صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

26. An act for dividing, allotting, and laying in severalty, the open and common fields, common paftures, and other commonable lands or grounds, within the parish of Ogbourn Saint George, in the county of Wilts.

27. An act for effectuating certain exchanges between the right honourable the earl Fitzwilliam and Francis Ferrand Foljambe efquire, and the right honourable the lord Hawke and the faid Francis Ferrand Foljambe, and to enable trustees to make future exchanges of a detached part of the eftates of the faid Francis Ferrand Foljambe.

28. An act for discharging part of the leafehold eftates of Edward Baron de Clifford, in Spring Garden, in Middlesex, from the pin money jointure, and younger childrens portions fecured thereon, and for making fuch portions the first charge upon the refidue of the funds fubjected thereto, and for impowering the trustees of the faid Baron de Clifford to fell the remainder of the faid leafeholds, and apply the produce upon the trufts of his marriage settlement, and until fale, to grant building and repairing leases.

29. An act for vefting the lands and eftates of Melgund and Kynnyndmond, and other lands and eftates comprised in the deed of entail executed by the deceased fir Alexander Murray baronet, upon the thirteenth day of September one thousand feven hundred and ten, in trustees, in truft to fell the fame, and inveft the money arifing by fuch fale in the purchase of other lands, to be fettled and fecured to the fame feries of heirs, and under the fame conditions and limitations as are contained in the aforesaid deed of entail.

30. An act for enabling the dean and chapter of the cathedral church of the holy and undivided Trinity of Bristol to grant a lease of part of the lands of the said dean and chapter, in the parish of Saint Michael the archangel, in the city of Bristol, for the purpole of building thereon.

31. An act for vefting in trustees the legal estate in fee fimple of divers manors and other hereditaments, mortgaged or conveyed in trust to John Trehawke, esquire, deceased, after the date of his will.

32. An act to enable the vicar of the parish and parish church of Saint Mary Islington, in the county of Middlefex, to grant building leases of certain glebe lands belonging to the faid vicarage.

33. An act for confirming and carrying into execution certain articles of agreement, made and entered into between the reverend John Taylor, curate of the curacy of Clifton, in the parish of Westbury upon Trym, in the county of Gloucester, and Harry Elderton, of the city of Bristol, gentleman, for granting a building lease of a certain piece or parcel of ground belonging to the faid curacy.

34. An act to impower Philip Goldsworthy efquire, tenant for life under the will of Martha Gafbry deceased, to grant building or repairing leafes.

35 An act to enable the trustees in the fettlement executed

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on the marriage of Henry Tonge efquire, and Ann Eliza his wife, to fell and difpofe of a capital mefluage or manfion house, and other hereditaments, in the county of Somerfet, and to lay out the money arifing from the fale thereof in the purchase of old South Sea annuities, upon the trufts of the faid fettlement.

36. An act for vefting the fettled eftates of Thomas Griffith efquire, and Henrietta Maria his wife, in the parish of Kiddington alias Cuddington, in the county of Chefter, and in the parishes of Llanvilling and Penant, in the county of Montgomery, in fir Richard Brook baronet, as mortgage in fee fimple, and for vefting the equity of redemption thereof in the faid Thomas Griffith, and his heirs, and for fettling an eftate of the faid Thomas Griffith, in the parish of Mold, in the county of Flint, in lieu thereof.

37. An act to enable Edward Curtis, during his life, and, after his death, the guardians of his children, during their minority, to grant building leafes of certain pieces of ground at Clifton, in the county of Gloucester.

38. An act for vefting certain fettled leafehold lands and tenements of Edward Daniel gentleman, and Catherine his wife, in that part of the parish of Clifton which lies within the city of Bristol, in truffees, to be fold, and for applying the money arif ing from the fale thereof in the purchase of other lands, to be fettled upon the trufts of the faid fettled eftates.

39. An act to enable the heir, or heirs at law, of the furviving trustee of lands and hereditaments, in the parishes of Chalfent Saint Peter's and Iver, in the county of Bucks, purchased with part part of the perfonal eftate of Charles Churchill efquire, deceafed, by virtue of an act of parliament, made in the twentythird year of the reign of his late majefty King George the Second, to fell and convey the fame lands and hereditaments, for a confideration to be paid into the hands of the trustees of the perfonal eftate of Charles Churchill efquire, deceased; and alfo to enable the faid trustees to inveft the faid purchase money, and other the faid perfonal eftate, in the purchafe of other lands and hereditaments, to be fettled to the ules, and with the limitations, mentioned in the faid act of parliament, and again to fell and difpofe of the fame lands and hereditaments, and any other lands that may be purchafed under the fame act, or by virtue of this act, and to inveft the purchafe monies arifing therefrom either in the publick funds, or upon fecurities, or in the purchase of other lands and hereditaments, to be conveyed to the fame uses.

40. An act for vefting thofe parts of the lands and eftate of Blythfwood, and others, which lie in the county of Lanerk, in trustees, for the purpose of felling or feuing the fame, and for investing the money arifing by fuch fale in the purchase of other lands and eftates, more commodious and contiguous to the other and greater part of the faid eftate of Blyth wood, which lies in the county of Renfrew, and for fettling and fecuring the lands and estates, fo to be purchafed, to, and in favour of, the fame series of heirs, in fee tail, and under the fame restrictions,


conditions, and limitations, as are mentioned and contained in a deed of entail, made in the year one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-nine, by Colin Campbell, of Blythfwood, deceased.

41. An act to fubject and charge a competent part of the fettled eftates of James Templer efquire, in the county of Devon, with a fum of money to be applied and disposed of for the purposes therein mentioned.

42. An act for vefting certain meffuages, lands, and other hereditaments, in the countries of Berks and Bucks (being the eftates devised and fettled by the will of Catherine Edwin (pinifter, deceased) in truflees, to be fold and conveyed to John Martindale efquire, and his heirs, and for laying out the money arifing by fuch fale, in the purchase of other lands and hereditaments, to be more conveniently fituate as therein mentioned, to be fettled to the fame uses as the faid fettled eftates now stand fettled by the faid will.

43. An act to enable the rector of the parish and parish church of Preftwich cum Oldham, in the county palatine of Lancaster, for the time being, to grant leases of the glebe belonging to the faid rectory.

44. An act for confirming, and rendering effectual, a.partition between Daniel Leo efquire, and Letitia his wife, and Mary Pulefton widow, of several eftates in the counties of Flint, Denbigh, and Caernarvon, late the estates of John Davies of Lianerth, efquire, and for other purposes therein mentioned.

45. An act for effectuating and establishing an exchange agreed upon between Charles duke of Norfolk, and Francis Ferrand Foljambe efquire, of certain lands and other hereditaments, in the counties of York, Nottingham, and Derby.

46. An act for dividing and inclosing the open fields, and other commonable and wafte lands, within the parish of Welton in the Marfe, in the county of Lincoln.

47. An act for dividing and inclofing the common and open fields, meadows, commonable lands, and wafte grounds, in the parish of Uffington, in the county of Lincoln.

48. An act for dividing and inclofing the common and waste grounds within the manor or liberty of Stanley, in the county of Derby.

49. An act for dividing and inclosing the open arable fields, meadows, commons, and waste grounds, within the township of Syerfton, in the county of Nottingham.

50. An act for dividing and inclofing the open common fields, moors, meadows, and paftures, and other commonable lands and wafte grounds, in the parish of Tealby, otherwife Tevilby, in the county of Lincoln.

51. An act for inclofing, and leafing or letting, certain commons, or wafte grounds, lying within the parish of Colton, in the county of Stafford, and applying the profits thereof in aid of the poor's rates in the faid parith, and for making exchanges of lands within the faid parish.

52. An act for dividing, allotting, and inclofing, a tract of VOL. XXXVII.



common or waste land, part of the foreft of Mendip, lying within the manors of Eaft Horrington and Chilcot, in the out parifh of Saint Cuthbert in Wells, in the county of Somerset.

53. An act for dividing and inclofing the open common fields, meadows, paftures, and other commonable lands and wafte grounds, within the parish of Stathern, in the county of Leicester.

54. An act for dividing, allotting, and inclofing, the commons and wafte lands, within the manor and parish of Mold, in the county of Flint.

55. An act for dividing and inclofing the open and common fields, common meadows, and wafte lands, called Cheflyn Common, in the liberties of Great Saredon, Little Saredon, and Great Wyrley, in the county of Stafford.

56. An act to extend the powers and provifions of an act, of the thirtieth year of his prefent Majefty, for dividing and inclofing the open fields, ings, commons, and wafte grounds, within the manor and township of Hutton Bushell, in the north riding of the county of York, to the township of Weft Ayton, in the parish of Hutton Bufbell aforesaid.

57. An act for dividing and inclosing the several open common fields,. meadows, ings, commons, and wafte grounds, in the manor and township of Monk Fryfton, in the weft riding of the county of York.

58. An act for dividing and inclofing the open arable fields, ings, meadows, commons, and wafte grounds, within the townthip of Tockwith, in the parish of Biltan, in the county of the city of York.

59. An act for dividing and inclofing the open and common fields, common meadows, common pastures, and other commonable lands and wafte grounds, within the feveral parishes of Rodmarton and Coats, in the county of Gloucester; and also for fettling and ascertaining the boundaries of the faid parishes.

60. An act for dividing, allotting, and inclofing, the open and common fields and wafte lands within the common fields only, in the parish of Monk Sherborne, in the county of Southampton.

61. An act for dividing, allotting, and inclofing, the open and common fields, common meadows, common downs, and other commonable lands and grounds, in the parish of Shipton, in the county of Southampton.

62. An act for dividing and inclosing the open fields, meadows, paftures, commons, and waste lands, within the parish of Hemswell, in the county of Lincoln.

63. An act for dividing and inclofing the open fields, coppices, commons, and wafte lands, within the parish of Lambley, in the county of Nottingham.

64. An ac for dividing and inclosing the open and inclosed common fields, common woods, waftes, commons, and other lands, within the parish of Gedling, comprising the several hamlets of Gedling, Stoke Bardolph, and Carlton in the county of Nottingham.

65. An act for dividing and inclofing the common and open fields,

fields, meadows, commonable lands, and wafte grounds, in Great Weldon and Little Weldon, in the county of Northampton.

66. An act for dividing and inclofing the open common fields, common meadows, common paftures, commons, heaths, wafte and other commonable lands or grounds, within the manor and chapelry of Stouthleigh, in the parish of Stanton Harcourt, in the county of Oxford.

67. An act for dividing and inclofing the open fields, meadows, foreft commons, and waite lands, within the parish of Basford, in the county of Nottingham.

68. An act to enable Nutcombe Quick, of Nutcombe, in the county of Devon, clerk, and his firft and other fons and their iffue male, and his daughters and their iffue, to take and use the furname of Nutcombe, according to the laft will and testament of Hannah Nutcombe Bluett deceased, and for ratifying conveyances I made by the faid Nutcombe Quick, and his only son, by the furname of Nutcombe.

69. An act for naturalizing Joseph Ventura.

70. An act for naturalizing Anne Marie Mainwaring and James Mainwaring.

71. An act for vefting feveral lands and hereditaments, of which Jacob earl of Radnor is tenant for life, in trustees, to be fold, and for laying out the money to arife therefrom in the purchase of other lands and hereditaments, to be fettled to the like uses, in lieu thereof.

72. An act for dividing and inclosing the open common fields, common meadows and pasture, wafte grounds, hills, downs, and other commonable and wafte lands, within the fevegral manors of Lower otherwife Nether Hampen, Shipton Sollers 5. and Shipton Olliffe, in the parishes of Shipton Sollers and Shipton Olliffe, in the county of Gloucester, and fome pieces of land which extend into the parishes of Whittington and Dowdeswell, in the fame county.

END of the TABLE.

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