صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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Brewed in England according to 28 Geo. 3. c. 46. for exportation to Scotland, not chargeable with any duty under this act. Chap. 1.

Weddell Brook, Lancashire.

See Canals, Navigable. Chap. 68.

West India Islands.


Wool and Worsted Yarn.

1. An act to prevent abuses and
frauds in the manufactures of comb-
ing wool and worsted yarn in Nor-
folk and Norwich. Chap. 56.
2. A general meeting of manufac-
turers to be on Sept. 2, 1791, to
chuse a committee to profecute of-
fenders against this act, and appoint
a clerk. Same act.

3. Committee to meet quarterly,
and chufe a chairman; but no bu-
finess without five members are
present, and three committee-men
may call a special meeting. Same
act, f. 4.

1. No tobacco, pitch, tar, and several other things mentioned in this act, to be imported into the West India ifslands, from any colony in South America, belonging to a foreign European fovereign, on forfeiture of the goods and vessel, except by the authority of the governors of the West India islands in cafes of publick emergency, and any article so imported, if attempt- 5. Reeling of worsted yarn and put

ed to be exported, forfeited with

the veffel. Chap. 38.

2. Before any of the faid goods are shipped for exportation, oath to be made that they have not been so imported, and goods and veffels forfeited, may be leized by officers of ships of war and officers of the customs. Same act, f. 4.

Wilford, Suffolk.

See Poor. Chap. 72.

Wimblington, Cambridgeshire.
See Inclosures. Chap. 81.

Wine Licence Office.

The King may direct allowances to be made to the officers of the wine licence office deprived of their employments and falaries by act 30 Geo. 3. c. 38. Chap. 28.


Persons convicted of petty larceny • may be competent witnesses. Chap. 35.

4. Justices to appoint inspectors of yarn, and the committee to station and allow them falaries, who are to inspect the reels, &c. and bring offenders to justice. Same act, f. 9.

ting out wool-fpinning regulated. Same act, f. 12.

6. Penalties on false reeling of worsted yarn, and prosecutors not liable to the charges of conveying offenders to prifon, and agents refufing to discover persons guilty of false reeling subject to the penalty of 5s. for every pound of fuch yarn, and putters out of wool answerable for the wool given them to put out. Same act, f. 15.

7. The collectors of excife to deduct 6d. in a is. out of the drawback on foap used in manufacturing wool, and pay the fame to the treasurer appointed by the committee, who is to pay the charges of this act out of the fame, and the rate of 6d. in a Is. may be reduced or increased. Same act, f. 22.


See Canals, Navigable. Chap. 59.

Wreak River, Leicestershire. See Rivers, Navigable. Chap. 77.




Statutes at Large,

Anno tricefimo fecundo GEORGII III. Regis:

Being the SECOND Session of the

Seventeenth Parliament of GREAT BRITAIN.


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