صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

4001: Other trustees to fell stock. Commissioners to raise money the rates. Annuities to be granted according to some general rules or as. Monies how to be applied. Trustees to rebuild the church, and he tower if neceffary. One juftice to hear and determine offences against satt. Perfons fummoned as witnesses not attending liable to a penalty tol. Form of conviction. Appeal. Proceedings not to be quashed


of form, nor removeable by Certiorari. Limitation of actions, days notice. General issue. Treble costs. Publick act.


aft for better fupplying the city of Norwich, and the parts adjacent,

with water.

Coporation impowered to make proper works for fupplying the city, and adjacent, with water from the river Wenfon; making fatisfaction for mages. If parties disagree, damages to be fettled by a jury. Verdict ay, &c. to be binding. Penalty on interrupting or damaging the , 101.; and on annoying the water, within 600 yards above the new penalty of 40s. Inhabitants impowered to fet pipes from their Jet, to communicate with those belonging to the corporation. Ground, rere broke up for laying or repairing pipes, to be made good as foon as abe. Recovery of penalties, by distress and sale, and commitment for months. Appeal, to the general quarter sessions, in 4 months. Limiof actions to fix months. General issue. Treble costs. No leafe the prefent water-works to be affected. Publick act.


La act for the better relief and employment of the poor, within the hundreds of Colneis and Carlford, in the county of Suffolk.

Geo. 2. c. 79, for better relief and employment of the poor in the hunbeds of Colneis and Carlford, in the county of Suffolk; 4 Geo. 3. C. 58, amend the fame, &c. House of industry erected at Nacton. 4,2001. rowed on the credit of the afsessments; yet due to the treasurer 8501. mer acts repealed. What persons are to be guardians of the poor, if ind of lands of 301. per ann. and named in the commiffion of the peace the county, refiding within 5 miles of either of the faid hundreds, and rectors and vicars in the faid hundreds, and occupiers of land rated at per ann. to the poor, incorporated by name of guardians, &c. Worato act by proxy. Corporation not to hold lands, &c. for more than years, except for the purposes of the act. House of industry, &c. d in the guardians. Meeting of the guardians for appointing directors -acting guardians, at Ipswich. Quarterly meetings of directors and guardians. Qualification of directors. Guardians and directors to over in their qualifications at their first meeting. Division of the difors and acting guardians into quarterly and other committees. QuarTT or weekly meetings may be altered. Committees may be appointed every month. Penalty on directors and guardians for non-attendance appointing officers. Choice of treasurer and clerk. Security be taken from the treasurer. Officers to account. Power to purchase ertain quantity of common and private land, not above 50 acres of com1, and roo acres of private land. Purchase money for the common to be "ded between the lord or lady of the manor and the commoners. If agreement for the common, the value to be afcertained by a jury. payment of purchase money lands to be vested in the corporation. poration may exchange lands. Present house may be enlarged, and buildings erected. Land, &c. to be free from parochial rates, and at to no higher publiek taxes than were charged at the time of paffing at. Power to get materials for building, &c. Punishment of perfons maging the buildings, &c. as in cases of felony. Materials to be fupfor employing the poor. Children may be placed out for one year, pprenticed by the directors and acting guardians. No boy to contican apprentice after the age of 21, or girl after 18. Not to be affigned




without consent of directors, &c. Children already bound to contir the remainder of their apprenticeships. Justices may grant redress to cl dren misused. Poor may be hired out to harvest or other work. Justi to fettle differences. Directors, &c. may contract for the employment the poor. Application of the produce of the labour of the poor. 1 wards to be given to the industrious poor. Poor perfons may be dismit to their parents or friends. Poor persons capable of maintaini maintaining themfel to be discharged. Illegitimate children not to gain a fettlement by be born in the house, nor by being apprentices to the governor. For empl ing poor perfons willing to work. Idle and disorderly persons may profecuted and punished. Directors and acting guardians may appreh idle persons. Former bye-laws to continue in force, and new ones n be made. Estates given for the poor may be let. Application of legac &c. given for the poor. Afsessments to be made and allowed by two tices, or at the quarter sessions, for defraying the expences of the poor the current quarter, and the interest of money borrowed, or to be borrow Amount of the assessments limited; not more than double former aff ments, and not to be reduced till two third parts of the whole fum b rowed be paid. Parish officers not restrained from making rates for ot purposes. Rates to be a security for the money borrowed. Directors i powered to borrow money. Rates may be affigned over and mortgag Securities may be transferred. Application of the money to be raised, pay costs and expences; and then the 8501. due to the treasurer, and al for repairing, &c. the house of industry, and purchasing lands, employ the poor, and paying interest of money borrowed. Directing the mo borrowed on securities shall be discharged; 7 directors to determi Churchwardens and overfeers, and other parish officers, to affift the rectors, &c. in the execution of this act. Directors and acting guardi may grant certificates with the perfons removed. Penalty on overser &c. fuffering persons to reside without certificates, or not informing rectors of fingle women suspected to be with child, 40s. Bonds of inde nity against bastards to be delivered to the directors and acting guardia and in future made to them. Justice may direct relief to be given paupers. governor, matron, furgeon, clergyman, and schoolmast to be appointed; and also special conftables within faid hundreds.) nishment of governor and other officers for misbehaviour, to be dischar from office, and forfeit fol. and pay treble the value of the goods, misapplied, and for non-payment may be committed to the house of corr tion, not less than I calendar month, nor more than 12. Punishment the poor misbehaving, or guilty of vice or immorality, by abatement diet, distinction of dress, and folitary confinement, or being set in t stocks, by order of the governor, or by guardians at weekly meetin Punishment for disposing of their apparel. For ist offence, to be co mitted to the house of correction 21 days; ad offence, to be dealt with a convicted of petit larceny. Punishment of persons receiving stolen go and cloaths, to forfeit not more than fol. nor less than 208.; a moiety the informer. And on conveying spirituous liquors into the house, fi ject to 24 Geo. 2. c. 40, for conveying spirituous liquors to gaols. J tices may proceed on acting guardia Directors and guardians may act as juftices. Accounts to be settled a allowed. Directing what shall constitute a me tute a meeting of directors and act guardians; 9 directors and acting guardians (whereof 6 to be director Chairman to have the cafting vote. Penalty for neglect of holding qu terly meetings, sl. each, to be levied by distress and sale, by order quarter sessions. General meetings of the guardians may be held for a pointing new directors and acting guardians. Application of penalt given by any acts of parliament for the benefit of the poor. Penalties a forfeitures, how to be recovered and applied; by distress and fale, or cor mitment for 2 months, or till paid with expences. Appeal allowed. Pr ceedings not to be quashed for want of form. Limitation of action General issue. Treble costs. Commencement of the act, and declari it to be publick.

the complaint of directors and ac



An all to continue, for a limited time, an act made in the truentyfeath year of the reign of his present Majesty, intituled, An act to enable the lord high treasurer, or commissioners of the treafury for the time being, to let to farm the duties, granted by an act made in the twenty-fifth year of his present Majesty's reign, on horfes let to hire for travelling post, and by time, to fuch perfons as should be willing to contract for the fame.

W HEREAS by an act, made and passed in the twenty-seventh Preamble. year of bis present Majesty's reign, intituled, An act to enable 27 Geo.3.c.26,

the lord high treasurer, or commiffioners of the treasury for the recited.
Lame being, to let to farm the duties, granted by an act made in
The twenty-fifth year of his present Majesty's reign, on horses let
hire for travelling poft, and by time, to such persons as should
be willing to contract for the fame; the lord high treasurer, or
miffioners of the treasury, or any three or more of them for the time
ing, were empowered, either by themselves, or by his Majesty's com-
Fomers for managing the duties on stamped vellum, parchment, and
per, thereunto duly authorised, to let to farm the several therein re-
cited rates and duties, to fuch persons as should be willing to farm the
me, for any term not exceeding three years, at a rent not less than
grofs amount which the same should appear to have produced within
the year ending on the first day of August one thousand seven hundred
nd eighty-fix, under certain rules, directions, regulations, and re-
Fictions, expressed in the faid act: and whereas the faid commissioners
managing the duties on stamped vellum, parchment, and paper,
ng duly authorised by the lords commissioners of bis Majesty's trea-
wy for that purpose, did, pursuant thereto, let to farm, Separately in
trids, the refpective rates and duties arifing within each district,

the respective terms of three years, in the manner directed by the wid act, which terms will expire on or before the first day of February e thousand feven hundred and ninety-one: and whereas it appears to expedient that the provisions and powers of the faid act should be tinued for a limited time; may it therefore please your Majesty that it may be enacted; and be it enacted by the King's most exelent majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the lords ritual and temporal, and commons, in this present parliament Sembled, and by the authority of the fame, That it shall and may From Aug. 1, lawful, from and after the first day of Auguft one thousand 1790, the Den hundred and ninety, to and for the lord high treasurer, or treasury may commiffioners of the treasury, or any three or more of them the duties the time being, and they are hereby impowered, from time to granted by the ame, as it shall and may be necessary, either by themselves, or by recited act, Das Majesty's commiffioners for managing the duties on stamped vellum, parchment, and paper, thereunto authorised for that purhe, under the hand and feal of the lord high treasurer, or under hands and feals of the commiffioners of the treasury, or any Oree or more of them for the time being, to let to farm, sepaFately in districts, the faid rates and duties arifing within each district,


let to farm

but not for

district, to fuch person or persons as shall be willing to farm the fame, so as the faid rates and duties respectively shall, from time to time, be put up at a rent not less than the gross amount which the same produced within the year ending on the first day of Auguft one thoufand feven hundred and eighty-feven, under and fubject to the feveral rules, regulations, and restrictions, prescribed ir the faid act.

II. Provided always, and be it enacted, That no fuch contrac a longer time or agreement, for letting to farm the rates and duties aforesaid than till Feb. shall be made to continue for a longer time than until the first day

1, 1794.

of February one thousand seven hundred and ninety-four. Powers of re- III. And be it further enacted, That all the powers, provifions cited act, not articles, claufes, penalties, and forfeitures, and all other directions hereby altered, to conti- matters, and things prescribed or appointed by the faid recited act que in force. not altered by or repugnant to this act, shall be in full force and effect, as fully, to all intents and purposes, as if the fame, and every of them, had feverally been re-enacted in this act.


An act for enabling his Majesty to raise the sum of one million, for the ufe

and purposes therein mentioned.

[ocr errors]

His Majesty by fign manual may authorise the treasury to direct loans to be received, and exchequer bills to be made out for 1,000,00ol. agreeabl to the rules of the malt act. Clauses of the malt act to extend to this act except those charging the loans on the malt tax, and limiting the rate c interest. Loans, &c. to be charged upon the first supplies of next feffion or the next consolidated fund. Monies iflued out of the consolidated fund to be replaced out of the first fupplies. Bank of England may advanc money upon the credit of this act.

[blocks in formation]

An act for paving and otherwise improving the town of Honiton in th county of Devon.

Commiffioners. Qualification of commiffioners, lands 30l. per ann. o heir to 60l. per ann. or to have a perfonal estate of 800l. Oath. Cor miffioners to pay to treafurer five guineas each before acting. Meeting of the commiffioners. Commiffioners to defray their own expences. Fiv commissioners to be a quorum. Notices of meetings, &c. fhall be giver Annual meeting for fettling accounts. A chairman to be appointed, wh shall have the cafting vote. All proceedings of commiffioners to be meetings, &c. Appointment of new commiffioners. Commiffioners t appoint officers. Officers to account. Penalty on refusal, imprisonmen Such parts of the Axminster and Honiton roads as leads from one hundre yards east of the entrance into Shipley Lane, and along Axminster road t the workhouse through Warwick Lane, and along New Street to the ma ket cross in the High Street to the brow of Bramble Hill, and to Star Cro Lane, and also from the head of Shipley Lane down to the east end of th town, and from Potter's Kiln turnpike gates to the market cross in Hig Street, and also from the corner in Warwick Lane in New Street to Broo Hill Bridge, and from thence to Honiton church, and from the markt cross in High Street along Northcote Lane to Cowley Barn, and alfo frot the east end of the High Street along Clapper Lane, and alfo from the fol High Street along Dowell's Lane, fo far as the prefent buildings extend put under the management of the commiffioners; and the trustees discharge from the management thereof. Power to take down the market crofs, &c and purchase the shambles, and several dwelling houses and other building in the middle of High Street, and lay the scites thereof into the streets Rights of the lord of the manor, and to the markets and fairs, saved. Per fon


fons interested in lands, &c. impowered to fell. On payment of purchase money, premises to be conveyed. Purchase money belonging to corporations, &c. to be laid out in purchase of other eftates. Commiffioners to pave, cleanfe, and light the streets, &c. Pavement not to be altered without confent of the commiflioners. Commissioners to provide lam amps, &c. Trefiees to contract with perfons for paving and lighting. Contracts to be binding. The ftreets to be watched. Penalty on persons damaging or pructing the works, 208. for every offence. Rate to be laid upon the imhabitants, not to exceed 6d. in the pound per ann. Recovery of rates. Commiffioners may erect turnpikes, and take tolls Coaches, &c. with 6 hories, 1s.-3 or 4 horses, 8d. - 2 horfes, 6d. - 1 horfe, 3d. - waggons, &c. with 6 horfes, rs. 6d.-4 or 5 horses, Is - 2 or 3 horses, 6d.- 1 horfe, 3d. -every horfe, &c. not drawing 1d. - neat cattle per score, 10d. - calves or hogs, 5d. - sheep or lambs, 2d. 29. Nothing in the act to empower the truftees of the Lyme road to erect a turnpike between Straitway Head and Fair Mile Inn. Tolls payable but once a day. Exemption from tolls: horfes or other cattle, or waggons or carts (except stage waggons or carts, &c. carrying for hire) passing on Saturday, or any fair day, at Honiton, or pack horfes or carriages employed in carrying corn, grain, meal, flour, beans, peale or butcher's meat, or coals, wood, furze or other fuel, to, from or through Honiton, going and returning the fame day, or carriages employed in carrying stones, gravel, or other materials, to turnpike roads, or of dung, mould, foil or compost, or lime for manuring land, or conveying hay, ftraw or corn in straw, or ploughs or other implements of husbandry; or for horfe or other beaft going to or returning from water or pafture, or for any carriage or horfe carrying persons to church or place of worship, on Sundays, or attending funerals at Honiton, or clergymen visiting the fick, or doing parochial duty, or any carriages, &c. conveying vagrants fent by legal passes, or belonging to officers or foldiers on their march, or on duty, or horfes, &c. conveying their arms or baggage, or those fick, wounded or disabled, or carrying mails of letters under the postmaster. Tolls may be leffened. Penalty on persons evading the tolls, to forfeit 408. for every offence. Power to let the tolls. Power to borrow money. Application of the money, to executing the act and defraying expences. Materials, &c. vested in the commiffioners. Commiffioners to have the direction of the town lakes. Annoyances to be removed. Tenants paying any expences of removing obftructions, may deduct the same out of their rent. Penalty on caufing obstructions or nuisances in the streets, for every offence ros. No new building to be covered with thatch. Penalties for leaving carriages, timber, &c. in the streets, for every offence Ios. Obstructions occafioned by building or repairing any houses removed on 10 days notice, not fubject to the penalty, but if not fo removed on notice, penalty 5s. per day. Actions to be brought in the name of the clerk. Proceedings to be entered. Recovery of penalties, proved before a justice of peace, by distress and sale of goods, or imprisonment three months. Appeal against rates to quarter sesions. Limitation of actions to 31 days notice, and not after 3 months. General ifsue. Treble costs. Publick act.


An att to exempt goods and chattels imported from the fettlement of Yucatan in South America, and fold by auction in Great Britain, from the duty imposed on fuch sales; and for allowing a drawback of the duties on goods exported to Yucatan.

WHE THEREAS by an act paffed in the twenty-seventh year of the Preamble. reign of bis present Majesty, (intituled, An act for repealing 27 Geo. 3. the feveral duties of customs and excife, and granting other duties c. 13, recited. in lieu thereof, and for applying the faid duties, together with the other duties compofing the publick revenue; for permitting the importation of certain goods, wares, and merchandise, the produce or manufacture of the European dominions of the French king,



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