صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Exemption of

wares from

being ftamp


record at Westminster, for or to recover or inflict any fuch pena ties, forfeitures, or punishments, fhall be, and is and are here wholly and abfolutely indemnified, freed, and difcharged ther from, and from and against all and every fuch penalties, forf tures, and punishments; any thing in the faid acts, or either them, contained to the contrary thereof in anywife notwithstan ing, and all and every perfon and perfons, against whom a fuch action, bill, plaint, or information hath been or shall brought, may plead the general iffue, and upon his, her, or th defence give this act and the fpecial matter in evidence at a trial to be had thereupon.

III. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, Th certain filver from and after the twenty-eighth day of May one thousand fev hundred and ninety, nothing in the faid acts, or either of the contained, fhall extend to oblige any of the following wares filver to be ftamped or marked by the faid refpective compan of goldfmiths, or any of them, with the marks, or any of the mentioned in the aforefaid act, made in the twelfth year of t reign of King George the Second, or to be marked with the f new mark of the King's Head, mentioned in the aforefaida made in the twenty-fourth year of the reign of his present M jesty, (that is to fay) Chains, necklace beads, lockets, any ph ligree work, fhirt buckles or broaches, ftamped metals, or fpo to china, ftone, or earthenware teapots, or any of them, of a weight whatsoever.

Further exemption.

Further exemption.

IV. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, Th from and after the faid twenty-eighth day of May one thoufa feven hundred and ninety, nothing in the faid acts, or either them, contained, fhall extend to oblige any of the followi wares of filver to be ftamped or marked by the faid refpecti companies of goldfmiths, or any of them, with the marks, any of them, mentioned in the aforefaid act made in the twelf year of the reign of King George the Second, or to be mark with the faid new mark of the King's Head, mentioned in t aforefaid act made in the twenty-fourth year of the reign of prefent Majefty, (that is to fay) Tippings, fwages, or moun or any of them, not weighing ten penny-weights of filver eac fave and except only necks and collars for caftors, cruets, glaffes, appertaining to any fort of stands or frames.

V. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, Th from and after the faid twenty-eighth day of May one thoufa feven hundred and ninety, nothing in the faid acts, or either them, contained, fhall extend to oblige any wares of filver wha foever, not weighing five penny-weights of filver each, to marked or stamped by the faid refpective companies of goldsmith or any of them, with the marks, or any of them, mentioned the aforefaid act made in the twelfth year of the reign of Kir George the Second, or to be marked with the faid new mark the King's Head, mentioned in the aforefaid act made in th twenty-fourth year of the reign of his prefent Majefty, fave ar except only the following filver wares, (that is to fay) Neck


collars, and tops for caftors, cruets, or glaffes appertaining to any fort of stands or frames, buttons to be affixed to or fet on any wearing apparel, folid fleeve buttons, and folid ftuds, not having a biffilled edge foldered on, wrought feals, blank feals, bole tickets, fhoe clafps, patch boxes, falt fpoons, falt fhovels, adles, tea fpoons, tea ftrainers, caddy ladles, buckles (fhirt buckles or broaches, before mentioned, excepted), and pieces to garnish cabinets, or knife cafes, or tea chefts, or bridles, or flands, or frames.

VI. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That Publick act. this act fhall be deemed and taken to be a publick act; and fhall be judicially taken notice of as fuch, by all judges, juttices, and other perfons, without fpecially pleading the fame.


An act for granting to his Majesty a certain fum of money out of the confolidated fund; for applying certain monies therein mentioned for the fervice of the year one thoufand feven hundred and ninety; and for further appropriating the supplies granted in this feffion of parliament. 2,100,cool. may be iffued out of the confolidated fund; which may be railed by loans or exchequer bills on the credit of the faid fund. Money lent on fecurity of this act not to be rated to any tax. Tallies of loan to be truck, &c. Orders for repayment to be registered and paid in course. No fee to be taken for regiftering, &c. on penalty of treble value and cuffs, and alfo lofs of place. Penalty for taking fees, and for undue preference in registering, &c. liable to action, and to pay value of debt and full cofts, and to be forejudged his office; but deputy only liable himfelf, and clerk of the pells, and tellers of the exchequer liable to the fame. Not to be deemed undue preference which orders of the fame date brought the fame day, are entered first, fo they are all entered; nor if tablequent orders are paid before prior ones not brought for payment, if money be referved to discharge them. Orders affignable. Treafury may order the fum hereby granted to be raised by exchequer bills, in the manHer prefcribed by the malt act of the prefent feffions; the provifions of which act (except fuch as charge the bills on the malt duty, and limit the tate of intereft) to extend to this. Bills and intereft, &c. to be difcharged out of the confolidated fund. Bank may advance money on the credit of this act. 621,151l. 18. 3d. 2q. furplus of the confolidated fund, on April 5, 1790, and 34,000l. of foreign fecret fervice money, to be applied towards the fupply. Monies raised by the malt act, land tax act, loans, 1500,000l. further loans, 2,000,000l. lottery, 790,9371. 1os. vote of credit, 1,000,000l. 621,1511. 18. 3d. 2q. furplus of confolidated fund: 34,000l. of foreign fecret fervice money, and 2,300,000l. hereby granted eat of confolidated fund, fhall be applied (with the refidue of the fale of French prizes) to the ufes hereafter expreffed. 2,233,6361. 175. 11d. for aval fervices. 200,000l. to pay off navy debts. 1,5751. 48. 3d. for land ervice of the ordnance, prior to Dec. 31, 1783. 13,8691. os. 6d. for land krvice of the ordnance in 1788. 418,2071. 175. 5d. for land service of ordnance for 1790. 23,7951. 168. 7d. for fea fervice of ordnance in 1788. 874,0741. 188. sd. 1q. for land forces for 1790; viz. 578,562). 143. 14. 17,448 effective, men, officers, &c. in Great Britain, &c. 317,5491. 1. for forces in the plantations, &c. 8,2451. ros. Id. difference between British and Irish eftablishments, &c. 11,4351. 128. 1od. 2q. for regiments ferving in the Eaft Indies. 64,500l. for recruiting land forces, and conbingencies. 10,8081. 78. 1d. 3q. for fupernumerary officers. 6,409). 8s. for general and staff officers in Britain. 63,2761. 5s. 8d. to the paymafter general, fecretary at war, &c. 161,7971. 185. 4d. for reduced officers of the land forces and marines. 2021. 15. 8d. to reduced officers, &c. of the horfe guards. $5,0921. 109, for reduced officers of the British American forces,

D 2


28 Geo.3.C.54, recited.

forces, and 4,9071. 1os. for allowances to them. 3,3921. 145. 2d. for the
officers late in the fervice of the States General. 3,4111 14s. 4d. for ma-
jor Grofe's corps. 180,9381. 19s. 6d. for Chelsea hofpital. 9,991l. 98. 3d.
for widows penfions. 36,0931. 159. to the landgrave of Heffe, for the year
1790. 356,4581. 12s. 4d. for extraordinaries of the army in 1789.
3,500,000l. to discharge exchequer bills, 29 Geo. 3. 2,000,000l. to dif
charge further ditto. 48,4241. 15s. 3d. iffued in pursuance of addreffes of
the house of commons. 1,000,000l. for augmentation of the forces. 6,3761.
6d. for the civil establishment of Nova Scotia, from Jan. 1, 1790, to
fame day 1791. 4,400l. for New Brunswick in America, from June 24,
1790, to fame day 1791. 1,840l. for Saint John in America, from Jan. 1,
1790, to fame day 1791. 2,100l. for Cape Breton in America, from
June 24, 1790, to fame day 1791. 1,1821. 1os, for Newfoundland, to de-
fray charge of falaries of governor and civil officers, from April 1, 1790,
to fame day 1791. 4,080l. for the Bahama Iflands, for fupporting civil
-establishment, in addition to the falaries now paid to the publick officers
out of the duty fund, from Jan. 1, 1790, to fame day 1791. 580l. to the
chief juftice of Bermuda or Somers Inlands from June 24, 1790, to fame
day 1791. 600l. to the chief juftice of Dominica, falary from Jan. 1,
1790, to fame day 1791. 4,5581. 7s. 8d. for New South Wales, civil
eftablishment from October 10, 1790, to fame day 1791. 13,000l. for
forts in Africa. 4,8591. s. 8d. for roads and bridges in the highlands of
North Britain. 238,2791. 98. 2d. 2q. for American fufferers, &c. due
October 10, 1790, on all orders by virtue of act 28 Geo. 3. c. 44. 6,8881.
7s. 6d. iffued to H. Bradley efq. for convicts at Plymouth. 33,2281. 155.
6d. iffued to D. Campbell efq. for convicts on the Thames. sool. iffuted
to the fecretary of the commiffioners under the flave act. 2001. iffued to
the fecretary to the commiffioners for enquiring into loffes in Eaft Florida.
1,900l. iffued to the fecretary of the commiffioners for enquiring into loffes
of American loyalifts. 2,9511. 1s. 1od. expences of trial of W. Haftings
efq. 1,000l. iffued for expences of enquiring into the emoluments of the
officers of the cuftoms. 1,6321. 6s. 3d. 3q. iffued to T. Cotton efq, to
pay bills of exchange, by direction of the treafury. 3,1621. 5s. 6d. paid to
T. Dundas and J. Pemberton efqrs. commiffioners to enquire, in America,
into loffes, &c. 30,520l. 178. Id. for extraordinary expences of the mint
in 1788. 51,6381. 6s. 11d. for provisions, &c. fent to settlements in South
Wales. 91cl. for printing reports on the African trade. 35,7851. 15s. 6d.
for relief of American fufferers. 49,5561. 178. 6d. for lands in Georgia
ceded to the Americans, intereft at 4 per cent. from July 5, 1788, to
July 5, 1790. 231,517l. 125. 2d. 1q. for deficiency of grants, 1789. Sup-
plies to be applied for the purposes before mentioned, &c. Rules to be
obferved in the application of the fum granted for half pay. By 29 Geo. 3.
c. 61. a fum not exceeding 172,7871. gs. sd. was appropriated to be paid
to reduced officers for 1789. The overplus of which fum to be difpofed
of to officers maimed, &c. or to their widows and children, as his Majefty
fhall direct.

[blocks in formation]

An act to amend and continue, for a limited time, feveral acts of parliament for regulating the fhipping and carrying flaves in Britijh veffels from the coaft of Africa.

WHEREAS an act was made in the twenty-eighth year of WH the reign of his prefent Majefty, intituled, An act to regulate, for a limited time, the fhipping and carrying flaves in British veffels from the coaft of Africa, which, by an act made in the lat feffion of parliament, was amended and further continued until the first day of August one thousand seven hundred and ninety: and whereas it is expedient to continue and amend the faid laft-mentioned act: be it therefore enacted by the King's moft excellent majefty, by and with the advice and confent of the lords fpiritual and tem


bersthan here

poral, and commons, in this prefent parliament affembled, and by the authority of the fame, That it fhall not be lawful for any From Aug. 1, mafter or other perfon taking or having the charge or command 1790, no veffel clearing out of any Britifh fhip or veffel whatever, which fhall clear out from from Great any port of this kingdom, from and after the first day of Auguft Britain, to the thousand seven hundred and ninety, to have on board at any carry flaves one time, or to convey, carry, bring, or tranfport flaves from from Africa in the coaft of Africa to any part beyond fea, in any fuch fhip or greater numefiel, in any greater number than in the proportion of five fuch in fpecified. faves for every three tons of the burthen of fuch fhip or veffel, fo far as the faid fhip or vessel shall not exceed two hundred and one tons, and moreover of one fuch flave for every additional ton of fuch fhip or vessel over and above the faid burthen of two hundred and one tons; or male flaves who shall exceed four feet four inches in height, in any greater number than in the proportion of one fuch male flave to every one ton of the burthen of fuch ship or veflel, so far as the faid fhip or vessel shall not exceed two hundred and one tons, and moreover of three fuch male faves, who fhall exceed the faid height of four feet four inches, for every additional five tons of such ship or veffel, over and above the faid burthen of two hundred and one tons; and every fuch Veffels to be ship or veffel fhall be deemed and taken to be of fuch tonnage or deemed of the tonnage fet burthen as is defcribed and fet forth in the refpective certificate forth in their of the registry of each and every such ship or veffel, granted in certificates of pursuance of an act made in the twenty-fixth year of the reign of registry. his prefent Majefty, intituled, An act for the further increafe and couragement of shipping and navigation; and if any fuch mafter, Mafters of or other perfon taking or having the charge or command of any feit 301. for fuch fhip or veffel, fhall act contrary hereto, fuch mafter or other perfon as aforefaid thall forfeit and pay the fum of thirty pounds exceeding the of lawful money of Great Britain for each and every such flave, limited aum exceeding in number the proportions herein-before límited; one ber. moiety whereof fhall go to his Majefty, his heirs or fucceffors, and the other moiety thereof fhall go to any perfon or perfons who fhall first fue for the fame: provided always, That if there fhall be in any fuch fhip or vessel any more than two fifth parts of the flaves who fhall be children, and who fhall not exceed four eet four inches in height, then every five fuch children (over and above the aforefaid proportion of two fifths) fhall be deemed and taken to be equal to four of the faid flaves, within the true tent and meaning of this act: provided always, That nothing If more than herein contained fhall extend, or be conftrued to extend, to the two fifths of cafe of a fhip taking on board any number of flaves that fhall be children, five found fhipwrecked, or from on board any other fhip or veffel of the furplus where, by reafon of mutiny or infurrection among the flaves, or to be deemed the crew, or by failure of hands, or by any actual diftrefs of the equal to four flaves, &c. effel, the mafter or commander fhall be difabled from governing or continuing the voyage, the proof of which fhall lie pon the mafter or other perfon having charge of fuch fhip or reffel fo taking on board fuch flaves.

the fhip,

veffels to for

every flave

the flaves be

II. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That Mafters of


on veffels, before

flaves in the

to declare up

the customs

the veffel,&c.;

and if they land flaves

contrary hereto, to forfeit 5001.

they land any on the arrival of any fuch fhip or veffel in any island in the Weft Indies, belonging to or under the dominion of his Majefty, his Weft Indies, heirs or fucceffors, from the coaft of Africa, carrying or conveyon oath before ing any fuch flaves as aforefaid, the mafter or other perfon havthe officer of ing or taking the charge or command of fuch fhip or veffel fhall, before any of the faid flaves fhall be unfhipped or landed from the burthen of fuch fhip or veffel, repair to the nearest cuftom houfe, and there declare, on oath, before the collector, or other chief officer of the cuftoms (who is hereby authorised and required to administer the fame) the burthen of such ship or veffel, and fhall, at the fame time, fhew to fuch officer the certificate of the regiftry thereof; and fhall also deliver to the faid officer, upon oath, (who is hereby authorised and required to adminifter the fame) an exact and true account of the greatest number of fuch flaves (diftinguishing the number of males and females, and specifying the number of fuch flaves as fhall exceed the aforefaid height of four feet fou inches), who are or fhall have been at any one time in or or board fuch fhip or veffel, before, when, or after fuch fhip of veffel quitted or departed from the coaft of Africa for that voyage; and if fuch mafter or other perfon taking or having the charge of command of any such ship or vessel fhall unfhip or land, or thal caufe to be unfhipped or landed, or fhall wilfully permit or fuffe to be unfhipped or landed, any fuch flaves, contrary to the tru intent and meaning of this act, fuch master or other perfon as aforefaid fhall forfeit and pay the fum of five hundred pounds, o lawful money of Great Britain, for every fuch offence, and on moiety of the faid forfeiture fhall go to his Majefty, his heirs o fucceffors, and the other moiety fhall go to the perfon or perion Officer of the who fhall firft fue for the fame; and it fhall and may be lawfu for fuch collector or other chief officer of the cuftoms, and he i hereby required to fearch, or to cause search to be made, in every flaves on board part of fuch fhip or veffel, to fee and to take an account of th number of fuch flaves on board fuch fhip or veffel, and to fpecif &c. on penalty in fuch account the number of males and females, and also th of sol. number of flaves not exceeding four feet four inches in height and without delay to tranfmit fuch account, attefted under hi hand and feal, to the commiffioners of his Majefty's customs i Where there London, under the penalty of five hundred pounds: provided al ways, That in cafe the faid collector or other chief officer of th customs fhall be abfent, or that there fhall be no fuch officer i any fuch island where the faid fhip shall arrive as aforesaid, or i cafe there fhall be no other officer of the revenue, then any civ officer in the faid island shall be, and he is hereby authorifed an required, upon application as aforefaid, to adminifter the fai oath to fuch mafter or other perfon taking or having the charg of fuch veffel, and to receive the faid declaration of the burthe of fuch fhip as aforefaid, and to perform all the other duties aford faid, which the faid collector or other chief officer of the cuftom is hereby required to perform.

customs to take an account of the

fuch veffels,

is no officer
of the cuf-
toms, any
civil officer
to receive the
oath of the

master, &c.

No veffel to carry any

flaves, unless

III. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, Tha it fhall not be lawful for the mafter or other perfon taking


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