the fortunate tickets, to be charged on any fupplies granted this feffion; and fhall be paid to the proprietors, without any deduction, on June 41791, &c. Managers to give notice of the times for exchanging tickets for certificates. Certificates to be numbered, &c. and figned, &c. Commifioners of the treafury impowered to defray the incidental expences attending the execution of this act. No fee to be taken for receiving or paring contribution-monies, or for any receipts, &c. on penalty of 201. No tickets to be divided into any other fhares than halves, quarters, giths, and fixteenths, on penalty of 50l. Form of fhares of tickets. OTTERY for one thousand seven hundred and ninety. LOTTERY part of fuch beneficial chance as fhall belong to the ticket numbered as above, in Perfons counterfeiting fhares, &c. guilty of felony, and suffer as such. CA P. XXXI. An act to alter fo much of an act, made in the twelfth year of the reign of bis late majesty King George the Second, intituled, An act for the better preventing frauds and abufes in gold and filver wares; and alfo fo much of another alt, made in the twenty-fourth year of the reign of his prefent Majefty, intituled, An act for granting to his Majefty certain duties on all gold and filver plate imported, and alfo certain duties on all gold and filver wrought plate made in Great Britain, as relates to the marking of filver wares. WHEREAS, an act HEREAS, by an act of parliament made in the twelfth year Preamble. of the reign of his late majesty King George the Second, intituled, An act for the better preventing frauds and abuses in gold 12 Geo. 2. and filver wares, it was amongst other things enacted, That, from and c. 26. after the twenty-eighth day of May one thousand feven hundred and thirty-nine, no goldsmith, filversmith, or other perfon whatsoever, making or felling, trading or dealing in, gold or filver wares, fhould fell, exchange, or expofe to fale, within that part of Great Britain called England, any gold or filver vessel, plate, or manufacture of gold or fiver whatsoever, made after the faid twenty-eighth day of May one thousand feven hundred and thirty-nine, or export the fame out of this kingdom, until fuch time as fuch vessel, plate, or manufacture of gold being of the ftandard of twenty-two carracts of fine gold per pound troy) and such vessei, plate, or manufacture of filver (being of the ftandard of eleven ounces two penny-weights of fine filver per pound troy) bould be marked as followeth; (that is to fay) With the mark of the warker or maker thereof, which should be the first letters of his christian and furname, and with thefe marks of the company of goldsmiths in London; videlicet, the Leopard's Head, the Lion Paffant, and a difline variable mark or letter, to denote the year in which fuch plate fbould be made, or with the mark of the worker or maker, and with the 24 Geo. 3. c. 53. the marks appointed to be used by the affayers at York, Exeter, Bristol, Chefter, Norwich, or Newcastle upon Tyne; or plate (being of the Aandard of eleven ounces ten penny-weights of fine filver per pound weight troy) with the mark of the worker or maker thereof, which fhould be the first letters of his chriftian and furname aforefaid, and with thefe marks of the faid company, videlicet, the Lion's Head Erafed, the figure of a woman commonly called Britannia, and the faia mark or letter to denote the year as aforefaid, or with the mark of the worker or maker, and the marks of one of the faid cities or towns, upon pain that every fuch goldsmith, filversmith, and other perfon, for every fuch offence, fhould forfeit and pay the fum of ten pounds, to be recovered and difpofed of as therein-after is mentioned, and for default of payment fhould be committed, by the court in which judgement should be given thereon, to the house of correction for the county, city, or liberty where convicted, there to remain and be kept to hard labour for any time not exceeding the space of fix months, or until payment be made of the faid forfeiture; and in the faid act is contained a provifo and declaration, whereby it is provided and declared, that nothing in that act contained fhould extend to oblige any of the following wares of gold or filver to be ftamped or marked, by the faid refpective companies of goldSmiths, or any of them, (that is to fay) Rings, collets for rings or other jewels, chains, necklace beads, lockets, hollow or raised buttons, fleeve buttons, thimbles, corral fockets and bells, ferrils, pipe lighters, cranes for bottles, very small book clafps, any stock or garter clafps jointed, very fmall nutmeg graters, rims of fnuff boxes whereof tops or bottoms are made of fbell or stone, fliding pencils, toothpick cafes, tweezer cafes, pencil cafes, needle cafes, any philligree work, any forts of tippings or fwages on fone or ivory cafes, any mounts, fcrews, or stoppers to stone or glass bottles or phials, any small or flight ornaments put to amber or other eggs or urns, any wrought feals, or feals with cornelian or other ftones fet therein, or any gold or filver vessel, plate, or manufacture of gold or filver, fo richly engraved, carved, or chafed, or fet with jewels or other ftones, as not to admit of an affay to be taken of, or a mark to be fuck thereon, without damaging, prejudicing, or defacing the fame, or fuch other things as by reafon of the fmallness or thinness thereof, are not capable of receiving the marks in the faid act before mentioned, or any of them, and not weighing ten penny-weights of gold or filver each: and whereas, by a certain other act of parliament, made in the twenty-fourth year of the reign of his prefent Majefty, intituled, An act for granting to his Majefty certain duties on all gold and filver plate imported; and alfo certain duties on all gold and filver wrought plate made in Great Britain; it was (amongst other things) enacted, That every working goldsmith and filversmith, or other manufacturer of gold or filver whatfoever, who fhould at any time or times after the first day of December one thousand feven hundred and eightyfour, work or make, or caufe to be wrought or made, any gold or filver veffel, plate, or manufacture of gold or silver whatsoever, required to be touched, affayed, and marked by the company of goldfmiths in London, or the company of goldsmiths in Edinburgh, or by the Birmingham or Sheffield companies, or by the wardens and affayer or affayers at York, Exeter, Bristol, Chester, Norwich, and Newcastle upon Tyne, ne, fhould from time to time fend with every parcel of fuch gold or to the affay office of the faid respective companies, cities, and a note or memorandum, fairly written, containing the day of the and year, the chriftian and furname of the worker or maker, place of his or her abode, and alfo all the fpecies in fuch parcel of and the number of each fpecies, with the total weight of fuch and alfo the fum of money payable for the duty upon the total t of fuch parcel, and alfo fhould, from time to time, fend, deliver, pay with every fuch parcel, to the officer belonging to fuch refpecalley office who should receive fuch parcel of gold or silver fo fent touched, affayed, and marked, the duty by that act directed to be pen every fuch parcel of gold or filver fo required to be touched, , and marked, and by the said laft-mentioned act it was further That the wardens, or their deputy, affay mafter, weigher, or perfon appointed by the faid refpective companies or affay officers, mark with the following new mark, (that is to fay) With the ark of the King's Head, over and befides the feveral other marks led by law, all and every fuch pieces or parcels of gold or silver fo fent to be touched, marked, and assayed; and by the faid laft-menat it is further enacted, That from and after the faid first day of ecember one thousand feven hundred and eighty-four, no goldsmith, Smith, or other perfon whatsoever, making or felling, trading or ng in gold or filver wares, fhould fell, exchange, or expofe to fale in Great Britain, any gold or filver veffel, plate or manufacture of gold fer whatsoever, made after the faid first day of December one and feven hundred and eighty-four, or export the fame out of the dom of Great Britain, until fuch time as fuch veffel, plate, or mafuture of gold (being of the ftandard directed by law) and fuch vefplate, or manufacture of filver (being likewife of the standard directed fhould be marked with the new mark therein before directed, hat is to fay) The King's Head, over and befides all other marks already directed by law to be marked or impreffed thereon, upon that every fuch goldsmith, filverfmith, or other perfon fo offending, for every fuch offence forfeit and pay the fum of fifty pounds, to be red and difpofed of as in the said act after is directed; and for t of not paying down the penalty, upon conviction, should be comed by the court, in which judgement fhould be given thereon, to the of correction for the county, city, liberty, or place where convicted, to remain and to be kept to hard labour for any time not exceeding face of one year, nor less than fix months, or until payment be made the faid forfeiture, and also upon pain that fuch gold and filver veffel, te, and manufacture of gold and filver, which should be fold, exmed, or exposed to fale, without having the mark thereon, as by the laft-mentioned act is directed, fhould be forfeited, one moiety thereof the King's majesty, his heirs and fucceffors, and the other moiety reef to fuch perfon or persons who should fue for the fame; and in aid laft-mentioned act is contained a provifo and declaration, whereby provided and declared, that nothing in that last-mentioned act coned fhould extend to compel any of the wares of gold or filver to be ped or marked with the ftamp or mark directed by the faid lasttiened aft, which are particularly excepted in the faid act made in the foes. the faid twelfth year of the reign of his late Majefty, intituled, A for the better preventing frauds and abuses in gold and f Doubts upon wares: and whereas doubts have arifen as to the true construction the conftruc- meaning of the said provifo and declaration contained in the afor tion of the re-act made in the twelfth year of the reign of King George the Se cited proviand alfo as to what filver wares are intended, by the faid last-ment. act, and by the aforefaid act, made in the twenty-fourth year of reign of his prefent Majefly, to be excepted from being flamped or ma with the ftamps or marks directed by the faid acts, or either of th and divers filverfmiths and other perfons, making, felling, trading dealing in filver wares, have inadvertently, and without meanin intending to offend against the faid acts, or either of them, fold, changed, and expofed to fale, within that part of Great Britain c England, divers fmall veffels, plate, or manufactures of filver, bei the ftandard directed by law, made after the twenty-eighth day of one thousand feven hundred and thirty-nine, and not ftamped or ma with the following marks, mentioned in the aforefaid act, made in twelfth year of the reign of King George the Second, (that is to With the mark of the worker or maker thereof (being the firft le of his chriftian and furname), and with these marks of the faid c pany of goldfmiths in London; videlicet, the Leopard's Head, Lion Paffant, and a diftinct variable mark or letter to denote year in which fuch plate was made, or with the mark of the worker maker, and with the marks appointed to be used by the affayers at Yo Exeter, Bristol, Chester, Norwich, or Newcastle upon Tyne; plate (being of the standard of eleven ounces ten penny-weights of filver per pound weight troy) and not ftamped or marked with the m of the worker or maker thereof (being the first letters of his chrift and furname as aforefaid) and with thefe marks of the faid compa videlicet, the Lion's Head Erafed, the figure of a woman commo called Britannia, and the faid mark or letter to denote the year aforefaid; or with the mark of the worker or maker, and the mark one of the faid cities or towns; and have fold, exchanged, and expo to fale in Great Britain, divers other small veffels, plate, or manuf tures of filver (being of the ftandard directed by law) made after first day of December one thousand feven hundred and eighty-fo and not ftamped or marked with the new mark, (that is to jay) 1 King's Head, mentioned in the aforefaid act, made in the twen fourth year of the reign of his prefent Majefty; whereby divers penalti forfeitures, and punishments, may have been innocently incurred by fa perfons; from which penalties, forfeitures, and punishments it is fit proper they should refpectively be releafed and indemnified; and it likewife fit and proper that the faid recited provifoes and declarations the faid acts contained, fo far as the fame concern wares of fil fhould ceafe and determine, and that the faid acts fhould be amended feveral refpects, and other regulations and declarations made as to fil wares: may it please your Majesty that it may be enacted; and it enacted by the King's moft excellent majefty, by and with t The recited advice and confent of the lords fpiritual and temporal, and con mons, in this prefent parliament aflembled, and by the authori of the fame, That the faid recited provifo and declaration, in t Provifoes to ceafe as to filver wares. t id act made in the twelfth year of the reign of King George the rond, fo far as the fame relates to the not obliging the wares fiver therein fpecifically named or mentioned, and fuch other es or things of filver as are therein generally named, mened, or referred to in any manner howfoever, to be ftamped marked by the faid respective companies of goldsmiths, or any them; and alfo the faid recited provifo and declaration in the at made in the twenty-fourth year of the reign of his preMajefty, fo far as the fame relates to the not compelling any the wares of filver to be ftamped or marked with the stamp or rk directed by the faid laft-mentioned act, which are particuexcepted in the aforefaid act made in the twelfth year of the of his late Majefty, fhall, from and after the twenty-eighth of May one thousand seven hundred and ninety, cease and deine; any thing in the faid acts of parliament, or either of , contained to the contrary notwithstanding. who have act II. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That Perfons inpenalties, forfeitures, and punishments incurred by any person demnified perfons whomfoever, making, felling, trading, or dealing in ed contrary er wares, for having, on or before the twenty-eighth day of thereto. yone thoufand feven hundred and ninety, fold, exchanged, or apofed to fale, all or any of the articles or wares following, de of filver, being of the ftandard directed by law, and not ghing ten penny-weights of filver each, or weighing ten y-weights of filver or more each, (that is to fay) Rings, ets for rings or other jewels, chains, necklace beads, lockets, llow or raised buttons, fleeve buttons, thimbles, corral fockets bells, ferrils, pipe lighters, cranes for bottles, book clafps fay fize, any ftock or garter clafps jointed, nutmeg graters of ize, rims of fnuff boxes whereof tops or bottoms are made hell or ftone, fliding pencils, toothpick cafes, tweezer cafes, il cafe, needle cafes, any philligree work, any forts of tipgs or fwages on ftone or ivory cafes, any mounts, fcrews, or pers to ftone or glass bottles or phials, any ornaments put to ber or other eggs or urns, any wrought feals, or feals with corneor other ftones fet therein; or any filver veffel, plate, or manuture of filver, fo richly engraved, carved or chafed, or set with ls or other ftones, as not to admit of an affay to be taken or a mark to be stuck or ftruck thereon, without damaging, dicing, or defacing the fame, not weighing ten pennyights of filver each, or weighing ten penny-weights of filver more each, or any other filver veffel, plate, or manufacture of whatsoever, being of the standard directed by law, not ghing ten penny-weights of filver each, and not being retively ftamped or marked with the stamps or marks, or any them, mentioned in or directed by the faid recited acts, or der of them, fhall be, and the faid penalties, forfeitures, and hments, and every of them, are hereby released and difged; and all and every perfon and perfons whomfoever, anft whom any action of debt, bill, plaint, or information, been or shall be brought, in any of his Majefty's courts of VOL. XXXVII. D record |