: : : and any num- dred and ninety-two, it shall and may be lawful for any perfon or ber of cattle (fheep and perfons whatever to carry or convey horses, when not exceeding lambs except- fix in number in any one vessel, and any number of all other ed) may be cattle (sheep and lambs excepted) without obtaining any fufferconveyed be- ance or other custom house document whatever, between the faid tween Cowes and Southampton and Portsmouth, without fuf ferance, &c. Officer of the customs in the port of Cowes and the faid ports of Southampton and Portsmouth, and also lambs, without taking out any cocquet or cocquets, or giving any security by bond, or otherwise, for the due landing the fame; provided the same be carried in open boats or hoys, in like manner as sheep are required to be carried by the faid recited act, made in the fixth year of his present Majesty's reign; and to carry and convey from the faid port of Cowes to the faid ports of Southampton and Portsmouth, without taking out any cocquet or cocquets, or giving any security by bond, or otherwise, for the due landing the fame, any kind of goods, wares, or merchandises, which are not or shall not be prohibited to be exported from Great Britain to foreign parts, or which are not or shall not be liable to any custom or duty to his Majesty on the exportation thereof from Great Britain, and to carry and convey, without taking out any cocquet or cocquets, or giving any security by bond, or otherwife, from the faid port of Cowes to the faid ports of Southampton and Portsmouth, of any kind of goods, wares and merchandises, subject or liable to duty on the importation thereof into Great Britain; provided the duty of customs on such importation shall not exceed five pounds for such goods which are to be so carried or conveyed as aforesaid, and the same goods so liable to duty be carried or conveyed in one vessel or boat at one and the fame time, belonging respectively to the inhabitants of the ports of Cowes, Southampton, and Portsmouth. III. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That Ifle of Wight it shall and may be lawful for any officer of the customs refiding to grant fuf- in the Isle of Wight, near the place where any sheep or lambs are ferances. to be so carried or conveyed as aforesaid, from the said port of Cowes to the said ports of Southampton and Portsmouth by sufferance only, to grant such fufferance, and such officer is hereby required to grant the fame on due application for that purpose; any law, custom, or usage, to the contrary notwithstanding. CAP. XXXIII. An act for explaining and amending an act, passed in the thirty-firft year of the reign of his late majesty King George the Second, intituled, An act for the encouragement of feamen employed in the royal navy, and for establishing a regular method for the punctual, frequent, and certain payment of their wages; and for enabling them more easily and readily to remit the fame for the support of their wives and families; and for preventing frauds and abuses attending such payments; and for further extending the benefits thereof to petty officers and feamen, non-commiffioned officers of marines, and marines, ferving, or who may have ferved, on board any of his Majesty's ships, WHEREAS W bis late majesty King George HEREAS an act paffed in the thirty first year of the reign of Preamble. the Second, intituled, An act for 31Geo.2.c.10. the encouragement of seamen employed in the royal navy; and for recited. establishing a regular method for the punctual, frequent, and certain payment of their wages; and for enabling them more eafily and readily to remit the fame for the support of their wives and families; and for preventing frauds and abuses attending such payments: and whereas it is just that certain provifions of the faid act should be extended to marines ferving on board ships in his Majesty's : fervice; and it would tend much to the advantage of feamen and marines, that the method established by the faid act for the punctual, frequent, and certain payment of their wages, should be further extended; be it therefore enacted by the King's most excellent majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the lords spiritual and temporal, and commons, in this present parliament assembled, and by the authority of the fame, That, from and after the first day of From Aug. 1, August one thousand seven hundred and ninety-two, when and fo 1792, the often as any non-commiffioned officer of marines, or marine, be- agent of hofto make longing to any ship or vessel in the service of his Majesty, his out discharges heirs or fucceffors, shall, by order of the captain or commanding for non-comofficer of fuch ship or veffel, be fet fick ashore, and be fent into miffioned offiany hofpital or fick quarters for his recovery, and such non-com-rines, or mamiffioned officer of marines, or marine, be discharged from such rines, difmifhospital or fick quarters unserviceable, the agent of fuch hofpital fed as unferor fick quarters is hereby charged and required to make out a as directed by certificate of fuch discharge, and to fign, testify, and deliver the recited act. same, in the manner and forın directed by the aforesaid act of the thirty-first year of the reign of his faid late Majesty, in cafes where seamen are so discharged from such hospitals or fick quar ters. cers of ma viceable, &c. officer or ma II. And be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That, from On the death and after the faid first day of Auguft one thousand seven hundred of any fuch and ninety-two, if any non-commiffioned officer of marines, or rine, the capmarine, shall die in the service of his Majesty, his heirs or fuc- tain of the ceffors, the captain or commander of the ship or veflel in which ship to make such officer or marine served at the time of his death shall, as out a ticket of the pay due, foon as may be after his death, make out a ticket for the wages &c. or pay due to fuch officer of marines, or marine, for his service on board of fuch ship or vessel at the time of his death; which ticket the faid captain or commander shall sign himself, and shall cause to be signed by the proper signing officers of fuch ship or vessel, and shall send or tranfmit the same to the commissioners of the navy at their board; and the faid commiffioners shall note, examine, and affign the same for payment, and shall deliver the fame to the executors or administrators, or others duly authorised to receive the fame, in the manner directed by the aforesaid act of the thirty-first year of the reign of his faid late Majesty, in cafes when seamen die on board ships or vessels in the service of his Majesty, his heirs or fucceffors. III. And be it also enacted by the authority aforesaid, That On the death if any petty officer or feaman, non-commissioned officer of ma- of any petty rines, officer, &c. : cause his ef- the captain to rines, or marine, shall die in the service of his Majesty, his heirs or fucceffors, the captain or commander of the ship of veffel in which such petty officer or feaman, non-commissioned officer of marines, or marine, served at the time of his death, shall as foon as may be thereafter cause the cloaths or other effects which such petty officer or feaman, non-commissioned officer of marines, or marine, was poffefsed of at the time of his death, to be publickly fold at the mast, and the amount of fuch cloaths or effects bought at such sale to be marked and charged against the wages of the perfon or perfons purchasing the fame; provided always, that the cloaths or effects so bought shall not exceed the net wages due and payable to the person purchasing the same: and the faid captain or commander shall further direct and order the purfer under whose inspection such cloaths or effects shall have been put up to fale, to make out, or cause to be made out, a list or bill, containing the name of the person or persons who fhall have purchased such cloaths or effects, or any part thereof, and specifying the amount and value purchased by each as aforesaid, and shall direct such purser to fign the fame, and shall himself fign and transmit such bill or account of cloaths or effects fold, annexed to and by the fame conveyance, and at the same times, as he shall send and tranfmit the dead ticket for the wages of such petty officer or feaman, non-commiffioned officer of marines, or marine, who shall have fo died as aforesaid; and when and so often as any petty officer or feaman, non-commiffioned officer of marines, or marine, shall die, without leaving at the time of his death any cloaths or effects as aforesaid, the faid captain or commander shall certify to that effect on the dead ticket to be made out as aforefaid. Captains to fioned officers of marines, to be read over IV. And be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That from and after the faid first day of August one thousand seven hundred and ninety-two, when and fo often as any captain or commanding officer of any fhip or veflel in the service of his Majesty, his heirs or fuccefiors, which shall not be in any port of Great Britain, or and marines, on the coast thereof, shall, in compliance with the directions withthenames given him in the afore-mentioned act, read over, or cause to be of the petty read over, the names of all the inferior officers and fearmen beofficers, and longing to fuch ship or vefiel, the said captain or commanding feamen, and to officer is hereby directed and required to read over in like manof fuch as shall ner, or cause to be read over, all the names of the non-commifbe defirous of fioned officers of marines, and marines, belonging to fuch ship remittingtheir or veffel, and shall cause them to answer to their names; and if wages, &c. any fuch officer of marines, or marine, shall be defirous to remit tranfmit lifts to his wife, father, or mother, in Great Britain, or if any inferior officer or feaman, non-commiffioned officer of marines, or marine, shall be defirous to remit to his grandfather, grandmother, brother, or fifter, the faid captain or commander shall cause lifts to be made out for fuch officers, seamen, and marines, in the manner directed by the aforesaid act, in cafes of inferior officers and seamen remitting their wages to their wives, fathers, or mothers, and shall in like manner fign, complete, and tranfmit the fame = fame to the commiffioners of the navy at their board; and the faid commissioners shall cause bills to be made out for every fuch allotment, which bills they shall make payable, and tranfmit, affign for payment, and direct to be paid, in every respect, the fame as directed by the aforesaid act of the thirty-first year of the reign of his faid late Majesty, in cases of bills made out for allotments made by inferior officers and feamen on board of fuch ships or vessels. &c. V. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That, For wages from and after the faid first day of August one thousand seven hun. when payable,. marines may dred and ninety-two, when and so often as any wages or pay due receive bills to any non-commiffioned officer of marines, or marine, shall be upon the repaid at the pay office of the navy, or at any of the out ports, if ceiver-general such officer of marines, or marine, shall defire to receive a bill ofthe landtax, for the whole, or any part of the fame, to be drawn upon the receiver-general of the land tax, collector of the customs, collector of the excife, or clerk of the check as aforesaid, then and in such cafe the commiffioner of the navy comptrolling such payment shall cause bills to be made out, which he shall sign, and cause to be attested, forwarded, and delivered in like manner as directed in the aforesaid act of the thirty-first year of the reign of his faid late Majesty, in cases of inferior officers and feamen remitting their wages. tion of the duplicates of the receiver the fame with months the VI. And be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That as foon On producas the duplicate of any remittance bill or bills, made out in favour of or granted in the manner herein-before directed to any a bill within non-commiffioned officer of marines, or marine, shall be produced fix months and delivered to any receiver-general of the land tax, collector of of the date to the customs, collector of the excife, or clerk of the check, in general, he Great Britain respectively, within fix calendar months from the thall examine date thereof, he is hereby required and enjoined to examine such into the truth duplicate, and enquire into the truth thereof, by the oath of the of it upon perfon producing the fame, which oath he is hereby authorised oath, and pay and directed to administer, and upon being duly fatisfied to testify out fee, but if the fame on the back of fuch bill, and shall immediately pay to not produced the perfon or perfons to whom fuch bills shall be made payable, within fix and who shall be entitled to receive the fame, without fee or re- bill thall be reward on any pretence whatsoever, the sum contained in such bill, turned to the taking his, her, or their receipt for the fame on the back thereof, treafurer of which bill so paid, upon being produced and delivered, together the navy, &c. with the duplicate thereof, at the navy office, shall be immediately affigned for payment by three or more commiffioners of the navy, and shall be immediately repaid by the treasurer of the navy to such receiver-general of the land tax, collector of the customs, collector of the excife, clerk of the check, or to the order of any of them respectively, who shall have paid fuch bill; but in case the duplicate of fuch bill shall not be produced and delivered, and the payment thereof be demanded within fix calendar months from the date thereof, then the faid receiver-general of the land tax, collector of the customs, collector of the excife, or clerk of the check, shall return fuch bill to the treasurer of the navy, who shall cause such bill to be immediately cancelled, and from and after the cancelling thereof the sum so contained in such bill shall accrue and become payable to fuch non-commiffioned officer of marines, or marine, for whose wages or pay it was made out, or to his lawful attorney or attornies, or to his representatives, in case he shall be dead, in the same manner as if such bill had never been issued. Captains to VII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That, from and after the first day of August one thousand seven officers, grant to petty hundred and ninety-two, when and so often as any petty officer turned over, or seaman, non-commiffioned officer of marines, or marine, fhal! or discharged, be turned over from any ship or vessel in the service of his Ma&c. tickets for jesty, his heirs or successors, into any other ship or vessel in such the pay due, containing the service, and which ships or vessels shall not at the time of fied. the re particulars moval of such petty officer or seaman, non-commiffioned officer herein speci- of marines, or marine, be in any port of Great Britain, where any commiffioner of his Majesty's navy may be and refide, and when and so often as any fuch petty officer or feaman, non-commiffioned officer of marines, or marine, shall by wounds, fickness, or any other manifeft infirmity, be disabled, and be difcharged from from fuch fuch ship or vessel as unserviceable, or be fent fick to any of his Majesty's hospitals or fick quarters, at home or abroad, then and in either of such cases the captain or commanding officer of the ship from which the said petty officer or feaman, non-commiffioned officer of marines, or marine, shall be so turned over, or be so discharged, or fent fick, shall at the fame time make out, or cause to be made out, a ticket for the wages or pay due to such petty officer or feaman, non-commiffioned officer of marines, or marine, for his services on board such ship or veffe! at the time of his being so turned over, discharged, or fent fick, and which ticket shall confift of two parts, that shall be duplicates, and joined together by oblique lines, flourishes, and devices, and each of which shall specify the name, age, ftature, and complexion of such petty officer or feaman, non-commiffioned officer of marines, or marine, and likewise the date of his entry into such ship or vefiel as aforesaid, and the date of his being fo turned over, disfcharged unserviceable, or sent sick, from the fame; and, if turned over, the name of the ship or veflel to which he shall be so turned over, and if difcharged unserviceable as aforefaid, the name of the ship or vessel into which he may be invalided to return home, together with the name of the place where he shall be so discharged; and if fent fick, the name of the hospital or fick quarters to which he shall be so sent; and each of the faid parts of such ticket shall also describe the number at which fuch petty officer or feaman, non-commiffioned officer of marines, or marine, ftood upon the books of the ship or vessel from which he shall be turned over, discharged, or sent sick, and also the particulars of all the flops and other deductions which were charged against his wages in the faid ship or vessel, and the amount of the same shall be wrote or printed in words at length; and if the faid petty officer or feaman, non-commiffioned officer of |