صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


Order of

25, 1790, recited.

pences of trial of W. Hastings, esq. sool. ifsued to the secretary of the commiffioners under the flave act. 4,00ol. iffued to the commiffioners of the land revenues. 3,600l. issued to the fecretary of the commiffioners for enquiring into the loffes of American loyalifts. 2,0181. 198. 2d. arrear of falary due to Gabriel Johnston, governor of North Carolina. 24,000l. to the commiffioners for enquiring into the loffes of American loyalists. 5,100l. to the commiffioners for enquiring into loffes in East Florida. 6,7621. 198. to the fons of the late bey Algiers. 207,7281. 38. Id. for deficiency of grants, for the year 1790. Supplies to be applied for the purposes before mentioned, &c. Rules to be observed in the application of the fum granted for half pay. By 30 Geo. 3. c. 32. a fum not exceeding 162,7971. 18s 4d. was appropriated to be paid to reduced officers for 1790. The overplus of which fum to be disposed of to officers maimed, &c. or to their widows and children, as his Majesty shall direct.



An act for indemnifying all persons who have been concerned in advising or carrying into execution a certain order of council respecting the importation of a limited quantity of saltpetre; for repealing the duties now payable upon the importation of faltpetre; and for granting other duties in lieu thereof.

WHEREAS bis Majesty, by


order in council bearing date the twenty-fifth of August one thousand feven hundred and council, Aug. ninety, was pleased to order, by the advice of his privy council, that any quantity of faltpetre, not exceeding one thousand tons, the produce or manufacture of any country whatever, might be imported into this kingdom, on security being given to his Majesty, his heirs and fucceffors, in fuch fum as the lords commiffioners of his Majesty's treasury Should think reasonable and proper, for the payment of fuch duties, for the quantity of faltpetre which should be so imported, as should be directed by any act or acts of parliament which should be made in that behalf; and also for the delivering of a part of the faltpetre which should be so imported as aforesaid, if the same should be demanded, to fuch perfons using faltpetre in their respective manufactures, as were buyers of faltpetre at the last September fale of the united company of merchants trading to the East Indies, which should bear the fame proportion to the quantity hereby allowed to be imported (not exceeding one thousand tons) as the quantity purchased by Juch buyers respectively at the last September fale of the united company of merchants trading to the East Indies, bore to the whole quantity then fold, at a price equal to the prime cost only, together with a rateable proportion of all actual charges and disbursements attending the purchase and importation of the fame: and whereas the faid order was neceffary, under the circumStances of the cafe, for the publick fervice, and it is therefore fit that all perfons advising or acting under or in obedience to the faid order should be indemnified; be it therefore enacted by the King's most excellent majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the lords

spiritual and temporal, and commons, in this present parliament Persons acting affembled, and by the authority of the fame, That all perfonal under the re- actions and suits, indictments, informations, and all profecutions, demnified. and proceedings whatsoever, which have been or shall be prosecuted or commenced against any perfon or perfons, for or by reason of any act, matter, or thing, advised, commanded, appointed or done, or forborne to be done, in relation to the said order, be, are, and shall be made void by virtue of this act; and that if any action or fuit shall be prosecuted or commenced against any person or persons for or by reason of any fuch act, matter, or thing, so advised, commanded, appointed or done, or forborne to be done, he, she, or they may plead the general iflue, and give this act and the special matter in evidence.

cited order in


II. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That A duty of there shall be raised, collected, and paid, unto and for the use of 78.9d.percwt. to be be paid for his Majesty, his heirs and fucceffors, a duty of seven shillings and faltpetre imnine-pence for each and every one hundred weight of faltpetre, ported by virwhich has been or shall be imported by virtue of the faid order.

tue of recited order.

III. And whereas the quantity of faltpetre at present in this kingdom, is alledged by the manufacturers not to be fufficient for the supply of the feveral manufactures in which this article is ufed; be it therefore further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That at any time or Before Sept. 1, times, before the first day of September one thousand seven hun- 1791, his Madred and ninety-one, it shall and may be lawful for his Majesty, jesty in council may permit by and with the advice of his privy council, to permit the impor- the importatation into this kingdom, from any foreign country, of any quan- tion of 1000 tity of saltpetre, not exceeding one thousand tons, the produce or tons of faltmanufacture of any country whatever, fubject of seven petre fubject to the duty shillings and nine-pence for each and every one hundred weight ty, so it be imof such faltpetre, and subject to such regulations as his Majesty in ported before his faid order shall think fit to make; provided, that such impor- June 24, 1792. tation be actually made before the twenty-fourth day of June one thousand seven hundred and ninety-two.

to the faid du

ties now pay im

IV. And whereas it will be for the benefit of several of the manu fattures of this kingdom, that better provision should be made for a more ample and conftant supply of faltpetre, in whatever foreign country the Same may be produced or manufactured, at a reasonable price, and that the feveral duties now payable on faltpetre imported into this kingdom should on that account be repealed, and that one duty should be fubstituted in lieu thereof; be it therefore further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That, from and after the before mentioned first day From Sept. 1, of September one thousand seven hundred and ninety-one, the duty 1791, the duof seven shillings and nine-pence per hundred weight, imposed on able on faltpetre imported by the faid united company, and of two fhil- ported faltlings and three pence per hundred weight, imposed on saltpetre petre to cease, otherwise imported, by an act passed in the twenty-feventh year of his present Majesty's reign, intituled, An act for repealing the feveral duties of customs and excise, and granting other duties in lieu thereof, and for applying the faid duties, together with the other duties compofing the publick revenue; for permitting the importation of certain goods, wares, and merchandize, the produce or manufacture of the European dominions of the French king, into this kingdom; and for applying certain unclaimed monies, remaining in the exchequer for the payment of annuities on lives, to the reduction of the national debt, shall cease and determine, and be no longer paid or payable; exçept so far as relates to any faltpetre permitted, or which shall be permitted


(except falt- permitted to be imported, by his Majesty's orders in council bepetre permit- fore mentioned, and except in all cases relating to the recovering, ported by his allowing, or paying, any arrears of the before mentioned duties Majefty's or respectively, which may at any time remain unpaid, or to any derincouncil), fine, penalty, or forfeiture, relating thereto respectively, which

ted to be im

shall have been incurred at any time on or before the said first day of September one thousand seven hundred and ninety-one.

and a duty of V. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That 3d. per cwt.to from and after the first day of September one thousand seven hunbe paid. dred and ninety-one, in lieu and instead of the duties hereby repealed, there shall be raised, levied, collected, and paid, unto his Majesty, his heirs and successors, in ready money, without any difcount or abatement whatever, a duty of three-pence for each and every one hundred weight of saltpetre imported into the kingdom of Great Britain, from any country whatever, except so far as relates to any faltpetre permitted, or which shall be permitted to be imported by his Majesty's orders in council before mentioned, which is to be subject to the duty of seven shillings and nine-pence per hundred weight, as before directed.

Duties to be

levied, &c. as by the laws now in force.

VI. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the said duty of seven shillings and nine-pence, imposed on each and every hundred weight of faltpetre permitted to be imported by his Majesty, by and with the advice of his privy council, in manner before mentioned, and the said duty of three-pence hereinbefore imposed on each and every hundred weight of faltpetre imported after the first day of September one thousand seven hundred and ninety-one, shall be levied, raised, collected, paid, managed, recovered, and applied, in the same manner, and under the same rules, regulations, conditions, and restrictions, and subject to the same forfeitures and penalties for the breach thereof, as are contained in any law now in force with respect to faltpetre imported into this kingdom.

VII. And in order to insure at all times the fupply of a sufficient quantity of faltpetre for the use of the manufactures of this country, and the fale thereof at a reasonable rate; be it further enacted by the From Sept. 1, authority aforesaid, That, from and after the first day of September 1791, the East one thousand seven hundred and ninety-one, the said united comIndiacompany to put up for pany shall, and they are hereby required, half-yearly, at each of fale, half-year. their publick fales, to put up five thousand bags of faltpetre more Jy, certain than shall appear, upon an average taken of the four last preceding quantities of sales, to have been sold by the said united company, at each of the faltpetre at certain rates;

faid sales, at the price of thirty-one shillings per hundred weight, and not higher, in time of peace, and at the price of forty shillings per hundred weight, and not higher, in time of war or publick hoftility; and that the refraction of such saltpetre so put up shall not exceed, on an average, five pounds in every one hundred and twelve pounds of such saltpetre.

on failure of VIII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That which, his in cafe the faid united company shall not, as before directed, deMajesty in council may clare, within fourteen days before each publick sale, their intenpermit theim. tion to put up, or in cafe they shall not at each publick sale put up portation ofit,



the before mentioned quantity of such saltpetre at the before subject to the
mentioned prices respectively, it shall and may be lawful, from duty of 3d. per
and after the first day of September one thousand seven hundred cwt.
and ninety-one, for his Majesty, by and with the advice of his
privy council, to permit the importation from any foreign coun-
try of the whole of the said quantity of faltpetre, or of so much
thereof, as the case may be, the produce or manufacture of any
country whatever, subject to the said duty of three-pence for each
and every hundred weight thereof, as shall be sufficient to make
the quantity so declared and so put up by the said united company,
at the price herein-before directed, amount to the full quantity of
five thousand bags more than shall appear, by an average taken of
the four last preceding sales, to have been fold by the said united
company at each of the faid fales; and the importation of such
quantity of faltpetre, subject to the said duty of three-pence for
each and every hundred weight thereof, shall be in such manner,
and under such regulations, restrictions, securities, and conditions,
as his Majesty, by and with the advice aforesaid, shall order.

to be reckon

IX. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That How the avethe faltpetre, so permitted to be imported, shall, for the purpose rage of fales is of taking the average of four preceding sales, in manner herein- ed. before directed, be deemed and reckoned as fold by the faid united company, and be included in and made a part of such average.

of British gun

X. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That, From Sept. 1, from and after the first day of September one thousand seven hun- 1791, fo much of 4 Geo. 3. dred and ninety-one, so much of an act, passed in the fourth year c. 29. asgrants of the reign of his late majesty King George the Second, intituled, an allowance An act for granting an allowance upon the exportation of British-made of 48. 6d. on gunpowder, as grants an allowance of four shillings and fixpence every barrel for every barrel of such gunpowder, containing one hundred powder expounds net weight, exported out of this kingdom; and also so ported, and much of an act, passed in the twenty-third year of his present Majesty's reign, intituled, An act for the more effectual encouragement of the manufactures of flax and cotton in Great Britain, as enacts, That the duties of customs payable and chargeable by any so much of act or acts of parliament on the importation of faltpetre, used and 23Geo.3.0.77 confumed in making oil of vitriol, shall be repaid and drawn back, drawback of be, and the fame are hereby repealed. 'the duties on

as allows a

C. 12. as re

imported faltpetre, used in making oil of vitriol, repealed. XI. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That So much of so much of an act, passed in the first year of the reign of her late 1 Anne, ftat. r. majesty Queen Anne, intituled, An alt for granting an aid to her quires the Eaft Majesty by divers fubfidies and a land tax, as requires the said united India compacompany to deliver yearly, (if demanded) the quantity of four ny to deliver hundred and ninety-four tons and one quarter into the King's of faltpetre, into stores acertain the stores of her Majesty, her heirs and successors, at the price of quantity of forty-five pounds per ton in time of peace, and fifty-three pounds faltpetre, reper ton in time of war or publick hoftility, be, and the fame is pealed, and the hereby repealed; and that, in lieu thereof, the faid united company quantity hereshall yearly referve and deliver into the stores of his Majesty, his tobedelivered, heirs and successors, five hundred tons of saltpetre, at the average




prices at which the said united company shall have declared and put up saltpetre at their publick sales, during the current year, the refraction of such faltpetre not to exceed five pounds in every one hundred and twelve pounds weight; and if the refraction of such faltpetre shall exceed the rate aforesaid, then the overplus of such refraction, at the rate aforesaid, shall be allowed and repaid to his Majesty, his heirs and successors, by the said united company, out of the faid price; and if the refraction of such saltpetre be less or under five pounds in every one hundred and twelve pounds weight, then the faid united company shall be allowed and paid by his Majesty, his heirs and successors, at the price aforesaid, so much more as the difference between the real refraction of the faltpetre so delivered, and the before-mentioned refraction of five pounds in every one hundred and twelve pounds, shall

amount to.

on failure of XII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That which, his in cafe the said united company shall in any year not reserve and Majefty in council may deliver into the stores of his Majefty, his heirs and fucceffors, the authorise the whole of the faid respective quantities of saltpetre, as the cafe may mafter general be, of the quality and at the price before-mentioned, it shall and of the ordim may be lawful for his Majesty, his heirs and successors, by and port it, subject with the advice of his or their privy council, to authorife and perto the duty of mit the master general of the ordnance to import, for the use of 3d. per cwt. his Majesty, his heirs or successors, the whole of fuch respective quantities of faltpetre, as the cafe may be, or so much thereof, the produce or manufacture of any country whatsoever, subject to the faid duty of three-pence per hundred weight, as shall be sufficient to make the quantity reserved and delivered into the said stores amount to the respective full quantities of saltpetre, as the cafe may be, herein-before required.

[blocks in formation]

An act to continue several laws, relating to the granting a bounty on cere tain species of British and Irish linens exported, and taking off the duties on the importation of foreign raw linen yarns made of flax; to the importing falt from Europe into the province of Quebec in America; to the allowing a bounty on the exportation of British-made cordage; to continue and amend several laws relating to the encouragement of the fisheries carried on in the Greenland seas and Davis's Streights; and to the prohibiting the exportation of tools and utenfils made use of in the iron and steel manufactures of this kingdom; and to prevent the feducing of artificers and workmen employed in those manufactures to go into parts beyond the feas; and to make perpetual an act made in the fifteenth year of the reign of his present Majetty, to permit the free importation of raw goat skins into this kingdom.

29 Geo. 2. C. 15. for granting a bounty on certain species of British and Irish linens exported, &c. continued to June 24, 1792, &c. 4. Geo. 3. c. 12. for importing salt into Quebec, continued until June 24, 1795. 6 Geo. 3. c.45. fo far as relates to granting a bounty on exportation of British-made cordage, which was revived by 26. Geo. 3. c. 85. continued for 4 years. 26 Geo. 3. C. 41. for the encouragement of the Greenland fishery, and fo much of 29 Geo. 3. c. 53. as relates to fishing in the Greenland feas and Davis's Streights, continued until Dec. 25, 1792. Harpooners, &c. in the Greenland fishery not to be impressed, and when not employed therein


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