and shall be issued, applied, and difposed, towards the paying off and discharging the faid fum of one million eight hundred and thirty-three thousand pounds, and interest to become due thereon as aforesaid, and to no other ufe, intent, or purpose whatsoever.

Afterpayment IX. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That upon payment of the faid principal fum of one million eight hundred and thirty-three thousand pounds, and all intereft to become due thereon, or referving at the faid receipt of exchequer so much money


the confolidated fund.

money out of the said fund, to be established as aforesaid, as shall be carried to be sufficient to fatisfy and discharge the faid principal fum of one million eight hundred and thirty-three thousand pounds, and all interest as aforesaid, and publication thereof in the manner to be directed by any such act of this feffion of parliament, the faid fund, to be established as aforesaid, shall be understood to be redeemed by parliament, and from thenceforth all the money arifing from the faid rates and duties hereby imposed and remaining in the faid receipt, or thereafter paid into the same, shall be carried to and made part of the faid fund called The Consolidated Fund, and shall from thenceforth be applied in such manner as other duties on stampt vellum, parchment, or paper are directed to be applied, or as shall hereafter be directed by any act or acts of parliament in that behalf.

X. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That if any person or perfons shall at any time or times be sued, molefted, or profecuted for any thing by him or them done or executed in pursuance of this act, or of any clause, matter, or thing herein contained, such person or perfons shall or may plead the general issue, and give the special matter in evidence for his or General issue their defence; and if upon the trial a verdict shall pass for the defendant or defendants, or the plaintiff or plaintiffs become nonfuited, then fuch defendant or defendants shall have treble costs Treble costs. awarded to him or them against such plaintiff or plaintiffs.

[blocks in formation]

An act for building a new common gaol and session house, with accommo-
dations thereto, for the county of Surrey, and for difpofing of the pre-
fent county gaol, and the ground thereto belonging.

The acting justices for the county to execute the act. Justices may pur-
chafe ground near Horsemonger Lane, in the parish of Newington, in
Surrey, containing three acres and an half. Place and time of meeting of
the juftices. All perfons enabled to fell. Witnesses may be examined on
oath. A jury to affess the value of lands, and their verdict to be final. On
payment of the money, the estate to be vested in the trustees. Choice of
new trustees. New gaol gaon to be built. Old gaol, in the parish of Saint George
Southwark, to be pulled down, and the ground fold. For raifing money
for the purposes of this act. How land to be purchased shall be taxed in
future. For fecuring a free circulation of air about the gaol. For punish-
ing persons obstructing or damaging buildings, &c. County rates may be
mortgaged for the expences of the act; or money raised by annuities. Se-
curities may be affigned. 2,4271. to discharge intereft on mortgages, and
pay annuities, to be taken out of county rates. Mode of discharging mort-
gages. Application of the annual fum to be raised. Justices may appoint
officers; and allow them falaries. All laws applicable to the purposes of
this act to be extended to it. Penalties and forfeitures how to be recovered
and applied. Persons aggrieved may appeal to the quarter feffions. Per-
sons profecuted may plead the general issue; and recover treble costs. Li-
mitation of actions. Publick act.




[blocks in formation]

An act for enlarging the term and powers of two acts made, one in the twenty-second, and the other in the twenty-ninth year of the reign of King George the Second, for repairing, enlarging, and preferving, the harbour of Mary Port, in the county of Cumberland.



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