صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني




An act to compel auctioneers to declare whether fales have been bell under the notices now required to be given by law.


HEREAS, by an act made in the nineteenth year of the reign of his present Majesty, every auctioneer is required, before be begins any fale by way of auction, to deliver, or cause to be delivered, in manner in the faid act prescribed, a notice in writing, figned by fuch auctioneer, specifying the particular day when fuch sale by auction is to begin, and also a written or printed catalogue attested and figned by fuch auctioneer, or his known clerk : and whereas it is expedient that every auctioneer delivering fuch notice or catalogue should be obliged ts make it appear whether any fale by way of auction was opened or begun, or any article, lot, parcel, or thing, was bid for or fold under fuch notice or catalogue; be it therefore enacted by the King's most excellent majesty, by and with the advice and confent of the lords spiritual and temporal, and commons, in this present parliament

Auctioneers afsembled, and by the authority of the fame, That every auctioneer giving notice who shall have delivered, or caused to be delivered, any such notice able to the re- or catalogue for a fale by auction, within the limits of the chief cited act, shall, office of excife in London, or the person who acted as his clerk at

of fales agree

within the

times herein
specified, de-

such sale, or intended sale, shall, within twenty-eight days after the day specified in such notice as the particular day when fuch liver declara- fale by auction was to be made, deliver, or cause to be delivered, tions on oath, at the chief office of excise in London, to the perfon or perfons

whether the
fales took
place, &c.

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who shall be appointed by the commissioners of excife to receive the fame, a declaration, in writing, setting forth whether or not any fale by way of auction had been or was opened or begun under such notice, or any article, lot, parcel, or thing contained in such catalogue was bid for or fold at such auction; and fuch auctioneer, or person acting as his clerk, as aforesaid, shall make oath to the truth of fuch declaration before the commissioners of excife, or one of them, or before fuch person as the commiffioners of excise shall appoint to adminifter the same; which oath the faid commiffioners of excife, or one of them, or other person so to be appointed as aforesaid, is and are hereby authorised and impowered to administer; and that every auctioneer who shall have delivered, or caused to be delivered, any fuch notice or catalogue for a fale by auction, in any part of Great Britain, not within the limits of the faid chief office, or the perfon who acted as his clerk at fuch fale, or intended fale, shall, within fix weeks after the day specified in such notice as the particular day when such sale by auction was to be made, deliver, or cause to be delivered, to the collector of excife in whose collection such sale has been or was intended to be, a like declaration in writing, in manner as is herein-before required with respect to perfons felling by auction within the limits of the chief office of excise in London, to be verified in like manner, on pain that every auctioneer shall, for every neglect or refusal of delivering fuch declaration, verified in the manner herein-before prescribed, forfeit the sum of fifty pounds,

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to be sued for, recovered, levied, or mitigated, by virtue of any law or laws of excife, or by action of debt, bill, plaint, or information, in any of his Majesty's courts of record at Westminster, or in the court of exchequer in Scotland respectively; and that Application of one moiety of every such fine, penalty, or forfeiture, shall be to penalties. his Majesty, his heirs and fuccessors, and the other moiety to him or them who shall inform, discover, or fue for the fame.


An alt for granting to his Majesty the sum of four hundred thousand pounds, to be ifsfued and paid to the governor and company of the bank of England, to be by them placed to the account of the commiffioners for the reduction of the national debt.

Moft gracious Sovereign,

WE, your Majesty's most dutiful and loyal fubjects, the Preamble.

commons of Great Britain, in parliament assembled, having granted to your Majesty the sum of four hundred thousand pounds, to be issued and paid to the governor and company of the bank of England, to be by them placed to the account of the commiffioners for the reduction of the national debt, do most humbly befeech your Majesty that it may be enacted; and be it enacted by the King's most excellent majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the lords spiritual and temporal, and commons, in this present parliament assembled, and by the authority of the fame, That, out of any monies granted for the supply of 400,000l. to the present year, there shall be issued and paid, at the receipt of be paid out of the present his Majesty's exchequer, on or before the second day of April one year's fupply thousand seven hundred and ninety-two, the sum of four hundred to the bank, thousand pounds to the governor and company of the bank of and placed to England, and shall by them be placed to the account of the com- the commifmiffioners appointed by an act of the twenty-fixth year of his fioners for the present Majefty, for applying certain fums of money annually to reduction of the reduction of the national debt; and that all fuch monies shall the national be applied by the faid commiffioners towards the reduction of the debt; national debt in the manner herein-after directed, and to no other intent or purpose, and in no other manner whatever.

the account of

of redeemable

II. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That and applied in the faid principal fum or fums of money, not exceeding four hun- the purchase dred thousand pounds, which are hereby directed to be placed to annuities in the account of the faid commiffioners, shall be applied by the said the manner commiffioners, and they are hereby authorised and required to herein speciapply the fame in payment for the purchase of such redeemable fied. publick annuities as shall be below par, if any, and if there shall be no fuch publick annuities below par, then to the purchase of any such publick annuities at or above par, in the following manner; that is to say, That all fuch sums of money, not exceeding four hundred thousand pounds, so to be applied, which shall have been placed to the account of the faid commissioners on or before the second day of April one thousand feven hundred and ninety

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ninety-two, shall be applied, over and above the fums applicable by virtue of the faid herein-before mentioned act of the twentyfixth year of his present Majesty, to the purchase of fuch annuities in equal portions as nearly as may be on every day (Saturdays and

Dividends on annuities fo redeemed to

Mondays excepted) on which the same shall be transferrable, between the second day of April one thousand seven hundred and ninety-two, and the second day of Auguft next enfuing; and all such part of the principal or capital stock of such publick annuities as shall be purchased by the faid commiffioners by virtue of this act, shall be transferred to the account of the faid commiffioners in the books of the governor and company of the bank of England, of the governor and company of merchants of Great Britain trading to the South Seas, and other parts of America, or of the united company of merchants of England trading to the East Indies, refpectively, as the cafe may be; and that the dividends payable thereon shall, from time to time, be received by the governor and company of the bank of England, and be placed to the account of the faid commissioners.

III. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That all dividends which shall from time to time become due and paybe paid to the able in respect of the principal or capital stock of such annuities bank, and ap- as shall be redeemed by virtue of this act, shall be iffued or fet plied by the apart out of the consolidated fund, in the fame manner as if fuch in the manner principal or capital stock had not been redeemed, and shall be prescribed by paid to the said governor and company of the bank of England, to 26 Geo. 3.


C. 31.


be placed to the account of the faid commiffioners; and the fame shall, from time to time, be applied by them under the like rules and regulations, and in the manner prescribed by the faid act of the twenty-fixth year of the reign of his present Majesty, with respect to the fums redeemed by virtue of the said act; and that ⚫all and every the rules, methods, regulations, and provisions, which in and by the faid act of the twenty-fixth year aforetaid are provided and established, for applying, managing, or accounting for the fums vefted in the said commissioners, for the purposes of the said act, shall be practised, used, and put in execution, in and for the applying, managing, and accounting for all fums of money directed to be placed to the account of the faid commiffioners by virtue of this act, as fully and effectually as if the fame had been repeated and re-enacted in this present act.


An act to enable his Majesty to make provision for the establishment of their royal highnesses the duke and duchess of York and Albany; and also to fettle an annuity on her royal highness during the time of her natural life, to commence from the decease of his faid royal highness, in cafe her faid royal highness shall furvive him.

Most gracious Sovereign,


Ε, your Majesty's most dutiful and loyal subjects, the commons of Great Britain, in parliament affembled, being defirous of enabling your Majesty, as well to make a fuitable provifion

duke and

provifion for the establishment of their royal highnesses the duke and duchess of York and Albany, as to carry into effect the treaty entered into between your Majesty and the king of Pruffia upon the marriage of their faid royal highnesses, respecting the settlement to be made upon her faid royal highness in case she should furvive his faid royal highness the duke; do most humbly beseech your Majesty, that it may be enacted; and be it enacted by the King's most excellent majesty, by and with the advice and confent of the lords spiritual and temporal, and commons, in this present parliament assembled, and by the authority of the fame, That it shall and may be lawful to and for the King's most excel- His Majesty lent majesty, by any warrant or warrants under his royal fign may grant to manual, to give and grant unto his faid royal highness Frederick duchess of duke of York and Albany, for and during his Majesty's royal will York, annuiand pleasure, and unto her royal highness Frederica Charlotte Ul- ties not exrique Catherine duchess of York and Albany, for and during her ceeding 18,000l. to coverture, one or more annuity or annuities, such several annui- commence ties taken together, not exceeding in the whole eighteen thousand from July 5, pounds of lawful money of Great Britain, in such proportions, 1791; and in fuch manner and form, as his Majesty in his wisdom shall think fit to direct and appoint the same; which annuity or annuities shall commence and take effect from the fifth day of July one thousand seven hundred and ninety-one, and shall be paid quarterly, in equal portions, at the four usual days of payment in the year; (that is to say,) The tenth day of October, the fifth day of January, the fifth day of April, and the fifth day of July, in each and every year: and also that it shall and may be lawful to and an annuity and for the King's most excellent majesty, by letters patent under of 8,000l to the duchess, the great feal, to give and grant unto her faid royal highness, or to commence to such other person or perfons as his Majesty shall think fit, to be from the de. named in such letters patent, and his or their heirs, to the use of, defe of the or in trust for her faid royal highness, an annuity of eight thousand duke, and pounds of like lawful money, which shall have commencement ring her royal and take effect immediately from and after the decease of his faid highness's life. royal highness, in cafe her faid royal highness shall survive him, and shall continue from thenceforth for and during the natural life of her faid royal highness, and shall be paid and payable in equal portions at the four days of payment herein-before mentioned; the first payment thereof to be made at such of the said days of payment as shall first and next happen after the decease of his faid royal highness, in case her said royal highness shall survive him as aforesaid: and that the faid several annuities shall and may, in and Annuities by such warrant or warrants, or letters patent, be directed to be payable out of respectively issuing and payable out of, and chargeable upon, the the confolidated fund; fund called The Consolidated Fund, (after paying, or referving fufficient to pay, all such sums as have been or shall be directed to be paid out of the fame, by any act or acts of parliament previous to the commencement of such annuities respectively, but with preference to all other payments which shall or may, at any time or times after the commencement of fuch annuities respectively, have been, or be charged upon, and payable out of the faid fund. II. And


continue du

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II. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, Tha: the faid several annuities, as the same shall take effect, shall be paid and payable, during the continuance of the fame respectively, at the receipt of his Majesty's exchequer; and the auditor of the faid receipt shall, and he is hereby required, by virtue of fuch warrant or warrants respectively, to make forth and pass debentures from time to time for paying the said several annuities during the continuance of the same respectively, and as the same shall become due and payable, without any fees or charges to be demanded or taken for paying the fame, or any part thereof; and the acquittance or acquittances, receipt or receipts of his faid royal highness, or of fuch other person or persons as shall be by him authorised and appointed, by any instrument in writing, figned by his faid royal highness, to receive such annuity as shall be given or granted to his faid royal highness, or any part thereof; and alfo the acquittance and acquittances, receipt and receipts of her faid royal highness, notwithstanding her coverture, or of her faid royal highness's treafurer for the time being, or other perfon appointed by her faid royal highness, by any inftrument in writing, figned by her faid royal highness, to receive any annuity or annuities which shall be granted to her faid royal highness by his Majesty in pursuance of this act, as the same shall take effet and be payable, or any part thereof, shall be a sufficient discharge for the payment of such annuities respectively; and the said debentures, to be made forth and passed as aforesaid, shall be a sufficient authority to the several and respective officers of the receipt of the exchequer, now and for the time being, for the payment of the said several annuities, as the same shall take effect, to their faid royal highnesses respectively, during the continuance of the fame respectively, without any further or other warrant to be fued for, had, or obtained in that behalf; and that the said several annuities, fo to be given and granted, shall be free and clear from all taxes, rates, and affefsments, and all other charges whatever.


An act to continue the laws now in force for regulating the trade between the fubjects of his Majesty's dominions and the inhabitants of the terri. tories belonging to the united states of America, so far as the same relate to the trade and commerce carried on between this kingdom and the inhabitants of the countries belonging to the faid united states. Continued until April 5, 1793.


An act for railing a certain fum of money, by loans or exchequer bills, for the service of the year one thousand teven hundred and ninety-two.

Commiffioners of the treasury may raise 3,500,oool. by loans and exchequer bills, before Jan. 5, 1793, in like manner as is prefcribed by the land tax act of this sesion, concerning loans, &c. The clauses, &c. in the faid act relating to loans or exchequer bills, (exception) extended to this act. Exchequer bills so issued not to be received again in payment of any taxes, hor exchanged before April 6, 1793. Action not to lie for fuch refufal. Principal and interest, with charges, to be repaid out of the next fupplies; and if fufficient supplies be not granted before July 5, 1793, to be charged


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