صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Worcester, Stafford, Salop, and Warwick, respectively, so far as the faid acts relate to the repairing of the roads from Blakedown Pool, in the parish of Hagley and county of Worcester, to the top of Smallbrooke Street; and from The Five Ways to Eafy Row, in Birmingham, in the faid county of Warwick.

Cap. 141. For enlarging the term and powers of an act, of the fifth year of his prefent Majesty, for repairing several roads leading from the town of Warminster, in the county of Wilts, and for amending feveral other roads in or near the faid town; for repairing feveral roads in and leading through the town of Warminfter; for paving and repairing the footways, and regulating the market, within the faid town of Warminster.

Cap. 142. For enlarging the term and powers of an act, paffed in the eleventh year of the reign of his prefent Majesty, for repairing and widening the road from Collingham, through Wetherby, to the city of York.

Cap. 143. For continuing the term, and altering and enlarging the powers of an act of the twelfth year of his present Majelly, for repairing, widening, and keeping in repair, the road from Burlton, in the county of Salop, through Knockin, to Llanymynech, in the fame county, and from Knockin to the east end of the Llanriader road; and from Place Carrick Lane to the turnpike road from Llanymynech to Oswestry, near Coid Iffa mountain, and from Ofweftry turnpike road on Knockin Heath, to the east end of Knockin Lane.

Cap. 144. For more effectually amending, widening, and keeping in repair the road from Penn Inn, in the county of Dorfet, to or near Shipley Lane, in the parish of Honiton, in the county of Devon, and from Northcote Lane, in Honiton aforefaid, to or near Collumpton, in the faid county of Devon; and feveral other roads in the counties of Dorfet, Devon, and Somerfet; and for repealing fo much of an act, paffed in the thirty-first year of the reign of King George the Second, intituled, An act for repairing and widening feveral roads in the counties of Doriet and Devon, leading to and through the borough of Lyme Regis, as relates to the road from Fair Mile Inn to Straightway Head otherwile Stretwood Head, in the parish of Whimple, in the faid county of Devon.

Cap. 145. For repairing and improving the road leading from Cornhill Burn, by Pallinfburn and Flodden Lane to Milfield March Burn, and by Ford Bridge to Lowick, and also feveral other roads therein mentioned, all in the counties of Northumberland and Durham.

Cap. 146. For amending, widening, altering, and repairing the roads from Swell Wold, in the parish of Lower Swell, in the county of Gloucester, to or near the fix mile ftone on the turnpike road leading from the borough of Tewkesbury to the town of Stow, in the fame county; and from the north-east end of The Swan Lane, in the parith of Cheltenham, in the fame county, to the turnpike road leading to Evesham, in the parish of Sedgeborough, in the county of Worcester; and from the town of Winchcomb,

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Winchcomb, in the faid county of Gloucester, by a place called Stamp Cross, to or near the tenth mile stone on the faid turnpike road, leading from Tewkesbury to Stow aforefaid.

Cap. 147. To enlarge the term, and alter and amend the powers of two feveral acts, paffed in the thirty-fecond year of the reign of King George the Second, and the twentieth year of the reign of his prefent Majefty, for repairing the road from the fouth end of the South Street, in the parish of South Malling, near the town of Lewes, to Glynd Bridge, and from thence through Firle Street under the Hill, to Longbridge, in the parish of Alfriston, in the county of Suffex, (except fo far as the faid acts relate to that part of the faid road which lies between a place, commonly called Bopeep, in the parish of Alcifton, and Longbridge aforefaid); and for amending and keeping in repair feveral other roads therein mentioned, in the faid county of Suffex.

Cap. 148. For repairing and improving the road leading from the town of Bury Saint Edmunds, in the county of Suffolk, to and through the town of Thetford, in the county of Norfolk, to the present turnpike road leading from Lynn, through the parish of Cranwich, in the faid county of Norfolk.

Cap. 149. For repealing an act of the twelfth year of his prefent Majefty, intituled, An act for repairing and widening the roads from the confines of the county of Berwick, at or near Banghoufe Walls, to Compton's Lanes and Eymouth, and from the town of Eccles to Eymouth, and from Whitelaw Muir to Compton's Lanes, in the county of Berwick; and for repairing, widening, and amending feveral roads, and for regulating the statute labour, in the said county of Berwick.

Cap. 150. For enlarging the term and powers of an act, paffed in the eleventh year of the reign of his prefent Majesty, for repairing, widening, turning, and altering the road from the market boufe, in the town of Great Farringdon, in the county of Berks, to Burford, in the county of Oxford.

Cap. 151. For enlarging the term and powers of an act, paffed in the tenth year of the reign of his present Majesty, for repairing, widening, and keeping in repair, the road leading from the Eaton Bridge turnpike road at Cockham Hill, in the parish of Wefterham, in the county of Kent, through the village of Limpifield, to the village of Titley, over Botley Hill, Worms Heath, and Wallingham Common, to the turnpike road leading from Croydon to Godstone, in the county of Surrey.

Cap. 152. For enlarging the term and powers of an act, made in the fourteenth year of the reign of his prefent Majefty, intituled, An act to continue the term of two acts, made in the twenty-fixth and twenty-feventh years of the reign of his late majefty King George the Second, for repairing feveral roads leading into the city of Glasgow, fo far as the fame relate to the roads from the city of Glasgow to Yoker Bridge, to Renfrew Bridge, to the Three Mile House, to the town of Airdrie, and from the village of Gorbals to the chapel of Cambuslang, in the counties of Lanerk and Renfrew,

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Renfrew, fo far as the faid act relates to the road from the cir of Glasgow to Yoker Bridge; and for more effectually making widening, repairing, and keeping in repair, the faid road, and the road of communication between the faid road from Glafge to Yoker Bridge, and the canal from The Forth to The Clyde.

Cap. 153. For repairing, widening, turning, and altering the road leading from the town of Burford, in the county Oxford, to Leachlade, in the county of Gloucefter, and for making a road from thence to the river Ifis or Thames; for building a bridge acrofs the faid river, and for making a road from thence to join the prefent road leading from Leachlade to Inglefham; and for repairing, widening, turning, and altering the faid laft mentioned road to and through the town of Highwerit, in the county of Wilts, to the present turnpike road leading from Cricklade to Swindon, in the fame county.

Cap. 154. For altering and enlarging the powers of an act, paffed in the thirty-first year of the reign of his present Majesty, for repairing the roads from Livingston, by the kirk of Shots, the city of Glasgow, and other roads therein mentioned; and for building a bridge over the river Clyde, at or near Theevesferd, and for opening and making certain streets in and near the city of Glafgow; for altering a part of the high road betwixt Edinburgh and Glafgow, by carrying a new line of road to the north of the hills, and another line of road by the fouth, and for ftraightening and making the roads more convenient; as allo for altering the road from the city of Glafgow to the town of Hamilton, and for building a bridge over the river Clyde below the prefent old bridge, called Bothwell Bridge; as alfo for altering the road from the town of Hamilton, eastward, until it joins the great road between Edinburgh and Glasgow.

Cap. 155. For continuing the term, and enlarging the powers of two acts, paffed in the eighteenth year of the reign of his late majefty King George the Second, and the eleventh year of the reign of his prefent Majefty, for repairing the road leading from Tadcaster Bridge, within the county of the city of York, to a place near the faid city, called Hobmoor Lane End.

Cap. 156. For repairing, altering, and improving the road from Golden Grove Park, in the parish of Llandilofawr, to the turnpike road leading from the new bridge over the river Towy to the lime kilns in the parish of Llandarog; and also feveral other roads therein mentioned, all in the county of Carmarthen. . Cap. 157. For repealing an act paffed in the eleventh year of the reign of his prefent Majefty, for repairing and widening the road from Stone to Lane End, and to the read between Leek and Sandon, on Meir Heath, and from Meir to Trentham, and from thence to Stableford, in the county of Stafford, and for granting other powers for thofe purposes; and for repairing and improving the road from a place called Walton, in Stone aforesaid, to Ecclefhall, in the faid county of Stafford.

Cap. 158. For continuing the term, and altering and enlarging the powers of an act paffed in the twelfth year of the

reign of his prefent Majefty, for repairing and widening the -road leading from the east end of the bridge across the river Ouze, in Downham Market, to The Queen's Head, and from The Chequer Inn, in Downham Market aforefaid, to the east end of the two mile close, in the parish of Barton, and towards Watton, to i a place called The Devil's Ditch, in the county of Norfolk; and for flopping up the road leading from Stradfet, through Barton Layes, towards Watton.

Cap. 159. For amending and more effectually repairing the road from The Black Bull Inn, in Dunstable, in the county of Bedford, to The King's Arms, in Hockliffe, in the faid county.

Cap. 160. To continue the term, and alter and enlarge the powers of an act, paffed in the eleventh year of the reign of his prefent Majefty, for repairing and widening the road from Shelton to the road between Cheadle and Leek, and from Bucknall to Wefton Coyney, and from the road between Cheadle and Leek to the turnpike road above Frogall Bridge, and from the fame road to the road between Blyth Marth and Thorp, at or near Ruehill Gate, in the county of Stafford, fo far as the fame relates to the road from Shelton to Black Lane Head, and from Buknall to Wefton Coyney.


1. AN



N act for naturalizing John Baptift Davallon. 2. An act for dividing and allotting feveral open and common lands and grounds, within the parish of Averbury, in the county of Wilts.

3. An act for dividing and inclofing certain commons or waste lands, being parts of Mendip Lyatt, and Dinder Hill, within the parishes of Crofcombe and Dinder, in the county of Somerset.

4. An act to enable Gilbert Trowe Beckett efquire, and his iffue male, to take the name, and bear the arms of Turner, pursuant to the will of Martha Turner, widow, deceased.

5. An act for naturalizing Richard Walker.

6. An act for naturalizing John Alphonfo Doxat and Charles Frederick Brandt.

7. An act for naturalizing John Mark Gourgas and James Soret.

8. An act for naturalizing John William Hentig and Jacob Ander fon.

9. An act for naturalizing Herman Schroder.

10. An act to enable trustees to cut down and fell timber upon the estates devised and settled by the will of Ralph Carr efquire, and to inveft the monies arifing therefrom in the purchase of lands and hereditaments, to be fettled to the ufes of the will, and for other purposes therein mentioned.

II. An act for dividing and inclofing the open fields, meadows, pastures, commons, and wafte grounds, within the parish of Walton in the Voulds, in the county of Leicester.

12. And act for carrying into execution an agreement between the mafter and fcholars of Balliol College, in the university of Oxford, and the mayor and commonalty and citizens of the city of London, for vefting in the faid mayor and commonalty and citizens, and their fucceffors, certain ground and buildings in the parish of Saint Lawrence Jewry, London, and for securing to the faid mafter and scholars, and their fucceffors, certain yearly rents in lieu thereof.

13. An act to diffolve the marriage of William Raybould with Joannah Pearfall, his now wife, and to enable him to marry again; and for other purposes therein mentioned.

14. An act to diffolve the marriage of John Larking efquire, with Elizabeth Marcon, his now wife, and to enable him to marry again; and for other purposes therein mentioned.

15. An act to diffolve the marriage of John Wilmot esquire, with Fanny Sainthill, his now wife, and to enable him to marry again; and for other purposes therein mentioned.

16. An act for dividing and allotting in severalty the open and common fields and downs, common meadows, common pastures, and commonable places, in the parish of Knooke, in the county of Wilts.

17. An act for dividing and inclofing certain open fields and grounds, within the parish of North Grimfton, in the east riding of the county of York.

18. An act for dividing and inclofing the open common fields, and other commonable lands, within the parish of Redmile, in the county of Leicester.

19. An act for dividing and inclofing the open and common fields, common paftures, ings, common meadows, and other commonable lands in the parish of Wood Enderby, in the county of Lincoln.

20. An act for dividing and inclofing the open and common fields, common meadows, common paftures, commonable lands, and wafte grounds, within the parish of Broadwell, in the county of Gloucester.

21. An act for dividing and inclofing the open fields, downs, commons, and commonable lands within the parish of Turkdean, in the county of Gloucester.

22. An act for dividing and inclofing the open and common fields, common meadows, common paftures, and other commonable places, in the parish of Aynho, in the county of Northamp


23. An act for dividing, allotting, and inclofing certain waste lands, moors, or commons, within the manor of Reedfdale, and parish of Corfenfide, in the county of Northumberland.

24. An act for vefting a leafehold eftate, late of John Blackburne efquire, deceased, in trustees, to be fold, and for applying the money arifing therefrom in the manner therein mentioned.

25. An act for dividing and inclofing the common marsh, and other wafte grounds, in the parish of Tydd Saint Mary, in the county of Lincoln.

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