other acts of the fourteenth and twenty-fourth years of his present Majefty; and alfo the faid act of the fourteenth of his present Majefty, excepting fo far as the fame is altered by the faid act of the twenty-fourth of his prefent Majefty, and the faid other act of the twenty-fourth of his present Majefty, fhall remain in full force in all points, excepting in fo far as the fame are altered by this act. X. And lastly, be it enacted by the authority aforefaid, That Publick act. this act fhall be deemed a publick act; and fhall be judicially taken notice of by all judges, juftices, and others whatsoever, without specially pleading the fame. An act for defraying the charge of the pay and cloathing of the militia, in that part of Great Britain called England, for one year, beginning the twenty-fifth day of March one thousand seven hundred and ninety-two -Continued annually. CA P. XXVII. An act to indemnify fuch perfóns as have omitted to qualify themfelves for offices and employments; and to indemnify juftices of the peace, or others, who have omitted to register or deliver in their qualifications within the time limited by law, and for giving further time for those purposes; and to indemnify members and officers, in cities, corporations, and borough towns, whofe admiffions have been omitted to be ftamped according to law, or, having been ftamped, have been loft or mislaid, and for allowing them time to provide admiffions duly stamp. ed; to give further time to fuch perfons as have omitted to make and file affidavits of the execution of indentures of clerks to attornies and folicitors: for indemnifying deputy lieutenants and officers of the militia, who have neglected to tranfmit descriptions of their qualifications to the clerks of the peace within the time limited by law, and for giving further time for that purpose; and for allowing further time to fuch perfons as have omitted to pay the duties on the indentures and contracts of clerks, apprentices, or fervants. CA P. XXVIII. An act for granting to his Majefty a certain fum of money, to be raised by a lottery. 812,500l. to be raised by a lottery, and fubfcribers to depofit 11. 58. for each ticket. All perfons who have made depofits, pursuant to the refolution of the house of commons, are required to pay the remainder of their fubfcriptions at certain times fpecified, viz. 21. by May 25, 1792;-21. by July 20;- 21. by Sept. 7; —21. by Oct. 19; —31. by Dec. 14, and the remaining 41. by Jan. 11, 1793; and the contributors for each 161. 5s. advanced, to have upon each fortunate ticket the lot fallen to him; and thofe that pay contributions before the time limited to be allowed discount at 31. per cent. per ann. and if the whole fum of 812,500l. be paid, to have lottery tickets delivered at the rate of 161. 5s. each. Cafhier to give security, to the fatisfaction of the commiffioners of the treafury; and to pay all monies received into the exchequer. Commiffioners of the treafury impowered to apply the money paid in by the cathier. 500,000l. the amount of the prizes, to be paid out of any fupplies granted this feffion. Managers and directors of the lottery to be appointed by the treasury. Method of the lottery books. Managers to examine the books, with the tickets, and deliver them to the cafhiers of the bank, taking a receipt for the fame. Cathiers to return the books, with the undifpofed tickets, and an account of money received and paid in. Undifpofed tickets to be delivered into the exchequer. Tickets of the middle columns to be rolled up, and faftened with thread or filk; and cut off Kk 2 in indentwife into a box marked with the letter (A), and put into another box to be locked up, and sealed. Books to be prepared with two columns, on each of which 50,000 tickets are to be printed. The number and value of the fortunate tickets.-2 prizes of 30,000l.—2 of 20,000l.—3 of 10,000L-5 of 5,000l.-10 of 2,000l.-15 of 1,000l.-30 of 500l.-50 of 100l.-100 of sol. and 14,150 of 201. 1,000l. to the firft-drawn ticket; 1,000l. to the last-drawn. Tickets in the outermoft column of the last-mentioned books to be rolled up and tied, and cut off into a box marked with the letter (B), &c. Publick notice to be given of putting the tickets into the boxes. Lottery to begin drawing on Feb. 18, 1793. Method to be observed in drawing, &c. Number of the fortunate tickets, and the fums, to be printed. Difputes to be adjufted by the managers. Penalty on forging tickets, &c. capital felony and death. Offenders (not in prifon) dif. covering perfons guilty, to receive a pardon, and 5ol. reward. Provifo, no attainder for fuch offences to make corruption of blood, lofs of dower, or difherifon of heirs. Managers to be fworn. The oath. I A. B. as a manager and director of the lottery to be drawn in purfuance of an act of parliament, made in the thirty-fecond year of his Majefty's reign, do fwear, That I will faithfully execute the truft repofed in me; and that I will not ufe any indirect art or means, or permit or direct any perfon to use any indirect art or means, to obtain a prize or fortunate lot therein, for myself, or any other perfon whatsoever; and that I will do the utmoft of my endeavours to prevent any undue or finifter practice to be done by any perfon whatfoever; and that I will, to the best of my judgement, declare to whom any prize, lot, or ticket, of right does belong, according to the true intent and meaning of the said act. Cashier may receive the fums fubfcribed before receiving the lottery book; giving a note for the fame; which fhall entitle the bearer to a ticket for every 161. 58. paid. After May 25, 1792, the cafhier may deliver tickets not exceeding in value half of the fum actually fubfcribed; and shall give receipts for the refidue of fuch fums, after deducting the value of the tickets fo delivered. Contributors, not making good their payments within the times limited, forfeit their depofits, and the tickets to be returned to the managers, &c. Commiffioners of the treasury may reward the managers, &c. as they fhall think fit. The 500,000l. for the payment of the fortunate tickets, to be charged on any supplies granted this feffion; and fhall be paid to the proprietors, without any deduction, on June 28, 1793, &c. Managers to give notice of the times for exchanging tickets for certificates. Certificates to be numbered, &c. and figned, &c. Commiffioners of the treafury impowered to defray the incidental expences attending the execution of this act. No fee to be taken for receiving or paying contribution monies, or for any receipts, &c. on penalty of acl. No tickets to be divided into any other fhares than halves, quarters, eighths, and fixteenths, on penalty of 5ol. Form of shares of tickets. LOTTERY for the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-two. The bearer of this fhare will be entitled to one part of fuch beneficial chance as thall belong to the ticket numbered as above, in the lottery to be drawn by virtue and in purfuance of an act paffed in the thirty-fecond year of his prefent Majefty's reign. Perfons counterfeiting fhares, &c. guilty of felony, and fuffer as fuch. Ge neral iffue. Treble cofts. CAP. An act for establishing a permanent fund for the relief and support of skippers and keelmen employed in the coal trade on the river Wear, in the county of Durham, who by sickness, or other accidental misfortunes, or by old age, fhall not be able to maintain themselves and their families; and alfo for the relief of the widows and children of fuch fkippers and keelmen. Skippers and keelmen employed in the coal trade on the river Wear, in the county of Durham, formed into a fociety, to be called "The Society of Keelmen on the River Wear." Forty-one guardians appointed; who are to be a body politick and corporate, by the name of "The Guardians of the Society of Keelmen on the River Wear. Guardians to provide an hofpital for the infirm keelman. No keelman to be entitled to the bene fits of this act, unless he shall produce a certificate from the ftewards of the fociety declaring him to be an object of the charity. No perfon fhall be entitled to the benefits of this act, unless he shall have contributed his quota to the fund for one entire year, &c. Three of the guardians to be a committee, and meet the first Tuesday in every month. The transactions of the committee to be fubject to the controul of the other guardians. A fteward to be chofen yearly for each work. Election of guardians to be on the first of Jan. annually. Power for guardians to make bye laws. Each skipper to pay not exceeding 2q. per chaldron out of his wages, on the firft Thursday in Jan. and July, according to mufter roll. Two juftices to fummon fitters or collectors, and to examine them upon oath; and in case of embezzlement, to levy by distress and sale. Fitters or collectors refufing to appear on fummons, forfeit not more than 1ool. nor lefs than rol. Charges of this act, and of officers falaries, to be first paid, and then the receipts to accumulate for two years. Savings to be placed in the funds. Allowance to be made towards the expence of the members funerals. Perfons applying for relief to make out their claims. Perfons obtaining relief by fraud, &c. to be excluded from future benefits. Publick act. An act for taking down the church, chancel, and tower belonging to the parish of Saint Mary Magdalen, in Bridgnorth, in the county of Salop, and for rebuilding the fame, and for enlarging the burial ground of the faid parish. Trustees. If trustees die or refuse to act, new ones to be appointed. Proceedings to be entered in a book. Qualification of truftees, rol. a year in land or houses and real or perfonal eftate of the value of 1,000l. First meeting to be the firft Monday in May 1792. Clerk, treasurer, &c. to be appointed. Rates to be made, and not to exceed three fhillings in the pound. Tenants to pay the whole, and deduct half the rates out of the rents. Not to affect agreements. Where houses are let to several families, the landlord to pay the rate. Recovery of rates. Power to fue for rates. Trustees may borrow 3,000l. and affign rates as fecurity, which may be transferred. Manner of paying off fecurities. Two collectors to be chofen yearly. Collectors to account. On refufal may be committed. Trustees to take down the church, and a new one to be built. Ecclefiaftical eourt of the deanry of Bridgnorth to be held in the veftry room. Two fmall pieces of ground to be laid into the church-yard. Power to purchase land for the further enlargement of the church-yard. Money belonging to corporations, &c. to be laid out in the purchase of eftates. Directions as to monuments. Allotment of pews. No undue preference in the fale or letting of feats. Perfons to whom pews allotted to pay for erecting, &c. No poll for elections in the church. Banns to be publifhed, &c. previous to building the church in the church of Saint Leonard in Bridgnorth. New church to be called the parish church of Saint Mary Magdalen. Right of the minifter, and right of prefentation preferved. Saving eccle Kk3 fiaftical fiaftical rights. Remedy for recovering fubfcriptions. Application of monies raised. Trustees may compound for penalties contained in any con. tract. Appeal. Limitation of actions. General iffue. Treble cofts. Publick act. CA P. XXXI. An act for more effectually embanking, draining, and otherwise improving, the island of Canvey, in the county of Effex. Commiffioners appointed. Election of new commiffioners. Commiffioners to take an oath. First meeting of commiffioners on the second Wednesday in May 1792. One or two commiffioners may adjourn. Commiffioners to be paid 5s. each towards the expences of their meetings. Commiffioners not to be perfonally liable. Commiffioners may make rules and orders, and appoint officers. Security to be given by the treasurer and collector. Of ficers to account. The works vefted in the commiflioners; except thofe round the Outlands. Commiffioners to maintain the works. Power to get materials. Power to set the walls further inward, making satisfaction. If the owners of the land taken for a foreland fhall not agree with the commiffioners concerning the value, the fame to be afcertained by a jury. sl. penalty on jurors and witneffes for default. Application of purchase money belong. ing to corporations, &c. Occupiers to cleanfe ditches. Power of fuperintending the works round the Outsands. Commiffioners may raise in four years, from May 1, 1792, 3,800l. by an annual rate on the lands in the inland of Canvey (except the lands called Outfands). Notice to be given of meetings for making rates. Power to pay off the monies raised in aid of the third acre owners. Expences of the act to be paid by the proprie tors of lands in the ifland, except the third acre owners and the proprietors of the Outlands. Power to borrow money. Proprietors of lands in the inland being tenants for life, or for years determinable upon lives, or upon any other contingency, may borrow money imposed upon them by this act by way of mortgage, and where fuch charge is made, the monies directed to be repaid, to be paid to the perfons advancing the fame. Owners to give an account of their lands. Copy of the estimates and affeffments to be affixed on the doors of the parish church and chapel of South Bemfleet, in the island of Canvey. Power of levying taxes. Tenants paying taxes may deduct the fame out of their rents. Power to levy taxes on untenanted lands. Power to charge leffees with a further rent on account of the improvements. 4671. 1s. already advanced to be firft paid. Cattle depafturing on the banks to be impounded. Destroying the works liable to be punished as in cafes of felony. 1ol. penalty on opening floodgates, &c. Juftices to adminifter oaths. Appeal to the quarter feffions from the or der of juftices or commiffioners. Proceedings not be quashed for want of form. Perlons aggrieved for irregularity in diftrefs, to recover for the fpecial damage only. Works not to be fubject to the commiffioners of fewers. Books of account to be kept. Rules and orders to be entered in books and figned. No order reverfible but by confent of feven commif. fioners. Saving the rights of lords of manors. Limitation of actions. General iffue. Treble cofts. Publick act. CA P. XXXII. An act to revive and continue fo much of an act, made in the fixth year of the reign of his prefent Majefty, as relates to the conveyance of fheep between Cowes in the Ile of Wight, and the ports of Southampton and Portfimouth; and to extend the fame to harfes and lambs; and to amend the faid act. WHEREAS, by an act made in the fixth year of the reign of his prefent Majefty, among other things, for allowing the conveyance from the ports of Southampton and Portsmouth, to the port of of Cowes in the ifle of Wight, of goods not liable to duty on exportation, or prohibited to be exported, and of fheep and cattle between the faid ports, without cocquets being taken or bonds entered into for that purpofe; it was enacted, That no cocquet or bond should be required for carrying or conveying sheep (provided the fame be carried in open boats or boys,) nor any other kind of cattle (horfes and lambs excepted), between the port of Cowes in the Ifle of Wight, and the ports of Southampton and Portfmouth: and whereas by another act, made in the twenty-eighth year of the reign of his prefent Majesty, amongst other things, to explain, amend, and reduce into one act of parlia- 28 Geo.3.c.38. ment, several laws now in being for preventing the exportation of recited. live fheep, lambs, and rams, the faid first recited at, made in the fixth year of the reign of his prefent Majefty, was repealed in refpect to the conveyance of sheep between Cowes and the ports of Southampton and Portsmouth: and whereas it is expedient that the faid firft recited act, made in the fixth year of the reign of his prefent Majefty, fo far as the fame shall relate to the ports of Cowes, Southampton, and Portsmouth refpectively, should be revived and continued in force, and fhould extend to permit the removal of horses between the faid ports of Southampton, Portsmouth, and Cowes refpectively, when not exceeding fix in number in any one vessel, and of any number of all other cattle, except fheep and lambs, without any fufferance or other customhoufe document whatever, and of lambs without cocquet or bond, as well as fheep, and to permit the removal without cocquet or bond from the faid port of Cowes to the faid ports of Southampton and Portfmouth respectively, of any kind of goods, wares, or merchandifes, which are not, or fhall not be prohibited to be exported from Great Britain to foreign parts, nor liable to any custom or duty to his Majefly on the exportation thereof from Great Britain, and to permit and allow the removal without cocquet or bond from the faid port of Cowes to the faid ports of Southampton and Portsmouth, of any kind of goods, wares, or merchandifes, fubject or liable to duty on the importation thereof into Great Britain, provided the duty of custom on fuch importation fhall not exceed five pounds for fuch goods which are to be fo carried or conveyed as aforefaid, and the fame goods fo liable to duty be carried or conveyed in one veffel or boat, at one and the fame time, belonging to the inhabitants of the ports of Cowes, Southampton, and Portsmouth refpectively; be it enacted by the King's most excellent majefty, by and with the advice and confent of the lords fpiritual and temporal, and commons, in this prefent parliament affembled, and by the authority of the fame, That the faid From July 5, recited act, made in the fixth year of the reign of his prefent Ma- 1792, recited jefty, fhall, from and after the fifth day of July one thoufand actor 6 Gec. 3. feven hundred and ninety-two, fo far as the fame fhall relate to to the ports of the faid ports of Cowes, Southampton, and Portsmouth, be revived, Cowes, Southand fhall continue in full force and effect, the fame as if the faid ampton, and recited act, made in the twenty-eighth year of his prefent Ma- Portmouth, jefty's reign, had not been made. fo far as relates revived. II. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That, Horfes not from and after the faid fifth day of July one thoufand feven hun- exceeding fix dred in one veffel, 4 K k |