صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

into this kingdom; and for applying certain unclaimed monies, remaining in the exchequer for the payment of annuities on lives, to the reduction of the national debt), an excise duty is chargeable for and upon all fales by way of auction in Great Britain, of any goods or chattels, according to the respective rates therein expreffed: and whereas it is expedient that fome provision should be made in favour of goods and chattels imported from the fettlement at Yucatan in South America, and fold by auction in Great Britain; be it enacted by the King's moft excellent majefty, by and with the advice and confent of the lords fpiritual and temporal, and commons, in this preFrom July 5, fent parliament aflembled, and by the authority of the fame, That 1790, goods from and after the fifth day of fly one thoufand feven hundred imported from Yucatan to be and ninety, any goods imported into this kingdom by way of free from the merchandise, from the faid fettlement at Yucatan, fhall be free of excife duty on the faid duty on the firft fale of fuch goods at auction, by or for fales by auc- the account of the original importer to whom the fame were contion, imposed by recited act, figned, and by whom they were entered at the custom-house at the port of importation, fo as fuch fale be made within twelve months after fuch goods fhall be imported, and by fome perfon duly licensed to exercise the trade or business of an auctioneer.


and exporters

of goods to

that fettle

allowed the fame drawbacks as on

II. And whereas drawbacks of the whole or part of duties paid upon certain goods and commodities, are allowed to the exporter on the due exportation thereof into the British colonies in America: and whereas it is expedient that the like drawbacks fhould be allowed on the exportation of fuch goods and commodities to the faid fettlement at Yucatan; be it therefore further enacted, That, from and after the faid fifth day of July one thousand seven hundred and ninety, there shall be ment, to be paid or allowed to the exporter or exporters of any goods or commodities which fhall be exported to the faid fettlement of Yucatan, the like drawback of the duties of cuftoms and excife as is now allowed on the exportation of fuch goods or commodities to the goods export- British colonies or plantations in America, on condition that the ed to America, &c, fame fhall be exported in fuch and the like manner, and under fuch and the like rules, regulations, provifions, reftrictions, penalties, and forfeitures, as fuch goods or commodities are now fubject and liable to, upon the exportation thereof, for a drawback to the British colonies or plantations in America: provided alfo, that the like bond fhall be given for the due exportation thereof, with further condition that the exporter thereof fhall produce a certificate under the hands and feals of two British merchants, within the space of twelve calendar months from the exportation thereof, that the fame have been duly landed there,



An act for encouraging new fettlers in his Majefty's colonies and plan

tations in America.

HEREAS it is expedient that encouragement fhould be given
to perfons that are difpofed to come and fettle in certain of his
Majefty's colonies and plantations in America and the West Indies;
be it therefore enacted by the King's most excellent majefty, by
and with the advice and confent of the lords spiritual and tempo-


of the united


and commons, in this prefent parliament affembled, and by the thority of the fame, That, from and after the first day of August From Aug. 1, thoufand feven hundred and ninety, if any perfon or perfons, 1790, fubjects gafubject or fubjects of the territories or countries belonging states of Amethe united states of America, fhall come from thence, together rica, fettling his or their family or families, to any of the Bahama, or in the Bahama ada or Somers iflands, or to any part of the province of Quebec, iflands, &c. Nova Scotia, or any of the territories belonging to his Majesty in may import America, for the purpose of refiding and fettling there, it fhall be negros, &c. duty-free, to rul for any fuch perfon or perfons, having firft obtained a li- the value herece for that purpose from the governor, or, in his abfence, the in fpecified, tenant governor of the faid iflands, colonies, or provinces retively, to import into the fame, in British fhips owned by his efty's fubjects, and navigated according to law, any negroes, ehold furniture, utenfils of husbandry, or cloathing, free of provided always, That fuch household furniture, utenfils of bandry, and cloathing, fhall not in the whole exceed the value fty pounds for every white perfon that fhall belong to fuch aily, and the value of forty fhillings for every negro brought ach white perfon; and if any dispute fhall arife as to the value fach houfehold furniture, utenfils of hufbandry, or cloathing, fame fhall be heard and determined by the arbitration of three merchants at the port where the fame fhall be imported, e of fuch British merchants to be appointed by the governor, in his abfence the lieutenant governor of fuch island or proce, one by the collector of the customs at fuch port, and one the perfon fo coming with his family.

within 12

l. And be it further enacted, That all fales or bargains for the Sales of nee of any negro, household furniture, utenfils of hufbandry, or groes, &c. fo thing, fo imported, which fhall be made within twelve ca- imported, dar months after the importation of the fame, (except in cafes months, to be ne brankruptcy or death of the owner thereof), fhall be null and void. to all intents and purposes whatsoever.

III. And be it further enacted, That every white perfon fo All white peraning to refide, if above the age of fourteen years, fhall, and he is fons coming reby required, immediately after his arrival, to take and fub- take the oath fo to refide, to be the oath of allegiance to his Majefty, his heirs and fuccef- of allegiance, before the governor, lieutenant governor, or chief magiftrate if upwards of the place where fuch perfon fhall arrive, and at the fame time 14 years old. ear that it is his intention to refide and fettle in fuch ifland or


wince; for which oaths fuch governor, lieutenant governor, or magiftrate, fhall receive the fame fee, and no more, as is able by law on ad r't iftering the oath of allegiance in cafes ere the fame is now by law required.

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at for permitting the importation of Cashew gum from his Majesty's Weft India iflands, upon payment of the like duty as is paid apon the importation of gum Arabic, or gum Senega.

WHEREAS it will be highly useful to feveral forts of manu- Preamble.

factures, that Cafhew gum fhould be imported upon no higher


duty than gum Arabic and gum Senega is now allowed to be importe be it therefore enacted by the King's moft excellent majesty, and with the advice and confent of the lords fpiritual and tempor and commons, in this prefent parliament affembled, and by t From July 5, authority of the fame, That, from and after the fifth day of J 1790, Cafhew one thoufand feven hundred and ninety, Cashew gum the grow gum of the Weft India or production of any of his Majesty's Weft India iflands, (in whi the Bahama and Bermuda or Somers inlands are included), fh and may be imported into any port of Great Britain, in Brit fhips, owned by his Majefty's fubjects, and navigated accordi to law, on payment of the fame duty, and no other, as is now pa upon the importation of gum Arabic, or gum Senega, into a port of Great Britain; and fuch duty fhall be raised, levied, co lected, paid, recovered, and applied, in the fame manner as t faid duty upon gum Arabic, or gum Senega, is raised, levied, co lected, paid, recovered, and applied.

inlands may be imported on payment

of the fame

duties as gum Arabic.


An act for amending an act, passed in the twenty-feventh year of t reign of his prefent Majefty, intituled, An act for allowing th importation and exportation of certain goods, wares, and me chandise, in the ports of Kingston, Savannah la Mar, Monte Bay, and Santa Lucea in the ifland of Jamaica, in the port Saint George in the island of Grenada, in the port of Roseau the island of Dominica, and in the port of Naffau in the island New Providence, one of the Bahama iflands, under certain r gulations and reftrictions; and for regulating the duties on t importation of goods and commodities the growth and production the countries bordering on the province of Quebec.


Preamble. WHEREAS by an ast, made in the twenty seventh year of b

27 Geo. 3. prefent Majefty, intituled, An act for allowing the impor c. 27, recited. tation and exportation of certain goods, wares, and merchandif in the ports of Kingfton, Savannah la Mar, Montego Bay, and Sant Lucea in the ifland of Jamaica, in the port of Saint George in th ifland of Grenada, in the port of Rofeau in the island of Dominica and in the port of Nassau in the island of New Providence, one o the Babama islands, under certain regulations and restrictions, is enacted, That certain articles therein mentioned, being the growth a production of any of the colonies or plantations in America, belongin to or under the dominion of any foreign European fovereign or flat and all coin and bullion, diamonds, or precious ftones, may be importe from any of the faid colonies or plantations into the feveral ports a Kingfton, Savannah la Mar, Montego Bay, and Santa Lucea the island of Jamaica, the port of Saint George in the island of Gre nada, the port of Rofeau in the island of Dominica, and the port o Naffau in the island of New Providence, one of the Bahama islands, i any foreign floop, fchooner, or other vessel whatever, not having more tha one deck, and not exceeding the burthen of feventy tons, and being owned and navigated by the subjects of any foreign European fovereign or ftate and whereas it will tend to encreafe the commerce carried on to and

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from the before-mentioned ports, if the foreign floops, Schooners, and effels trading thereto be not limited to any defcription of tonnage; be it therefore enacted by the King's moft excellent majefty, by and with the advice and confent of the lords fpiritual and temporal, and commons, in this prefent parliament affembled, and by the authority of the fame, That the floops, fchooners, and veffels, Sloops, &c. owned and navigated by the fubjects of any foreign European importing and fevereign or ftate, importing and exporting the articles enumerat- exporting the ed in the before mentioned act, to and from the before mentioned merated in the parts, in the inland of Jamaica, the island of Grenada, the island of recited a&t, Dominica, and the island of New Providence, one of the Bahama may be of any ilands, under the regulations therein prescribed, may confift of tonnage, so as any number of tons, provided that every such veffel have not more than one deck; any thing in the said act to the contrary notwithstanding.

and measure

articles enu

they have but

one deck.

into that pro

II. And whereas it is expedient that goods or commodities the growth or production of any of the countries bordering on the province of Quebec, and brought into the faid province in conformity to the laws of that province, should be permitted to be imported into this kingdom, in the fame manner and on the fame terms and conditions as fuch goods and commodities are now imported from the faid province of Quebec: be it further enacted, That, from and after the first day of July From July 1, one thousand feven hundred and ninety, all goods and commodities 1790, goods whatsoever, being the growth or production of any of the coun- of the counof the growth tries bordering on the province of Quebec, and brought by land or tries borderinland navigation into the faid province, conformably to the re- ing on Quegulations eftablished by law in the faid province for bringing in bec, imported the fame by land or inland navigation, from any of the countries vince, may be bordering thereon, fhall and may be imported into any part of imported into Great Britain from the faid province of Quebec, and the fame re- Great Britain fpectively fhall be admitted to entry and be charged with duty, or from thence. exempted from duty, in like manner as fuch goods and commodities refpectively would be charged with, or exempted from duty, if the fame were of the growth or production of the said province of Quebec, and were imported directly from thence into Great Britain; provided it fhall appear, by certificate under the hands and feals of the collector and comptroller of the customs, and the naval officer there, that the fame refpectively were brought into the province of Quebec, conformably to the regulations eftablished by law in the faid province, by land or by inland navigation, from the countries bordering thereon, and specifying from what places the fame were respectively brought into the faid province; and that the like rules, regulations, reftrictions, and conditions, are obferved and performed on their being imported into Great Britain, as are required for the like goods and commodities refpectively imported into Great Britain from the faid province of Quebec, and under and fubject to the like conditions, penalties, and forfeitures, and to the like modes for recovery and application thereof.


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An act for granting to his Majesty a certain sum of money, to be raised b a lottery.

790,9371. 10s. to be raised by a lottery. All perfons who have made de pofits, purfuant to the refolution of the house of commons, are required t pay the remainder of their subscriptions at certain times specified, viz. 21 by June 18, 1790; -21. by July 30; -21. by Sept. 10; 31. by Oct. 22 21. by Dec. 10, following, and the remaining 31. by Jan. 14, 1791; and the contributors for each 15l. 16s. 4d. 2q. advanced, to have upon eac fortunate ticket the lot fallen to him; and those that pay contributions be fore the time limited to be allowed discount at 3 per cent. per ann. And if the whole 790,9371. 10s. be paid, to have tickets at the rate of 15) 16s. 4d. 2q. each. Cafhier to give fecurity, to the fatisfaction of the com miffioners of the treasury; and to pay all monies received into the exche quer. Commiffioners of the treasury impowered to apply the money paid in by the cashier. 500,000l. the amount of the prizes, to be paid out of any fupplies granted this feffion. Managers and directors of the lottery to be appointed by the treafury. Method of the lottery books. Managers to examine the books, with the tickets, and deliver them to the cashiers of the bank, taking a receipt for the same Cashiers to return the books, with the undifpofed tickets, with an account of money received and paid in. Undifpofed tickets to be delivered into the exchequer. Tickets of the middle columns to be rolled up, and fastened with thread or filk; and cut off indentwise into a box marked with the letter (A), and put into another box to be locked up, and fealed. Books to be prepared with two columns, on each of which 50,000 tickets are to be printed. The number and value of the fortunate tickets,-3 prizes of 20,000l.—2 of 10,000!. -3 of 5,000l. 5 of 2,000l.-15 of 1,cool. 30 of 500l.-100 of 100l. -150 of 501.-5,000 of 251.—9,025 of 201-41. per ticket allowed to the owner of every one of the first 10,000 tickets drawn a blank. 1,000l. to the first-drawn ticket; 1,000l. to the laft-drawn. Tickets in the outermoft column of the laft-mentioned books to be rolled up and tied, and cut off into a box marked with the letter (B), &c. Public notice to be given of putting the tickets into the boxes. Lottery to begin drawing on Feb. 9, 1791. Method to be observed in drawing, &c. Number of the fortunate tickets, and the fums, to be printed. Difputes to be adjusted by the managers. Penalty on forging tickets, &c. capital felony and death. Offenders (not in priton) discovering perfons guilty, to receive a pardon, and sol. reward Provifo, no attainder for fuch offences to make corruption of blood, lofs of dower, or disherison of heirs. Managers to be sworn. The oath.

A. B. as a manager and director of the lottery to be drawn in pursuance of an act of parliament, made in the thirtieth year of his Majefty's reign, do fwear, That I will faithfully execute the truft repofed in me; and that I will not use any indirect art or means, or permit or direct any person to ufe any indirect art or means, to obtain a prize or fortunate lot therein, for myself, or any other perfon whatfoever; and that I will do the utmoft of my endeavours to prevent any undue or finifter practice to be done by any perfon whatsoever; and that I will, to the best of my judgement, declare to whom any prize, lot, or ticket, of right does belong, according to the true intent and meaning of the said act.

Cafhier may receive the fums fubfcribed before receiving the lottery book; giving a note for the fame; which fhall entitle the bearer to a ticket for every 151. 168 4d. 2q. paid. After June 18, 1790, the cashier may deliver tickets not exceeding in value half of the fum actually fubfcribed; and fhall give receipts for the refidue of fuch fums, after deducting the value of the tickets fo delivered. Contributors, not making good their payments within the times limited, forfeit their depofits, and the tickets to be return ed to the managers, &c. Commiffioners of the treasury may reward the managers, &c. as they fhall think fit. The 500,000l. for the payment of


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