on the confolidated fund. Monies fo iffued to be replaced out of the first fupplies. Bank of England authorised to advance the faid fum on the credit of this act; an act 5 & 6 Gul. & Mariæ notwithstanding. An act for raising a further fum of money, by loans or exchequer bills, for the fervice of the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-two. Commiffioners of the treasury may raise 2,000,000l. by loans and exchequer bills, before Jan. 5, 1793, in manner as by the land tax act of this feffion is prefcribed, &c. The claufes in the faid act relating to loans or bills, (exception) extended to this act. Exchequer bills fo iffued not to be received again in payment of any taxes, nor exchanged before April 6, 1793. Action not to lie for fuch refufal. Money to raised to be repaid out of the next parliamentary aid; and if fufficient fupplies be not granted before July 5, 1793, to be charged on the confolidated fund. Monies fo iffued to be replaced out of the firft fupplies. Bank of England authorised to advance the faid fum on the credit of this act; an act 5 & 6 Gul. & Marie notwithstanding. An act for the regulation of his Majefty's marine forces while on fhore. CA P. XVIII. An act for continuing and granting to his Majefty certain duties upon malt, mum, cyder, and perry, for the fervice of the year one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-two.-1 Geo. 3. c. 3. continued until June 24, 1793. CA P. XIX. An act for punishing mutiny and desertion; and for the better payment of the army and their quarters.-Number of forces 17,013. including 1,620 invalids. CA P. XX. An act for providing a workhoufe for the reception of the poor of the parish of Stone, in the county of Stafford, and for regulating and em. ploying the poor therein. Directors and guardians appointed. Qualification of directors and guardians to pay poors rate for 151. a year. Firft meeting of the directors and guardians to be on April 14, 1792. Directors and guardians to divide themfelves into committees, and meet once in every week. All the directors and guardians may attend weekly meetings. Three directors must be prefent. Four general meetings every year, on March 25, June 24, September 29, and December 25. No business at the quarterly meetings valid, unless five directors and guardians be prefent. In cafe of non attendance clerk may adjourn the meeting. Two guardians and directors may call a meeting. Directors and guardians may adminifter the oaths. Officers to be appointed. Poor to be under the direction and management of the directors and guardians. Children may be bound apprentices. Ground and buildings to be purchased, and a workhouse provided. Bodies politick, &c. impowered to fell and convey lands. Contracts may be entered into for work to be performed. Seven days notice to be given of making contracts. Furniture, apparel, &c. provided for the poor, vefted in directors and guardians. Money arifing by poor rates to be paid to the treasurer, and to be under the management of the directors and guardians. Directors, &c. impowered to borrow 3,500l. upon bonds of rool. each, and fhall pay off ocl. yearly. If parish officers omit to make rates, directors and guardians to do it. Securities to be entered, and may be affigned. Donations and other monies to be paid to the treasurer. Directors and guardian's may may make bye laws. No bye laws valid till confirmed at a fubfequent general meeting. Parifh officers to be aiding in the execution of the act. Directors and guardians impowered to apprehend vagrants, &c. Perfons guilty of embezzling goods may be punished by moderate correction or folitary confinement. Servants purloining money, materials, &c. to forfeit double their value. Conveying spirituous liquors into the workhouse, fubject to rool. penalty, by act 24 Geo. 2. c. 40. Directors and guardians to provide materials for employing the poor. Encouragement may be given to induftrious and fkilful poor. Power to punish poor perfons for misbehaviour. Overfeers may relieve cafual poor. Money to be paid by treasurer as ordered by directors and guardians. Penalty on overfeers not collecting rates, 1ol. Directors and guardians to grant certificates, and take hond for the maintenance of bastard children. Orders to be entered in books. Juftices to proceed on complaint of directors and guardians. Juftices may act, notwithstanding their being directors and guardians. Inhabitants to be deemed competent witneffes. Penalties to be paid to the treasurer. Actions not to abate by death or removal of treafurer or clerk. Penalties may be levied by diftrefs and fale. Appeal. Proceedings not to be quafhed for want of form. Limitation of actions. General iffue. Treble cofts. Publick act. Preamble. and 24 Geo. 3. recited. From July 5, 1792, the re cited acts, with relation to the makers of hard foap, fo far as respects the finding wooden An act for the more effectual prevention of frauds in the revenue of excife with respect to the manufacturing of foap. W HEREAS by feveral acts of parliament, made in the fifth, 3 Geo 3.C.43. feventeenth, and twenty-fourth years of his prefent Majefty, 17 Geo.3.c.52. certain provifions were enacted for better fecuring the duties on feff. 2. C. 48. Soap, of the defcriptions therein mentioned: and whereas it is expedient that the fame fhould be extended to foap of whatever defcription; be it enacted by the King's moft excellent majefty, by and with the advice and confent of the lords fpiritual and temporal, and commons, in this prefent parliament affembled, and by the authority of the fame, That, from and after the fifth day of July one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-two, the faid reched acts, and every claufe, matter, and thing therein contained, with relation to the makers of hard foap, fo far as the fame extend to the finding, providing, or affixing, wooden covers to coppers, pans, or other utenfils, or to fuch coppers, pans, or other utenfils, and covers being locked or fealed down, or to the furnace doors of their coppers, pans, or other utencoppers, &c. fils being locked and faftened, or to the covers, furnace doors, to extend to all or afh-hole doors, of their coppers, pans, or other utenfils, befoap makers. ing locked, fastened, and fealed down; or to the giving any notice to the officers of excife to have the fame refpectively unlocked or opened, or to the paying for locks, keys, or faftenings, provided by the furveyors or fupervifors of excife in pursuance of the directions of the faid acts, or either of them; or to the impofing of any penalty for the making of any hard foap, or for the opening of any fuch cover, copper, pan, utenfil, furnace door, afh-hole door, or to the breaking, damaging, or hurting any fuch lock, feal, or fastening; or for any other offence relating to any of the faid provifions, committed contrary to the faid acts, or either of them, fhall, and the fame are hereby declared to extend to all and every maker and makers of foap of what kind or quality foever, - and covers to and fhall be used, practifed, applied, and put in execution, against all and every maker and makers of foap, as fully and effectually, as if the fame were particularly and exprefsly enacted in the body of this act. CA P. XXII. An act to continue and amend several laws relating to the encou ragement of the fisheries carried on in the Greenland feas and Davis's Streights; and to amend the laws now in force for the encouragement of the fisheries carried on in the feas to the fouthward of the Greenland feas and Davis's Streights. HEREAS by an act, paffed in the twenty-fixth year of the Preamble. reign of his prefent Majefty, intituled, An act for the further 26 Geo.3.c.41. fupport and encouragement of the fisheries carried on in the and Greenland feas and Davis's Streights, certain bounties were given for five years, from the twenty-fifth day of December one thousand feven hundred and eighty-fix, under various regulations and reftrictions, to the owners of every ship or vessel which should be employed in the faid fishery and whereas by an act, paffed in the twentyninth year of the reign of his present Majefty, intituled, An act for 29Geo.3.c.53. further encouraging and regulating the Newfoundland, Greenland, recited and fouthern whale fisheries, further regulations and restrictions were made with respect to allowing the bounties to the owners of veffels employed in the faid fisheries carried on in the Greenland feas and Davis's Streights: and whereas the faid firft recited act, and So much of the last recited act as relates to the fisheries carried on in the Greenland feas and Davis's Streights, has by an act paffed in the thirty-first year of the reign of his prefent Majefty, been continued until the twenty-fifth day of December one thousand feven hundred and ninety-two: and whereas it is expedient that the faid recited acts fhould be continued in like manner for a further term; and the former be it therefore enacted by the King's moft excellent majesty, by act, and fo and with the advice and confent of the lords fpiritual and tempo- much of the ral, and commons, in this prefent parliament affembled, and by latter as rethe authority of the fame, That the faid recited act paffed in the lates to the twenty-fixth year of the reign of his prefent Majefty, and alfo fo the Greenland much of the faid recited act paffed in the twenty-ninth year of feas and Dathe reign of his prefent Majefty, as relates to the fisheries carri- vis's Streights, ed on in the Greenland feas and Davis's Streights, fhall be, and continued to the fame are hereby continued until the twenty-fifth day of De- except where Dec. 25, 1798, cember one thousand feven hundred and ninety-eight, except fo altered by the far as the fame are expressly varied or altered by this prefent act. prefent act. II. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That Inftead of the inftead and in lieu of the bounty granted by the faid recited acts, bounties the following bounties or premiums fhall be paid and allowed; the recited granted by that is to fay, A bounty or premium of twenty-five fhillings per acts, thofe ton for each and every fhip or veffel, as fhall proceed upon and herein fpecireturn from the faid fishery between the twenty-fifth day of De- fied to be cember one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-two, and the twenty-fifth day of December one thousand feven hundred and ninety fisheries in allowed. Every veffel, having an ap prentice not exceeding 20 years of age, nor under 12, when inden tured, for every 50 tons burthen to be ninety-five, having fully complied with all the requifitions of the before recited acts, as amended and continued by this act; and a bounty or premium of twenty fhillings per ton for each and every fhip or veffel as fhall proceed upon and return from the faid fifhery, between the twenty-fifth day of December one thousand feven hundred and ninety-five, and the twenty-fifth day of December one thousand seven hundred and ninety-eight, having fully complied with all the aforefaid requifitions. intitled to the bounties. Any produce III. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That every fhip or veffel, having on board one apprentice for every fifty tons burthen, every fuch apprentice not exceeding the age of twenty years, nor being under twelve years, at the time he fhall be indentured, fhall be deemed properly fitted and qualified, with refpect to the number and age of apprentices, to proceed on the said fishery to the Greenland seas and Davis's Streights, and to be intitled to the refpective bounties granted by this act. IV. And whereas doubts have arifen whether, under the previfions of the faid first recited act, paffed in the twenty-fixth year of the reign of his prefent Majesty, whale fins, oil or blubber of whales, feal oil, or feal skins, or any other produce of feals, or other fish or creatures, taken or caught in the faid Greenland feas or Davis's Streights, or in the feas adjacent, by British subjects ufually refiding in Great Britain or Ireland, or the islands of Guernsey, Jersey, Alderney, Sark, or Man, in British ships er veffels, owned, registered, and navigated as required by law, but not fitted out in other refpects under the regulations required by the faid act to entitle fuch ships or vessels to the bounty therein given, will have a right to import the fame into this kingdom, without paying any custom or other duty: to obviate which doubts, be it enacted by the authority aforefaid, That whale fins, oil or blubber of whales, feal oil, or feal fkins, or any other produce of feals, or other fish or creatures taken or caught in any part of the ocean by British fubjects, ufually refiding in Great Britain or Ireland, or the islands of Guernsey, Jersey, Alderney, Sark, or Man, in fhips or vefiels built in either of the faid kingdoms or iflands, owned, registered, and navigated according to law, shall and may be imported into Great Britain without paying any custom, or other duty for the fame, any law, cuftom, or usage to the contrary notwithstanding; provided that proof be made, that the faid articles were actually caught and taken by the crew of the veffel in complied with. which they are imported, by oath of the mafter of fuch veffel, that the fame were bona fide fo caught and taken; and provided alfo, that a log book fhall be conftantly kept on board such ship or veffel, in which log book the various fituations and occurrences refpecting such ship or veffel, during the whole course of the voyage, fhall be inferted every day, and particularly the times when fuch fhip or veffel fhall have been in fight of land, diftinguishing what land, and the bearings thereof, and the supposed distances therefrom, and the foundings, and alfo the time when, and the latitude in which, any whale, or other creature living in the fea, fhall have been killed, taken, or caught by the crew of fuch ship or of creatures caught in the ocean by British fub jects, ufually refiding in Great Britain &c. may be veffel; which log book, fo to be kept as aforefaid, fhall be delivered by the mafter, or other perfon having or taking the charge or command of fuch fhip or veffel, at the time of his making a report of fuch fhip or veffel, to the collector of the cuftoms at the port in Great Britain where fuch fhip or veffel fhall arrive, for his infpection and examination; and the faid mafter, or other perfon having or taking the charge or command of fuch fhip or veffel, together with the mate thereof, fhall, jointly and severally, verify on oath the contents of fuch log book before fuch collector, who is hereby authorised and required to adminifter the fame. fitted out fo as fhall be im fail in the col V. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That No harpoonno harpooner, line manager, or boat fteerer, who fhall be in, or ers, &c. bebelong to, any fhip or veffel in the Greenland fifhery trade, al- fhips in the longing to though fuch fhip or veffel be not fitted out under the regulations Greenland of the faid recited acts to intitle fuch ship or veffel to the bounty fishery, therein given, and whofe name (diftinguishing the capacity in though not which the perfon fo named is to act) fhall be inferted in a lift, to entitle them which is hereby required to be delivered on oath by the owner of to bounties such ship or veffel to the collector of the customs at the port from under the rewhich fuch fhip or veffel is intended to proceed upon the faid cited acts, fifhery (which oath fuch collector is hereby impowered and re- preffed, and quired to adminifter,) fhall be impreffed from the faid fervice; may,when not and that any fuch harpooner, line manager, or boat fteerer may, employed in during the time of the year that he or they are not employed in the fishery, the faid fishery, fail in the colliery or coafting trade, upon giving lierytrade,&c. fecurity, to the fatisfaction of the commiffioners of the cuftoms, that he or they will proceed in the said ship or veffel to the Greenland feas, or Davis's Streights, on the whale fishery the next season; and that every feaman or common mariner who, during Seamen enterthe continuance of this act, shall be entered to serve on board any ed for fuch fuch fhip or veffel which fhall be fo intended to proceed on the hips, exempted from being faid fishery, whose name shall be inferted in a lift to be delivered impreffed as aforefaid, and who shall have given security, to the fatisfaction from Feb. 1. of the commiffioners of the customs, to proceed, and shall pro- yearly to the ceed accordingly, fhall be privileged and exempt from being im- end of the preffed from or out of the faid fervice from the first day of February in each year, until the voyage home from thence fhall be fully complete and ended, and no longer; any law, custom, or ufage to the contrary notwithstanding: provided always, that this Protection act shall not extend, or be conftrued to extend, to protect from from being being impreffed any greater number of harpooners, line ma- impreffed, to extend only nagers, and boat fteerers, than fix harpooners, fix line managers, to the numand fix boat steerers, and eighteen seamen or common mariners bers herein belonging to each fuch fhip or veffel of the burthen of four specified. hundred tons, and fo in proportion for any lefs tonnage. voyage. VI. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That Nowhale boat no boat used as and commonly called A Whale Boat, belonging belonging to to any fhip or veffel employed in the faid fishery to the Greenland Greenland fhips in the feas, or Davis's Streights, or in the fishery carried on in the feas fifhery, &c. li. to the fouthward of the Greenland feas and Davis's Streights, fhall able tofeizure, be on account of |